Read RW1 Ravyn's blood Online

Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #MM Fiction

RW1 Ravyn's blood (15 page)

BOOK: RW1 Ravyn's blood
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“Aren’t you worried they’ll call the police for us skipping out on the check?” Dageus asked huskily, desire thickening his voice. The darkness was making him brave. Alex chuckled.

“They put it on my tab and send me a bill. They are quite accommodating actually.”

Dageus swallowed nervously at his attempt at small talk. A small smirk formed on his face. “Is that what you want,” he murmured, “for someone to be accommodating?”

A dark knowledge lit up the Master of Minnesota’s face. He stepped forward and crowded Dageus’s smaller frame with his own. “Oh yes, darling. I do so enjoy someone being accommodating.” Dageus’s breath hitched, and he felt desire spreading like a good liquor through his abdomen, stretching lower. Alex raised a hand to caress the smooth cheek of his would-be lover.

“Say yes, love,” Alex muttered as Dageus sighed and leaned into his touch. “I need you to say yes, pet,” Alex said more firmly. Dageus whimpered as he withdrew his hand. He craved his touch like a starving man craved a warm meal. “No going back, pet. I don’t want you crying foul after this. Say yes,” Alex commanded.

Dageus growled in frustration. “Yes. Goddamnit. Yes. I need you. Now, less talking, more touching.” Dageus issued a command of his own. With a groan of desire, he molded his body to the vampire.

* * * *


Alex was completely thrown off balance by Dageus’s enthusiasm. Shocked, he momentarily lay passive against Dageus’s onslaught. The other man’s hands tangled in his hair, opening Alex’s mouth with enticing caresses of his tongue. Alex hardened painfully as Dageus ground the thick length of his cock against his own budding erection. Alex groaned and gave in to the passion of his companion. He was looking forward to having his Kal naked beneath him once again, but this Kal was a whole other type of animal. He was sexy and confident, a man, where Kal had still been somewhat of an innocent at only eighteen.

They undressed each other with an inhuman quickness, as if they were terrified that at any moment they would be torn from each other’s arms. Alex muttered a growl of impatience and ripped the button-down shirt from Dageus’s body. His pants came next, and Dageus squirmed as his naked flesh was bared to Alex’s gaze. Dageus arched against him. Alex allowed Dageus to fumble with the buttons of his own tailored black shirt. He chuckled as Dageus managed to get the button on his pants undone. He thrust his hand into his pants eagerly, trying to grasp the Master of Haven’s thick member. Alex pushed his eager hand away from his crotch and smiled gently as Dageus moaned in disappointment.

“Alex,” Dageus panted. His eyes dilated impossibly. Alex grinned and took Dageus into his hand. Alex sighed in appreciation. Kal’s body was precisely as he remembered it. He was long and thick, and his coloration was a beautiful deep-red hue that betrayed his desire like nothing else. The vampire had no qualms about seeing in the dark. A pearly drop of pre-cum clung to the tip of his erection, and Alex knew that Dageus was only a stroke or two away from orgasm.

“M–Master.” The voice that called to him was not that of the hardened Ravyn hesitantly accepting his sexual orientation with the enthusiasm of a warrior. It was of the roughened voice of his beloved in the heat of the moment. Alex met Dageus’s eyes and felt a moment of triumph. An emerald-green gaze pierced his soul. With an appreciative sigh, he dropped to his knees in front of the Ravyn.

“Master?” Dageus questioned sweetly, his eyes filled with uncertainty.

“My treat this round, pet.” Without further notice, he took the purpled head of his lover’s cock into his mouth.

* * * *


Dageus threw his head back in blissful agony. The warm, wet reaches of Alex’s mouth wrapped around him like a glove, and the back of Alex’s throat squeezed the tip of his cock in interesting and terribly erotic intervals.

“Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god,” he chanted over and over. He felt himself perch on the edge of heaven and hell. His cock throbbed as a thousand moments of caress flashed through him. A thousand memories pierced his mind that he shouldn’t have to begin with. A flash of white behind his eyelids was his only signal before his back bowed in orgasm.

