Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) (46 page)

Read Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #romance, #beach, #football, #sports, #new jersey, #Humor, #fiction, #new adult, #contemporary, #coming of age

BOOK: Running Back to You (The Running Series, #1)
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“Did you ask my mother, too?” I ask.  At this point, nothing would
surprise me.

“No.  I thought we could invite her to dinner one night and tell her
together.  How does that sound?”  How does he know the perfect thing to say?

“I like that idea.  How about your parents and Callie?  Are we going to
invite them, too?”  I’d love to see them all again.  I hope they feel the same
way about me.

“Absolutely.  It’s time our families meet, don’t you think?”

“I do.  I can’t believe this is really happening.”

As we’re talking, I’m filling a few suitcases with the essentials.  I
open the drawer with my sweats and t-shirts, grab a few, and toss them in the
bag.  As I do, Evan follows behind me, removes them from the suitcase and
places them back in the drawer.

“Excuse me, bossy man.  What do you think you’re doing?” I ask.

“Helping,” he simply states.

“Taking clothes
of my suitcase isn’t helping, chief.”

“That depends.  Why were you packing them?”

“They’re for hanging around in, sleeping, you know, stuff like that.”

“Then I was definitely helping.  You won’t need anything to sleep in ever
again.  As for hanging around, I have other ideas about that, too.”  He sweeps
me into his arms and kisses me deeply.  It feels like ages have passed since
we’ve kissed like this.  His tongue swirls with mine, and I can feel his
passion all the way down to my toes.

He pulls away abruptly.  “What’s wrong?  Why did you stop?” I ask.

“If I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop at all and I’m saving the
rest for when we get home,” he whispers in my ear.

“Home.  I like the sound of that.”  I give him a playful bite on his
neck.  “What do you have in mind?”

“I don’t know.  I thought we would spend the rest of the morning and the
afternoon relaxing before our big night.  Play it by ear.  See what pops up.”

“Well, I didn’t want to say anything and spoil the surprise, but there’s
something I’d like to give you when we get home,” I tease, running my hands up
and down his chest.  He grins devilishly at me.  We are definitely on the same

“Why don’t you tell me what it is.  I have very particular tastes, you
know.  How can you be sure I’ll like it?”  Just teasing like this ignites a
fire in me that burns hot to my core.

“That’s a good point.  I’ll make a deal with you.  If you don’t like it,
you don’t have to keep it.”  I turn away to grab a few more things from my

“It’s good to know I still have some options, just in case.”

“How about something for me?  Do I get a special house-warming gift from
the man of the house?”  My hand sweeps across his tight ass as I move around
the room, collecting and packing.

He grabs my hand and pulls me in close.  “There are a great number of
things I plan on giving you, my love.”

I run my hands across his broad shoulders and down his toned back.  “All
I need is you.”

“What a coincidence.  That’s exactly what I was hoping to give you ... all
of me.”  I can’t control myself; his words reverberate deep inside me.  All I
can think about is his firm, hard body on top of me, moving and gliding with

Evan nibbles on my ear and trails kisses down my neck.  “I love what
you’re wearing.  I used to have a sweatshirt just like it.  How about you take
it off now?”

“Not until we get home, chief.  You ready?”

He grabs my ass and pulls me tightly against him.  I can feel his
erection rubbing against me.  “I’ve been ready.”

Evan brings my bags to his car while I clear my things out of the
bathroom.  I take one last look around the house before I join him.  I haven’t
lived here long, but in the short time I’ve been here, we have created some
memories that I will hold dear for a lifetime.

I lock up the house securely with Maddy inside.  Evan’s house isn’t ready
for a pet yet, so Auggie agrees to keep her for a day.  As soon as I step
outside, I see Evan on the phone pacing frantically.  It doesn’t take me long
to find out what’s got him so worked up.  Spray painted on my car in big bold
letters is the word BITCH.  I walk around to check out the other side, and sure
enough, the word WHORE is emblazoned there.  Great, another gift from my

Perfect.  Just as Evan and I take a step forward, a giant step, in fact,
we’re shoved two steps back.  I can see the sparkle that was there for me just
moments ago, slipping away. 

