Saddle Up (22 page)

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Authors: Victoria Vane

BOOK: Saddle Up
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“He woos her?” Her brows rose. “How?”

“It's really not so different from our foreplay.” He dipped his head close to her ear. “He begins by seducing her with sounds.”

“He whispers sweet nothings?”

“More like murmurs nasty somethings,” he replied darkly. “Mares like trashy talk. It excites them.”

Her pupils flared. “What kinds of things does he say?”

“I suppose he tells her how excited he is, how much she turns him on. He probably doesn't have to say much more than that. Being well hung and turned on probably works in his favor,” he added with a teasing smile.

He slid his hands from her waist and over her hips to cup her ass. He was already hard as a post. He rocked his pelvis into hers. The surprise in her eyes said she knew it.

“Does she get more turned on knowing he's big enough to satisfy her, or just knowing how much he wants her?” she asked, her breaths coming shorter.


“Wh-what about him? What gets him excited?”

“Mainly her scent. When he senses her receptiveness, the courtship moves on to smelling.” He dipped his head to hers, breathing in a teasing hint of her. “The most powerful aphrodisiac to a stallion is the smell of an aroused mare. It's almost a drug.”

He then nuzzled her throat and hair, filling his lungs with her. Miranda arched her neck with a little sigh, giving him better access. She shivered lightly as he moved up her neck to her ear.

“What's next?” she asked. Her pale face was tinted a rosy shade, and her eyes had darkened to slate.

“The stallion and mare begin touching noses and sniffing each other. They then progress to nibbling and licking,” he murmured into her honeysuckle-scented hair.

“Are you saying that horses
each another?”

“Yes.” He skimmed his mouth over her face and hovered inches from her lips. “I guess you could call it that, although he does most of it.”

“Are there certain places the mare likes him to kiss her?”

,” he replied. “He begins with her face.” He cupped hers, brushing his lips softly from cheekbone to cheekbone, across her nose, and then back to her lips. “He licks and nibbles until he senses that she wants more.”

She raised her hands to his head, guiding him toward her softly parted lips. He accepted her offering with a long and leisurely kiss. Lips melding, teeth nipping, tongues tangling, he took his time, exploring every sweet inch of her mouth. She arched into him with little moans and sighs. He deepened the kiss, skirting his hands downward to grip her hips, molding them tightly to his.

He released her to unbutton her blouse. “He works his way down her body, nuzzling, nipping, and licking her. All of this excites both the stallion and the mare.” Kissing, licking, and softly biting her soft, sweet flesh, he worked down her body, taking his time to slowly peel away the rest of her clothes, down to her lacy white underthings. He slowly removed her panties and knelt to pay proper homage, delving into her with his tongue, teasing and tasting until his mind blurred with blinding lust. She tried to squirm away, but he held her hips firm, fingering and licking until she was shaking and panting.

He pulled away with a smirk. “By the time he's done licking her, she's ready for him to mount.”

“How?” she asked breathlessly.

“From behind. It's the only way with horses.”

“Don't some people like it that way as well?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied, wondering what she was getting at. “It's particularly pleasurable for men.”

“Why?” she asked, reaching for his belt.

“Because men are visually stimulated. We like to watch. And some men are especially aroused by a woman's ass.”

She arched a brow. “What about you, Keith? Do
like to watch?”

“I do. And I've always loved your ass. You have no idea what you do to me,
. I hope you know what you're doing now. You've led my mind down a path that my body wants to follow.”

“I want whatever you want.” Her expression was an irresistible combination of innocence and seduction as she backed toward the bed. “I want you to show me what you want.”

He followed her with his eyes as he undressed, his gaze slowly devouring her—from the red-gold curls cascading down her shoulders and over her erect pink nipples, to her smooth pale belly, her golden nest, and then down her long, slender legs to her pale pink toenails and back up again. “Are you sure? I won't be gentle,” he warned.

She eyed his erection and then replied, “I don't want or need gentle. I want you, Keith.”

It was all he needed to hear. He shoved a hand into his pocket to retrieve his wallet and the lone condom he hoped was still there. His hands shook as he gloved himself.

“Turn around,” he commanded. “Spread your legs.”

Hardly giving her a chance to comply before grabbing her hips, he spun her around. Holding her hip with one hand, he glided the other between her legs. She clamped her thighs together on a hiss, trapping his hand in her sex. He shut his eyes on a groan as her hot, wet heat greeted his fingers.

“You're very wet,” he murmured, his mouth playing on her shoulder.

“And you're very hard,” she rasped, letting out a little moan as he pressed his erection against her ass while simultaneously stroking and caressing her clitoris.

