Ruthless Temptation (9 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Ruthless Temptation
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moved back so he could see her face. “What can I do to help?”

looked stunned. Had no one ever told this girl how pretty she was, or offered
to help her see the beauty in herself? What kind of idiotic men had she known?

I don’t know. I’ll think of something.”

All right. Fair enough. But for now…” He kissed her,
shoving his tongue into her mouth. All he wanted to do was fuck her again. Then
he’d think of a way to show her how perfect she was in his eyes. He wanted her
to believe her looks were as sexy as her mind.
hadn’t been drawn to anyone this quickly in a long time, and he intended to
make the most of it.




was overwhelmed with everything about
, from his
looks to the way he made her feel. The slight wrinkle when she thought he
hadn’t trusted her was gone as his mouth and tongue worked their magic on her.
She was putty in his embrace. There was no point in trying to resist him, and
she didn’t want to. She’d never been one to conjure up a fairytale prince who
would sweep her off her feet, but if she had,
would embody him.

he released her mouth, he untied her robe and let it fall to the desk. Then he
kneaded her breasts in his strong hands, rolling her nipples between his thumbs
and forefingers. She moaned softly, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes.

Would you try something for me?”

. “What?”

released her breasts and took her hand, placing it over the bulge in his sweat
pants. His cock was now rock hard. “Any chance you’d try giving a blowjob

Oh. Yes. Absolutely.”

kissed her. “Thank you.” He moved his desk chair off to one side. “It rolls.
Too dangerous.”

giggled as he took her hand and helped her stand. “I think you’re short enough
to stand for this.” He pulled off his sweatpants and hopped up onto his desk.
“I’m all yours, Madison.” She started to touch him, but he stopped her. “Wait.
Are you okay if I come in your mouth?”


You don’t sound sure.”

I’ve never … it didn’t happen that time and I never
had the chance to try again, so I don’t know if I’m okay with it. But I’ll try
and see what happens.”

You’re adventuresome.”

If you say so.” Before she lost her nerve, she bent
her head and grasped his shaft, then licked the tip.
taste she remembered. Salty and musky. Not terrible at all. In
fact, she liked it. Now she only hoped
what she was doing.

swirled her tongue around the tip, then moved it down the length of his dick,
alternating quick, fluttery licks with longer ones, until he moaned and writhed
on the desktop.
So far, so good
. When
she wrapped her lips around her teeth and took a few inches of him inside, he
groaned louder and grasped her head.

Who the fuck told you this wasn’t any good? He’s so
fucking wrong.”

words made her feel like a goddess, so she took a bit more of his cock into her
mouth. That earned her louder groans, and now he had a vise grip on her head
but she didn’t really mind. This was fun because he liked it so much, and it
turned her on like crazy.

idea of doing this had turned her on before, which was why she’d tried. She
decided that
was right. That man was an
asshole, and from this moment on, she would never think of him or that awkward
event again.

took as much of
cock into her mouth as she
could without choking, and sucked hard. He moaned loudly, and when she
alternated the sucking with moving her lips up and down the length of his
shaft, he began whispering.

Oh, fuck …
Madison, that
is …
oh shit. Sweetheart … I’m

braced for it, and at first wasn’t sure she could handle the amount of cum, but
then she was fine. She tried to swallow it because she wasn’t sure what else to
do, but some of it dribbled onto her chin. He didn’t seem to notice. He held
her head until his orgasm finished, and then pulled her close and wrapped his
arms around her.

Holy shit, that was good. Thank you.”


Yes. Really.”

smiled. What a night this had turned out to be. Lobster, which was very rare
these days, her virginity finally gone, and now she’d found out she
give a decent blowjob after all.
She couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

pulled away slightly and looked
into her eyes. “That deserves something in return.”

What did you have in mind?”

grin forced a moan from her. He moved off the desk, glanced at the top of it,
placed a towel over where he’d been sitting. “Guess I
should have done that first.”

laughed. “Oh well.”

Yeah. Exactly. I won’t be cleaning it.”

You’re going to make Nick clean up after sex?”

Yes.” He walked her to the other side of the desk.
“Face it and bend over.”

shivered at the command, then did as he’d asked.
moved behind her and brushed his hands up and down her back. “I love your skin.
It’s so soft.”

I love when you touch my skin.”

slipped a hand underneath and cupped her pussy. “How about when I touch this?”

. I like that, too.”

brushed one finger over her wetness, then up her butt crack. “And here?”

Feels great.”

Are you sure? Your voice sounds a bit off.”

