Read Run Rosie Run Online

Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

Run Rosie Run (17 page)

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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Rosie groaned, a low cry of demand as well as submission.

Then he plunged and they spun from arousal to lust.

How could he have waited so long for this?

To hold her like this, to feel her tremble in his arms with the same craving that shook him was astounding. Her mouth, the tastes he found there were sweet, sensuous and sinful. The way her tongue stroked his made him shudder with need. She was so soft, so small in his arms. But the way her hands held him, stroked him, pulled him closer told Alexander she felt it too, this desperation to come together as one.

He needed to hold back.

This was enough, for now, to suffer that sweet torture of how much he ached for her. He knew how it would be with her, he could feel how it would be to lie in his bed with her, to have her beneath him, skin to skin. She would move under him, against him, flesh to fluid flesh, and then she would open for him to sink himself inside her.

But for now this was enough.

He took his time, tasted, possessed, then drew away gently, leaving them with the promise of much more to come.

To comfort himself, he skimmed his hands over her flushed cheeks and very carefully, gently into her scented hair.

That little angel face looked even more gorgeous.

How could he have forgotten how truly fragile she was, how slim under his hands.

Those dark eyes shone into his filled with a dazed wonder that touched his heart.

Her head was actually spinning.

She’d experienced the most intense and far-fetched emotion of all... that of an endless, fantastical dream actually coming true.

‘How long has all that been in there?’ he whispered.

Rosie could barely speak.

It was so unfathomable, unexpected and faintly absurd.

She’d known him her whole life.

And he’d never hurt her, she knew that.

So why did she feel so very afraid?

‘We’ve know each other such a long time,’ she managed to articulate the thought.

‘How long, Rosie?’

‘I don’t know,’ she lied.

He smiled.

‘I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.’

She’d dreamed of this moment for too many years

But ice lay low in her belly.

How could she accept this?

She shivered.

‘I can’t believe this is happening.’

‘Shall I do it again?’

‘No, please.’

She placed a hand to his chest.

‘All I did was kiss you, angel face.’ His hands flowed down to her hips and back again. ‘You feel good, you smell good, you taste good.

Her breath caught then released unsteadily.

‘Alexander, we shouldn’t do this.’

His thumb tormented the tip of her breast and when she gave a tiny gasp his eyes went dark.

‘I want to touch you, all of you. I want to drive you crazy.’

Well if he kept touching her and looking at her like that he’d get his wish.

‘This isn’t going to work, Alex...’

Now his big hand pressed low on her back pulling her hips against his in a way that left her in no doubt of his physical need of her.

‘Oh, but it is, just like this.’

His mouth took hers.

This time she knew what was coming, expected it, but it made no difference.

There it was again, the same burn, the name need, the same power.

Alexander felt the spurt of her heart under his hand as he devoured her wonderful and willing mouth.

When she tore her lips from his, he could have roared her name in frustration, but then he read the fear, the confusion and forced himself to get a grip.

Big eyes stared up into his.

‘It’s just come as a bit of a surprise that now you’re seeing me as a... as a... woman.’

He blinked, stepped back.

‘How the hell else should I see you?’


Those eyes held hers and she saw the determination, the threat.

It felt as if Rosie’s system had been jolted by white-hot wires.

Nerves clutched her stomach like a fist.

For a moment the room spun.

‘It’s unexpected. We need to take a step back,’ she said.

‘Nope. We’re going to step forward not back. We’re going to see what is, what might be. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.’

She wasn’t sure she wanted to step forward.

‘A long time for what?’

‘For the right time.’

How had things changed in an instant?

If there was one thing she was sure of it was that he wouldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

Still, she blinked up into his face, trying to read the emotions whirling in those enigmatic eyes.

‘Why now?’

Her lips still burned, were stinging, from his.

He brushed his fingertips lightly down her cheek.

This needed to stop, at least until she could think.

‘It felt right.’ He caught the expression and tipped up her chin. ‘Don’t give me that face and stop over thinking it. And Rosie, there will be more kisses.’

