Running Home (20 page)

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Authors: T.A. Hardenbrook

BOOK: Running Home
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I grabbed his head and brought his lips back to mine, pulling his body down upon mine
. The weight of him on top of me felt remarkable, and my hips lifted off the bed slightly to grind my crotch into his. This was the best feeling in the entire world; the pure desire that was shared between us was unbelievable. I wanted this to last forever; I wanted to be his.

My hands flew to his jeans, as my fingers worked at getting them unbuttoned. The button popped
, and a low growl came from Walker’s lips as I tugged them down and pushed them off his body. I could feel his hard length press against my legs, and I was desperate to touch him. I pushed his chest, back and wiggled my body out from underneath him.

“Get bac
k here,” Walker demanded. His voice was stern and ragged.

It’s my turn now,” I said as I started to slide down him to his lower body. I stopped at his hip bones; pressing kisses down the deep V he had set in his sides. Gosh this man was fucking hot. How I managed to go three days without jumping in the sack is beyond my comprehension. My eyes shifted lower and I caught sight of his dick. “Perfect,” I purred, as I took it in my hands. The length of his member was incredible, but what surprised me more was the width it carried. The sheer thickness of him would likely send me into an automatic orgasm with just one thrust inside me.

I started to stroke the length of him, squeezing his shaft as I got closer to the base. “
Carmen, baby, that feels so good,” Walker muttered, as I settled my body between his legs. I bent over his dick and blew on the tip, while stroking it faster. Walker’s body shuddered at the warm breath on his member, and jumped when my tongue swirled over the head.

, you can’t keep doing that. It’s so fucking hot that I’m going to cum right here if you keep rubbing me that way.” I let a small devilish grin spread across my face, as I used my other hand to cup his balls, rolling them around in the palm of my hot hand.

stop,” he panted; I knew he was getting close. I slowly got up on my knees and undid the button to my jeans, sliding them down my thighs gradually, letting the visual of getting fully naked linger in his mind. Walker’s eyes grew larger when he caught sight of my black G-string.
I thought to myself as I slithered the remaining way out of my jeans.

Walker shot up off the bed and grabbed me around the waist, throwing my body under him on the bed. His lips met mine again with such intensity I forgot for a moment where
we were; this had to be the hottest moment I’ve ever had.

“I want to be inside you,” Walker exclaimed as he pressed his cock harder into my hips.

“Well then, what are you waiting for?” I questioned as I bit down softly on his bottom lip.

His hands flew to the side of his nightstand and dangled around in there for a couple seconds. I diverted my eyes to what he was doing
, and noticed a shiny gold package being pulled from the drawer. He sat up, straddling my body as he tore into the foil, tossing the wrapper off the bed, and sliding the condom on with one hand.

“Are you sure about this?” He whispered as he lowered himself over my body again.

“Walker, please stop talking and fuck me,” I demanded as I felt his member play with the entrance to my fold. Walker hesitated for a second, before he pushed his hard length into my body; sheer bliss rocked my world as his cock filled up every inch of my sweetness.

“I’ve waited a long time to do this,” Walker grunted as he slid in and out of my body, causing waves of pleasure
to ripple through me each time he crashed himself back inside me.

“No more talking; I just want you to fuck me hard,
” I demanded as my body tightened. I knew what was coming next, and my body begged for that sweet sexual release. My core started to shake, and the feeling was tingling throughout my entire body, “Walker,” I moaned as he thrust into me again.

“Let go
, Carmen; just let it go.”

With those simple words
, the pleasure rocked my body, sending me into euphoric bliss. Walker pressed himself inside me once more, and I felt his strong release deep inside. A low groan escaped from his lips as I tried to bring myself back from the high I just rode. He pressed his lips firmly to my forehead, and slid off my sweaty body.

“That was amazing,” Walker panted.

“Shh…………don’t talk,” I whispered. I wanted to enjoy the ecstasy for a few moments more.


“Broken” Lifehouse



My alarm rang early in the morning, and even before I opened my eyes I knew the sun wasn’t out yet.
Groaning, I stretched my tired achy body; reaching over to shut off the instant beeping noise, I noticed the clothes on the floor.
Holy shit, it wasn’t a dream,
I thought and bolted upright in bed. I realized I was alone in bed, and couldn’t remember falling asleep last night. Peeling back the covers I wandered naked down the small hallway to Carmen’s room, silently praying she was in there. Turning the knob slowly, I stuck my head into the small bedroom. A huge sigh of relief washed over me; Carmen was buried under the covers on the small bed. It hurt to know that she didn’t want to share my bed last night, but I knew she had her own demons to battle. I couldn’t get angry or that upset knowing she had a mountain of turmoil to climb; we could figure out the sleeping arrangement later. I had to fight the urge to kiss her; I just wanted to taste those lips one more time. Tiptoeing back down the hall, I entered the bathroom. I needed a cold shower; just watching her sleep this morning gave me a raging hard on good thing I always got up a little earlier then I needed to in the mornings.

