Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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I’m nervous, seriously nervous. Something is off because I’m never nervous when I go out. When I make it to the changing room, I’m shaking. I take a few deep breaths in an effert to calm myself. I can do this. He is no different from any other guy I’ve met from the site.

Stopping by the bar before I head up to Levi’s room, I order a shot of Grey Goose. I need something that will calm me quickly. I pay the bartender and down my drink, forcing myself to let out the breath that I guess I was holding, and I head toward the elevator. I look at my reflection in the shiny finished doors. I look sexy. I pulled my hair up in a low bun, my dress is hugging every curve of my body, and my makeup is subtle. I look well put together.

The elevator finally arrives. As I step in, I ask the attendant to push the button for the ninth floor. The ride up seems like it’s taking forever. The car finally arrives at the floor I need.

I get out and look for the direction I need to go. I need to go right and there are only two doors this way. Wow. This guy is serious business. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, then knock.

A few minutes pass and the door slowly opens to reveal a very sexy…Aedan Hughes.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Aedan? I’m supposed to be meeting a date!” I yell at him.

“Please come in the room and take a seat in one of the chairs, Miss, ‘I’m not looking for anything serious.’” He smirks at me.

“What? How do you know what my profile says? Where is Levi?”

“You’re looking at him. I’m sorry, Jesse. I didn’t know of any other way to get you to see me outside of—”

I cut him off. “So you lied to me earlier today when you said you didn’t know what the contract states then?” I ask him, getting pissed off.

“Yes, I know a lot more about you and everything you’ve been through than you think I do.” He looks at me with sad eyes, like he feels bad for meeting like this.

“What do you mean? What else are you keeping from me? I mean, you should go ahead and tell me everything now because if this gets back to my father, I will lose everything I’ve worked hard for. I will be fucked out of everything, as you are well aware of,” I seethe.

“Well, since we have this room all night, how about we order dinner and I’ll tell you what I think you should know. But I want you to know that I have no plans of going to your father, as I’m sure not only will there be repercussions for you, but me as well.” He half-smiles and the twinkle returns to his eyes.

“Um, okay. If you promise not to tell my dad, please tell me what the hell is going on.” I feel like I’m spiraling out of control all over again.

We order dinner. I’m going all out: broiled oysters, Caesar salad, Colorado lamb chops, and house cut truffle fries. I love to eat. And of course a bottle of 1999 Domaine de la Romanee Conti La Tache. Yes, it’s a $2500 dollar bottle of wine, but at this moment, I don’t care. Aedan orders the same meal and adds a bottle of Coors Light.

I get comfy and Aedan starts talking.

“Short story or long?” He looks at me, biting his bottom lip.

“Let’s start with the short and go from there.”

“Okay…when you graduate, the company is yours. Your father wants to see if you can handle someone perusing you. Being the CEO of one the top companies in the country, someone is going to be after you in more ways than one. He wanted to see if the girl he sent off to college is now a woman that fights for what she wants.” He doesn’t look at me.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, thinking he is out of his damn mind.

“Your father basically wanted to see if you’ve grown up and think with your brain instead of using your body. I was supposed to come on to you to see if you would sleep with me, but instead, I fell for you. There is so much I want to tell you, but I don’t want you to be freaked out.”

I am lost for words, and I start to hyperventilate, gasping for breaths. Aedan gathers me in his arms and sits back down with me in his lap.

He starts rubbing my back. “Jesse, you have to breathe deep breaths and slowly let it out through your mouth. In through your nose and slowly out your mouth.”

After a few minutes, I finally start taking in more oxygen into my lungs. They are burning because I was breathing excessively fast and they couldn’t catch up.

I look up at Aedan, almost hoping I won’t see him, but I’m thankful that it is him. I know I’m a confused mess. How am I going to make it to a week and a half without my father finding out?

“Shit! Someone is threatening me. They think they are going to get my father’s company.” I start freaking out again.

Aedan grasps both sides of my face and kisses me. I completely lose all thought. His kiss devours me. I haven’t had a kiss like this in…ever. Aedan licks my bottom lip, begging me to part my lips, and I don’t hesitate.

There is a knock at the door. Room service’s excellent timing interrupts us. Aedan lets him in and tells him to leave everything on the cart and leave it covered. The server doesn’t question Aedan and he is quickly out the door.

Aedan quickly removes the space between us.

My hands are instantly in his too long hair, pulling him closer. His tongue doesn’t hesitate getting to know the inside of my mouth. Our tongues meet and I’m wet again. I should be insanely mad at this man and this whole situation, but my body is on fire and, for once, I’m completely giving in to my body’s desires.

I know I’m not innocent by any means and I’m sure Aedan isn’t either, but I’ve never felt anything like this. I’ve never had this with Chet. Yes, we had chemistry, but damn, this is like a nuclear explosion in my whole body.

He intently gazes at me. “What are you do—?”

He doesn’t get the rest out because I stand up and kiss him. I take his hands in mine and coax him out of the chair and onto the bed.

I take a deep breath, trying to build the courage to say what’s on my mind. “Well, the way I see it is either I flip the hell out, which I’m still not positive I won’t do, or I make sure we get full use of this room for the time you have it. I don’t know what the future holds for us after tonight, but I want you to fuck me. I mean, that is what I came here for,” I say with all the confidence I have left.