“I've had a raging hard-on since you started this whole damned breeding discussion.”

the idea,” she confessed with a giggle.

“I should punish you for that. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll make you beg for it.”

“Maybe you'll beg first,” she rejoined, arching her back and teasing him with her ass.

He squeezed his lids shut on a groan.
Holy shit.
Maybe she was right.

“Keith? What happens once the stallion knows the mare is ready for him?”

“She spreads her legs and lifts her tail. Bed. Now,” he growled, throbbing with the need to penetrate. “I want you on your elbows and knees.”

She climbed up onto the mattress, presenting herself, ass raised. The vision of her pale round globes and glistening pink sex were almost more than he could take.

“Now what?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

“He mounts her by taking hold of the back of her neck with his teeth, and penetrates.” Sliding between her legs into liquid silk, he began rhythmically rocking his hips, coating himself in her sweet, wet heat. She let out a gasp as he simultaneously sank his teeth into her shoulder and pierced her. “Is this what you wanted?” he ground out, sweat beading his brow in his effort to hold back.

“Don't stop,” she hissed, arching her back and taking him deeper.

Stifling a groan, he slowly withdrew and thrust again, hard and deep, Pleasure jolted through him like an arrow piercing his body. Setting a ruthless rhythm, he drove in and out, stretching and filling her while the echoes of softly slapping flesh melded with guttural grunts and reciprocal moans. Pouring everything into her, he slammed into her harder, faster as his balls tightened with explosive need.

,” he growled.

She cried out as her body seized beneath his, her sheath clenching and quaking in spasms that stunned him with sensation. He threw his head back on a feral cry as she milked him to his release. Sweating and panting, Keith collapsed over her, his mind numb and his body spent.

Chapter 24

Miranda stirred against him with a contented purr and then suddenly froze. “Did you hear something?” A soft knock followed her question.

“Hello? Is anyone here?”

“Damn! It's Jo-Jo!” Roused instantly to wakefulness, she leaped from the bed. “What are we going to do?”

“Not much we can do.” Keith shrugged, tossing her a boot as she snatched up her clothes. “Either we ignore her and hope she gives up looking for you, or we go out there and admit we're caught.”

“I can't let her see us like this!” she hissed, frantically wriggling into her jeans.

“Coward.” He jerked his on as well and stomped into his boots. “Do you really think we can hide this from her?” His gaze narrowed. “Or is that what you really want, Miranda? To keep our relationship a secret?”

“Of course not!” she protested. “But how is it going to look to her? You just got here, and we're already…”

“We're what?” He cocked a brow.

“We're…we're…” She flushed deep pink.

“Can't say it, Miranda?” he taunted.

“I could if I knew what
was!” She threw her arms into her blouse. “What
we doing anyway, Keith?”

“Your shirt's inside out,” he remarked calmly.

“Crap!” she cried.

“Miranda? Keith? Are you here?” Jo-Jo pushed the bedroom door open.

Miranda gasped. Keith was still shirtless, and Miranda's was inside out. She also wore only one boot. Jo-Jo regarded them, her forehead puckered and lips pursed, as her gaze raked over their half-dressed state. “I…um…we were just…er…ah…” Miranda stammered.

Keith stepped forward. “Miranda was just helping me to get settled.”

Jo-Jo's frown deepened as she took in the disheveled bed. “I can see that,” she replied.

“I know how this looks,” Keith said, “but I swear I meant no disrespect to you, Miz Sutton. Maybe I should go.”

“Please, no,” Miranda whispered, almost a prayer. She held her breath for several agonizing seconds. She feared she'd pass out from lack of oxygen before Jo-Jo finally exhaled an exasperated sigh.

“I don't think it needs to come to that.”

Miranda blew out an echoing breath.

“I just came by to see if you needed anything.” Jo-Jo averted her eyes as Miranda handed Keith his shirt and adjusted her own clothes.

“I don't think so,” Keith replied evenly. “But thank you for asking.”

“We need to go to the co-op tomorrow for fencing supplies,” Miranda said. “After that, I figured we'd drive up to the Wal-Mart in Butte. If he needs anything, I'll take care of it.”

“Absolutely not. You'll take my credit card and charge whatever you need to my account,” Jo-Jo said.

“Don't trouble yourselves on my behalf,” Keith interjected. “If I need anything, I'll get it myself.”

“Don't be silly,” Jo-Jo said. “You came here to help us.”

“I didn't come as a hired hand, Miz Sutton. I'll pay my own way.”

