Rush (38 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rush
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Yes, she had access to the bids. It would be a simple matter to pass along the information to Charles. It would do her no good, though, because even if he came in substantially lower than his competitors, Gabe would
use him. And then, even though she’d done as Charles had demanded, he’d be angry and would likely retaliate by publishing those pictures anyway.

What was she supposed to do?

When she got to Gabe’s office, he was off the phone. As soon as she walked in his door, he was on his feet, his expression concerned.

“Mia, what the hell? You’re soaked! Did you not bring an umbrella?”

He hurried over to her, cursing when he took in her saturated
clothing. He took the bags from her hands and discarded them without a look.

“Are you all right? What’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“J-just c-cold,” she stammered out. “I got caught in the rain. It’s not a big deal, Gabe. Really.”

“You’re freezing,” he muttered. “Come on, I’ll take you home and get you into dry clothing. You’re going to make yourself ill.”

She shook her head, stepping back, her resistance so adamant that he looked taken aback.

“You have a meeting that you can’t miss,” she said. “There’s no need for you to go with me.”

“Fuck the meeting,” he said bluntly. “You’re more important.”

She shook her head again. “Have the driver bring me home. I’ll go take a hot shower and get into dry clothing. I promise. I can be back in an hour and a half.”

This time it was he who shook his head. “No. I don’t want you coming back in. Go on home and get warm. Wait for me there. I’ll be home as soon as my meeting is done.”

She nodded, cold seizing her more firmly in its grasp. Now when she was out of the rain and in the warmth of his office, she began to shiver uncontrollably. She had to keep it together or he’d know that something had gone terribly wrong.

She smiled brightly and gestured toward the bags. “The food is still good. You need to eat, Gabe. You haven’t eaten all day.”

He touched her cheek, feathering his hand over her face before leaning in to kiss her cold lips. “Don’t worry about me. Take your meal home and take it easy for the rest of the day. I’ll be home to take care of you in a little while.”

His words made her heart squeeze, but they weren’t enough to take away her terror or the enormity of the decision she faced. She needed time to think.

Already the beginnings of a headache plagued her. The dull
throb at her temples coupled with the bone-deep cold was beginning to unravel her.

He went to his desk and retrieved his coat and then wrapped it around her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

“Come on,” he said grimly. “I’ll walk you down and get you into the car. Call me if you need anything at all, okay?”

Her smile was wan. Forced. “I’ll be fine, Gabe.”

She hated lying to him.

chapter thirty-four

Gabe let himself into the apartment and frowned when he saw none of the lights were on. Had Mia misunderstood and gone to her apartment instead?

Since their return from Paris, she’d spent just about every night with him, except for one time when Jace had taken her to dinner and then dropped her back by her place. Just that one night without her had made him itchy and moody, and he’d gone to work in a black mood the next morning.

He stepped into the living room, and his tension immediately eased when he saw Mia curled up on the couch, sound asleep. His fireplace was on and she was covered from head to toe with blankets.

He frowned. Was she coming down with a bug? Thinking back, she’d been fine before she’d gone out to get their lunch. Sunny, bright and smiling. Cheerful. As beautiful as she always was. It scared the shit out of him just how dependent he’d become on her presence in his office. How integral a part of his day she was. Most people needed coffee in the mornings. He just needed Mia.

As he leaned closer to her, intending to feel her for signs of fever, he saw that her eyes were red and puffy and blotchy. As if she’d been…crying.
What the hell?

What could have happened? What wasn’t she telling him? He was tempted to wake her and demand to know what the hell was wrong, but he didn’t want to disturb her. She looked tired. Deep shadows rested underneath her eyes. Had she looked this tired the night before? Had he been too hard on her? Too demanding? Was he the reason she was sick?

Dread pitted his stomach. Was this relationship too much for her? He couldn’t even promise to ease up, to back off. Instead of time begetting distance, with every passing day she became more of an overwhelming need within him. Time would only sharpen his desperation for her. Not alleviate it. He’d been a fool to ever think allowing another man to touch her would somehow prove that he wasn’t emotionally dependent on her. That it wouldn’t bother him.

