Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2)
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“Can’t I have both?”

My eyebrow arched as he began pulling down his briefs. I would never tire of seeing his body in motion, so fluid and agile. I turned on the water, and as I straightened, he began to unhook my bra. When my breasts fell free, I heard him hiss.

“Your tits are a work of art,” he murmured as his lips fastened over a nipple.

My body arched back as the other nipple hardened into a blushed pearl. My hand fell against his semi-hard cock. I grazed my knuckles along its length. I studied his face as he suckled on each nipple. My pussy began to softly throb with a familiar beat as the hunger and ache settled into my stomach. How could I not be enamored by the fact that this man loved me? And why was I so afraid to give him my heart? I heard a pop as my nipple fell from his lips and his hands began to pull down my thong. He felt like an iron structure as I leaned against him to keep my balance. Our bodies flush against each other as we watched the tub fill with water.

He got in first and, upon sitting, spread his legs. His erection was extremely impressive. I could see the tip above the water.

“Have a seat.” He chuckled as he helped me into the tub.

The water was hot and burned my chafed knees. “Damn, that stings,” I exclaimed as I struggled to sit.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, dotting my knees with kisses. The minimal contact sent a jolt right between my legs.

I sat slowly, facing him. Both his hands were circling his cock as he guided it toward my entrance. I felt the head penetrate my opening as I pushed down. I wanted more. I wanted it all. Every inch I took in got me closer to consuming his cock. I was still slick from getting him off earlier so I was able to seat myself almost completely. I heard a feral grunt come deep from his chest as I began to roll my hips and grind against him. I placed my hands on his shoulders as I leaned farther and deeper onto his erection.

My lips brushed his collarbone as I fell forward against him with a muffled groan. There were no words expressed between us. The only noise I heard in the echo of my bathroom was heavy breathing and sounds of sexual fulfillment. Our breath grew shallow as I moved faster. Up and down and side to side. He was deep inside me. I felt every single inch. My muscles began to clamp down on him as I recognized my body beginning to quiver and tingle. Keenan’s fingertips gripped my hips tightly as he slid me up and down his cock. I whimpered as I began to spasm and shake.

“Fuck. Fuck. Weezie,” he groaned as he gripped so tight I was positive I’d have bruises. His body went stiff as he pistoned deep inside me.

I looked at his face. His eyes were closed and deep lines marred his brow in concentration. The combination of hot bath water and intense sex dusted his face with sweat. A fine sheen lay above his upper lip. My tongue darted out and brushed across it, tasting the salt. As we climaxed together, serenity I’d never felt blanketed me. I moved off him but stayed between his legs. I studied his face as I captured his eyes. He bent forward and rested his head against me.

“Will you ever love me?”

Jesus. Where did that come from?
And why was he saying that right now? Way to ruin the sex moment. I didn’t answer him. How was I supposed to respond? Did he want me to lie? Because I wasn’t sure I could—not with him.

“I am so in love you. You have become my world—my everything. We are compatible as hell. I mean, we’ve known each other almost two years now. What is it, Weezie? Is it me? Am I not enough for you? Is there something more I should be doing? How can I fix this? Just talk to me.”

I struggled to find the words, then cleared my throat. “Kee, I care about you more than any man I’ve ever known. You’re right. We get along great. You’re perfect—what we have is perfect—and the sex is incredible. Can’t that be enough? Please?”

“Is there someone else? I know I sanctioned the other men because I wanted this relationship. But is it one of them keeping you from me? Frankly, I assumed after all this time, you would have chosen me.”

I stood and pulled a towel from the rack, wrapping myself in it. “I do choose you, Kee. You have to know that. Don’t make me say words I don’t mean. Can’t liking you be enough?”

He stood up to get out of the tub, and I handed him another towel. “What are we, teenagers, Weezie? I’d hoped we’d gotten past the

I could hear the frustration in his voice, and I couldn’t blame him. He’d given me everything—himself and freedom to be myself. I really hadn’t given him anything except fabulous oral. I had a feeling he would eventually want more.



gave in. He’d worn me down. The day I realized we’d been together exactly two years, it began. He’d been circling it on the calendar for the prior two months.

“I’m tired of playing house, Weezie. It’s been two years. You don’t like my place because it’s too sterile—whatever that means. And this is
place, not

I huffed, then glared at him. “What that means is your place looks like a fucking hotel room. Did you ever unpack? Jesus, it’s been years and you haven’t even hung a picture.” I sighed. “What I’m getting at is it’s not very homey.”

What I said to him was the God’s honest truth. Keenan Stone had been living in a penthouse suite at the top of one of the most exclusive Beverly Hills hotels for years. Even though Latch McKay had some issues, having his own home hadn’t been one of them. His secluded beach house had been beautiful and private. Keenan irritated me because, with all his money, he’d never found it necessary to purchase his own abode.

“Why do I need my own place? I’m always here or traveling. It would be an expense that serves no purpose.”

