Safe With Him (15 page)

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Authors: Tina Bass

BOOK: Safe With Him
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“Damn, baby, you taste so fuckin’ sweet,” he groaned as he moved back up her body, slowly kissing her as he went. “You like that?” She heard him ask, but she couldn’t catch her breath enough to answer, so she simply nodded. “Good, cuz gotta’ tell ya, sweet as you taste, gonna be doing that a lot.” He informed her as he moved up beside her, kissed her lightly, and then moved to get up.

“What…what are you doing?” she asked, her brain still muddled.

He was standing by the bed, so when he turned back around to her he leaned down, put his lips to hers and whispered, “Condoms,” then kissed her lightly before he stood back up, walked across the room and into what she was guessing was the bathroom. A few seconds later he reappeared with a whole handful of condoms.


He opened the drawer on the nightstand and dropped them in, took one out, then looked back at her and growled. “Not gonna happen again.” He lay back down beside her.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked softly.

“You can ask me anythin’,” he answered her with the same softness.

“Well, I…uh, kinda heard, but I don’t know if it’s true or not, but see, if it is, well…then I was wondering if maybe…uh, I don’t know, maybe you would…know, I mean.” She stumbled over her words as well as her train of thought.
How the hell is a girl supposed to concentrate with him grinning that sexy grin and running his hand up and down her side?

“Can’t tell you if I know or not if I don’t have a damn clue what you wanna ask.”

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, blew it out, opened her eyes, and looked right into his. “It feels better for the guy if he doesn’t wear a condom?” she said quickly.

“That, I wouldn’t know. Never went without.”

“Never?” she asked, shocked. “I mean, not even once?”

“No, baby, never. Not even once.”

“Do you…uh…want to?” she tentatively asked. “I swear I’m on the pill, been on it since I was twenty. I promise you. I asked…well because, well, like I said, I heard it’s better for…uh, well…uh, you.”

She watched him close his eyes, breathe deep, then in a flash she was flat on her back and he was on top of her, his head buried in her neck. “Fuck, baby. You can’t ask a man shit like that.”

“I can’t?”

“Fuck no.”


He raised his head, looking at her. “No man wants to wear a condom, but Bree, it’s for your protection.”

“I know that, but if you’ve never…well, you know…without one and I’ve never at all, plus, I’m on the pill, then what other protection do you need?”



“Fuck me,” he rumbled as he dropped his head back into her neck.

“We could compromise—” she started, but at her words he jerked his head back up.

“Compromise?” he groaned.

“Well, yes, see, we could—” she started again.

“Compromise?” he ground out.

“Yes, kinda like an—” She tried once more.

“Compromise?” he repeated.

“Can you stop saying compromise and listen to me?”

“Bree, I know all about your so called compromises.”

“You do?”



“Storm informed me.”

“Oh my good day, Dra, can you not talk about my brother while I’m lying here…uh, naked,” she said right before his head went back into her neck, and she felt his body shaking with…laughter. “Are you laughing?” she asked, but she already knew. She could hear him.

He rolled to his back, pulling her on top of him. She rose up, arms folded across her chest, looking down into his beautiful smiling face. She moved her hand to his face, ran her fingers over his cheek, her thumb across his bottom lip, down to his neck, watching her fingers the entire time, then looking back at him. “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered as she leaned into him and kissed him lightly, then before he could say a word she added, “How about we try this, this time we don’t use one, then next time we do, then see which way we like better.” She finally managed to say.

Draco didn’t answer, couldn’t answer, not in words. But he could show her what her putting her trust in him meant to him. He rolled them, her back to the bed and kissed her with every drop of passion he felt for her. Every bit of devotion and warmth he had for her. Her, Bree,
his Breezie
. He was falling for her? He broke the kiss, jerked his head back to look at her, he had to see her face, look into those gorgeous amber eyes. When hers meet his he knew.
Fuck yeah
. He was falling for this woman. Falling fast and falling hard. He slammed his mouth back on hers and kissed her with everything that was him.

He moved to her jaw, down her neck, to her breast, to suck her nipple into his mouth, while he cupped her other breast in his hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across her nipple. She arched her back to him, felt her hand at the back of his head, holding him to her. He would go slowly, he would take care of her. He didn’t want to cause her any pain, although he had heard a woman’s first time could be a little painful. He wouldn’t know, he had never been a woman’s first. Until Bree.
His sweet, sexy, funny, fuckin’ gorgeous, Breezie.