Dageus’s shout of ecstasy was followed closely by the warm rush of liquid that shot down Alex’s throat. Alex’s eyes slid closed as if he was, too, experiencing the same moment of bliss that Dageus was.

“Thank you, Master,” Dageus whispered reverently, stroking Alex’s hair even as his body continued to shudder with orgasm. He didn’t understand why he was suddenly calling him that. He only knew that it felt right. With a final, excruciating lick, Alex drew back with a smile reminiscent of the smug look of a cat. Dageus whimpered as Alex licked his lips dry of seed. He looked awfully pleased with himself. “That took the edge off your hunger, I hope,” Alex said with a wink.

“Can we go sit down? I don’t think my legs will hold me up much longer,” Dageus murmured. He felt drunk, and it was heavenly.

Alex chuckled and stood quickly. With a sweep of his massive arms, Alex swept Dageus off his feet. Dageus laughed joyously at the affectionate sway of Alex’s step. Without ceremony, he was tossed fifteen feet to the expansive bed at the center of the room. Dageus twisted to his back and propped himself up on his elbows to watch Alex stride naked to his side. He wondered when he’d removed the rest of his clothing. So much about Alex was magick.

Alex stretched himself out beside Dageus and grinned. “We make quite a portrait. You and I. Light and dark. Sin and innocence. Dancer and warrior. Absolutely beautiful.” Dageus agreed whole heartedly.

“Tell me what to do,” Dageus said, gently running a hand down Alex’s taut form. The vampire’s breath escaped in a hiss as Dageus sought and found the head of Alex’s still-tight erection. “I want to… please you.” His green eyes begged for assistance, and Alex’s smug grin became gentle.

“Open the third drawer of that dresser,” Alex commanded, pointing to the large bureau located farther up by the headboard. Dageus rolled and crawled his way up the bed to stand by the dresser and opened the drawer. “There is a blue jar in there on the left. Bring it to me.”

Dageus felt his limp body stir at the command. He hadn’t realized until that moment that the commanding tone in Alex’s voice was turning him on almost as much as his physical touch was.

“I’m waiting, pet.” Alex’s gruff voice was thickened with desire. Dageus turned with his prize and practically ran back to Alex’s side. His enthusiasm caused him to flop on the springs with an audible thud.

Alex chuckled as he blushed. “Easy, love. No need to rush.” Dageus’s blush deepened. With a final smile, Alex’s face turned serious, and he motioned for Dageus to lie on his stomach. Dageus stiffened visibly, suddenly intensely afraid.

“Relax,” Alex commanded, which caused Dageus to tense further. Alex gave an appreciative squeeze on Dageus sculpted ass. “I see being a warrior has given you the body of Adonis,” He gave a sharp swat to his backside, which caused the warrior to jump. He soothed the sting of his slap with a gentle, caressing hand. Dageus moaned. His body was practically burning with lust as his erection jumped at Alex’s ministrations. Nervous or not, Dageus wanted this. Alex plucked the blue jar from Dageus’s suddenly nerveless fingers.

“Let me relax you, darling,” Alex said, taking the firm perfect globes of Dageus’s ass in hand. “Roll over, pet.” Dageus did as he was bid. Dageus groaned loudly as Alex began to work the kinks out of his muscular form. God, it felt so good to have someone touch him. He hadn’t had a good massage in so long he’d forgotten how calming it was to feel the pressure on his muscles.

Alex’s hands caressed the marks that the brothers had made on Dageus’s flesh. He hadn’t told him about the scars that were left there, one for each and every brother. A reminder of his penance. He hadn’t really thought that they would get this intimate on their date, so he’d put off telling the vampire. “They really made you suffer for not telling them.” It was a statement. Dageus shook his head.

“They never make me suffer. We learn our lessons through pain. It hurt worse mentally than physically. I love my brothers, and I hate keeping things from them.” He tried to rise, feeling exposed and vulnerable beneath Alex’s skilled hands. Alex put a restraining hand on his back.

