Ryder: Hitman Mafia Romance (23 page)

BOOK: Ryder: Hitman Mafia Romance
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He put his hand to the knob, but Sergio approached his door. “Ryder? Are you in there? I’m not armed. Just need to talk to you.”


Right. Why in the world would he be unarmed and want to talk?


Pia sat up in bed. “What’s going on?” She rubbed her eyes and squinted in the light.


He held his finger to his lips to signal for her to be quiet. She took in the gun, his position, heard the voices outside. Her eyes widened and she looked afraid. She pulled the covers to her chin and starting shaking her head.


He waved to get her attention. When she looked at him, he pointed to the bathroom and gestured for her to go, then put his finger back to his lips. He didn’t want there to be any sound coming from this room.


“Ryder? It’s Sergio. I’m not here for the reason you think, man. I know this is your car.” Sergio was walking along the row of rooms. Maybe he thought Ryder hadn’t parked in front of his room. He had, only because he was carrying Pia in and he’d thought they were safe here. “I’m going to call your phone so we can talk.”


Ryder glanced across the room to where his phone sat on the bedside table. It was on silent, but he saw the screen light up with Sergio’s name and number. It rang several times, then he heard Sergio’s voice. But after a second, he got into the car he came in and Ryder couldn’t hear what he was saying. His phone beeped with a voice mail.


He walked over and picked up the phone. Returning so he could watch out the peephole again, he listened to the message.


“Ryder, it’s Sergio. I’m at this motel and your car is here, so I’m assuming you’re here. I put a tracker on your car. It’s behind the back tire. I’m telling you this because I want you to know we’re not here to kill you.” He chuckled. “Man, how do you convince a hitman that you haven’t come to kill him? Well, here’s the thing. A lot of people are dead. A lot of bosses are dead. In fact, I’m the temporary boss. Turns out, since you killed Matteo and Lorenzo, the current Carelli boss is…you. I know that sounds nuts, and we even checked the bylaws. When the boss and second and third in command are dead, the boss becomes the next male kin. But there isn’t any, since there’s only Pia. In that case it goes to her husband or to whoever killed the top guys, and, well, you killed them all and you’re with Pia, so it’s still you either way. So, congratulations? You’re now a mob boss. There’s quite a lot of chaos and disarray, so we could use some direction. Call me back or something.”


Ryder hit end and put the phone down. Nothing in him had triggered the sense that Sergio was lying. He seemed to actually be telling the truth. But how could that be? Sergio was still sitting in his car, waiting.


He went to the bathroom door. “Pia?” he whispered, then opened the door slowly.


She was huddled in the corner of the tub, looking scared half to death.


“They found us?” she asked.


“Listen to this message.” He handed her his phone.


He studied her carefully while her face went through several expressions. Horror, then shock, then something that looked like realization. She handed the phone back to him.


“Does that sound right to you?” he asked.


“Well, he’s right that there are no more male relatives if you killed everyone. And if we’re together, that would make you the new head of the family. I think what he’s saying is right. Not that I know much about mob stuff.”


“You know plenty. You’ve grown up in this world.” He sat down, tapping his gun against his knee. “I don’t know if I can trust this.”


“But, if you’re the boss, what does that mean?”


“Everything. We wouldn’t have to run or hide, we could go home to your father’s house. It’s yours now, I guess. We take over and run everything your father did.”


“And have all his money?”


Ryder nodded, still in shock at this possibility. How in the world could a kid from the ghetto who grew up selling drugs and playing with guns now run a mob family? He was barely even Italian. Would it now be the Saxon family instead of the Carelli family? He knew enough of the inner workings to know that he didn’t know everything. He was Matteo’s top guy, but top only as far as outside of the family went. He wasn’t blood, so there was only so far up the line he could go. And he’d gone all the way. Now that the family was dead, and Pia was with the only remaining heir, was it really up to them? And Pia couldn’t be the boss because she was a woman? That seemed like a mob thing to do.


How could he know for sure that Sergio was telling the truth? “Stay in here, okay? I’m going to talk to Sergio.”


He kissed her before closing the door behind him.


He picked up his phone and sent Sergio a text.
Get out of your car. Take off your shirt and pants and turn around. Both of you.


He watched out the peephole as Sergio and the other guy did what he asked. They stood in the parking lot in their boxers, looking toward the motel. Ryder opened the door a crack and stuck his gun out enough for Sergio to see it.


“Get over here,” Ryder said.


They approached with their hands up. “Good to see you, man,” Sergio said.