“No, I have no idea when it happened.  It was dark out when I got here. 
Yeah, I know.  This may be the break we need, buddy.  Check it and get back to
me.”  Evan ends the call and slips his phone into his back pocket.

“What was that all about?” I ask.

“That was Adam.  He’s going to check and see if we got any footage of
whoever did this.”  Footage?  What is he talking about?

“Evan, I don’t understand.  How would you get footage?  My car’s been
parked right here in the driveway all night.”

“I know you said no, but Adam and I included a small surveillance camera
right above the motion detector when the alarm system was installed.  Adam is
pulling up the account online right now.  If we’re lucky, Juliette, we may get
to see who we’re dealing with.  This could be over, baby!”

I grab Evan and hold on tight.  This man is my entire world.  No matter
how long we have together, not even the passing of an entire lifetime would be
long enough to show him how much I love him.

I look into his eyes, eyes that only have love for me, and tell him,
“Baby, take me home.”

On the way, we stop at the Green Planet Coffee Company for caffeine and
nourishment.  This is the place where I first set eyes upon Evan, and now, here
we are, embarking on a new journey together, and, hopefully, ending a very
painful chapter in our lives together.

I get a chai and a banana nut muffin.  Evan orders a latte and an apple
fritter.  We sit on the Adirondack chairs in front of the store, just as Auggie
and I did so many weeks ago, and it feels like a world of possibilities is
opening up before us. 

I warn Evan, “Eat up, chief.  You’re going to need your energy when I get
you home.”

In between kisses and snacking, Evan’s phone rings.  “Talk to me, Adam. 
Did we get anything useful?  No shit.  I’ll be damned.  Okay.  Work on it and
get back to me.”

Evan looks at me and I can’t tell what he’s thinking.  “Well?”

“It’s a woman, Juliette.  She was driving a small black car with New York
plates.  She was wearing a hoodie so we didn’t get any good shots of her
face.”  Not what I was hoping to hear.

“A woman?  Seriously?  I was convinced it was a man.  I guess that clears
Derek.  Remind me to call him later.”

Evan looks at me, eyebrows raised.  I know exactly what he’s thinking.  I
really shouldn’t be calling Derek anymore.  He’s right.  “On second thought, I
can always tell him when I see him at work.”

“Let’s go, baby.  I need to get you home and into my bed.  Now!”

We arrive at home; I still can’t believe this is now my home, too.  When
we reach the front door, Evan shows me how to use the keyless entry.  The key
he gave me is really more of a token than a necessity, although the key will
work should I ever forget the code.  I can’t imagine I ever would, it’s Evan’s
birthday in reverse.  5-2-3-0.

Evan wastes no time bringing my bags to his room, our room.  He places my
bags in the walk-in-closet and I bring my odds-and-ends bag to the bathroom. 

I desperately need a shower.  The saltiness of my tears has left my face
feeling grimy and each invasion into my privacy by my unwelcome admirer leaves
me feeling unclean.  Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

I turn on the showerhead and begin to strip off my clothes while my music
is playing.  Titanium starts up as I slowly ease myself into the cascading
water.  I have the water temperature set super-hot, and it takes me a moment to
let my body adjust to the shock of the heat.  I back into the stream, feeling
the water wash over my hair and run down my back.  I close my eyes and just let
the water work its magic on my muscles and nerves. 

As I pour shampoo into my hand and begin to work it into my hair, the
glass door opens and Evan slips in behind me.  “Let me do that,” he mutters in
my ear.  I immediately drop my hands and reach back behind me.  I place my
hands on his hips and lean back as he massages my scalp.  I could stand here
for hours just enjoying the sensations on every inch of my skin.  His hands
playing with my hair, hard body rubbing up against me, and the hot water
raining down on me, is all creating a beautiful melody that has my nerves

Before Evan places another hand on me, I have got to shave my legs. 
Stubble on his face is hot, but stubble on my legs is not.  I grab my razor and
lift my leg, resting it on the ledge.  As I lean down, running the razor up my
leg, Evan takes advantage of his position behind me and teases me with his firm
erection.  His hands are planted on my hips as he rubs up against me.  I let
out a soft moan, which only prompts him on.  Switching legs only provides him
better access.  He is so close to entering me, I can hardly stand it. 