“I meant no insult. I don’t wish to sully our evening with such things. Relax. Let me make you hunger, and let me sate you.”

“Alex!” Dageus gasped as Alex’s fingers trailed along the unused passage of his anus. Alex massaged the tight rosette with his fingertip, spreading the two cheeks with one well-placed hand. With his spare hand, Alex opened the lid of the jar and put a goodly amount on two fingers. With Dageus’s cheeks still spread, Alex applied a gentle pressure to the ring that would be Alex’s to claim. Dageus let another gasp escape him as the silken goo tingled around his passage, and Alex’s beautiful hands aroused the sensitive nerve endings within. Dageus groaned and pushed back against Alex’s insistent fingers. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and his eyes rolled back in his head as Alex finger fucked him.

“Oh, god!” Dageus screamed as Alex’s two digits slid home.

“Almost there, pet,” Alex whispered, pushing his fingers in and out. He found the small soft disc within his lover and gave it a hard caress.

! Ah!” A shout of shock turned into a moan of pleasure as Dageus thrashed beneath Alex’s skilled hands.

“Alex, Now!” Dageus growled. He couldn’t take anymore. Alex scooped a quarter sized amount of lubricant from the jar and slicked it across the head of his swollen cock. He moaned, which only made Dageus want to squirm more. Alex pressed his head into the tight passage of his lover and sighed at the delicious pressure therein. He paused every so often, allowing Dageus to adjust to his length and girth as he glided inside the long-unused passageway.

“You feel good,
mon coeur
,” Alex panted. His voice sounded strained, and the glistening sweat on his body showed Dageus exactly how much he was restraining himself. “Alex, Master, move more.” Dageus groaned. “I need, more. Need you. Harder.” He was speaking in broken sentences, but it gave Alex the permission he seemed to need. He worked himself hard into his lover, who opened to him like a flower to the sun.

Noises of need were issuing at regular intervals from the back of Alex’s throat, and Dageus was enthralled with the sheer animal desire that turned Alex’s face into a mask of want. His fangs were peeking out onto his bottom lip, and he continuously opened and closed his mouth as if aching to sink his teeth into something. Dageus knew something was off. The intensity in his body was building toward another orgasm, but Alex was holding back. The normally composed vampire was sweating and looked almost in pain.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to be
. “Alex, please.” he begged, arching, offering whatever it was he could give.

“No,” Alex grunted, turning his head away from Dageus’s offer as if he knew what he was trying to give and didn’t want the temptation. Dageus groaned in frustration. He didn’t want to reach the plateau of pleasure without giving Alex what he needed. He looked over his shoulder at his smoldering lover. He realized what he needed in an instant.

“Alex, goddamnit! Bite me!” Dageus demanded. “I need it. Bite me! Please.”

Alex shook his head. “Not the first time, Ravyn. Not the first time. Want this to be good for you. Bad enough I did it when we first met.” The words were a guttural denial. “Going to love you gentle the first time.”

One last thrust had Dageus screaming in ecstasy, pushing his hips into the silken sheets. Alex had to have felt him convulse around him, but he bit back his own scream of pleasure so that it came out as a low moan instead. Hot liquid pleasure shot deep within Dageus’s body, and Alex’s hips pounded his seed deeper into Dageus’s sweet ass.

Dageus shook his head in denial as Alex began the slow spiral down from his orgasm. He writhed in bliss, almost throwing Alex off. The Master of Haven’s eyes rolled into the back of his head from the intensity of the pleasure. With a final thrust, he gave another helping of his pleasure to Dageus.

Dageus watched as Alex’s orgasm began to fade, and a look of fear crossed over his face. The Ravyn opened his mouth to ask his lover what was wrong, but Alex’s eyes became unfocused in that instant. They rolled into the back of his head, and he passed out cold.

BOOK: RW1 Ravyn's blood
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