Running for Her Life (22 page)

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Authors: Beverly Long

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Running for Her Life
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“You were being extra careful.”

She shrugged. “I didn’t want to have to keep running.”

“Why didn’t you work at another newspaper? Why Nel’s?”

“I knew that if Michael looked for me, he’d look at another paper. He knew I loved my work. And even if he wasn’t successful right away, he’d trace me through tax records. The paper would have reported my wages. I’d have had to use my real name and my Social Security number. It was only a matter of time.”

“But he wouldn’t think about you being in the restaurant business?”

“No. When I was with Michael, I could barely boil water.”

“What about the man who gave you a ride to the farmhouse?”

She licked her lips. “He called me Tara. I never gave him my name. He knew that I was going to be in that car, alongside that road. I believe Michael or someone Michael sent waited inside that house.”

She might be right. Someone had been inside the house. “You think Waller knew?”

“It only makes sense. He’s been eating at my counter for months but now he asks me for a date? Why now?”

He might just kill the man after all. “The night at my parents’ house, you messed with my dad’s camera. Why?”

She blushed. “I didn’t know anybody saw that. Pictures are very dangerous. One could get posted online and travel the world in seconds. Or printed and stuck on a refrigerator. You’d told me your brother studied journalism in Chicago. I have friends in Chicago. What if he had a copy and by chance, he knows people that I know?”

“You’re very smart,” he said. “You were controlling everything you could.”

“Yes, but I always knew that it might not be enough. That somehow he would find me. I always knew I might need to run again and I was ready.”

He knew she’d been ready. “Tara, there are a couple of things you need to know.”

She looked at him with trust in her eyes and it made his chest tight. He had betrayed her and he would not blame her if she never forgave him.

“I followed you to the Minneapolis library. I saw you on the computer. I wasn’t close enough to see what you were looking at.”

She considered this. “So when you came to the restaurant and I told you that I’d been there all morning cleaning vegetables for soup, you knew I was lying to you?”


“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“You don’t have to apologize to me. I owe you one. I did something that I’m not very proud of. Shortly after that trip to Minneapolis, I went to your house, when you weren’t home, and I searched it.”

She opened her mouth, as if to say something, but he plowed on, determined that she needed to know it all. “Henry gave me the key because he wanted me to change some lightbulbs in your stairway. I found your bag above the ceiling tiles. Because I was looking. I knew it was a getaway bag. I just didn’t know why. And quite honestly, I thought it might be because you were a bad person. My gut told me different but I couldn’t deny the evidence.” He stopped and sucked in a much-needed breath.

She studied him for a long minute and then shrugged her delicate shoulders. “You knew I was lying to you. You couldn’t have trusted me. Quite honestly, I’d have done the same thing.” She smiled and it gave him hope. “After all,” she continued, “I’m not sure I’m in a position to judge. I assumed someone’s identity, for goodness’ sake.”

“You had no choice,” he said.

“There were choices. I made the best one I could at the time. I think you probably did the same.”

He was humbled by her ability to see it from his perspective. “Tara, you’re a good person, a really good person.”

“I don’t know about that. What I was trying to be was a really prepared person. I thought if Michael came to my house, I would find some way to get into the bathroom. I would have used the cell phone to call the sheriff and then I would have climbed out the bathroom window.” She smiled more broadly. “I guess I can spend that money. I’m not running. I’m not letting him win.”

“He’s a bastard.”

“He is. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I know how you feel about lying. I don’t expect that you’ll understand. But Jake, if you wouldn’t mind, could you just hold me? Just for a little while.”

He pulled her close and she rested her head on his shoulder. She felt warm and soft, and he desperately wanted to touch her.

“Jake,” Tara whispered. “Could you do something for me?”

He’d slay dragons for her. “Absolutely.”

“I want you to make love to me.”

“What?” Jake heard his voice crack.

“I want you to make love to me. Tonight. All night.”

He wanted her desperately. “Tara, I’ll be gone in two weeks.”

“I know, Jake. It doesn’t matter. I still want you.” She pressed her hot lips to his neck.