I hear the click of the shower gel opening, and then the clean smell of
spring flowers fills my senses.  Evan begins to work the soap into the spot
between my shoulders, gently massaging and working the muscles with the perfect
amount of pressure.  As he works his way down my back, I arch into his strong
hands, blissfully lost in his skillful touch.

It feels as if I am being cleansed of all the terrible memories from two
nights ago.  A fresh start.  I turn around to look at the magnificent man here
with me.  So solid and strong, yet graceful and elegant, making me ache for
him.  His touch ignites a fire that burns deep inside me.  “Evan, I don’t know
how I could have doubted you, even for one moment.  Will you ever forgive me?” 
I ask softly.

He takes a deep breath and pulls me up into his arms.  “There are no
regrets with us ... just lessons learned.” I love the way his arms feel around
me.  I feel protected and safe.  He places a small but tender kiss on the top
of my head, and I know he means it.

I step up onto my tiptoes and nibble on his jaw, reaching over to grab
his perfect ass in my hands, pulling him closer.  He is full and hard, and
ready for more.

“My turn,” I tell him.  “Turn around.”  Dutifully, Evan turns his back to
me as requested.  “Place your hands on the wall.”  He does as he is told.  I
watch as the water washes over his ripped body. 

I take the shower wash and pour a generous amount into my hand.  Rubbing
my hands together, I create a soft, foamy lather.  While standing behind him, I
reach around and begin to work the lather across his washboard abs and up his
firm chest.  I can feel my breasts rubbing up against his back as I move from
side to side, making sure not to miss an inch of his amazing skin.  “How does
that feel, baby?” I ask him.

“Mmm,” is his only response.  I stop to get more soapy foam.  There’s
more work to be done.  When Evan moves his hands, I scold him, “Oh, no.  You
stay right there, chief.”  Once I have a sufficient amount of lather, I return
my attention to the area below his abs.  I begin at his pelvis, massaging and
stroking.  The moment my fingers touch his firm erection, he moans deeply. 
Seeing what I do to him, how he responds to me, and how much control I have
over him is intoxicating.  I know I will never get enough of this.  With long,
slow strokes, I show him how much I want him and need him.

Without warning, I back up to the opposite side of the shower.  I intend
to make this last as long as possible.  Evan turns around and moves towards
me.  “No.  Stay there.”  I tell him.  Again, I work a foamy lather into my

“I think you missed a few spots,” I hiss.  I begin by rubbing my breasts,
starting beneath, cupping them firmly in my hands, moving up and around, and
massaging my nipples into hard, firm peaks.  Evan’s eyes open wide, carefully
watching my every move.  His hand reflexively grasps his erection, as he waits
for my next move.

I slowly move my hands down my body, slowing at my belly, then lower.  I
rub the soap across the outer folds of my flesh, grateful that my weekly waxing
has left me smooth and soft. 

Evan watches me like a hungry lion, waiting for his moment to pounce. 
His tongue runs along his lower lip, and I can imagine how his lips would feel
on my skin right now.  The thought of his lips exploring my body sends another
jolt right to my core.

He watches me, flexing his muscles as he caresses his impressive length,
starting slowly, then quickening, sliding rhythmically up and down.  I watch,
rapt in a multitude of emotions – affection, need, fascination, and awe.  I’ve
never seen anything so erotic and overpowering.

As I close my eyes and let out a soft humming moan of pleasure, Evan
turns off the water and wraps his arms around me.  “That’s enough playtime.” 
He steps out of the shower and wraps a soft white towel around his waist.  The
water droplets on his chest sparkle.  I take a deep breath to calm my rapid
pulse.  He grabs a large white towel and motions for me to step out of the
shower and into his waiting arms.  He wraps the towel around me, and holds me
in a tight embrace. 

I look up into his eyes and sigh deeply.  “I love you, Evan Thomas McGuire.”

“Juliette Evangeline Fletcher, I love you more than you could possibly

He takes me by the hand and leads me into the bedroom, our bedroom. 
Standing at the foot of our bed, I drop my towel and climb onto the bed,
motioning for him to join me.  In a flash, he is on top of me, covering my lips
with his and plunging his tongue deep into my mouth.  I mewl with contentment,
relishing in the feeling of his skin pressed against mine.  I rake my nails
down his back, and he moans for me. 

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