Ryder opened the door enough to let them in and kept his gun on them as he closed the door. “Who is this?” He pointed to the other guy with his gun.


“He’s mine,” Sergio said. “Vinny.”


Vinny nodded at Ryder.


“Why are you here?” Ryder asked.


“Did you get my message? You’re the new boss. We came to tell you and bring you home before you took off.”


“Who all is dead?”


“Well, you did a thorough job.” Sergio chuckled. “Matteo and Lorenzo, Tony, Carlo, Luca.” He continued naming guys who were less important, but he was right. Ryder hadn’t even thought about it, but he’d shot the entire family at one point or another during the last few days. Most of them and the lower guys had been killed when they chased after them before they climbed down the balcony.


“Who’s left?”


Sergio gave another list, this one about equal to the list of the dead. He had wiped out half of them. “They’re trying to clear the bodies and clean and fix stuff.”


“Any heat?” They were good at having the police on their side, but on occasion, someone would get arrested. Matteo always bailed them out, though.


“Not from the cops. But you did kill the boss of another family. I’m sure there’ll be retaliation.”


Ryder expected that. He knew little about Solano’s family. But he knew they wouldn’t just let their boss be killed and do nothing about it.


“Where’s Pia?” Sergio asked. “Is she okay?”


“She’s fine. Okay, here’s what I want you to do. Finish the cleanup. Make sure the house is perfect. You know where to take the bodies. Make sure they are all burned. Get our best guys on watch. I need you to do intel on the Solano family. Find out who’s in charge, and what they plan to do. Kill anyone you have to. We’re not going to make an appearance yet, but I will direct my orders to you, since you’re now my second in command. We’re going to go somewhere else to spend at least a few days away to get some rest and recover while you find out the Solano situation.”


“You got it, boss.” Sergio pulled his mouth into a half smile. “I believe this is yours now.” He held out his hand. On it sat a large gold ring. Matteo’s ring.


Ryder slipped it on his hand. Sergio reached out, took his hand, and kissed his ring.


“That totally creeps me out,” Ryder said.


Sergio shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to get used to it.”


Ryder narrowed his eyes. “We’ll see. I’ll probably have you retrieve some things from the house to bring to us. No one knows our location, got it?”


Sergio nodded. Vinny knelt in front of Ryder and kissed the ring. Ryder shook his head.


“I may have to change the rule about the ring kissing thing,” Ryder said.


“You can do whatever you want now, boss,” Sergio said.


“Get to work. I’ll contact you when I need something.”


Sergio and Vinny stood. Sergio clapped his hand on Ryder’s shoulder. “For what it’s worth, old friend, I’m glad you’re alive, and I’m happy to be working for you. I think a lot of guys feel the same. You’re one of us.” Sergio put a black device in Ryder’s hand. The tracking device on Ryder’s car. He’d been in such a hurry he hadn’t thought to check for anything like that in the last few days. He would need some serious rest and refocusing. Too many things were slipping.


“Thanks,” Ryder said. He watched them walk out to their car, get dressed, and take off.


When they were gone, he went back to the bathroom. “We’re heading out.”


“Are we going home?” she asked.


“Not yet.” He helped her to her feet and took her into his arms. “We’re going to get the nicest hotel room around, spend a few days there resting and recovering, and then we’ll figure out what we’re going to do.”


She breathed deep into his chest. “Can we sell the house?”




“Too many bad memories. I want to build a new house and start over.”


“One with a balcony off the master bedroom?” he asked.


“And a Jacuzzi tub. And maybe one of those body jet shower things. And a playroom for the kids. Oh! Maybe a bowling alley and a trampoline.”


He kissed her forehead and smoothed back her hair. “Sure thing. We’ll make it whatever you want.”


Chapter 22

When Pia walked into the hotel room, a huge grin spread across her face. She’d wanted badly to shower at the motel since she hadn’t taken a shower in so long, but she decided to wait. And it was worth it. This hotel was more like what she was used to instead of that nasty motel. She walked through the rooms of their suite, appreciating all the amenities. Fresh flowers on the table, coffee maker with good coffee, a fruit basket, high quality shampoos and soaps and lotions. And the towels were so soft.


She grabbed an apple from the basket and ate it, trying to eat slowly so that she didn’t get sick again. Ryder handed her a room service menu.


“I’ll order while you take a shower.”


“Just get me one of everything.” She chuckled, then told him what she wanted.