Well, again, no experience.”

moved her hair and kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “Would you
like some experience?”


I was hoping you’d say that.” He planted kisses up and
down her neck, then her lower back, and finally her ass cheeks. That surprised
her, but it was also very erotic and she loved it. “You have an amazing ass.”

almost let a disparaging remark about its size slip out before remembering what
he’d begged her not to do earlier. “Thank you.”

reached for the lube, and she tensed, not sure what to expect. She watched him
put some on one finger, and then he looked into her eyes. “If you don’t like
this just say so. I’ll stop. I promise I won’t push you to try again.”


kissed her neck again, alternating that with planting tiny nips up and down it.
She moaned and pushed back against him, her pussy soaked now. When his warm,
wet finger teased the opening to her asshole, she wanted it inside. She knew it
would feel fabulous, and that he wouldn’t hurt her.

slid his finger into her as
, and Madison gasped at the sensation. It didn’t hurt at
all. It was way more arousing than she’d ever have imagined. “I like it.”

Me too.” He nuzzled her neck, moving his finger in and
out slowly, and then withdrew it. She heard the lube again, and when he pushed
back inside her ass, it was with two fingers.

Oh!” She would never have believed anything could feel
this damn good in there.

I want to fuck you in the ass, Madison.”

gasped, wanting to know what that felt like. “All right.”

Thank you.” He kissed her neck again. “Thank you so
much. I promise we’ll be careful. And if you don’t like it, I won’t ask again.”
That he would care so much astonished her. He withdrew his fingers and moved
his body against hers, and it was then she realized his dick was hard again.

put on a condom, and then reached around to cup her puss. “I’m going to fuck
your pussy again, too. Is that all right?”

Oh, God yes.”

slipped two fingers into her ass again, and Madison pushed back closer to him.
“Oh, fuck! That feels so damn good.”

Feels pretty good from this end, too.”

withdrew his fingers and teased the opening to her ass with his sheathed cock.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?”


forced her muscles to relax as he slowly slid his dick inside. It burned at
first, but he whispered encouraging words and massaged her clit as he pushed
his way inside. After a moment, it no longer hurt. All she felt was exquisite
peace. This was more erotic than she’d have believed possible.

You’re so fucking tight.”

didn’t answer. She couldn’t. All she could do was enjoy his slow, careful
thrusting. Her orgasm was very close, and when it crashed over her, he cried
out loudly and thrust harder. She thought he was going to come inside her ass,
but he withdrew and kissed her neck again.

Oh my God, that was heaven. But I want to come inside
your pussy.” He pulled off the condom and put on a fresh one, then sank his
cock into her soaking wet pussy.

cried out in pleasure and bent over further, clutching the desk as best she
could. At this angle, every thrust massaged her sweet spot inside, and she
didn’t even have to try. Her second climax was swift and powerful, forcing loud
moans from her as the contractions intensified.

Oh, Madison. This feels so fucking incredible!”

Yes. Same here.” She could barely breathe let alone
speak. He slammed into her harder now, and the contractions went on and on. She
never wanted him to stop. This was the most decadent thing she could have ever

swore she came again, and then he cried out and shuddered as he came, too. He
thrust slower now, milking every last drop, then finally pulled out and
collapsed over her.

stood like that for some time, breathing heavily, while Madison smiled so wide
her face hurt. She’d never had this much fun doing anything, and especially not
with a guy. She heard Viggo take off the condom, and then he grabbed one of the
towels and wiped her off. “Gets a bit messy like that.”

I’m sorry.”

kissed her neck. “Don’t apologize. I loved it, and I hope you did, too.”

turned to face him and put her arms around him. “I’ve never had this much fun.
Never. Not doing anything, with anyone.”

first, his gaze was wary, as though she’d said something that he questioned,
but then he smiled so quickly she was sure she’d imagined the fleeting look of
caution. He held her close. “Let’s get upstairs and into bed.
, I think I can sleep.”

May I stay with you?”

kissed her again. “Try and leave. I dare you.”

I’m not going anywhere until you kick me out.”

Then I think you’ll be here for quite a while.”

led her upstairs, and after she’d taken care of her personal needs in the guest
suite, she curled up underneath the thick comforter with him. Madison drifted
off to sleep, sated, happy, and filled with the possibility of exciting things
finally happening in her life.




morning at work, Madison had trouble concentrating, although doing her job
didn’t take much. She kept thinking about the weekend spent in Viggo’s
apartment. Her body was sore in places she hadn’t known could get sore, but she
certainly wasn’t complaining.