She pulled his T-shirt up and put her hands on his stomach, then moved them higher, her thumbs rubbing across his flat nipples.


One hand leisurely traveled down his sternum and across his ribs. Then lower. She unsnapped his jeans. He grabbed her wrist, gently but firmly. He wanted her with a desperation that bordered on insanity and he wasn’t all that sure of his own self-control. “You’re sure?”

She nodded.

He pulled her toward the stairs. And on each step, he kissed her. Hot, long, wet kisses. And when they finally made it to her bedroom, they fell on the bed in a heap of arms and legs. He straddled her, one leg on either side of her hips. He lifted her arms, gently pulling them over her head and held them there, her wrists clasped in his one hand. He took his other hand and traced the bones of her face.

“Stunning,” he said. “Just stunning.” He leaned over her, stopping when his lips hovered just inches away from her mouth. Then he kissed her again. This time gently, lightly. His tongue traced the outline of her lips. She opened her mouth, urging him inside.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

She blushed. “Oh, Jake, you don’t have to say that,” she said. “I’m in a T-shirt, for gosh sakes. I don’t even have any makeup on. I look like I’m twelve and ready for a slumber party.”

“Tara, listen to me.” He lifted his head, careful to keep his full weight off of her. “You are, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the sexiest and most beautiful woman I have ever known. It doesn’t matter what you wear, it’s what you are.”

Her eyes filled with tears. She pulled her hands from his grasp and this time he let her go. She reached up under his shirt, wrapping her arms around his back muscles, pulling him to her. “I want to do this. I don’t want to think about it or talk about it anymore. I just want to do it. I want you to—”

Her plea was interrupted as his mouth found hers. She wiggled and he groaned. She stretched and he stroked. Consistent with the law of nature, each action caused a reaction.

Jake pulled her T-shirt over her head and unsnapped her bra. He stared at her breasts. Pale skin. Rose-colored nipples. Beautiful. He buried his face in the valley between her full breasts. He licked her, small, wet nibbles that turned into long, succulent feasts. She arched in his arms. He rolled her nipples between his forefinger and thumb before bending and skimming his teeth against her. He tasted her, drawing her deep into his mouth, and when he heard her moan, it fed his greed.

She reached for the zipper on his jeans. He shifted, stopping her. “Hang on, sweetheart. We don’t want this over with before it’s barely begun.”

He unzipped her shorts and slipped his fingers inside the waistband. Her skin was warm and her stomach muscles jerked when he touched her.

It made him feel like he could leap tall buildings or swing from trees.

Unable to wait a minute more, he pulled her shorts down. She lay before him, naked with the exception of her pale green panties. She smiled at him, lifted her perfect rear end and slipped them down her legs.

She was beautifully shaped. Her skin was fair with a scattering of freckles that matched the ones on her face.

“I don’t want to be the only one naked,” she said.

It was all the encouragement he needed. He clawed at his own clothing, shedding his shirt and pants. He pulled down his underwear. She watched, quietly.

“I’m naked,” he said, finally.

“I see that,” she said, very seriously.

Then she put out her hand, stopping him. “It’s been a long time,” she said. “And I was never very good at this.”

His heart started beating again. He guided her hand toward him. “I’ve dreamed of touching you. Of you, touching me.”

She was tentative at first. Playful. And he wondered if he could stand it. He closed his eyes while her fingers teased him. It was too much and not enough. It was torment and pleasure. “Oh, Tara,” he said, pulling away. “I can’t wait much longer, but I need to know that you’re ready for me.”

He licked her hot skin. Ever so gently he kissed her. He stroked, he teased, he thought he might die if he didn’t have her soon.

She twisted, turned, and he held her. She squirmed, he pressed and she strained against his fingers. Her eyes flew open. “Oh, my gosh. Jake. Do something!”

“Oh, Tara,” he whispered in her ear. “You are so beautiful.” He rolled over on his back, pulling her on top of him. “I’m too heavy for you.”

She straddled him, like a goddess, and he guided himself into her. She felt hot and tight and when he lifted his hips and pushed into her, she squeezed him, making him want.

“Are you okay?” he asked. She squirmed and drew him in deeper. “Tara, is everything okay?” He grabbed her hips to still her.