She walked into the bathroom, peeled off her dirty, disgusting clothing, and stepped into the hot water. It was like heaven in there. She let the water run over her, cleaning and cleansing. The shampoo was so soapy in her hair and smelled wonderful, like vanilla and honey. When she finished, she dried off and slipped into the soft robe. Now she felt much more like herself.


When she left the bathroom, the smell of breakfast hit her and her stomach snarled with hunger. Ryder was already eating some bacon and she sat at the table beside him, picking up the toast first.


“Good shower?” he asked.


“The best,” she mumbled with her mouth full.


“Eat slow. I don’t want you to be sick again.”


“I’m trying.” She stuck a forkful of eggs into her mouth, letting them melt over her tongue. “This is the best food ever.”


When they finished devouring the meal, Ryder took a shower. She lay in the bed, flipping through TV channels until she heard the water stop.


“Can you come in here a minute?” Ryder asked.


Pia went into the bathroom, where he was sitting on the toilet, facing the wall. His back and sides were covered with bruises and dark marks. A wound on his back—maybe a scrape?—was oozing blood around the scabbed sections.


“Can you bandage me up?” He handed her a pack of bandages and ointment.


She covered all the wounds she could, feeling almost sick at how badly hurt he was. “Are you okay?” she asked when she stuck a small Band-Aid on a cut on his cheek. “Do you need the hospital?”


He shook his head. “I’m perfect now. I’ll heal.” He stood slowly, wearing only a towel around his waist.


She looked over his dewy, mostly naked body. His muscles rippled under his tattoos and scars. She remembered how she used to hate them. But now the tattoos seemed to accentuate his body perfectly, and she saw the scars for what they really were—battle marks of his survival. It was either scars or death, and he’d survived. She traced the outline of an eagle covering his left chest. There was a round scar just above its head, toward his shoulder.


“Is this a bullet wound?” She touched it, running her fingertip around its edges.


“It is.”


“It’s amazing that you’re still alive. So many scars.” When she looked back up at him, he was looking at her intensely.


“It’s what I do. I stay alive, I protect people, I kill whoever gets in my way.”


“Now, I guess you’ll have people killing for you.”


“I can’t wrap my mind around this. I’m a mob boss now? I never thought this could happen. I think I’m still in shock.”


“You’ll be amazing. You’re a much better man than my father.”


Her fingertips reached his nipple. The skin hardened under her touch and she pinched it gently. He moaned and pulled her closer.


“It’s been too long,” he whispered in her ear.


“It has been.”


“Can we fix that?”


She gave him a seductive smile that he took for a yes. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She lay among the fluffy white covers, her robe falling open to reveal her naked body. He put his hand on her stomach. There was a small bump there. Still tiny and no one would notice if they hadn’t seen her naked before. But she knew it was there. Her pants were just a tiny bit tighter than normal and when she looked in the mirror, she seemed to have gained a few pounds. But soon, her belly would extend out, round and full with their child.


Ryder bent down to kiss her stomach, caressing it tenderly with his hands. “I can’t wait,” he said.


“I can’t either.” But she wasn’t only talking about the baby. She dug her fingers into his hair and tugged.


He looked up at her as he lowered himself down. He pushed her robe the rest of the way open so that it fell around her. She opened her legs wide and he dove in.


With his fingers, he rubbed her clit and flicked his tongue over and below, between the layers of her lips. She let her head fall back, enjoying the sensation of his tongue and fingers on her. She’d missed him so badly and now that they were together, it made every touch feel like the first touch and the best touch she’d ever had.


He pushed one finger into her and she moaned with the feeling of his finger sliding in and out, then he added his pinky in her ass and as he slid it inside her, she came, almost screaming out in pleasure.


When she lay there, panting, Ryder crept up to kiss her.


“That felt so good,” she said.


“I could tell.”


She pushed on his shoulder. She was nowhere near strong enough to move him, but he didn’t resist. He knew what she wanted. He lay on his back and she paid him back for her orgasm.


She straddled his legs and bent over, taking every inch of his hardness into her mouth. He groaned and gripped her shoulder, then moved to tugging on her hair. She pulled back to flick her tongue over his head, then plunged his cock deep into her mouth, sucking and gripping his base with her hand.


“Oh God,” he said. “You are so good at that.”


She continued to lick and suck another minute or two until he pulled his hips back.


“Stop,” he said.


She made her way back to his mouth, kissing him passionately for several minutes until he was no longer right on the edge. Then she slid down, grabbing his dick and sliding it in. When he was fully inside her, she had to pause. She loved the moment of penetration, when he filled her completely. She moved her hips in slow circles as she sat up straight, letting her pussy soak him up.