Ingram was nothing like she had imagined. Not only was he an experienced and
patient lover, but he had kept her laughing all weekend until her sides ached.
He had a great sense of humor, and he seemed to delight in seeing her smile.

she’d grown used to the way he liked to turn the subject off himself, she
realized it wasn’t so much mind games as a deep sense of privacy. She wasn’t
sure whether that came from being so successful and powerful in business, or if
someone had hurt him badly, but she didn’t feel compelled to pry. It was enough
for now to know he wasn’t mocking her or trying to pull the wool over her eyes.

Saturday morning when he’d asked if she was staying over that night, she’d been

Do you want me to?”

I thought you said you weren’t going anywhere until I
kick you out?”

walked to her apartment with her after breakfast, which he made for them, so
she could pick up some clothes and personal items. She’d put them all in the
guest suite, but she hadn’t slept in that bed yet.

already given her the codes she’d need to get in the building through any door,
and into the apartment. She was on his safe list with the security team in the
building, so she wouldn’t be stopped trying to enter on her own.

had spent Saturday morning working in his office while she enjoyed his extensive
movie collection in the media room. After he finished for the day, they’d spent
the afternoon in town, walking around the park and the shops, before returning
to his apartment where Nick had another fabulous dinner waiting for them.

they’d spent the day in bed, watching old movies and making love. It wasn’t
until dinner that they’d talked about ways she might find out the information
Viggo needed from her. This morning, she was ready to put their plan into

had asked her to stay last night again, and had promised her that after work
they’d go to her apartment again and retrieve anything else she needed. She’d
asked him one more time how long he wanted her to stay at his place, and he
told her the same thing he had Friday night. She could stay as long as she

of this was new for Madison, but she imagined it wasn’t for Viggo. It was
difficult not to get swept up in his enthusiasm for life. He always seemed to
have everything in control, and he made it look so easy. His personality was
infectious, although she still wondered whether the relationship was moving too
quickly for her.

this was the norm? What would she know? Her dating life up until now had been a
series of mishaps and embarrassing encounters. Perhaps this was what everyone

and Tuesday, she had no occasion to overhear anything from Ralph that had to do
with the Weathermen, or with any other subject Viggo had asked her to listen

had dinner in Viggo’s apartment on Monday and Tuesday, and both nights they
made love before she fell asleep in his arms. She was amazed by his stamina,
especially since she’d been told so many things over the years about men and
their sexual appetites that were quite the opposite. Either that or Viggo was
an exception.

morning, she had just returned from running a personal errand for Ralph when
she overheard him on the phone, and caught the words
electromagnetic fields
. She remembered reading years ago that The
Madeline Project worked by harnessing the earth’s electromagnetic fields, so
she sat at her desk as quietly as possible and picked up the receiver to listen
in on Ralph’s call.

still used a desk phone that gave her access as well if she clicked into the
same line he was on. As long as she put her own phone on mute, no one would
know she was on the call. The lights on the keyboard indicating who was on
which line were visible only at her desk. Ralph was an old-fashioned guy, since
the technology to do so much more with phone lines existed, but at this moment
Madison was grateful for his quaint ways.

Apparently they have some physics expert or electrical
engineer on board.” That was a woman’s voice. Was it the same person he’d been
talking to last week?

pushed a button on her keyboard that began recording the conversation. She
would send it to Viggo as soon as Ralph finished the call. He’d asked her to
record any conversation she could, without taking any risks of getting caught,
of course.

had told her he might recognize the voices of people Ralph talked to, but if he
didn’t, he would have the voices analyzed by the same people she worked for.
Madison thought the fact that Viggo would use HCS to identify this woman’s
voice was more than ironic. It was downright hilarious.

They have two specialists on board,” said Ralph. “One
is a physicist, and the other has a PhD in magnetic engineering.”

What do they expect to do with them?”

Hell if I know. All Dave said was they had some
harebrained scheme where the program is concerned.”

It sounds like they’re grasping at straws, but I can’t
help wondering if this doesn’t have something to do with Oliver’s predictions.”

she mean Oliver Fairchild? What predictions? Oliver was head of Fairchild
BioSystems. His company kept them all alive underground. Was something wrong
with those systems?

You believe all that stuff?” asked Ralph, his tone of
voice mocking.

You sound like Dave. He didn’t believe it either, but
think about it. Why would they be talking to experts about electromagnetic
fields if they weren’t trying to come up with a way to stop the program, other
than forcing the code out of the hackers?”