He still wanted to beg her forgiveness every time his mind went back to that night in Paris. She’d already forgiven him, but just remembering had the power to take him to his knees.

He wasn’t worthy of her. He knew this well. But damned if he had the power to do the right thing and let her go. It would destroy him.

Checking his watch, he frowned. He was later getting home than he’d intended. It was close to the dinner hour and he wondered if she’d even eaten her takeout. He walked into the kitchen to find his answer on the counter. The bag was untouched. The box inside unopened. He cursed softly. She needed to eat.

He rummaged in his cabinets for a can of soup. His housekeeper kept the staples on hand for him, and he gave her a shopping list on Fridays for any weekend cooking he thought to do. But the simple matter was, he wasn’t home often enough to keep a fully stocked pantry.

After deciding he had nothing suitable, he picked up the phone and called down to the concierge to tell him what he required. After being assured the matter would be taken care of
immediately, Gabe hung up and searched the medicine cabinet for a thermometer and appropriate medication.

The only problem was, he wasn’t certain what she was sick with. Or if she was running any fever. It could be a cold. Could be a stomach bug. How was he supposed to know until he could ask her?

Deciding it could wait until she awakened—he wanted her to rest as long as she needed—he walked quietly back into the living room. The blanket had slid down, uncovering the upper half of her body, so he pulled it back up and tucked the ends around her. Then he kissed her forehead, feeling for any sign of fever.

She was warm, but not overly so. Her respirations seemed fine.

He went to the fireplace, turned up the flame and then disappeared into his room to change into more comfortable clothing while he waited for Mia’s soup to be delivered.

There was plenty of work to be done—he’d left right after his meeting and he still had financials to go over in preparation for his meeting with Jace and Ash to discuss the construction bids—but instead he picked up his tablet and settled on the couch across from Mia.

She settled him. Made him think about more than just work and business. He liked just being in her company, doing something as enjoyable as reading a book in the silence.

She’d been thrilled when he’d presented her with a brand-new e-reader—the latest upgrade—along with an entire collection of her favorite books in digital, loaded onto the reader. She’d thrown her arms around him and hugged and kissed him so exuberantly that he’d laughed. But then he did that a lot around her. Laughed.

There was something quite irresistible about her. Her charm was infectious. She was his…sunshine. He cringed at how corny that sounded. He was acting and thinking like an overdramatic teenager. Thank God no one could see into his thoughts. He’d never be able to hold his head up at business meetings.

Men like him were supposed to be intimidating. Cold. Unreachable. Feared, even. If anyone had any clue that a petite brunette with a million-dollar smile was his absolute kryptonite, he’d be laughed out of town.

His cell phone beeped, and he dug it out of his pocket to see that the concierge had texted him to say that he was coming up right away with Gabe’s order. Gabe rose from the couch to meet the man at the elevator doors. They opened just as he arrived in the foyer. He thanked the concierge and then took the bag into the kitchen.

The soup was still steaming hot, so Gabe didn’t warm it further in the microwave. He poured it into a bowl and toasted two slices of bread. Then he dug into the fridge for Mia’s favorite soft drink. Black cherry soda. It was an item he’d told his housekeeper to keep stocked because Mia was addicted to it.

There were a lot of things he kept stocked now because of Mia’s preferences. He’d committed them to memory and then made certain he had the things she liked. He didn’t want to give her any reason not to want to stay over.

He put the soup, toast and her drink on a tray, and then carried it into the living room, placing it on the coffee table in front of her. He was still reluctant to wake her, but she needed to eat and he needed to determine her condition. If necessary, he’d call his personal physician and have him come over to see Mia here.

“Mia,” he said in a low voice. “Mia, wake up, honey. I brought you something to eat.”

She stirred, uttered a sleepy protest and then turned her head to the other side, her eyelashes fluttering as she closed her eyes again.

He chuckled. She never did like having her sleep disturbed.