I crossed my arms as my cheeks warmed. “Dammit, Kee, you don’t want anything of your own. Your own place—a man cave? With or without me, you need a place to hang your hat.”

Crossing his legs on the sofa, he motioned for me to sit next to him. “I thought about it once or twice. But when I met you and knew I loved you, it took a backseat,” he said as he put his arm around me. “I would buy a house if you’d live with me and create

How did I not see that coming? I was surprised he didn’t save this little ditty for
we fucked. He always had the perception to bring up these things after sex. It was commonplace for us to end a night of stellar fucking with an argument. His doing, never mine. I didn’t know if he thought sex with him weakened me and in that state I would agree to anything, or it just seemed an opportune time to badger me.

So many times, I threatened to walk away. Not to him verbally, but in my head
Keenan had a hold on me. He’d once said I belonged to him, and it was true. No matter how many times we fought, I knew I was his.

He adamantly refused to move into my condo. And of course, I would never live in a hotel. He broke my heart when he suggested I sell the condominium and we purchase a place we picked out together. It would be ours.

“If we live together, everything changes, Kee. Everything.”

“Yes, it does,” he said, observing me closely. He rubbed his chin with his cupped hand. “Weezie, do not mistake my acceptance of what you do as weakness. I’ve allowed your frivolous sexual antics because we set rules and I didn’t have to acknowledge what you were doing. But if we cohabitate, it can only be me. Understand that. Because regardless of what you’ve been doing for the past two years, for me, it’s only been you. It will only ever be you. Can it only be me for you? Be honest.”

Truthfully, I’d been thinking of it for a while. There had only been two others and that was a long time ago. Because I cared deeply for Keenan, I never strayed very far. I’d never felt this kind of attraction to anyone else. But what if it didn’t work out? What if I faltered? “You know how I feel about you, Kee. I’m crazy about you. But I never considered living together. To be honest, I guess I always thought Haven and I would end up roommates in a nursing home.”

He chuckled as he patted my thigh. “I think you have a while until that happens, and Haven has her own life now… her own family. We don’t need anything else, Weezie. You and me—that can be our family.”

“I have conditions.”

Keenan rolled his eyes and sighed. “I figured as much. As long as it doesn’t involve puff chores outside of mine—anything.”

“I don’t want to sell my condo. I can’t. I’ll rent it out, whatever, but I’m not giving up my bathtub or my first adult investment.”

“I suppose I can live with that as long as it’s for the reasons you’re telling me. It makes me think you want to have a backup plan in case we don’t work out.”

“No. I will rent it out. I promise. But you don’t know what the future holds. Unless you’re packing crystal balls…” I smirked as my eyes stared down at his crotch.

“Get your mind off my cock.”

“But it’s a very nice cock and I think it wants me.” I grinned as my hand stroked his hardening member.

He laughed as he slapped my hand away. “Stop that. We’re trying to have a serious conversation here, and if you keep fondling me, I’ll say yes to anything.”

Two sessions of world-class fucking and one puff chore later, we Skyped Haven and Latch. They were excited for us. Latch offered to rent us his beach house with an option to buy. It was a generous offer since I knew he had it on the market for over two years and could sell it for millions. Latch had never been pretentious. He was nothing like his mother, who enjoyed flaunting her wealth publically.

His home was large, complete with privacy windows and secluded. Latch had purchased one mile of prime Malibu real estate so his view wouldn’t be hindered by neighbors. The interior was rustic and laidback. Extremely domestic. Keenan and I could convert it into our place. It didn’t have my tub, but it had an upstairs shower I’d heard could rival it.

We spent several weeks mulling it over. I told Keenan I planned to go ahead and list the condo. What I didn’t make him privy to was it would be a month-to-month lease. I tried to be optimistic, but things would radically change now. There was no negotiating. No variations. I couldn’t continue on my endless path of oral lovers. It was him or them. And I chose him. For as long as I could comply with his mandates. I loathed rules, especially those that revolved around my sexuality. But he was right. We had been together more than long enough for me to know.

Did I really want to play house with him? I was giving up my personal space and my pedestal bathtub. Keenan would still be traveling, so I would have my occasional solitude. I didn’t need the other men. I knew that. It had never been about need; it had always been about control. I enjoyed the power, and after being with Keenan, I’d adapted to letting him run the show.

We officially moved in together the following year. Decorators and contractors worked on the house for five months and the furniture had been delivered two days ago. I still had mixed feelings about what we were doing, but the view of the ocean calmed me. There was a sense of peace and serenity, no noise except the waves and seagulls.

I dragged my last bag up the stairs.

“Hey, you. You finally made it,” he said, meeting me halfway. “Let me get that. Come and see our new home.”

I followed him as he carried my bags through the open door. It looked really different. The floors that were once dark wood were now rich with thick, deep Egyptian-blue carpet. Carpeting the floors had been my idea. Wood flooring equaled splinters. I’d take rug burns over them any day. We decided to leave the kitchen alone. Latch McKay, besides being a famous video game designer, had loved to cook—or at least he tried. His kitchen could rival any master chef’s. Large and airy with every appliance ever created for cooking. We’d redone the bottom two bedrooms as well as the bathroom. The master bedroom suite upstairs, we’d given the decorators instructions on combining both our tastes. Not too masculine or feminine. They’d melded together coordinating colors of deep blue, which blended with the carpet.

