Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (17 page)

BOOK: Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1)
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“Ooh. What time is it?”

My head is throbbing. I roll over and the bed is empty, but it’s still warm. I lie still for a moment and hear the shower running. I sit up slowly because my head feels so heavy. Luckily, it’s only a headache. I don’t feel sick or dizzy.

I push down the covers and get out of bed. I remove my remaining clothing and quietly make my way to the bathroom. I gently push the door open, make my way in, and close the door back.

“Jesse? I hope that’s you.”

“Shit, how did you hear me?” I frown. I was trying to be sexy.

“I felt the cool breeze. Are you coming to shower with me or use the restroom?”

“Umm. Shower with you.” Although I really need to pee. I’ll pee later.

“What are you waiting for? Get in here.”

I walk around the glass wall and get into the shower. This is the most amazing shower I’ve been in. Water comes at you in all directions. The shower has tiles on three sides and glass on the side you walk in. I don’t understand how the whole bathroom isn’t flooded with water. Somehow, the water stays in the shower.

As soon as I get in, Aedan pulls me to him. I know I have morning breath, but really, I don’t care at this moment. Looking at the wet, sexier-than-sin Aedan standing in front me makes my breath catch in my throat.

His eyes are locked on mine. He looks like he wants to jump me but, instead, he assaults me with kisses, starting from my ear, now my neck, all around my collarbone, and down to my breasts. He pays attention to both of them, nipping and sucking on my nipples, making them hard.

He runs his hand down my body and down to my sensitive spot. He slowly places one finger inside, pushing in deeper and deeper. I moan even louder when he adds another finger. His thumb is rubbing my clit and I can feel my orgasm building. I’m on the verge of coming and he removes his fingers.

“Not yet. You’re going to wait for a few more minutes.” I look up at him, wishing he would replace his fingers.

I grab his cock with my hands and start stroking it back and forth. He stiffens up and moans.

“No! This isn’t how I want to come. I want to be inside of you,” he grunts.

He hits a button at the front of the shower and all the water stops. He picks me up and walks me outside of the shower. There is a large fuzzy rug and he lays me on it. He grabs a condom that I guess he placed on the counter before I came in here. He rips the wrapper open with his teeth and covers himself. Slowly, he positions himself on top of me and aligns our bodies. He doesn’t waste time finding my sweet spot as he slams into my body. I wrap my legs around his butt to give him better access.

“Sorry. I didn’t want this to be quick, but I can’t hold it any longer. Please tell me you’re close to coming.”

I can’t answer because I am starting to lose focus on his face. As I start to peak in my orgasm, I can feel him coming too. He pumps in me a few more times and then doesn’t move for a few minutes. I can hear him trying to catch his breath. He moves and removes himself from me.

“I’m going to pick you up and take you to the shower, okay? You can sit down on the ledge if you want to.”

He does just as he said he would. Then he hits the buttons to turn on the shower and walks us in. The water feels so amazing, I want to go back to sleep. However, my father will be here shortly.

Aedan helps me shower and I help him. We probably spend way too much time in there, but I don’t care. My father can wait for once.

I throw on a sweatshirt and yoga pants while Aedan is dressing super sexy in a three piece suit and tie. Aedan is hot in a suit, but I like his carefree look a little more. Since he’s picking my father up, I don’t think the shorts and a t-shirt would be appropriate work attire. Aedan is almost ready, so I go to Laney’s room to see if she’s up. She’s out to the world, so I leave her a text.

Aedan comes up behind me and says, “You might want to tell her that Johnson will be here if she needs anything. He is downstairs waiting on us.”

“Will do. I’ll text her that too.” I finish my text and we head downstairs.

Aedan grabs two cups of coffee and a coffee cake that looks homemade.

“Housekeeper?” I want her.

“No, my mom. She’s amazing. She owns her own bakery. She bakes when she’s here on Sundays. You’ll meet her, along with my dad, tomorrow. They will be here at noon for brunch and then dinner is at four.”

Oh, shit. I’m meeting his parents, his family. Am I ready for this? Is this what I want?

