Running Home (19 page)

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Authors: T.A. Hardenbrook

BOOK: Running Home
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“I made an extra, you want?” Carmen asked as she licked some pickle juic
that was running down her hand with her tongue. My dick started to twitch as I watched her slowly suck the juice from her hand, her full lips wet and plump. What I would kill for them to be wrapped around my…………………..

“Earth to Walker, are you listening to me?” Carmen pointed
out, as I stood there in my own mini fantasy world I apparently got lost in.

Sandwich? No, I’m good, thanks though,” I managed to sputter out.
Way to look like a sputtering idiot,
I thought to myself.

“Okay, well I’ll put it in the fridge then.”

I nodded and headed out the door. I needed space, lots and lots of space, right now. The rumble of the tractor provided a great distraction to my mind. This wasn’t about what I needed; it was about having Carmen comfortable with herself again. It was no lie, I wanted her. But I have always been drawn to her magnetic personality; she was everything I wanted in life, and would never have. A couple hours out here in the field would settle the feelings that seemed to be growing at alarming rates. I needed to pull myself together…………….not only for my sake, but for hers as well.



I was close to having the east pasture done
, when I noticed Carmen walk out into the field. She had changed into her old Cash t-shirt and a pair of little jean shorts. This woman was not going to make this easy on me; she was the picture of the perfect wife. She smiled and waved when she got closer, holding a cold water bottle out in front of her. I flashed a smile back, and shut down the machine; she was killing me.

“Thought you might be thirsty,” She announced,
as she held the water bottle up for me to grab.

“Thanks, B
abe,” I replied quickly without thinking of my word selection. Carmen giggled at my response.
I can’t believe I just said that.

“How much more do you have to do?”

“Maybe another half hour or something like that,” I replied as I gulped the rest of the water down.

“Oh okay.
” She sighed.

“Climb up here,” I demanded, holding my hand out to help pull her up. She looked up at me like I was crazy, but extended her hand and scaled the tractor. I scooted back in the seat and patted the space in front of me. Carmen’s face light up as she settled herself between my legs and let her body relax in the seat.
I reached around her and turned the key as the engine roared to life. Carmen let out a light hearted laugh as she turned her head around to look at me. I just smiled back and reached my other arm around her, gripping the steering wheel tight. She snuggled into my chest, and rested her hands on the top of my thighs. I gently kissed the side of her head, and set out to accomplish the rest of the field. No words were exchanged; just an unspoken sense of understanding from the both of us. I loved this moment right here.

“Gravity” John Mayer



“Hey, Derek is having some people over tonight for a fire, you want to come with?” Walker asked, as I sat in my bedroom looking through an old year book I found on the bookshelf in the living room. I wasn’t sure of hanging out with Walker’s friends from high school, considering that they never really were my friends. Chewing on the bottom of my lip, I contemplated what could be the worst possible outcome. I could get ignored, snarky comments from fake bitches could be thrown, or they could accept me.

“Stop t
hinking so hard and get changed,” Walker demanded as he walked out of the room. Glancing down at my jean shorts and old t-shirt that still smelled like we were plowing the fields, I knew I needed to change. I pulled out a clean Waylon Jennings old tour shirt.

What do you think, boy?” Waylon lifted his head from the foot of my bed and stretched back out. “I take that as a yes,” I laughed. Digging through one of the boxes I still had yet to unpack from Grams’, I searched for my old brown boots. “I swore I threw them in this box,” I grumbled as I searched.

“Looking for these?” Walker said with a smirk. I walked over and snatched them out of his hands
, and stuck my tongue out at him. “ A simple thanks would have sufficed,” he stated.

“Bite me,” I declared. I wouldn’t mind him biting
me, I wouldn’t mind him doing just about anything to me.

Walker just shook h
is head and left the room again. “I’m leaving in twenty, you better be ready.”

I ran to the bathroom to brush out the braid in my hair and quickly ran a toothbrush back over my teeth.
Grinning in the mirror, I gave myself a once over and agreed with the reflection. I was starting to look like me again. I knew it would take a while to gain the weight and develop the tan again, but at least my eyes held the sparkle that was missing for so many years again. “You coming Waylon?” I called for the dog, listening for the jingle of his collar to follow. A chocolate brown head popped around the corner as he lazily meandered down the hallway. “Come on, slow poke, we wouldn’t want to keep Prince Charming waiting.” I laughed.