She was teasing him, moving so slow, and she was teasing herself. It was only a matter of time before things sped up. He was more impatient than her today. He sat up and wrapped his arms around her, cradling her as she faced him, their bodies pressed fully together.


He took her hips and bounced her up and down on his stiffness. She bent her knees so that she could get a harder angle and slammed herself down on him, then rose up fast to repeat.


Their bodies made slapping noises in the heat of their motion, mixing with the sounds of their moaning. She came again, digging her nails into his back when she did, before she recalled that he had multiple injuries. He took her waist and pounded her hard against him until he cried out, pulsing inside her with his orgasm.


They sat there together for several long minutes, rocking gently back and forth. She kissed his neck and pulled lightly on his earlobe with her teeth. He dragged his nails softly across her back.


He might need a few minutes to recover, but she was far from done with him. She crawled off of him and went to the couch against the wall. She lay back, letting one leg hang on the floor with the other bent on top so that he had a full view of her.


As he watched, she sucked on her finger, then slowly moved it down her body until she was touching herself. She moved in slow circles over her clit, biting her lip in the pleasure of it. She spread her wetness around, getting her fingers sticky with it, then she plunged two fingers deep inside herself.


She kept her eyes on him the whole time. His eyes widened slightly and he took in a deep breath. He looked down at his half-formed erection. It was only a matter of seconds now, she thought. She kept fingering herself until he came over to her.


The couch was the perfect height for him to get on his knees in front of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he thrust deep into her without hesitation. He slammed into her hard, just how she liked it. He took one leg and pinned it up in the air, allowing himself to enter her even deeper. A few more hard thrusts and they came together in a series of loud cries.


He slid out of her and picked her up to carry her back to the bed.


“I need a nap after all that.”


“Mmm,” she murmured, and curled up against him.


His hot body formed a shell of warmth around her, protecting her. She pressed her back into him and he squeezed his arms tighter around her.


“I love you,” he said, breathing into her ear. “I’ve never said that to anyone before. Except for my mother.”


She giggled. “I’ve never been in love before either. But I am in love with you.”


He kissed her neck and they drifted off to sleep.


She woke to the feeling of him caressing her. It started with her breasts. He cupped them and squeezed gently, teasing her nipple until each one grew stiff. Then he trailed down her stomach. He let his fingers separate her, making her heart race and bringing her fully awake.


She moaned softly. He rubbed his hard cock against her, slipping between her legs, rubbing against her lips. When it was nice and wet, he parted her ass cheeks and pressed gently against her ass.


She let out another moan as he slipped into her. She gripped the covers and swallowed hard. She still wasn’t used to this feeling, to the extreme pleasure of it. How could something feel so good that seemed like it should be so wrong?


He moved slowly in and out of her, each time sending a wave of tingly heat over her body. He rubbed his fingers around her clit and when he shoved a finger into her pussy, she couldn’t hold back. She came hard, screaming out and gripping the covers tightly.


“Why does that feel so good?” she breathed. “I can’t even think straight; my head is spinning.”


He kissed along her shoulder and slid gently out of her. “I will do my best to continually blow your mind.”


“Okay.” She lay back on the bed, trying to breathe to recover herself. She closed her eyes and felt the sensation of the air moving in and out of her lungs.


Before she could open her eyes, she felt him spread her legs and his tongue was on her.


“I can’t come anymore,” she said.


“Give me just one more.” He went to work on her clit, flicking and sucking it while he slipped his finger in and out of her. She was so wet, she could barely feel it. She really doubted she would come again. But he kept at it, using more fingers, ramming them into her harder. It felt good, but she was far from orgasm.


“Baby, it’s okay, really. You don’t have to,” she said.


He pulled out his fingers and thrust his cock into her, plunging deep in her wetness. She cried out in surprise. He bent her legs up, folding her so he could get on his knees and pound her hard.


It was as if her body suddenly woke up. She had been thinking it was too much, she’d come too many times to have another orgasm, but as he slammed her, he sent a wave of pleasure through her with each thrust.


He reached up and put his hands on her shoulders to keep her from moving up as he pounded harder and faster. She moaned loudly as her body rejoiced in the feeling. He’d never done her so hard, and it’d never felt so good.


The impossible happened and as he leaned down to change angles slightly, she felt the familiar rush as she came. He thrust again once, twice, crying out himself before collapsing onto her.

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