For once, I’m not questioning myself. Hell yes, this is what I want, but is it really safe for everyone to be here?

I’m sure Aedan has thought all of this through. If it wasn’t safe for me or his family to be here, we wouldn’t be having this dinner. I trust Aedan and his decisions to keep me safe.















I think she’s scared about meeting my family. She hasn’t look this shocked since all this drama has started. I guess I can cancel one family get-together. With everything that is going on, I don’t need to add anything for her to internally stress about, but it might be good for her to be around people. Being here is a lot safer than going out somewhere. I have complete control of everything that happens inside the gates of this property. I have a saferoom if needed, but I don’t plan on anything happening.

“Wow. Dinner with your family is cool,” she says.

“I can cancel this weekend, with all of the drama we have going on.”

Something clicks in her head. I could tell the moment it did because her expression completely changed.

“No, no. I am excited to meet your family. I would be very honored to meet the two people responsible for bringing you into this world and into my life. I don’t want you to miss out on being Uncle Denny.” She laughs.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind. Well, I’ll be kind of bummed, but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I’m fine. Now, let’s go get my father and his psycho wife.” She smirks.

“Oh my. I wouldn’t have guessed that you didn’t get along with your stepmommy.”

“Ha! The bitch is after money. Our money. She’s a come guzzler.”

I lose it. What the hell is that?

“Wow, um, okay. I’ll leave that one alone. We will take the SUV and you can sit up front on our way to the airport, but you’ll have to ride in back on our way to drop off your father and Mrs. McCoy.” I open the door. “Hop on in, beautiful.” I shut the door before she can answer. I get in on my side and shut the door.

“Hardly, but I’ll accept your compliment, since it’s from you.” She reaches over and kisses me on the cheek. Yep, I’m a complete goner.

The ride to the airport was uneventful. I wish I could have said the same for the rest of the day. Wade was being an ass when we arrived at the airport and Mrs. McCoy was her usual bitchy self. I understand completely why Jesse doesn’t like her. Come guzzler.

We arrive at McCoy’s penthouse and the door attendant assists Wade with getting the McCoy’s belongings up to their place. McCoy stays back to talk to Jesse. I overhear him asking her to stay with him and Chantelle, but she politely declines because she wants to be close to her house. She wants to get back in there as soon as possible. In the two years she’s been back, I think this is the first time I’ve actually seen Jesse and her father hug.

Wade comes back down and tells McCoy that Mrs. McCoy is all settled and that Holmes is upstairs to replace him. McCoy nods at him and hugs Jesse again.

“Hughes, briefing at eleven-hundred hours. I’ll be in my office. You can video conference me so you don’t have to make another trip downtown.”

“Yes, sir.” With that, he heads inside.

Wade doesn’t live far from McCoy, and I am grateful for that. Something seems off about Wade. Maybe it’s me? I asked Wade about the internet café and he said he didn’t get any information about anyone that has been in there. He was vague with the information. I almost had to pull it out of him. I brush it off. I’m sure he is tired from having to deal with Mrs. McCoy for almost two weeks straight.

We arrive at Wade’s condo and he gets out. He gets his stuff from the back and waves us off. I look up at Jesse and she has dozed off in the back seat. This girl amazes me with all the sleeping she does in vehicles. I would hate to see her drive for any distance.






Am I imagining things or did Wade smell like Chantelle? Eww. Her stench must have rubbed off on him. Seeing my father was so good, and for him to hug me was the most amazing feeling. I hope we can get on better terms. I’m beginning to think it was me and not him. Or maybe it was both of us. We are McCoy’s.

When we get in the SUV to take Wade home, I decide to lie back and close my eyes. I’m hungry, but I don’t want to be around Wade any longer than I need to be. He isn’t one of my favorite guys, but my father seems to like him and Aedan trusts him. I think it’s because he reminds me of someone Chet used to hang around with when we first started dating. I don’t remember his name.

I close my eyes and that thought is the last thing I remember…

“Jesse…Jesse, babe, we’re at my house,” Aedan whispers in my ear.