“Please call me Jo-Jo,” she insisted. “I don't think we need to stand on ceremony, especially now,” she added dryly. She then turned toward the door. “Supper'll be ready in an hour. I'll expect you both.”

Miranda stared after her grandmother for a long, speechless moment.

“Is she always so open-minded?” Keith asked.

“In some things I suppose, but this is all new territory,” Miranda replied. “I'll talk to her as soon as I go inside. I don't want this to get any more awkward than it already is.”

“I should talk to her. I'm the one who committed the trespass.”

“You certainly weren't alone, Keith. And if anyone is really guilty, it's me. I knew you wanted to keep things platonic.”

“Maybe that was my initial intent,” he said, “but that plan went out the window the minute I saw you.”

“Really? I never would have guessed it by the way you acted.”

“Because I'm better at hiding my feelings than you are. You wear everything on your face,

“Then you have me at a strong disadvantage. I don't know how to read you at all.”

“Am I really so hard?” he asked.

“Yes. You are.” She frowned. “I can't seem to figure you out, no matter how hard I try.”

He smiled. “Then I'll try and make it easier for you.”

“I wish you would,” she replied with a slow grin. “I feel like I've been riding a roller coaster since I met you.”

One corner of his mouth curved upward. “That makes two of us.”

“What are we doing, Keith?” she asked. “I'm not trying to pressure you. I just need to know. Is this just fucking?”

“I thought you hated dirty words.”

“I do,” she said. “But if that's all this is, there's no point in sugarcoating it.”

“Is that what
think this is?” he asked.

“No,” she replied. “It's never felt like that with you. What we just did and how we did it was really naughty”—she blushed—“but in a fun way. It didn't feel cheap or dirty.”

He grinned. “Maybe in time you'll grow to like cheap and dirty.”

“Maybe,” she said. “But one step at a time, right?”

.” He stroked the backs of his fingers over her cheek. “One baby step at a time.”

She caught his hand and held it there, searching his eyes. “You never answered my question.”

“I didn't think it deserved an answer. Do you think I would have come all the way here if all I wanted was a fuck?”

“No,” she confessed, her heart racing. “You'd never have to drive six hours for that. You could have any woman you wanted.” She knew it was true. His sex appeal was undeniable.

He slid his hand down her cheek to cup her chin. “Is that what you think?”

“Yeah, I do,” she replied softly.

He dipped his head and murmured against her mouth, “Would it surprise you to know the only one I've ever really wanted was you?”

* * *

Jo-Jo was peeling apples for a pie when Miranda entered the kitchen, feeling much like a dog with its tail between its legs. “I'm sorry, Jo-Jo.”

“For what you did or for getting caught doing it?” Jo-Jo asked.

“For disappointing you. I was so very happy to see him again. One thing just led to another.”

Her grandmother replied with a sympathetic smile. “You don't have to apologize to me. I was once young and horny too. Hell, I was once old and horny. Now I'm just plain old. At least I'm not dead. I admit I was a bit shocked, but I should have seen this coming.”

“What do you mean?”

“You're in love with him. It's plain as the nose on your face. I just hope you're not making a mistake. It's never a good idea to get involved with people who work for you.”

“But it's not like that, Jo-Jo. He came here because he wanted to help. He won't take our money.”

“That does put things in a slightly different light.” She handed Miranda the peeler. “Would you finish these for me? I need to sit down for just a spell.”

“Sure,” Miranda replied, taking up an apple. “Are you feeling okay, Jo-Jo?” Miranda asked, noting her grandmother's pale color.

“Just a tad under the weather,” she replied. “I've been a bit light-headed off and on for the past few days. It'll pass if I just sit down for a bit.”

“Do you want a drink of water?”

Jo-Jo waved away the offer. “I'll be fine in a minute. It's nothing to be concerned about.”

“Have you seen a doctor?”

“Sweetheart. I'm just old,” Jo-Jo insisted. “There's no pills to cure that.” Jo-Jo turned the conversation back on topic. “I'll admit Keith wouldn't have been my first choice for you.”

“Why not?” Miranda asked.

“I had hoped you'd hit it off with my handsome young attorney, Wade Knowlton, but I'm not going to judge a man I don't even know. I'll give Keith the benefit of doubt, because I know you're not a fool.”

“I'm not sure how to take that, Jo-Jo.”

“I mean, I trust your good sense. I don't believe you'd take up with someone who wasn't worthy. I can see for myself that's he's a straight shooter. I respect that at least. He fessed up right away and shouldered the blame. That shows a protective streak. Coming here also proves he's loyal. There's another point in his favor.” She rose to pull the rib roast out of the oven. “How long does he intend to stay with us?”

