Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1)
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Eva shivered; the cool air met her skin as the material fell to her waist. She gaped as Julian’s hands brushed over her bare flesh. Her bra posed no challenge for him as he undid the claps with a skilful twist of his fingers. His tentative lips never faltered as they worked their way lower, stopping just above her exposed breasts. Eva’s back arched and Julian’s lips brushed gently against her nipple. It hardened under his touch. She wanted to feel his mouth around it. But he didn’t fixate on sucking them, like she expected. He lightly flicked his tongue across, appreciating the entire breast, teasing her.

Julian paused for a moment and stood upright. Eva opened her eyes to meet his stare.

‘You ok
ay?’ he whispered.

‘Em hmm.’

‘More?’ he asked, his salacious grin revealing his intentions, and Eva shivered before nodding her agreement.

Julian’s hand explored her upper body. There were no limitations; her skin was his to peruse. His hands gently meandered her sides, with intermittent soft kisses placed on her midriff and tummy. His hot breath glided across her tummy as his tongue worked its way around her bellybutton.

The belt on Eva’s dress loosened and her dress slipped passed her hips. He had opened it, she’d barely noticed his tugging. She was hot now, her knickers moist with appreciation for his expert hands. Eva flinched as she realised her knickers were the only remaining protector of her modestly. She held her breath and waited for him to tug at their delicate, lacy elastic. He ignored them and the silky treasure they hid and continued to work his way lower.

His fingers rubbed the back of her left thigh. He leaned closer, pushing Eva further back on the bed until she was lying completely flat. Eva watched as his knees followed her onto the soft mattress. He was leaning over her now, still clothed and she was almost naked. She felt exposed and vulnerable but she wanted more. His slow teasing was driving her wild. She wanted to rip his shirt off and nibble his skin. She had to psychically grab a fistful of duvet in each hand to stop herself from seizing the opportunity.

His tentative kisses continued, tiny moist pecks leading the way to her ankles. He paused. Eva held her breath. He switched to her other leg and worked his way pack up. His kisses gradually drifted towards her inner thigh. He rested at the apex of her hip.

Eva lay very still. She didn’t dare open her eyes and catch him staring at her. The anticipation of his next move shook her whole body.

His mouth ventured a little higher. He was so close now, Eva could feel his warm breath brush the sides of her pubic bone. He kissed more, but different now. So gently, Eva had to concentrate to feel his lips touch her. He leaned across her pelvis, exhaled deeply and gently darted his lips for one inner thigh to the next. Eva lifted her bottom the tiniest amount off the bed, angling herself closer to him. He stopped, placed his hand on her tummy and eased her back down. He was making it clear, he was in control. Eva understood but she ached to beg for his touch. He concentrated on her knickers now, his teeth tugging on the edge of the lace.

‘Kiss me there,’ she finally gasped, unable to control her desire.

Julian stopped. Leaned upright and waited.

‘Please,’ Eva added. ‘Please, Julian.’

‘I’ll do anything you want, baby, but you need to show me.’

‘More games?’ Eva asked, her hand flying to her face. She was asking questions, she remembered she wasn’t supposed to.

‘Always games, baby. But the rules are ours t
o twist. Tell me what you want, Evangeline. I’m yours to command.’

Eva bit her lip and pointed between her legs.

‘I can’t hear you, Evangeline.’

She pointed again. ‘Here.’

Julian shook his head. ‘Tell me.’

Eva blushed and whispered, ‘lick my pussy.’

              Julian caught the side of her knickers between his hands and pulled hard, the material pinched against her skin as it ripped. A soft crackle hung in the air.

Eva was about to protest but she was muted by the heat of Julian
’s tongue against her clitoris. A load moan rushed passed her lips, much too loud for the confined space. And another sigh followed, she just couldn’t hold it in. It was blissful torture.

Julian’s pace quickened. His tongue rested flat against her clitoris, moving in long even strokes. He was so confident, so capable. But Eva soon learned her soft groans, and eager moans led his passion. She arched her back, tilting her pelvis just enough to feel his jaw as his mouth worked on her.

‘You’re so wet,’ Julian said, turning to kiss the inside of her thighs.

Eva pushed her hands against his should
er, guiding him away from her. ‘Stop if you don’t like it,’ she said, mortified.

Julian pushed himself up with his arms, his whole body leaning over her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, the tip of his tongue forcing into her mouth. He was tangy and bitter. She winced for a second, shocked. She had never tasted herself before, and certainly not from someone else’s lips.

              ‘I want more,’ Julian said. ‘Don’t stop me this time.’

Eva nodded and stretched back.

‘You’re right there, Evangeline. I can feel you.’

Eva’s heart raced. She wanted to beg him to touch her, no more talking
, just touching. But she couldn’t. The words wouldn’t leave her mouth. But she didn’t need to say a word, it was as if Julian could read her mind. His finger began to circle her clitoris. Soft at first, but faster and harder as the pressure grew. His lips wandered away from her pussy and slowly crept back up her body until his warm mouth was wrapped around her nipple, sucking hard. His finger never faltered, his rhythm was infinite and perfect. She almost couldn’t take it - almost. Her heart was racing now, and a wave of heat washed over her before tiny convulsions paced through her muscles. Her pelvic floor pulsed like a racing heartbeat. She was coming…she was really, really coming and it was fucking amazing.

Eva’s whole body tingled; a sleepy, relaxed tingle. She lay back against her pillow and enjoyed the aftermath of her best come ever. She wasn’t ready to open her eyes, but she felt Julian’s body hover over her, he was watching her, she could tell. She suddenly became very aware of her naked body beneath his still clothed frame. She wanted to pull the sheets over her and recapture her dignity. But it was too late now, Julian possessed her. She had to play on, it was his turn. It was only fair. Eva ordered her shaking hands to reach for his belt and her fingers fumbled with the buckle.

