Ruthless (26 page)

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Authors: Shelia M. Goss

BOOK: Ruthless
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Reading Group Guide
Uriah loved Sheba. Do you think he was too naive when it came to their relationship?
Sheba and Uriah seemed to disagree about her spending habits. She had her own job, so do you think it was fair of Uriah to make a big deal about her shopping?
Do you think Uriah was justified in feeling the way he did about Delilah? Do you think she had an ulterior motive for being around Sheba? Would you have trusted Delilah?
Why would Delilah agree to help David manipulate her sister? Do you think she was harboring resentment about being given up as a baby?
David was attracted to Sheba from the moment he saw her. David could have any woman he wanted. Why do you think he lusted after Sheba?
Do you think David really felt remorseful when he set Uriah up for the kill?
Do you think Sheba suspected David of any wrongdoing when it came to Uriah, and if so, do you think she just turned a blind eye?
If Sheba loved Uriah so much, why do you think she slept with David?
Nathan tried to warn David about his bad behavior.
Why do we ignore warnings when we get them?
David's lust for one woman caused a multitude of bad things to happen in his life. Do you think our behavior can cause our lives to spin out of control? How can we get them back under control?
God showed mercy for David in the end. When you do wrong, do you go to God and repent, or do you just expect your situation to change automatically?
Shelia M. Goss is the
magazine and Black Expressions Book Club best selling author of
Delilah, My Invisible Husband, Roses Are Thorns, Paige's Web, Double Platinum, His Invisible Wife, Hollywood Deception, and Savannah's Curse,
as well as four titles in the teen series The Lip Gloss Chronicles, namely,
The Ultimate Test, Splitsville, Paper Thin,
Secrets Untold. Ruthless
is her thirteenth novel and second Christian fiction novel. Besides writing fiction, Shelia is a freelance writer. She is also the recipient of three
Shades of Romance
Magazine Readers' Choice Multi-Cultural Awards and is honored in
Literary Divas: The Top 100+ Most Admired African-American Women in Literature.
To learn more, visit her Web site,
, or follow her on Facebook, at
UC His Glory Book Club is the spirit-inspired brainchild of Joylynn Jossel, Author and Acquisitions Editor of Urban Christian, and Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Author for Urban Christian. This is an online book club that hosts authors of Urban Christian. We welcome as members all men and women who have a passion for reading Christian-based fiction.
UC HIS GLORY BOOK CLUB pledges our commitment to provide support, positive feedback, encouragement, and a forum whereby members can openly discuss and review the literary works of Urban Christian authors.
There is no membership fee associated with UC His Glory Book Club; however, we do ask that you support the authors through purchasing, encouraging, providing book reviews, and of course, your prayers. We also ask that you respect our beliefs and follow the guidelines of the book club. We hope to receive your valuable input, opinions, and reviews that build up, rather than tear down our authors.
—We believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God
—We believe the Bible is the true, living Word of God
—We believe all Urban Christian authors should use their God-given writing abilities to honor God and share the message of the written word God has given to each of them uniquely.
—We believe in supporting Urban Christian authors in their literary endeavors by reading, purchasing and sharing their titles with our online community.
—We believe that in everything we do in our literary arena should be done in a manner that will lead to God being glorified and honored.
We look forward to the online fellowship with you. Please visit us often at
Many Blessing to You!
Shelia E. Lipsey,
President, UC His Glory Book Club
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
Ruthless Copyright © 2012 Shelia M. Goss
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-5998-3253-1
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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