I yawn and stretch. I open my eyes and Aedan’s looking at me like he hasn’t before. The look is almost a gaze of…love. Maybe I didn’t imagine him telling me he loves me last night.

“Good. I’m hungry.” I switch my train of thought.

“I have time to fix us something to eat before I video conference with your father.”

“No, I’ll cook for us. I’m sure Sam and Laney are hungry too, if Laney is even up yet. That girl could sleep all day.” I giggle. Laughing feels good, normal.

We walk into the house and I hear moans coming from the kitchen. Aedan grabs me and pulls out his gun. He tells me to be quiet and he walks toward the noise.

“Oh, Sam. Right here. Harder. Harder. Don’t stop…” I hear Laney moan.

What the? Is she having sex in the kitchen? When Aedan gets there, he lowers his gun.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing in my kitchen?” he shouts

Laney screams. “Scare the shit out of me, why don’t you!”

Aedan motions me in, and I walk to him.

“Sam was massaging my neck. Slept wrong and it was hurting. His hands are amazing.” She winks at me. Hussy.

All I can do is laugh. Poor Sam looks embarrassed.

After harassing Laney about her moaning, I ask the guys what they want to eat, and Laney said she would help me. I tell the guys they can go do whatever they need to and the meal will be ready before their meeting with my father.

Making omelets is one of my favorite things to do, especially when I get to use all this amazing food. I really should stop eating out as much as I do since I love to cook. Within thirty minutes, with Laney’s help, we have four omelets ready to eat with a side of fruit. I hope the guys don’t mind that these are lacking meat.

I call for Aedan and he hollers they’ll be there in a few minutes. I pour four glasses of orange juice and four cups of coffee. I set out the creamer and sugar in case someone needs them.

Laney and I wait for the guys for a few minutes. Then we dig in, and they arrive a few moments later. As we eat, we joke about Sam’s awesome massage skills. I tell Sam I could use a massage and before he can answer, Aedan not only gives me a no, but a hell no. Hmm, is he a little jealous?
















Brunch was amazing. Maybe I won’t have to wait to hook up Johnson and Laney. They seem to have already hit it off. Even though he was playing the shy guy earlier, he is a first class dick when he needs to be. I think he was trying to play coy with Laney.

As I prep for my meeting with McCoy, the more I think about it, the more I realize something was off with Wade. Maybe I’m wrong. Being with McCoy and Chantelle for almost two weeks straight is enough to drive anyone a little crazy. I was going to include him this conference, but I’m going to let him sleep. He deserves a break, I’m sure.

Johnson comes in my office and shuts the door. He looks at me with a smirk. “I’m so going to tap that when I get a chance.”

“Good luck catching her.” I laugh and shake my head.

“Oh, I’ve learned her ways while on Jesse duty. The ever elusive Ms. Spears will fall to my irresistible charm.” He grins.

“I bet you a Benjamin Franklin that she shoots you down.”

“Deal. I’ve already started my groundwork for this plan. Be prepared to pay up.”

“Right back at ya, Johnson.”

I notice it’s a few before eleven, so I login to the private video feed that is set up between McCoy’s personal office and my office. Looks like he is already waiting for me when I connect.

“Hughes, Johnson. The New York trip was successful, but I was asked some unsettling questions. Apparently, I’m unaware of what is happening within my own company because a few gentlemen that interned under me many years ago asked why I was selling my company privately. I wasn’t aware that I was selling my company. Now tell me who in the hell would be going out and looking for buyers for my company when it’s not for fucking sale?”

Shit. I stare at McCoy and then look at Johnson, unable to wrap my head around who in the hell could be working under the radar like this.

“Sir, I think it’s time to start flushing out employees. Let me get Craig in on this meeting because we are going to have to start checking bank accounts, credit card statements, and phone records. This has gone too far.”

I ring of up Craig.

“Craig. What’s up Hughes?”

“Are you available to video conference? We have a new emergency.”

“Yes, link me in.”

“Link sent.” A few moments of silence passes by.