I hurried and
dressed in my uniform, and scrambled out into the kitchen to make some coffee and get Waylon his breakfast. I poured the kibble into his bowl, and the mutt came scampering from Carmen’s room. Shaking my head at the furry creature, I stuck a pod into my Keurig and waited for it to brew the strong warm goodness my body craved this morning.

down at the table with my cup, I quickly inhaled the liquid and wrote a quick note for Carmen, leaving the Bronco keys on the table so she could get to work this morning too. I sat and contemplated on how to end the note.
Should I write love you? Or maybe just Walker?
We had yet to talk about last night, and well, if the obvious wasn’t stated about our feelings then something’s wrong with us. I rapidly scribbled out my name without wasting any more time thinking of the dilemma and set my empty cup in the sink. “You ready?” I called to Waylon, who had flopped himself down on the cool tile of the kitchen floor. The dog sluggishly raised himself off the floor and headed out the open door I was holding. Closing the door softly, I headed over to my patrol car. What I would have given to have her in bed with me this morning.



I headed into the office to drop Waylon off
, and check my email. I knew there wasn’t much I had to do today in paperwork crap, but wanted to make sure everything was set to roll on our meeting this afternoon with Sheriff. I know he told me not to worry about the parole situation, but it was hard to push it to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to screw anything up and have Mike get angry and revoke the deal we made. He was still ultimately in charge; I was just the keeper for the time being.

, Rachel says to tell Carmen it was a nice to meet her last night and wants to invite you two over for dinner sometime this week. Oh, and dinner isn’t an option, as she has my balls in a vice grip at all times,” Derek threatened as he made himself comfortable in the chair across from my desk.

“I’ll tell her, and I don’t think dinner would be a
n issue,” I snipe back at him. He needed to take his man card back from his wife. I was pretty sure it had been revoked since the bachelor party two years ago.

, what happened last night after you guys left?”

” I said simply, shuffling some papers on my desk to hopefully distract him from my short answer.

“Don’t give me that bullshit
, Mason, I watched the interaction with you two last night; I can see you wanted in her pants just as much as she wanted in yours,” Derek teased.

, Derek, I don’t know. I have wanted that girl since we were in grade school. Nothing ever happened while growing, up except for that one night when we were wasted. Other than that, I have stood faithfully by her side and waited for her to see me. She always went after the bad boy types, and I’m not that kind of guy.”

, like tattoos, dirty rock band kind of guys?” Derek questioned.

, like that. I was just the best friend; the one who made sure she didn’t end up dead during the late night debacles. I would have done anything for her to see me in a different light, but I don’t think it ever happened. And when she called me the other day to come get her, it wasn’t about feelings anymore. It was just my best friend needing my help. I noticed how broken and hurt she was and I wanted to make it right……… you know, fix her.” I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Even after last night, how was I going to convince her I was serious about wanting something more with her. It wasn’t a loneliness that played on my emotions last night. It was years of wanting, yearning, begging for her to be mine that played out in my actions, and it wasn’t a mistake.

, you bagged her last night,” Derek said simply; not a hint of emotion crossed his face.

“I didn’t ‘bag’ her
, Derek, but we slept together yes.”

“I knew it! You walked in here all doom and gloom like someone just
told you your willy was small.”

“Whatever Derek. It wasn’t li
ke that.” I glared at the man; he was starting to piss me off.

Well,did you guys, like, talk? I know my wife always wants to do that kind of shit after I manage to get lucky.”

, we didn’t talk; I woke up alone this morning,” I mentioned with a frown.

“So she left your bed in the middle of the night? Did you not rock her world there
, buddy?” Derek laughed and kicked his feet up on the corner of my desk. I shoved them off and narrowed my eyes at my friend; he was lucky we were at work, or I would be pounding my fist into that smug face of his.

I don’t know what to say to her. I mean, it’s never been this awkward to be with a woman.”

cause you love her, man. That stupid thing called love. Trust me, as much as I complain about my life, I would be miserable without Rachel,” Derek praised.

I knew I loved her, hell I have for years now. But now is not the time to act on those feelings, last night was a mistake. A fucking huge ass mistake that shouldn’t
have happened. I can’t help her, when my mind is wrapped around wanting to get her naked and fuck her all the time. She needs a friend, not a bed buddy. “Well, love is going to have to wait. She needs other things first, and that four letter word seems to always complicate things more than it ever helps.”



I spent the re
st of the morning out on patrol; cruising the town and checking on the elderly. I loved being an officer in this town; it was the perfect setting to live the rest of my life in. People sat and talked on their front porches, flower beds lined the front of stores down on Main Street, and children played until their hearts were content in the park. It was a picture perfect setting; one that could be seen on the fronts of postcards in airports.

I was down at the outskirts of town where an older motel
, ran by the Scotts’, sat and was my normal turn around point to head back, when I noticed a Cadillac dive into the parking lot. This wasn’t a car I’d seen around town, and for them to be going that fast they must be from somewhere else. The speed limit changed a mile back, so obviously they didn’t care about speeding. “Hey Gloria, I’m going to go check on a car; will be stepping out of the vehicle for a moment,” I radioed back into base. Shit last time I did this my heart was crushed into a bunch of pieces. I pulled into the parking lot and waved to Mr. Scott, who was out front of the office fixing a sprinkler.