Julian laughed gently and placed his hand over hers. ‘Just you tonight, Evangeline.’

‘What?’ Eva didn’t understand. Had she done something wrong? He was hard, she could feel it pulse against her. Why didn’t he want it?

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he whispered. He stretched his body out to lie alongside her.

‘But I thought

‘Shh.’ Julian placed his finger against Eva’s lips. ‘Tonight’s not about me. I told you I wanted you to lose your inhibitions. I think it’s fair to say they are well gone.’

Julian’s hand brushed past Eva’s breasts and stopped when it reached just below her bellybutton.

‘I love this, by the way.’ he added
, venturing slightly lower until his fingers touched her finely trimmed hair. ‘Very neat.’

‘Erm thanks.’

Eva had never had a pubic hair compliment before; she didn’t know how to reply.

Julian stood up, lifted his crinkled jacket from the end of the bed and offered it to Eva.

‘Here, this will look good on you.’

Eva sat up and slid her left arm into the sleeve and draped it across her back, her other arm followed. She pulled it across her chest. It was huge on her, more than big enough for one side to overlap the other. She smiled. Julian was a broad guy, she should have expected it.

‘More wine?’ Julian asked.

‘Ugh no,’ Eva looked at the bottle of cheap plonk distastefully.

‘Oh Christ no, not that crap. I’ve brought some. Hope you don’t mind.’

Walking out of the room, Julian looked back at Eva and leaned his head for her to follow. Eva nodded her silent understanding. She rummaged in her wardrobe for a pair of old track-suit bottoms and a tee-shirt. His jacket was a lovely gesture but she just couldn’t relax, still naked underneath. She glanced in the mirror, pleasantly surprised to find her makeup holding up well. She ran her fingers through her hair, squirted some perfume on her wrists and walked towards the sitting room rubbing them together.


Chapter 11


Julian sat on the couch, his left ankle resting on his right knee. He looked relaxed, comfortable. Eva wished she was comfortable. She could hear her moans play back over in her head. Christ, why did she have to make noise? Julian must think she was an animal.

‘You changed
,’ Julian stated the obvious.

‘I was cold,’ Eva lied. Normally that would be a re
alistic complaint but at twenty-six degrees, the weather was unusually warm for an Irish summer.

Eva self-consciously walked over to the large french doors in front of the couch. She drew the curtains and slowly turned back to face Julian.

A large cheeky grin stretched across his face. Eva couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

‘You’ve blocked my view
,’ Julian said.

Eva hands flew to her cheeks and she shuddered. ‘Oh no
, I’m sorry, I just didn’t want the neighbours staring in.’ She reached for the curtain and was about to pull it open again.

‘I’m not talking about the sea view, Evangeline.’

Julian pointed to where the curtains hid the picturesque beach setting outside the window, but his eyes were on her. ‘I’m talking about the delectable view of your legs.’

Eva giggled nervously. His compliments always made her shake and left her not knowing what to say. She stood on the spot and twisted a strand of hair around her index finger.

‘Oh you’re not going to go all shy on me again, are you? I thought we were making progress.’

‘No, of course not. I mean, yes.’

Julian’s eyebrow twitched.

‘I mean…of course I’m not shy anymore.’

‘Good girl.’ Julian nodded his approval. He patted the couch beside him.

Eva walked forwards and self-consciously sat beside him. Overly aware of every creak the couch made as it adjusted to her weight.

‘Oh my God. Is that Krug? She stared at a green, glass bottle of alcohol with glossy gold label that rested casually on the coffee table. ‘It is, isn’t it? Holy shit.’

‘You like it?’

‘I’ve never tried it. I…I’ve never even seen a bottle in real life. Just on the telly, you know.’

Julian began to pour and the golden bubbles fizzled like a hot spring rushing to the top of the glass.

‘Isn’t this, like, two hundred quid a bottle?’ Eva touch
ed the label like it was a historical artefact she was afraid of tarnishing.

‘Does that matter? It’s all about the taste.’

Eva thought the ten euro sparkling wine from Tesco tasted just fine but she didn’t dare admit it, not now.

‘Yeah. I suppose. I don’t know much about wine.’

‘Well that’s another thing I can teach you.’ Julian handed her a glass.

It smelt like Heaven. Eva cringed
, thinking about the bottle of horse piss she’d offered him earlier.

‘Sorry about the wine, tonight.’

‘Don’t be.’ Julian took a large mouthful.

Jesus, each sip must cost about twenty quid, Eva thought as her jaw dropped dramatically.

‘It tasted fine, Evangeline.’

If he pays hundreds for bubbly and he thinks a bottle of the stuff for a fiver tastes okay, then he’s either very naïve or a very convincing liar.
Judging from his expensive suit and polished accent, Eva guessed it was the latter.

The conversation flowed surprisingly well, Eva decided. Her face only over heated occasionally, mostly when she remembered her earlier naked status. They talked about a lot of irrelevant stuff, the weather, Eva’s job and skimmed over how a shy girl from New Jersey ended up in Dublin city centre. They didn’t talk about Julian much. Anytime the conversation veered in the direction of his home life, he would top up Eva’s glass and distract her with sweet, soft kisses. A second bottle appeared without Eva noticing and her head began to feel light and blurry vision made it hard to focus.

Eva pulled her arm to her face, almost slapping herself in the process. Her eyes jumped and finally focused on her watch. It was only 9.20pm and she was already half pissed. It wasn’t a bad thing, she thought, it had just been a while. Alcohol gave her confidence, she liked it.

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