Ruthless (38 page)

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Authors: Cairo

BOOK: Ruthless
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He grunts, shaking and jerking the table trying to break free.

I slap the shit out of him again. “You could have beat the shit out
of me, motherfucker!”
“You could have left me, nigga!”
Slap! Slap!
“But instead you had niggas violate me!”

I stop myself, taking a deep breath. I snatch the six-inch dildo. Jasper eyes me as I unsnap the flap in my harness, then slide the silicone cock through the hole, then snap it back into the harness. “I want you dead, bitch! But that'd be too easy. I'm not letting you off the hook that easy.”

My cock juts out from the harness ready for what's next. I wait for Mel and four of the masked niggas to untie Jasper and get him off the table. He tries to fight, but they overpower him, giving him swift body shots as necessary until they finally get his arms and legs securely strapped. I walk in back of him, his ass bent over—open and ready—and remove the muzzle and mask from his face.

He spits out the nut-flooded condom, then starts spazzing, his voice hoarse and raspy. “What the fuck is you doin', yo? This shit ain't over, Pash, real shit! You better muthafuckin' body me, bitch! 'Cause word is bond all of you muthafuckas are boxed, yo!”

I smirk. “What goes around comes around, nigga. I told you, you should have killed me when you had the chance. But you didn't. And guess what? Them niggas out there aren't checking for you. Not tonight. But don't worry. They'll be there to pick your naked body up at Branch Brook Park. You remember where that is, right?” I don't wait for him to respond. I reach for the deep throat gag. “It's where you dumped me, nigga. So shut the fuck up.”

I have Mel hold his head back. Tell Jasper to open his mouth. He refuses. I ask him again. “Fuck you, Pash! I ain't openin' shit, bitch!” He spits at me. “Fuckin' snake-ass, bitch!”

I smirk, walking back over to my case and pulling out the bolt cutters. “You can call me whatever you want, nigga. But I'm not
fucking with you. Open your fucking mouth.” He still refuses. I hand Mel the gag, then bend down, open the cutters and cut off his pinky toe. He grits his teeth, grunting. Still refusing to open his mouth. I cut off three more toes, leaving him only with his big toe before he passes out from the pain and Mel is able to secure the gag around his mouth.

Then I kneel in front of him and stuff his sticky dick inside the stainless steel cock cage, open the XL steel cock ring and secure it around his balls, securing the cage to the ring with a small carbon steel lock, which will be extremely difficult cutting off. Then I take the bolt cutter and cut the key in half, tossing the pieces into two separate trash bins.

When Jasper finally comes to, his cock is tightly caged in. And the stainless O-ring attached to the gag holds his mouth open nice and wide, so he can't close it while I fuck into his face. I let him know why I caged his cock. “You like to fuck and get your dick sucked, well, let's see how wet them bitches get it now.”

Mel has his head in an armlock to keep him from jerking his head around while I serve him. “Now, you're going to know what it feels like to have a dick rammed into your neck, motherfucker.” He grunts, his eyes open wide enough to pop out of his head as I ram the six-inch cock into his mouth and fuck his face. He gags and grunts. His eyes fill with tears as I pound in and out of his mouth. I talk all kind of shit to him. Call him all kinds of dirty cock-sucking whores and sluts, slapping his face. “Swallow that cock, bitch!”

The niggas in the room taunt him. Talk shit, egging me on. “Yeah, baby, choke that pussy motherfucker with that dick…give that nigga something big…beat that motherfucker's throat up, ma…”

I go from the six-inch to the eight-inch to finally the twelve-inch mercilessly tearing into his mouth, my pussy juices leaking
out from the friction of the base. I abruptly stop and pull out. Mel lets go of Jasper's head and he violently gags up a bunch of spit. “Oh, you didn't like having a bunch of dildos in your mouth, huh?”

He angrily grunts. Tears streaking down his face.

“No worries,” I say as Mel walks back over to us, handing me the Tupperware bowl from out of the freezer. “I got something a whole lot better than a silicone dick.” I lift the lid, pulling out the Ziploc freezer bag. “I got the real thing for you, nigga. I want you to taste what a real cock tastes like…” He grunts, growls, trying to jerk himself free from the spanking chair to no avail. I pull out JT's thick, black frozen dick.