The black car had its driver’s door open
, and the occupant was digging through something in the back seat. I parked my car two spots over, and climbed out to check on the guy. Getting closer I noticed the inside of the vehicle was trashed. Garbage and clothes were scattered everywhere in the backseat, and the front was littered with empty bottles and fast food wrappers.

“How’s it going today?” I loudly announced as I walked up on the guy. The man tensed and froze in his spot, not yet looking up
to make eye contact. I cautiously wandered over to where he was standing and addressed him again. “Can I help you with something, sir?”

“Sorry O
fficer, I was just looking for my wallet,” the man replied with a sly smile. He reminded me of a surf bum; one that you see in movies who spend their entire life on the beach, waiting to catch the next killer wave.

“I can get you a couple gar
bage bags if you want to clean out your car, Mr……….” I stated as I waited for his name.

“Carson, the name is Carson,” he snapped and turned to glare at me. I get the fact that some people don’t like the law enforcement, but all I offered to do was see if he wanted some help cleaning out the pigsty that he called a car.

“Are you staying at the motel, Carson?” I questioned as he stood there, his body tense and rigid.

“Yeah, just for a couple days. Just needing to catch up with someone
, then I’m heading back to Cali,” he stated, slamming the door shut.

“Someone in this town?”
A long pause filled the air as Carson looked like he was pondering what to tell me.

, I don’t think so. Anything else you need, Officer?” His voice had lowered an octave and I could tell by his body language, and his choice of words, that the man was lying.

“Just checking on MY town. Make sure you pay at
tention to the speed limit signs. They change several times as you travel along this road.” I made sure to add the emphasis on MY town as much as I could muster; nothing was going to happen in this place as long as I had control.

“Yeah sure;
like I said, I shouldn’t be here long,” Carson snapped as he fumbled, trying to light a cigarette he pulled from behind his ear. I nodded my head and wandered over to where Mr. Scott was still messing with a sprinkler head.

“Need any help
, Dale?” I announced.

“No thanks
, Walker, I think I’ve finally got the darn thing to stop shooting off like a geyser.”

“I just have a quick quest
ion about your guest over there………. when did he check in?”

Mr. Scott looked over at the black Cadillac
, and a frown appeared on his worn face. “Yesterday. He paid for last night and tonight in cash, so I’m hoping he gets a move on tomorrow.”

, let me know if he creates any problems for you guys, and I’ll make sure the evening officer does a drive by later tonight, too.” I stated with a smile. Everyone in this town looked out for one another, and a person like that should be kept on a close watch.


I hurried back to the station, after stopping by Aunt Patty’s for a quick bite of lunch and waited for Carmen to get there. I kept glancing at the clock, watching as the minutes ticked by slowly…………so……..painfully………….slow.

, Mason, Carmen and the sheriff are in the conference room waiting for us,” Derek said as he stuck his head into the office. I jumped up from my chair, and struggled to grab the folder with the work I prepared from my desk.

, slow down there, man, she isn’t going anywhere.”

Stopping to compose myself
, I grabbed my coffee cup and slammed the rest of my third cup today.  My nerves were shot, thinking about this for the last hour or so. My mind competed for space from last night and what I was going to say to her now. We haven’t talked since last night, and there was so much I wanted to say before this meeting, but never got the chance too.

Walking into the conference room
, my eyes immediately went to Carmen sitting on the opposite side of the table from Sheriff Ramsey. It looked like they were involved with small talk, both of them commenting and smiling as the other spoke. Gosh she was breathtaking. A simple black button down shirt paired with some jeans that actually looked like they weren’t rode hard and put away wet. Her hair was tied back in a simple pony tail and her face look fresh and alive. Just looking at this woman made my insides turn to mush and my brain function on a toddler level. I wanted to tell her she looked stunning, but kept the professional side of my brain working, since I was still on the clock. Derek slid into the seat next to her as I sent him an evil glare, forcing me into the chair next to Sheriff.

“Carmen and I were just talking about your mom’s café. I didn’t know
she worked there in high school,” Sheriff Ramsey stated with a smile. Noticing the calm that filled the air lifted my nerves right out of my anxious body; this was going to work.

“Yep, and M
om is sure glad she is back to help now,” I replied with a smile, staring directly into Carmen’s eyes. She blushed, and turned her head to the side; man this woman was beautiful.

we stop talking about the café? I’m starving,” Derek whined.

, well let’s get down to business then, so Derek can go eat, the whiny little shit.” Sheriff Ramsey laughed. I opened the folder I brought with and passed out the court records, stating the crime, sentence, and further parole instructions that the court had placed upon release. Carmen’s face dropped when I slid the paper across the table at her. I knew she didn’t want to look at this, but she had to. Sheriff Ramsey took a moment to get caught up on the reading, as Derek and I waited. After several long minutes, Sheriff Ramsey took a drink from his water glass and glanced over at Carmen.

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