“Got it.” The line goes dead.

A brief pause occurs and my screen goes from only McCoy to Craig and McCoy.

“Mr. McCoy, Hughes, Johnson. How may I assist you?”

“Mr. Craig, we are going to need you to assemble your team. We are now investigating our very own. Look into personal accounts and business. I want bank accounts checked, credit card statements, phone records—anything that would link any employee talking to a competitor. Someone is trying to sell McCoy Investments without my knowledge and they were doing a damn fine job at it too until my New York trip, so pick out your team, investigate them, and then let Hughes know who will be working with you. This needs to be done yesterday.”

“Yes, sir. Starting right now. I do have an update on the burner phone. Maps are showing it’s now here in Colorado.”

“Fuck!” I seethe. “Any idea where in the state?”

“No, I am trying to triangulate the location. I am fairly sure it’s in the Denver area, but the phone pings in different parts of the state.”

“Shit. McCoy, you don’t go anywhere without a man with you. I’ll stay on Jesse. Johnson will be on Ms. Spears and I will have two other members stay with Reese and Tierney twenty-four-seven. We need to figure out what this person is going to do and to who because we have a threat from the inside. Someone is trying to sell the company, which can’t be done without a McCoy’s okay, but if all of the McCoy’s are eliminated, then the company is fair game.” I run my hands through my hair.

“Hughes, I suggest that you work from home. Jesse graduates in six days. The company will be hers. Only a handful of people outside of our inner circle knows this information. Do whatever to keep her safe. I know you have a lot more invested in Jesse than the other team members, but don’t let that cloud your judgment.”

I get an “I’ll kill you if you hurt my daughter or let her get hurt” look from McCoy and a “what the hell is he talking about?” look from Craig.

“Craig, Ms. McCoy and I are in a relationship.”

Johnson snickers. Ass.

“Oh,” Craig says.

“Okay, gentlemen. Enough of this tea party shit. Let’s get this asshole caught so we can get back to somewhat normal business,” McCoy demands.

“Yes, sir,” Craig, Johnson, and I say at the same time. McCoy’s screen goes blank.

“Craig, we’re missing something. We have to be.” I sit at my desk and try to think of anyone who would want to hurt any of the McCoy’s.

“Have you checked in on the ex-husband lately,” Johnson speaks up.

“I have. He’s gone off the radar. He was living in New York City, but put in for a two-month vacation and has disappeared. There is not a trace of where he could be at the present. His accounts are cold. He didn’t buy any tickets to travel anywhere. He just vanished. ”

“Something about that isn’t sitting right with me. Why would he disappear? I wonder if whoever he owed for the cocaine finally came to collect? For all we know, he could be wearing concrete shoes in the bottom of the Hudson,” I say.

Once we get this asshole caught, I’m taking a vacation, hopefully with the new CEO of McCoy Investments on my arm.






My best friend is lusting hardcore.

“Jesse, I think Sam is the one. I mean, I get all weird ass feelings when he’s around. When he touched me, holy shit my skin was on fire. I thought I was going to melt.”

“Shut up. Laney Lou Spears finally feeling something besides the tingling of her lady bits? I don’t believe it.” I mock an expression of pure shock.

“Whore. I know you feel it with Aedan. The look on your face when he is in the room or, hell, even when you talk about him tells me that you are a goner. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that look on your face. And I mean
” She stresses the word “ever” so I know she meant not even Chet brought me this kind of happiness.

“I do. So, my father knows.” Her eyes go wide. “And it was kind of his plan all along. I mean, I guess he set up this plan hoping that it would throw Aedan in my face, but also hoping we would fall for each other.”


“Yes, I know. I still don’t have everything worked out, but Aedan talked to my father first and was preparing to be fired or whatever, but I guess my father put Aedan in his place and threatened to kill him if he hurts me.” I’m still clueless about all the plans my father has up his sleeves.

“I think we need to go shopping. I wonder if we can go after the guys finish their meeting?”

“I don’t know, but here they come now, so let’s ask them.” I wink at her.

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