He grunts, again.

I hear, “Oh, shiiiiit, son, is that…? Oh, hellllll, nah, that's a nigga's dick she 'bout to serve him! Ohhh, fuck…! Daaaaayum, she wildin'… that's some real gangster shit…”

I wait for Mel to hold his head for me, again, then push JT's frozen dick into Jasper's mouth, easing it out nice and slow. “Yeah, nigga, suck that big black dick.” I ram it in and out of his mouth, fucking into his face with it until it starts to thaw out, then I leave it there, tearing off a strip of duct tape, then wrapping it around his mouth.

When Mel finally releases his head, Jasper wildly shakes it from side to side, grunting and growling. His eyes filled with rage. I narrow my eyes. Burn my glare into him. “You fucked with the wrong bitch, nigga. You thought I was weak, huh? Yeah, you had me beaten and broken. But you underestimated me, bitch; that was your first mistake. You got me fucked up in the game, motherfucker. You should have listened to Stax when he warned you that the same blood that ran through my father's veins ran through mine. But you slept on me. Who's the bitch, now, nigga?”

I reach for the DVD remote, turn it on, then press
in the room waits with baited breath as the DVD starts to play. I open with, “If you're watching this video, Jasper, then checkmate, nigga. That means you're somewhere tied up and gagged, waiting the final phase of your fate. You fucked that bitch Felecia. And now watch as your cousin fucks me…”

Jasper grunts, hanging his head, then shaking it. He doesn't want to hear or see anymore. I warn him to hold his head up and open his eyes. Threaten to cut off the toes on his other foot. He slowly lifts his head as Stax's face comes into view, then disappears between my naked thighs, eating my pussy. I smirk as his eyes fill with agony and hurt and hate. I walk off, grab the lube from off the table, then squirt a generous amount all over my cock, walking back over to him.

I ease up in back of him. “You wanted to beat on me and force your dick in me, like I was your motherfucking property or some shit. Well, I'm going to tear your asshole open with this twelve-inch dick, bitch. Let you feel what it's like to be violated. To have something taken from you.”

He violently jerks and shakes and tries head butting me to keep me from getting anywhere near his ass. But I'm not deterred. I grab the bolt cutters again, and start cutting off the toes on his other foot. Until the pain is so excruciating that he passes out again. Then I have Mel and four other niggas remove him from the spanking chair and place him into another restraint device that I'd brought along; just in case, to ensure he can't jerk and head-butt me while I fuck into his guts.

This time when he comes to, he's on his knees, his head bent forward, his arms pulled back to his ankles and both secured to The Doggy Style Locking Spreader.

“No use in fighting it, nigga.” I push my finger into his ass. He
makes inaudible sounds. “I have you locked into position for the ass pounding of your life, nigga. But first, let me tell you whose dick you have trapped into your mouth…” I ease up over his back, pull open his muscular ass cheeks, then ram half of the cock into his hole, causing the veins in his neck to almost pop out of his skin. “I don't even have it all in and you already yelling like a little bitch,” I taunt.

Then I lean in closer, and whisper real slowly, “Felecia told me she was pregnant by you, you dirty motherfucker. Lying-ass nigga.” He grunts. “You should have seen her face when I slammed my gun into her mouth. The bitch begged me for her life before I pulled the trigger and blew her skull out.”

I reach around and yank the tape from around the mouthpiece of the gag. JT's wet, soggy cock drops out of Jasper's mouth, then I unfasten the gag and let it hit the floor.

“That dick you had in your mouth,” I hiss real low in his ear, slowly rocking more cock into his ass. “Was Jaheem's, nigga. How did that dead nigga's dick taste in your mouth, bitch? Yeah, that's right. You sucked your dead cousin's dick, motherfucker.”

He gags and coughs and vomits, then cries out, before spewing a bunch of profanity. I push more dick into his hole, then pull almost out, then push back in. I gesture with my hand that everyone can leave me alone with Jasper. But only a few of the niggas opt to bounce. Everyone else remains, transfixed as I slam into Jasper's ass. And fuck him mercilessly until I have ripped him open; until I am coming over and over again, and I have fucked him unconscious.