“I'm not sure. He's said he plans to leave right after we bring the horses in.”

“If all goes according to schedule, that'll be right before Thanksgiving,” Jo-Jo remarked. “Do you think he'll want to stay here with us for the holiday or spend it with his family?”

“I don't know,” Miranda said. “Come to think of it, I don't even know if they observe Thanksgiving on the reservation, do you? The Pilgrims' arrival and establishment in the New World hardly seem a reason for them to celebrate.”

“I guess you're right,” Jo-Jo said dryly. “I never thought of it that way.”

“I never did either, but I look at a lot of things differently since I met him.”

“Whether he celebrates it or not, I'm sure he won't want to be by himself,” Jo-Jo said. “Judith and Robert are coming up. Judith almost had a heifer when I told her I wasn't moving to Phoenix. I think she'll try to bully me into changing my mind.”

“Have you told her about the mustangs yet?” Miranda asked.

“I mentioned it only in passing, but haven't told her the rest yet. I'd rather wait and do it in person. Speaking of that, I could use some reinforcements. You can tell Keith if he wants to stay, I'll make him the best damned stuffed turkey and pumpkin pie he ever ate.”

Miranda bit her lip. “So you're really okay with him and me?”

“Sweetheart, I don't have to love it to accept it. You're a grown woman. I only ask for a little discretion. Silver Star is a very small town, and people love to gossip.”

Miranda kissed her grandmother's cheek. “You have my promise.”

* * *

Keith took a quick shower and changed into his best shirt and a fresh pair of jeans. Hat in hand, he knocked on the front door, ready to do whatever he could to mend fences with Jo-Jo Sutton.

“C'mon in, Keith.” She beckoned him inside. “Miranda went upstairs to change. She should be down in a minute or two.”

He wiped his boots on the mat and followed her inside. “Miz Sutton—Jo-Jo,” he amended, “I really did mean what I said about leaving if I've offended you.” He hesitated. “Just say the word, and I'll grab my things and go.”

“It's all right, Keith.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “I was just taken off guard, but not really offended.”

“I wish I could promise you it won't happen again, but…” He gave a fatalistic shrug. “I really can't make that promise.”

“Miranda and I have already talked about it. What happens between the two of you is your business, as long as you're discreet about it, and it doesn't interfere with the running of this ranch.”

“It won't. You have my word on that.”

“Your word is good enough for me.”

“Thank you, ma'am.”

“I hope you don't mind eating in the kitchen,” she said. “I rarely use the dining room since my husband passed. When Miranda came to stay, I tried to switch back to using it, but she said she prefers the kitchen. It's her favorite room in the house.”

“Me too,” he said. “I love the smells. I've always felt the kitchen was the heart of the home. I was raised by my grandparents and always used to sit with my grandmother while she made bread.”

“Does she like to bake?” Jo-Jo asked.

“Yes, but our bread is deep-fried rather than baked. Fry bread is a staple on the rez.”

“Then I'll have to see if I can make you some. Do you have the recipe?”

“Actually, I do. Right here.” He tapped his head with a grin. “But don't tell anyone. Where I grew up, men aren't supposed to know anything about cooking.”

“Do you like to cook?” she asked.

“Sometimes. But I only know how to make a few of my favorite things.”

“Like what?”

“Mostly game dishes—venison, rabbit, elk, black bear. Bear is my specialty.”

“So you do a lot of hunting?”

“Yes. We stock the freezer with fish and game. We buy little meat.”

“Bud loved to hunt bighorn sheep,” she said. “Used to go every year with some buddies of his. We've got a whole trophy room, if you'd like to see it later.”

“I'd like that, Jo-Jo.”

“I didn't get a chance to say so earlier, but I'm glad you've come, Keith.”

“I'm happy to help you out,” he said.

“But then you plan to leave again.”


“Back to Wyoming? That's a lot of distance to try to make a relationship work,” Jo-Jo remarked.

“It is,” he agreed. “I'm thinking about looking for some ranch work that's closer.”

“Why not just stay on here?”

“I have some very good reasons for not accepting the job, Miz Sutton. Personal reasons.”

“If you're serious about ranching, there's an outfit about twenty miles down the way that's probably looking. The Knowltons are raising some new hybrid cattle and might be needing some help come calving season. There are a few other places that always hire extra hands for branding. 'Course, that kinda work doesn't pay a whole lot. If you wanted to reconsider staying on with us, I could try to make it worth your while.”

“I don't need your money,” he said. “I have no debts and lead a very simple, uncomplicated life. I mostly work because I want to, not so much because I have to.”

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