Runaway Vampire (11 page)

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Authors: Lynsay Sands

BOOK: Runaway Vampire
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“Immortal,” he corrected softly.

“Vampire,” Mary snapped. “Let's call a spade a spade here, shall we? You're claiming you drank the blood of those people at the truck stop and got all better, your broken ribs and crushed organs healed. That's a vampire,” she spat, and then added, “And I don't believe it, so go sell it to some witless little girl who can't see past her hormones.”

Dante frowned and then tilted his head and said something that she was pretty sure was a curse in Italian. Sighing, he tugged out the elastic he'd tied his hair back with, and then ran his hands through his long hair as if his head hurt, before muttering, “You are the most frustrating woman.”

“So control me,” Mary suggested dryly, snatching up a coffee mug and sticking it in the single coffee server. She placed a single-serve cup into the machine, closed it, turned it on and waited as her coffee was made.

“I have already told you that I am unable to either read or control you,” Dante said patiently.

Mary snorted her disbelief. “You've told me a lot of things.”

“And everything I've told you has been the truth, Mary. I would not lie to you.”

“All men lie,” she growled. “If nothing else, I've certainly learned that life lesson.”

“Do not judge me by your husband's behavior,” Dante growled back, sounding furious. And a lot closer, she noted and turned to find he too had stood up and was directly behind her, his face flush with anger and his hands balled as if he wanted to hit something.

“Every man I've ever known has cheated and lied,” she said grimly. “My father, my husband . . . even Dave, according to you.”


“Why do you care about what I think anyway?” she snapped. “I'm surprised you're still even here. I got you away from your kidnappers. Why don't you go find your friends now and go after your brother? I know you want to.”

“I do,” he admitted grimly. “However, I cannot leave you so long as there is a possibility my kidnappers might stalk you in their hunt for me.”

“Oh, yes, we're bait. I forgot,” she muttered, turning back to the coffee machine.

Dante immediately caught her arm and swung her back. “
are not bait.
am bait. You are . . .” He paused, frustration crossing his face, and then he growled that frustration aloud and pulled her forward.


ary gasped in surprise and caught at his arms as she stumbled against him, then went still as his mouth suddenly covered hers. Nothing about those dreams she'd had last night had prepared her for this kiss. She'd thought they were hot and exciting in her dreams, but in reality those had been tepid in comparison to the sensations that exploded inside Mary as Dante took advantage of her startled gasp and slid his tongue in to invade her mouth.

Despite all her beliefs about the age difference and the lectures she'd given herself, Mary didn't hesitate more than a moment under the onslaught of passion that tore through her before wrapping her arms around his big shoulders and kissing him back with all the vigor he was dishing out. When Dante responded by immediately catching her under the upper legs and lifting her against his body, to set her on the kitchen
counter, she wrapped her legs around him and drew him even closer than he already was. Feeling the hard proof of his response to their kiss grind against her, she moaned into his mouth and tightened her legs around him even more, her hands now moving over his shoulders and then down his chest, to feel and squeeze his hard pectoral muscles.

Dante growled in response, the sound vibrating into her mouth and sending tingles running through her body. It encouraged her to drop her hands to tug at his T-shirt, eager to feel his hot, tight flesh under her fingers.

Dante immediately stopped kissing her to help with her efforts, tugging the shirt up and dragging it off over his head. His hair was caught briefly in the neckline and then dropped around his face like a curtain as he tossed the cloth away. Mary promptly dove her fingers into the silky mess and tugged him back to kiss her again. But she couldn't seem to stop touching him. Her hands were aching with the need to run over his warm skin. He felt so good, his kisses were so hot, and he smelled like every man should. Mary was torn in every direction, wanting his kisses, but wanting to push him away and look at him and feel him up too. It was madness, utter madness, and she could have happily drowned in it.

She was vaguely aware of Dante's hands at the waistband of her shorts, and felt the give as he undid them, and yet she still gasped in surprise when his hand slid between the cloth and her skin to touch her. Mary froze briefly, her hands and mouth stilling, then pulled back
and cried out as he reached her core and his fingers slid over the nub of her excitement.

Dante immediately lowered his head to kiss her again, his tongue thrusting into her in concert with his caress and Mary gave up her own caresses to clutch at his shoulders. Her back automatically arched, forcing him to bend over her as she pushed on the front of the cupboards with her feet, urging her hips forward into his touch. The action loosened the cloth of her shorts, somehow, giving him more room, and Dante immediately slid one finger into her while continuing to caress her nub with his thumb.

Mary broke their kiss again and threw her head back on a cry of pleasure, her body beginning to vibrate and shake. She was approaching the orgasm she'd never got to experience in her dreams last night thanks to Bailey constantly waking her, and that's when someone knocked at the door to the RV.