There was no point in being irritated that he could read her like a book.

Instead, on legs that weren’t quite steady, she moved away towards the bed.

‘I’ve kissed plenty of men before, Alexander. I
kissing men.’

‘I know you have. But you’ve never kissed me.’

He stepped forward.

She stepped back.

‘No. I don’t want you to touch me.’

Her legs were like jelly.

Her heart was doing all sorts of crazy things in her chest and she didn’t like it.

He made her too weak, too vulnerable. But she couldn’t deny she wanted him.

And he stood there and simply watched her with a dead on stare that terrified her.

‘I’m not walking away from this, Rosie.’

After he left she sank to the bed, pressed her hand to her racing heart.

Her body throbbed for him to touch, to taste and to take.

A feminine instinct as old as time also told her that if he took her she’d lose something too, that little piece of her heart that still belonged to her.

A piece that was much too vulnerable in a way that made it ache. An ache so overpowering that it was agony to take a shallow breath in and out.

She was in trouble.

Deep trouble.







Chapter Twenty One


The next day, Rosie knew one thing for certain, she needed proper clothes.

Picking up her Smartphone she tapped it against her lips, ran through possibilities. Janine wouldn’t do it. She could ask one of the girls who worked for her to bring her clothes but they were young and loved to gossip.

Scrolling down the list, she found just the person to help and pressed the call button.



‘Well, that was fun. I can’t remember the last time I rifled through a woman’s closet. It’s terribly girly. I adored the pantie drawer.’

‘Will you behave yourself?’

‘You must spend a fortune on the things. Every pair pure silk.’

Rosie bent to pull on wide comfy yoga pants in thin cotton that matched the strappy top she wore with its handy incorporated bra. Josh was such a good sport, he’d even found the cashmere wrap top in pale grey to match.

Then without warning the room spun.

‘Whoa, you’ve gone white.’

For a large man, Josh moved fast.

Rosie found herself for the second time in days, lying flat on her back on a couch.

‘Stop looking at me like that, Josh. It’s just a dizzy spell. I’ve been up and about today.’

‘I’ll get Alexander.’

‘Don’t you dare!’

Josh’s blue eyes, serious now, filled with a mix of emotions and chief amongst them were guilt and anxiety.

‘I’ve been warned not to overtire you. He’ll skin me alive if you have a relapse.’

Her eyes met his. ‘Please, Josh.’

‘Okay, but you’re going to bed.’

He lifted her as if she weighed nothing. She opened her mouth to protest but the determined look on his face had her snap it shut and simply endure the indignity.

She felt absolutely fine and a complete fraud.

The poor guy even plumped up her pillows then stood frowning down at her.

Patting the bed, she sent him a smile.

‘Why don’t you lie down with me. I need a hug, Josh. I need a friend.’

With a reluctance that made her lips twitch, he toed off his shoes and removed his suit jacket.

Leaning back against her pillows, Josh put his arm around her as she snuggled into his chest.

‘I’ve been meaning to ask you about Simon.’

Now she buried her suddenly hot face in his shirt.

‘Don’t even go there.’

‘He doesn’t exist, does he?’

She lifted her head, met his eyes which were alive with laughter.

‘It was Bronte,’ she blurted the truth. ‘She wouldn’t drop the reason why I want to move on. It just poured out of my big mouth and one thing led to another. How did you find out?’


One day, she was going to kill that man.

‘He’s driving me crazy.’

‘What’s the matter?’

‘He kissed me... and stuff.’

The vibration under her cheek made her scowl up at him.

‘It’s not funny.’

‘I bet you got the tingle.’

‘I got more than the tingle. More like an earthquake.’

More vibrations under her cheek had a reluctant smile tug at her lips.

This must be what it would be like to have a real brother.

‘You know, I thought he was going to punch me in Nico’s office. He adores you, darling.’

‘I don’t want him to adore me.’