He touched her cheek, tracing a path down to her jaw, enjoying the silky feel of her skin beneath his touch.

“Mia. Wake up, baby. Come on. Open those pretty eyes for me.”

She opened her eyes and her unfocused stare encountered his. To his surprise, fear registered, and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Worry? Anxiety?

What the hell was going on here?

She yawned and rubbed her eyes, avoiding his gaze as she sat up. She clutched the covers around her in a manner that screamed self-preservation.

He had to bite his tongue to keep from demanding answers right here and now. There was something infinitely fragile about her right now. He hadn’t seen her this way since that night in Paris. His gut knotted just thinking about it.

“Hey sleepyhead,” he said in a gentle tone. “I brought you some soup. I see you didn’t eat your lunch.”

She grimaced. “I was cold and just wanted to get warm. Didn’t feel like eating.”

“Are you feeling okay? Are you unwell? I can have my doctor come see you.”

She licked her lips and shook her head. “I’m fine. Really. As soon as I got warm I was so sleepy that I couldn’t stay awake. But I feel fine. I promise.”

He didn’t quite believe her and he wasn’t sure why. There was something off about her even if she wasn’t ill. And there was the fact that it looked very much like she’d been crying. Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe she’d just rubbed her eyes before nodding off.

“Feel like eating now?” he prompted.

She eyed the tray on the coffee table and then nodded. “Starving.”

When she started to get up and move forward, he held out his hand to help her. She laced her fingers through his and pulled herself to a sitting position on the edge of the couch.

“Thanks,” she said huskily. “You’re so very good to me, Gabe.”

It wasn’t the first time she’d said such a thing, but every time she did, he was besieged by guilt. If he’d been as good to her as he should have been, he would have never allowed her to be abused by another man.

He watched as she ate, the need to touch her and shield her from whatever had caused her upset growing by the minute. It was an insatiable urge he had no control over. The strength of his attraction to her defied logic. But then when it came to her, it was clear he had no reason. No sanity. No ability to maintain any distance between them.

When she finished with her meal, she pushed back the blanket that was still halfway wrapped around her and to his surprise—and delight—she crawled onto the couch with him and wrapped herself around him.

He put his arm around her and then reached forward for the blanket that had fallen by the wayside. He pulled it over both of them and positioned her so she blanketed him, her body soft and warm against his.

He buried his nose in her hair, content to have her snuggled as close to him as possible.

“Thank you for dinner,” she said. “I just want you to hold me right now. It’s all I need to feel better.”

Her words spoke to the very heart of him. Said with utter sincerity. How simple she made it sound. She’d never asked anything of him. She was very undemanding. She didn’t give a shit about his money or what he could buy her. The only things she’d ever truly asked him for were so simple. Hold her. Touch her. Comfort her.

The idea that he held such power over her should have contented him. It was what he wanted, wasn’t it? Complete control. Her bending to his will. But instead it made him all too aware of the fact that he had the power to destroy her.

“Want to stay here in front of the fire or do you want to go to bed?” he asked as he stroked her hair.

“Mmmm,” she uttered in a sleepy, contented voice. “Here for a while, I think. It’s nice in front of the fire. I wonder if it’s snowing yet.”

He chuckled. “If it is I imagine it’s only flurries. We never do get much this early in the year.”

“Head hurts,” she murmured as she snuggled further into the crook of his shoulder.

He frowned. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? How bad is it?”

She shrugged. “Bad enough. I took some ibuprofen when I got home. I’d hoped that when I woke up it would be gone.”

He pushed her gently to the side and then disentangled himself from her and the blanket before rising from the couch. He strode into the kitchen, shook out one of the prescription painkillers from the bottle and then returned to Mia.

She frowned. “Those make me so fuzzy.”

“Fuzzy is better than you being in pain,” he said patiently. “Take it and I’ll take care of you. We’ll sit on the couch until you get sleepy and then we’ll go to bed. If you aren’t feeling better in the morning, you’re going to stay home.”

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