“So I noticed you
were talking to a guy at church……… was that Derek?” I asked Walker as we headed into town. Walker nodded his head, and offered a smile that melted my heart. Screw this damn man and his perfect good looks. “And the woman he was with?”

“That’s his wife
, Rachel; they got married a year or so after high school.”

“Where did they meet? I know she isn
’t from here,” I asked while stroking the soft fur of Waylon’s head in my lap.

Walker glanced over at the two of us and shook his head. Waylon had slept with me t
he last couple nights since I’d been there, and wherever I was the dog wasn’t far behind. I was starting to think Walker was a little butt hurt over the relationship, but he claimed it was for the better. He now had more room in bed, since I shared the majority of the tiny twin bed with the mutt now.

“They me
t at the country bar in the next town; she was the Watermelon Queen that year, and it all went downhill from there.” Walker laughed. “She is really nice, you’ll love her. They have two daughters too, but I’m betting they will be asleep when we get there. Their youngest is a spitfire; she is going to drive her daddy nuts when she is older.”

“I know how that goes,” I said

I was that spitfire long ago, just never managed to tame
my wild ways. Now I wished I had; none of the past might have happened if I had just settled down. But, then again, I might not have had this moment with Walker can’t erase the past without screwing up the future.



My worries
from earlier were somewhat true. Some people completely ignored me, but then there were others who embraced me being home. And Walker was right, I did love Rachel. She was an amazing woman; completely put together and sure of herself. I only hoped I could obtain that self-confidence she rocked sometime in my life; even just a sliver of it would be amazing.

, you want a beer?” Derek asked, as he flopped himself down in a chair next to me.

o thanks, I don’t drink anymore,” I said with confidence. I would love to have a beer again, but I know I’m not strong enough yet. Drinking could lead to other things, and well, I don’t think I could find the stuff I wanted here. I didn’t need to create the desire, and need even more.

, sorry, I forgot,” Derek said sheepishly as he tucked his bottle to the other side of his chair, basically out of the line of sight for me.

It’s okay; no worries.”

, how do you like being home? Ready to come in and meet the sheriff tomorrow?”

“I really
didn’t think I would have ever come back here, but now that I did I can’t believe I ever left,” I said with a smile, as Walker glanced over from across the fire pit and smiled back at me. His smile melted my insides every single time he looked at me. “Meeting the sheriff tomorrow is a completely different story.”

, he is a push over; don’t worry about it. Mason and I have your back,” Derek responded before he took a long pull from his bottle. I licked my lips as I watched him swallow the cold goodness. Quickly, I twisted the top to my water and slammed some of it down; this was as good as it got tonight.

“What kind of stories is this man telling you
, Carmen? You can’t believe anything he says,” Walker warned me, as he walked up and placed his hands on the tops of my shoulders. I shivered at the touch; my mind could tell my body to stop the reaction, but my body wouldn’t listen. Every part of me pulled for that man, and even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn’t stop the reaction and want.

haven’t told her anything, but maybe you should.”

Walker laughed and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You almost ready to head out? I have an early shift tomorrow

I nodded my head
and went to stand. “Thanks for inviting me tonight,” I turned and said to Derek.

“Not a problem
, Carmen. You are always welcome out here. Even if you leave that one at home.” He pointed to Walker and howled at his own comment.

“You might want to lay off the drinking there buddy, you don’t come in much later than I do,” Walker advised
, as he reached for my hand to walk over to the Bronco. The jolt of electricity happened again when we touched; it happened every time our skin made contact. I didn’t pull away and he offered a smile. It was a comfortable existence between the two of us. Something neither of us tried to explain.

e everyone!” Walker shouted, as he opened the door for me to climb in. I waved at the crowd and hauled myself into the truck.

“Are you okay to drive?” I questioned him as he got in and buckled his seatbelt.

“Did you see me drinking?”

I thought for a second
, and tried to recall the evening in my head. “No, I don’t think so,” I stated. Come to think about it, I never saw anything in his hands the entire night.

Its because I only drink at home; no reason to screw up my job with a couple beers. Not worth it.” He shrugs and flips on the headlights. The rest of the drive home was silent, but not in a bad way. This was my new life, and I was finally becoming at ease with it.



We pulled up in front of the house
, and I let out a huge yawn. It had been a long day; the most interaction I had with people in a very long time. I unclipped my seatbelt, and went to reach for the door handle when it all of a sudden pulled away from my grasp.