‘Yes, you do. I say go for it. What’s holding you back?’

Rosie sat and thrust a hand through her dark curls wondering whether she should confide her deepest thoughts to him.

After all, she could hardly speak to Bronte.

But she needed a male perspective.

‘I’ve never seen him like this. The way he looks at me. He’s too intense. Too...’

She shook her head trying to find the words.

His wide eyes made her grin.

‘Horny?’ he said helpfully.

‘Yes, no, yes, I mean sort of predatory. I’ve never been scared of him, but ...’

Gentle fingers lifted her chin.

He frowned as he studied her carefully.

‘He’d never hurt you.’

She stared into serious blue eyes and told him the honest truth.

‘I can’t do it.’

Josh blinked. ‘You don’t want him?’

‘I’ve already decided to move on. I’m going to Cyprus to visit my parents. And I’ve almost decided to move to New York.’

‘Rosie, Rosie, you’re running scared.’

‘I’m bloody terrified.’

Josh pulled her down and she rested her head under his shoulder, heard him sigh.

‘Stop over thinking it and relax. You’re not one hundred per cent well yet and a head injury can make you feel spaced out for a while. Don’t make any hasty decisions.’

‘I’m being pathetic.’

‘You know who you need to have this conversation with, don’t you?’

After a couple of beats, she took a deep inhale and exhale and faced the truth.



She snuggled in and heaved a sigh.

‘And I was just beginning to like you.’

Her gentle breathing told Josh she was sound asleep.

And he wondered what on earth was he doing?

He certainly didn’t want or need to be in the middle of emotional turmoil between Rosie and Alexander.

Then the man himself poked his head around the door.

And gave him a look that would melt solid steel.

Carefully Josh extricated himself from Rosie.

With a small sigh, she turned onto her side and sank into sleep.

Pulling a throw over her, he nodded to Alexander, picked up his jacket, shoes and they moved into the sitting room.

Alexander spun to face him.

‘What the fuck are you doing in her bed?’

Josh shoved his feet into his shoes, sent him a level look.

‘I was invited so calm the hell down. She had a dizzy spell.’

Alexander paced, ran a hand over the back of his neck.

‘I told her to have a nap. And why is she wearing clothes? She never, never does a thing she’s told.’

Josh relaxed and stretched out in a chair.

‘She’s scared.’

Stunned, Alexander stared at him.

‘What’s between me and...’

‘Yes, it is my business,’ Josh interrupted rudely. ‘She’s made it my business by telling me. You’re not thinking straight. You’ve known her your whole life. How can you get all hot and heavy without even wooing her? Without even bringing her flowers? You need to be careful because you run the risk of losing her.’

Alexander spoke through gritted teeth,

‘I am wooing her.’

‘You need to slow down.’

‘What do you know about it?’

‘Plenty, since I’ve been there myself.’

Alexander knew his history and Josh was thankful he didn’t press the issue.

‘I still can’t believe I didn’t see what was in front of me for years.’

‘We never do until it’s too fucking late.’

Alexander’s eyes met his.

‘What do you mean too late?’

And Josh decided he’d done enough interfering.

‘You need to talk to her, find out what’s in her head.’ He rose to leave. ‘I’d have thought you’d care enough not to take advantage of her when she’s vulnerable.’

Josh was right.

Intellectually, Alexander knew that. It wasn’t often he made a misstep but damn it he’d needed to kiss her, to make love to her, to see what could be between them rather than wondering ‘what if’.

Pouring himself a glass of wine, he settled down on the couch and tried to relax, waiting for sleeping beauty to awake.

His studied the oil painting of Ludlow Hall above the fireplace. The hours he spent working in a house he’d loved his whole life were his greatest pleasure.

This had been his home. The place he’d been born and raised. Trained since the day of his birth to uphold family tradition, to care for the house, the estate, to keep it safe for future generations.

Of course, all that had gone now. The death of his parents, so sudden, so brutal had shaken the foundation of everything he’d ever known.

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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