“Yes. This is wonderful,” she purred. She pushed his hands away so that she could move freely. Up and down, she moved her hips. Rising and falling, rocking back and forth.

He pressed the pad of his thumb against her. She threw her head back and flew apart around him, her delicate muscles clenching him tight. Again and again.

He put his hands on her hips, pulled her tight, arched and exploded inside her.

Chapter Sixteen

Jake woke up with a smile on his face. He couldn’t see it but he was sure it was there. He reached over to pull Tara close only to discover that she was already up. He closed his eyes for just a moment, savoring the memories. And when he opened them, Tara was there. A cup of coffee in each hand.

“Good morning,” she said.

“Morning.” He patted the bed next to him. “Care to join me at my table?”

“I’d love to, but there’s a man in the other room with eggs and bacon at his table.”

“I shall have to kill him.” Jake grabbed the tie of her robe and pulled it open. She was naked underneath. “Now I’m really going to have to kill him.”

“It’s time to get up. We have to go to work.” Tara handed him his coffee. Jake set it down immediately and reached for her. He kissed her soundly. When she opened her mouth, he pulled back, knowing that they’d never make it to work. “Keep kissing me like that and you’re likely to lose your business. It’s hard to make a living if you never unlock the doors.”

“I suppose. Do you want the shower first?”


“Too bad.” Tara jumped off the bed, racing for the bathroom. Jake caught her in three steps, whirling her in the air. He picked her up, carried her to the shower and turned the water on. Cold. But it didn’t matter. They generated all the heat they needed.

* * *

on me,” Tara whispered. “I’m always here before Janet.” She looked at her watch. The restaurant opened in less than five minutes.

Jake had followed Tara to town. Tara had jumped out of her van, but he remained in his car. He leaned out the window. “Just tell her we were having wild sex in the shower.”

“You’re horrible,” Tara said.

“Give me an hour and I’ll prove to you just how bad I can be.”

“Behave,” Tara insisted, narrowing her eyes when he gave her a broad smile. “And don’t come in for at least five minutes. I don’t want people getting suspicious.”

He held up his index finger, stopping her. “There is one thing you need to be very obvious about. Waller needs to understand that there aren’t going to be any steaks grilling at your house tonight or any other night.”

“I’ll take care of it,” she said.

“Good. Because if you don’t, I will.”

Tara rolled her eyes and walked away. She opened the back door. “Hi, Janet. Sorry I’m late.”

Janet nodded and continued frying bacon. Tara threw her purse and jacket in the corner and was grateful when she saw that Janet had already started the coffee. She flipped the Open sign over, unlocked the door and greeted Nicholi, who was waiting outside. “Morning, Nicholi. I hope you haven’t been waiting long. I was running a little late.”

“No problem. It’s a beautiful day.”

Yes, it is,
thought Tara. The sun, although low on the horizon, was already bright and not a cloud marred the brilliant blue sky. The grass even seemed greener. The world sparkled with color. She’d shared her deepest, darkest secret with Jake. She felt unburdened, as if a great weight had been lifted. She was free.

He hadn’t looked at her with condemnation or disgust. He’d understood. And then he’d held her, keeping the fear and the doubts at bay. And in the middle of the night, when they’d finally slept, Tara had awakened, cradled in his arms, and she had felt safe. For the first time in forever, she had felt safe.

Nicholi and Toby were already on their respective stools when Jake arrived. She smiled at him and could feel the heat surge to her face. He nodded and studied the menu, as if he hadn’t seen it before.

Oh, good grief.
How were they ever going to pretend that everything was the same as it had been yesterday? It was all different.

But if she wasn’t careful, it could prove fatal for Jake. While he’d seemed unconvinced last night that Michael was really closing in, Tara was still sure. There was no other explanation. Jake had promised to do some calling this morning and check up on Michael’s whereabouts. She’d been nervous about that but Jake had assured her that he had cop friends who had cop friends in Washington, D.C., and they would be discreet. Michael would never know that inquiries came from Wyattville, Minnesota.

She trusted Jake. It felt good to say that.

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