Both she and Dante froze at the sound, their eyes meeting and locking for a heartbeat before the knock sounded again and reality came crashing down on Mary. Who she was, who he was, where she was and what she was doing all suddenly poured over her like a bucket of cold water.

“Mary,” Dante hissed desperately, but it was too late, she was already pushing him away from her.

Sliding off the counter before he could stop her, Mary moved several steps away, doing up her shorts as she went. She then ran her fingers quickly through her hair and called out, “Come in.”

It was only as she said it that Mary realized how fool
ish that might have been. It was daytime; the campground gates would be open now and it could be the kidnappers at the door. If there really were kidnappers, she thought to herself as she watched the door open. She relaxed a little when Dave stepped up into view.

“I was starting to think you two weren't here,” Dave said cheerfully, glancing from her to Dante.

“I was napping and Dante was in the bathroom when you knocked. I came out of the bedroom just as he came out of the bathroom,” Mary lied glibly, wondering if he'd believe her or he'd heard them as he'd approached. Even if he hadn't they probably looked like they'd been doing exactly what they'd been doing. Certainly Dante's lips were swollen from their kisses, his face still flush, and he was still topless and sporting a bulge in his jeans that would not be mistaken for a wallet.

Fortunately, he was standing glaring at her with his back to Dave, so it was only her state that might give them away. Hopefully her claim that she'd been napping would cover any rumpled state. If her lips were swollen and she was flush . . . well, they were all getting older and the light in the RV wasn't that great at the moment. Perhaps Dave wouldn't notice, she thought hopefully.

“Oh, sorry for disturbing you. You did mention you didn't sleep well last night. I would have let you sleep had I known,” Dave assured her apologetically, then smiled wryly and added, “We should really get Do Not Disturb signs like the hotels have, but for the RVs. Then we'd know when not to bother guests.”

Mary smiled politely at the suggestion, and simply waited for him to explain the reason he'd come. She normally would have been much more friendly, but what Dante had told her about this man was in her mind now and she was looking at him differently.

“I just stopped in to tell Dante there are a group of young people over at the pool,” Dave announced into the silence and then winked at Dante when he turned to face him and added, “A lot of pretty girls in the group too. You might like to join them. That way Mary can visit with Carol and I for a bit.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Mary said at once, eager to get some time alone to try to straighten herself out. She needed space to recover from what had happened and figure out how to make sure it didn't happen again as well as how she was supposed to act around Dante now.

Mary was looking at Dave, so noticed when his expression suddenly went blank before he turned, and closed the RV door. He then turned back and simply stood there, eyes dull, face expressionless.

“Dave? Are you all right?” she asked uncertainly, moving up beside Dante to see Carol's husband better when he just stood there unmoving. When Dave showed no reaction at all to her question, Mary stared at him with bewilderment, then glanced to Dante and noted the concentration on his expression as he eyed Dave. She glanced slowly back to Dave then, and for one moment believed Dante might really be controlling him. But believing that meant buying his nonsense
about being a vampire, and she just couldn't accept that. Mouth tightening, she arched an eyebrow at Dante.

“What is this?” Mary asked now with disgust. “A prank the two of you planned together at breakfast?”

Dante didn't respond, but Dave suddenly dropped to his hands and knees on the floor and barked at them, then lowered his head to begin lapping up water out of Bailey's dish. As he did, Bailey, who had jumped back up on the bench seat at some point, now lifted her head to watch him with interest. But then she just laid her head back down and closed her eyes.

“Dave!” Mary said with dismay and took a step toward him, then stopped and turned to Dante with horror.

“Stop it!” she demanded, moving in front of him and thumping him on the chest with one fisted hand. “Stop it now!”

Dante caught her arms before she could hit him again and peered past her to Dave.

Mary glanced over her shoulder to see Dave getting to his feet. His face was still expressionless and he didn't speak at all, but simply moved in front of the steps leading down to the door, then stood there unmoving. She swiveled her head back to Dante and scowled at him furiously. “If you really are controlling him and this isn't some kind of trick you two cooked up, then you're being exceedingly cruel,” she muttered, trying to tug her arms free of his hold.

Dante merely held on and shrugged. “He is unharmed.”

“Except for his pride,” she snapped, tugging again. “You made him act like a dog.”

“His pride is fine. He will not recall this,” Dante said gently, and then his voice turning cold, he added, “Although it would serve him right if I left him the memory. He has been sniffing around you like a dog all morning.”

“What?” Mary squawked with disbelief. “He has not! He walked with us to the restaurant and joined us for breakfast with his wife,” she said pointedly. “Dave and Carol have been friends for years.”