Holy shit…

Why wouldn’t the hackers simply give it up?”

I don’t think it would matter if they did. Not if what
Dave told me is true.”


did he tell you?”

hairs on the back of Madison’s neck prickled.

No one can break back into it, including the people
who fucked it up in the first place. He said the Weathermen are spinning their
wheels trying to find the hackers because they can’t stop it.”

hands began to tremble, and her body suddenly felt cold. This was far worse
than she’d ever imagined. Would Viggo confirm this if she asked him? Did she
even want to know this much truth? If what the woman said was right, she
suddenly understood why Viggo had reacted the way he had, and why he held onto
information so tightly. If the public found out about this, there would be mass

Well, Dave would know,” said Ralph. “Still can’t
believe he was in on this the whole time. And right under everyone’s noses.
Amazed it took them this long to fire him.”

? The hacking of The Madeline
What the hell
… Did Viggo
know this?

How much did Dave tell you?” asked the
Something in her tone of voice made Madison sit up
straighter, as if doing so would help her hear better. It had a sneaky quality
to it, as if she was fishing for information, or suspicious of Ralph.

About what?” Ralph, on the other hand, sounded as
clueless as usual.

About why he was fired.”

He didn’t tell me shit. You’re the one who told me he
was fired for writing the article and then trying to cover his tracks.”

Because he got caught doing it. The article tarnished
HCS’s reputation.”

Come on, Bonnie.”
Finally, the woman had a name. “Do you really believe that’s all there is to
it? He worked here for thirty years. Do you really believe they’d fire him for
a stupid article and nothing else? They found out somehow that he was in on the

was the first time Madison had ever heard Ralph sound suspicious. Maybe there
was an investigator inside him after all?

They don’t know about his association with the
hackers. No one does.”

Except you and me.”

You’d better keep it that way, Ralph.”

Don’t threaten me.”

were these two—Dave and Bonnie—to Ralph? She knew Ralph had once worked at HCS
headquarters in Central, but not which department, or why he’d ended up in this
field office. Did he know Bonnie and Dave from when he worked in Central?

I’m not threatening you. My neck is on the line as
much as yours.”

Why? You said you left HCS voluntarily, so what do you

I need them for references.”

You mean you left without having another job lined up?
That doesn’t sound like you, Bonnie. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

I have to go. I have a job interview, and I don’t want
to be late.”

Really? Who is the interview with?”

I’ll call you later and let you know the details.”

call disconnected that abruptly. Madison scrambled to replace her receiver,
stop the recording,
save it long enough to email
it to herself. She would send it to Viggo from her own computer, not her work
machine. She was in the process of deleting the data that would show what she’d
just done if anyone went looking, when Ralph poked his head out of his office.

Got time to run an errand for me?”

forced a neutral look to her face even though her hands were still shaking from
everything she’d heard. “Of course.”

handed her a list. “You can pick up most of this at the pharmacy around the
corner. If there’s anything you can’t find, order it online and have it shipped

Sure thing.”

was clearly agitated, and that was fine with Madison because he never stayed
around to make small talk when he was upset about something. He went back into
his office without another word, and this time he closed the door. Madison took
her time, making sure she had all her bases covered, before leaving the office.

thought he was really taking a chance discussing something so sensitive on his
work phone. If she could listen in on his calls and record them that easily,
anyone with access to his system could as well.

she bought what Ralph needed and gave it to him at the office, she told him she
was taking a longer lunch today as she had a few errands of her own to run. He
barely glanced up while nodding at her. “Take all the time you need.”

went to Viggo’s apartment and retrieved her laptop from his office. She
composed the email, attached the audio recording,
waited. It didn’t take long for her phone to ring.

Where are you?”

Your apartment.” She told him the events that had
transpired since finishing the recording.

Any chance you can take the rest of the day off?”

Probably. I’ll call you back in a few minutes and let
you know.”

called Ralph and told him something personal had come up. He told her not to
worry about it, and take a few days off if needed. Madison called Viggo back
and told him she was off for the remainder of the day.

Stay there. I’ll be right home. We have a few things to

stared at her phone after he disconnected the call, wondering if his cryptic
message had to do with what he’d heard on the recording, or something else.
Either way, she had a few dozen questions for him, and intended to get answers
as soon as possible. She also realized she was way in over her head, and
wondered how much longer he’d expect her to spy on her boss.

went much deeper than a warehouse in Central where the hackers were allegedly
waiting, and Madison wasn’t sure she should be part of it.


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