Sweaty and panting and emotionally drained, I slowly pull out, finally feeling vindicated. I glance over at Mel. “I'm done with him. No wait…” I walk over to my case and pull out a bottle of rubbing
alcohol, opening it, then walking back over to Jasper and pouring the entire bottle out over his head. He yells and shakes his head wildly, letting out a piercing sound as some of it leaks into his eyes.

“You'll never look at another bitch again, you dirty sonofabitch!”

I curve my ten pointy, two-inch-long, acrylic nails into claws, then hook them into his eyeballs, slicing into his eyelids, some of the nails cutting into his orbs, ripping into his corneas, irises, and pupils. I claw and claw until he's bleeding out of his eyes. I ask Mel for matches. Then set his head on fire. His piercing screams echo throughout the basement as I stand here watching his hair, scalp and face burn off.

“Now I'm done with him,” I say when the flames finally die out.

Mel points to the device he's locked into. “What about that?”

“Dump him locked in it.”

I grab my robe and slip it on, heading up the stairs. I stop and turn back, walking over to the DVD player and retrieving the DVD of Stax and me. I look over at Mel, then glance down at Jasper—bent over in doggy-style position with his asshole gaping open, knowing this will be the last time I'll ever have to lay eyes on him again. I bite into my quivering lip. Then push out a slow, pained breath.

“Before you get rid of him, cut out his fucking tongue.”


Saying goodbye at the end of the road is always bittersweet…

“Jasper's dead,” Mona croaks into the phone.

I snap up in bed, my pulse quickens.

Mona's breaths come in heavy bursts through the phone. “Pasha… he's fucking dead. It's all over the news.” Her voice cracks. “His body was found early this morning.”

“Where?” I ask, closing my eyes and holding my breath.

“Floating in the Hudson River.”

I gasp, clutching my chest.
Ohmygod! That's where Stax must have dumped him once he was picked up last night.
I know he wasn't dead when Mel had his
dump him in the park. Mel had assured me Jasper was still breathing. Barely. But he was still alive.

Mona sniffles into the phone. “The news is saying he was found with his wrists and ankles locked into some kind of device and his…”—her voice quakes—“his penis was in some kind of locked chastity thing. And most of his toes cut off. Whoever had him, tortured and sodomized him, burned his face and head with some kind of flammable, then dumped four bullets into his head.”

My eyes pop open in disbelief. “Say, what?” I toss the covers off, jumping out of bed to turn on the television.
I race out of my bedroom into the stitting room area where Lamar and Mel are watching the newscaster reporting live from the scene where
Jasper's body was found. They both look as shocked as I am.

Mona is sobbing. I don't know what to say to her. So I let her get it all out. When she finally pulls herself together, I ask, “Who identified his body?”

“Stax. He's still there now.”

I swallow.

“Pasha.” Her voice is barely a whisper. “Did you…” She chokes back more sobs. “I know he had it coming, but…”

“No, no, of course not. I wanted him to pay for what he did to me. Not dead. I didn't kill him or have him dumped in the river.”

But I did everything else.

“I didn't think you did. That would make you one…”

bitch,” I finish for her.

She lets out a strained chuckle. “Yeah, picture that. You
Only a monster could do what was done to Jasper. Now, a bitch like that scandalous-ass Cassandra is a whole other story. That bitch is liable to do anything. I wouldn't put shit past her crazy ass.”

I take a deep breath, walking back into my bedroom. I pull back the heavy drapes, lighting the room up. I overhear the weatherman on the television in back of me saying the temperature for today will sunny and cold.

“Mona, you never know what a person is capable of when they've been pushed too far.” I pause, absorbing the sweet agony of knowing Jasper is out of my life…for good. “Especially when you're fighting for your life.”

“You're right. If it were me in that situation, I'd want him dead, too.”

“I wish things could have turned out differently,” I say softly. “It hurts knowing Jaylen will grow up without his father. But I'm glad it's over.”

Right now I am simply numb from everything. The last several weeks have been the most emotionally taxing for me. It's been nothing—and I do mean
, but drama. Nonstop. And I'm tired. I'm done. And, yes…so, so, glad it's over.

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