“Dave has been lusting after you for years,” Dante countered dryly. “And this year planned to take advantage of your missing Joe, get you drunk, and take advantage of you when he so kindly offered to drive you back to the RV last night. The knowledge that I was with you and would return any moment with Bailey is the only reason he didn't try it last night. But he came here this time with the intention of sending me off to “have fun with the young people at the pool” so that he could try it now. Those are the actions of a human dog.”

“He was going to take me back to visit with Carol,” she reminded him with exasperation. Dante was sounding like a jealous lover, which was just ridiculous. He wasn't her lover and . . . well, hell, Joe had never shown a lick of jealousy in all the years they were married. Why would this young man, when they hardly knew each other?

“Carol is not at the offices,” Dante said firmly. “She has driven into town to get the mail. He had no intention of taking you anywhere but to your bed. He is a
dog,” he growled, and then glared at Dave and added, “Although that seems to me to be an insult to Bailey and her kind. She would never behave in so unsavory a manner.”

Mary gaped at him, then turned to peer over her shoulder at Dave again before saying weakly, “I don't believe it.”

“Nevertheless, it is true,” Dante said quietly. “He thinks you aged better than Carol, and, like me, thinks you have a lovely smile and nice figure. He has been lusting after you for decades and only Joe's presence prevented him from acting on it before this. He was afraid your Joe would beat the hell out of him if he ever found out.”

Mary shook her head, finding this impossible to believe.

“Although, he nearly took a chance and tried to bed you that time the four of you were on vacation in a cottage up north and were all in the hot tub. You got out, wrapped a towel around yourself and went in to get more wine for everyone. He followed on the pretext that he needed to use the washroom. But the truth is you were drunk and he hoped to be able to talk you into a ‘quickie.' However, Carol followed to see if she could help you and he was unable to make the attempt.”

Mary stiffened. The trip he was talking about had been ages ago. At least fifteen years ago, she thought. She hadn't told him about it, and was quite sure no one else had mentioned it today either. How could he have known about that trip without reading minds? Still she shook her head in denial.

“What do I have to do to convince you that what I say is true?” Dante hissed with frustration.

Mary just lowered her head. She had no idea. Perhaps there was nothing he could say to convince her. The truth was, Mary had some serious trust issues and she knew it.

Sighing, Dante released her and moved past her to approach Dave. Mary turned slowly, frowning with concern as she watched Dante stop behind the other man. Trepidation rippled along her back in the silence that followed, and then Dante bent and lowered his head to Dave's neck.

Mary blinked in bewilderment. Did Dante plan to make out with everyone? First her, then Dave. Who was next? Carol? One of the workers here? Did it even matter if it was a man or woman?

Hurt and suddenly angry, Mary hurried forward and caught his arm to jerk him away from Dave. Dante straightened and turned to her and she gasped and took a step back. It was Dante, but not Dante. This Dante looked exactly like the one she knew except that instead of the normal, white teeth she'd seen so many times when he smiled, his canines were now fangs, and they were presently coated with blood.

Dave's blood, Mary realized as she glanced to the other man and saw the marks on his neck. They were carbon copies of the marks she'd noted on the necks of Dr. Jenson and a couple of the truck drivers as they'd come out of the RV, smiling and calm. She'd noted the same marks on one of the EMTs too, she recalled.

Dante shifted and Mary glanced to him sharply.
Noting that he'd turned his attention to Dave again, she glanced to the other man and watched him walk down the three steps to the door. He opened it and walked out of the RV, a calm smile on his face just like the ones the truckers had worn.

Mary took a nervous step back when Dante turned to her, but his fangs were gone and every trace of blood with them.

“Now do you believe?” he asked, moving slowly forward.

Mary swallowed and continued to retreat, one step for every one he took forward.

“I am an Atlantean,” Dante said proudly. “Immortal. I need blood to survive. Normally we only feed from bagged blood. In fact, it is against our laws for us to feed directly from mortals, except in emergencies, when we are without bagged blood and in need. Then we may feed on mortals as I just did.”

“Dave,” she began weakly.

“Is fine and will not remember it so long as I don't spend much time around him,” he said grimly.

“Oh,” she breathed and then felt her knees give way. Mary was sure she was going to hit the floor and even tried to prepare herself for the impact, but she'd backed all the way to the bedroom and instead of hitting the floor, her fall was brought up short when she dropped to sit on the bed.

Mary blinked in surprise as she bounced on the cushioned surface, and then blinked again when Dante immediately dropped to kneel before her and took her hands in his. He started to look up at her, but then
paused and glanced back to her hands with a frown. “You are so cold.”

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