Most of my things had already been moved in the day before. So now all I had to do was unpack my final belongings.

I ducked into the legendary shower. I’d snuck a peek when we’d gone through with the designers and decided to have the contractors tear out the Jacuzzi. We had a bath downstairs, but truthfully, nothing compared to the one I’d left behind. Now I wanted to check out its competition. Fuck me. Without the tub, the room was monstrous. It had been a large area to begin with, and Haven hadn’t been exaggerating. The shower was a freaking party room. Party of three? I snorted when I realized it would be Keenan, his cock, and me. Twelve fucking showerheads. Who needs twelve? Evidently the Scots.

This room was a pale blue with the same blue carpet as downstairs. The contractors had removed the wall behind the torn-out Jacuzzi and replaced it with beveled cut glass. Behind it were exotic plants and rock. It had the feel and look of being outdoors, but it was completely private. As with all the windows in the house, Latch had the shower designed the same. The frosted glass let you see out but not in. The fixtures were all slate gray. It made quite a stunning contrast against the Egyptian blue color.

I went back to unpacking.

We had a walk-in closet that was a house by itself. I’d almost had an orgasm when I saw it. Keenan just laughed. I rolled my eyes because clearly, he had more of a wardrobe than I did. We purchased a dual king bed with matching oak furniture. This was without a doubt
home. We furnished and decorated it together. We argued over what CDs and DVDs we should bring. What food should go in the pantry. How the toilet paper should go on the roll. We were so domesticated it scared the hell out of me. I let him organize the living room, and I got the kitchen. Keenan looked happy and content. At least for now.

Once the movie began filming, he was gone for weeks at a time. It was going to take almost a year to shoot in several locations. He came home on the weekends when he could, and occasionally, he dragged me to the set. It had been enjoyable the first three times. But once I found out about the two nude scenes he was doing with a costar twenty years younger than myself, I was livid.

“You’re being ridiculous. I’m only acting. It’s in the script. Jesus, I can’t tell them no. It’s in the fucking contract.”

“You never mentioned being naked,” I said as I stared at the floor. I hated behaving like a jealous girlfriend. Two words I thought I’d never use to describe myself.

He let out a big exhale. “Listen, I’m not going to be nude. It’s R-rated. Only my ass.”

“There’s a shower scene. You plan to wear pants?”

“Good God, are you listening to yourself? They have shit to cover us. I did this crap all the time for book covers. It will only look like I’m naked and fucking. You’re acting as if I’m doing porn. It’s not real, babe.”

“How are they going to cover—that?” I asked as my eyes narrowed on his cock.

“Baby, you can trust me. I love you. Come to the shoot that day. They’re filming it here because we need to do a few green screen shots.”

I pouted. “No, I don’t want to. You go have fun with your child costar.”

His arms circled my waist and pulled me into him. “Baby, my cock only wants you, can’t you tell?”

I nudged my body against his erection as he kissed the shell of my ear. “You never have to doubt me. My cock doesn’t recognize anyone else. I don’t see anyone but you. I find it incredible that no other man ever loved you. Is this why you are feeling insecure? You’re expecting the worst because you have no other experience to go on?”

“No, what makes it bubble to the surface is your child costar that’s twenty years younger than me. How can I possibly compete with her?”

Keenan sighed as frustration filled his voice. “There is no competition. You have no reason to ever doubt me or the way I feel about you. I’ve never once been with anyone but you since the night of the gala—no one.”

There. He finally said it. He didn’t realize it, or maybe he did, but he just called me out. He never asked and I’d never said, but it was evident he’d known. I had been with other men. Not many, just enough to make him wonder and worry how many there had been. He stayed because he loved me.

I went into the kitchen and began dinner. There was no more room for talking, and if I stayed locked with him, we’d end up having sex. I’d never turned it down before, but I was exhausted. We had no problems in the bedroom, just everywhere else.

As the film got closer to wrapping, the paparazzi grew bolder. They followed me to work. Lurked in the bushes. Now that we were living together, I’d become fair game. The relationship we tried so hard to keep private was no longer. The tabloids came after me. My age, my weight, and speculations about my past. I was surprised they hadn’t dug up past blowjob recipients. Poor Keenan, that’s all he needed right now.

The faux naked stills of Keenan and his young costar exploded across the internet. I knew the damn studio had leaked them to the press to promote the film. The following weeks, every single supermarket rag and Hollywood gossip show theorized about us splitting up. The breaking news was Keenan wanted a younger woman and he was indeed having an affair with his costar. They’d showed a photograph of him in a hug with the woman child in a restaurant—the wrap party. I was bombarded with fabricated pictures and stories every day. I couldn’t wait to get away.

BOOK: Rug Burns (Reviving Haven Book 2)
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