He looks at me as if he’s trying to process what rushed out of my mouth. Hesitantly, he removes his clothes. Before I realize what he is doing, he removes my dress, along with my bra and underwear, and I’m on the bed, laying on my back. Aedan kisses me from my mouth all the way down to my very wet center. My body is humming with excitement and need. Aedan is exactly what I’ve been craving.






Jesse has to be in shock, but who am I to argue with her? I will do whatever she wants me to do, but I won’t fuck her. I want to touch her, every inch of her. I want her screaming my name, but I don’t want it in a hotel room. I want to claim her where it’s only she and I. This is a completely screwed up situation, but I think, together, we can tackle whatever comes at us.

She’s amazing me because I know she’s broken, but she’s fought to keep everything together. Her strength has changed my thoughts of her. I want her even more. I’m hoping this night won’t totally screw up the career I’ve worked hard in over the past seven years, but I have a feeling McCoy will have my balls in a jar if he finds out about this.















After several mind-blowing orgasms and one amazing full body massage, I am thoroughly exhausted. I could completely get used to this and we didn’t even have actual sex. I bet that would be insanely wonderful. I could get used to Aedan…

Then reality comes crashing back.

“Jesse, stop. You’re not alone this time. I will help you with whatever,” Aedan says calmly.

“I can’t afford this to get back to my father. Don’t you understand?” I almost yell at him.

“I will come up with something. Please, I’m asking you to trust me on this. I will get it handled.”

I look at him. Why would he put his job on the line for someone as messed up as me?

“Jesse, I’ll take you home if you don’t want to spend the night with me here.”

“Um. Yeah, I need some time to think.”

“Okay. I’ll get my stuff together.” He gets up and slowly pulls his shirt back on.

Damn it. Why did he have to put it back on? Before I know it, I’m sitting in the room by myself, naked. I find my underwear and bra and put them back on. I wrap the sheet around me and go to my bag to grab my yoga pants and sweatshirt. I head into the bathroom as soon as Aedan comes out. I put on my clothes and try to fix my makeup.

I walk back out and Aedan is texting on his phone. He looks up at me. “Ready to go?”

“Yes, I think I have everything in my bag.” I double check the floor, making sure I didn’t forget anything.

“Okay. I’ll take your bag. Let’s head on down.”

Aedan gives his ticket to the valet and they bring his car around. They open the door for me to get in while another valet loads our bags in the car. The drive shouldn’t take too long from downtown; it’s only twenty minutes from my house when traffic is light.

I am not paying attention to where he is driving. I’m lost in my own mind, trying to figure out how I am going to get the company even though I completely screwed up. I really don’t want to throw Aedan under the bus, but the ass knew it was me that he was setting up the date with. Why did he keep insisting that he wanted to be with me? I am so confused…and angry, so angry.

We come to a stop and I look up, thinking we are at my house. Instead, we are waiting for the gate at Aedan’s house to open. I lose it.

“What the hell, Aedan? Why did you bring me here? I wanted…no, I
go home. I have to figure this all out. I have to finish classes this week because I graduate next weekend and I have to make sure this doesn’t get back to my father,” I yell at him, trying to get him to understand.

He ignores my plea and continues to drive his car up the drive and into the four bay garage. He turns off the car and turns to me to talk, grabbing my hand as he does. I can hear the garage door close behind us.

“I brought you here because we need to talk. Also, this is the safest place for you to be. Call Laney and tell her you are fine and you will be home tomorrow after work.”

“No! I want to go ho—”

He leans over and forcefully kisses me. I lean back and slap him across his face, and it doesn’t faze him. He goes back to kissing me. I give up and let him consume me.

I should be panicking.

I need control.

I am beyond messed up.






Yes, I’m a selfish son of a bitch. I want Jesse all to myself, in my bed. Sure, the hotel was nice, but here is a lot better. I can completely control the situation. And she will be safe, in case the person tries to act on their threats.

I pull away and she sighs.

“Are your finished overthinking everything?”

“I’m too exhausted and hungry to fight you anymore. I’ll stay, but we have to get this worked out or at least come up with a plan. I’ve worked too hard to get back on track.” She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes.

“Sounds good. Let me grab our bags and I’ll show you inside my home.”

I get out of the car, get our bags out of the back, and walk around to the passenger side to help Jesse out. She looks scared. Damn it, I didn’t want to cause her any pain.

I open the front door, which leads to the backside of the rotunda. I bypass the movie room and take her to my library, the room right beside the kitchen.

“Please sit wherever you wish. What sounds good to eat?” A beer sounds good to me.

“Do you have beer? That sounds good along with a cold-cut sandwich. You do have cold cuts, right? I’m assuming, since you’re a guy.” She smirks.

“Ouch. You know what they say about assuming, right? But no worries, love. You are right to assume. I have a soft spot for roast beef and Swiss cheese on rye. Is that okay? Also, I have Fat Tire, Rolling Rock, and Coors Light.”

“That sandwich is perfect and Fat Tire, please.”

“If you want to freshen up, the bathroom is back out the way we came in and to your left. The powder room is on the right. If you get to the office, you’ve gone one door too far. It shouldn’t take me long to get washed up and get the sandwiches made.”

“Thank you, that sounds good.”

She heads toward the powder room and I head into the kitchen, getting everything ready for our late night snack.

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