“Want a ride?” Walker laughed as he turned around for me to climb on his back.

I giggled and slid onto his back
what I really want is to ride him naked.
Walker kicked the door closed with his foot and headed for the door, opening it, and then standing back for Waylon to wander in first. I reached back, and slammed the door closed as he took off for his bedroom.

“Wrong room
, genius,” I commented as he tossed me on his gigantic bed. I could see a small smile spread across his lips with the sliver of moonlight that was peeking through the blinds.
What in the world was going on here?
I normally read situations pretty well when I was sober, and for some reason right now was confusing the hell out of me. I scrambled off the bed and stood next to his tall frame. The dark grey Henley shirt and the low slung jeans made my mouth water; I needed to walk away before I made my lust obvious. I started to step around him and head off to my room, when his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

, wait,” he said as he pulled me back to him.

Our lips instantly met
, and all the feelings I had been trying to keep to myself were made known. His hands locked behind my neck as he forced our lips closer to each other, not allowing a fraction of space between our lips. A small groan escaped my mouth; this was the moment I had been dying for. I reached my arms around his trim waist and pressed my fingertips into his back, feeling the muscles I’ve only been able to see until this moment now.

“Carmen, t
ell me to stop,” Walker mumbled, as our lips glided over each other’s and the grasp on our bodies became tighter.

“I don’t want you to stop.”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”

, because right now this is exactly what I want to be doing,” I calmly hinted.

I’ve wanted this for so long now. His lips crashed back on mine as he hands slid down my back. Reaching for the bottom of his Henley
, I tugged it upwards; I wanted to touch his skin. Walker reached over the back of his head, and in one pull had the shirt off his delectable body. He broke the kiss as he tossed his shirt to the corner of his room. My eyes wandered down his chest to his abs; he was cut and defined.

Pressing my lips to his chest I let my mouth linger
, as I slowly trailed them down to his mouthwatering abs. Walker moaned as I gently sucked on his skin, using my hands to pull his body harder into me. I let the tip of my tongue run along the contours of his stomach, moving over each of his gorgeous abs, stopping right before his pant line. I brought my index finger up and ran it on the inside of his jeans, searching for the band of his boxers. A naughty smile crept across my face when I realized he wasn’t wearing any oh, this was going to be good.


Abruptly, I was being pulled up from my now kneeling position and tossed onto the bed. A look of desire was burning in Walker’s eyes. I knew, in this moment, that my entire life was going to change. I started to pull myself up from the bed, when he narrowed his beautiful blue eyes at me.

“Don’t move
, Carmen. It’s my turn first.” The edges of his lips turned up in a devilish smile as he climbed on the bed and pushed me back down. He brought his legs over my body and straddled my hips, instantly causing me to buck myself into him.

“Shhhhh………I’ve wanted this for so long. We are going slow tonight
, Carmen; I want to enjoy this.” He leaned over my body and whispered in my ear, before sucking on the soft skin right below it. The heat of his breath caused my body to shiver; I wanted this man inside me right now.

, I need you.”

“What did I tell you
, Carmen?” Walker sat up on my body and started to tug on the hem of my t-shirt. I groaned as he slowly teased the shirt up on my stomach, stopping right before my bra.

“I have wanted to see these since you pressed them into
me the first day,” he said in a lustful voice. His fingers traced the edges of my black lace bra. His fingertips felt like fire on my bare skin. “You are so beautiful, Carmen.” I arched my back as he placed a hot wet kiss right below my bra; I needed him to touch me. Little by little, he slid the shirt up over my breasts and pulled it off my body, tossing it on the floor with his. I watched as his eyes light up and his tongue smoothed over his lips. I was going to lose it if this man didn’t get with it. His hands reached out and cupped both of my breasts, squeezing them firmly as he closed his eyes in pleasure.

“These are amazing
, Carmen; you are amazing.”

All I could do was whimper, it had been so long since I had been touched, and with a loving pair of hands at that. Every part of my body
felt like it was in an inferno. The heat of the moment scorched my senses, making me desperate for more. I reached behind me and unclasped the back of my bra, letting the fabric fall loosely in his hands.

“A little eager there baby?” Walker hushed
, as he discarded the fabric and let my breasts fall free of their confinement. He eagerly brought his mouth down to suck on my skin, as I wrapped my fingers around him, and thrust them in his short hair. Walker moaned as he switched between both breasts, not being able to decide which one to stay and focus on.

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