He moved his hand down, over her belly, then down to cup her, pressing the palm of his hand to her. “So fuckin’ wet,” he growled. He already needed to taste her again. He kissed his way down her body, then parted her legs wide and moved in between them again. This time when he dipped his head to her as he slowly licked across her entrance, her ass came up off the bed without any help from him. He used one hand to tear his boxer briefs down his legs, then off. When that was done, he grabbed her ass, lifted and dove in, until once again she came apart in his hands and in his mouth, but this time he didn’t wait for her to come down, he quickly moved up her body, grabbed his dick and positioned himself to enter her. He looked down at her, saw her breathing hard, and saw her eyes start to refocus, so watching her face he pushed into her, not hard, but quick and to the hilt. He felt her barrier tear, saw the flash of pain across her face, and he fuckin’ heard her sharp cry. He dropped down on top of her, but held most of his weight off of her using his forearms. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I didn’t wanna hurt you. I’ve never done this before. I thought quick would be less painful for you.” He kissed her lips, her cheeks, her eyes, her forehead, and back down to her lips again.

“It’s okay, I’m okay,” she whispered. After taking a moment to breathe, she asked, “Are you okay?”

He dropped his head into her neck. Fuck him! His Breezie just stole his fuckin’ heart right then and there. “Yeah, baby, I’m okay,” he whispered.

He felt her hips move just a little under his weight. He lifted his head, looked into her eyes and saw only his sweet Bree looking back at him, no pain. He raised his hips to slide out just a little then back in and watched desire fill her eyes. He slid back out and in again, once, then twice, watching her, making sure she was in no more pain. She raised her head, touched her lips to his, ran her tongue over his bottom lip, then her tongue started to push between his lips. He sucked her tongue into his mouth at the same time he started moving his hips, slowly at first, but as her hips started to move with his and he heard her moans of pleasure, then and only then did he begin to really feel. And damn if being inside her bare wasn’t the best fuckin’ feeling in the entire world!

Bree felt the change in Draco. She didn’t know what caused it, but whatever it was, she was glad for it. Because now he was moving, and she could feel it again, it was coming, or more like she was coming again. He was pumping into her faster and faster while she raised her hips to meet his, thrust for thrust. He broke the kiss. “So good, baby, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he moaned against her lips. Pumping harder and faster, she wrapped her legs around him, tightened her muscles and gripped him. “Fuck, baby, you gotta come, I’m not gonna’ last.” She heard him groan, then felt his hand move between their bodies. “Come for me, Breezie,” he growled, then did a swirl thing with one finger, pressed in, and she flew apart on a scream. She barely heard him when he growled, “Breezie, il mio cuore,” right before she felt him collapse on top of her, for a beat, then he rolled to his back with her pressed to his chest, his arms wrapped around her tight. Bree could hear his heart beating fast, could feel his chest rise and fall with his heavy breathing, just as hers was doing the same. He just quietly held her to him until their heart rate slowed and their breathing evened out.

He rolled to his side, bringing her to her side and up so they were again face to face. “You doin’ okay?” he asked her softly. “Do you hurt anywhere?” Before she could answer either question, he jumped up. “A hot bath, that’s supposed to help with relaxation.” He moved into the same room where he had gotten the condoms. She heard water running, so she was pretty sure she had guessed right about it being a bathroom. “I don’t have any bath shit…” he was saying as he walked back out of the bathroom, “…but I’ve got some Epsom salt in the kitchen that’s supposed to help with soreness,” he continued as he walked out of the bedroom…naked.

She sat up, grinning and shaking her head, thinking he was so much more than just ‘a nice guy.’ She started to get up when she felt something wet between her legs. She looked down and saw blood. Not a lot, but it was still enough to stain his sheet. “Oh no!” She jumped up, grabbing the first thing she saw, his T-shirt, and slipped it on. She turned back to the bed, looking down at the mess she had caused and with tears clogging her throat, she started tugging the sheet off the bed.

Draco walked back into the bedroom, Epsom salt in hand, then froze at the site of Bree standing by
bed in
That’s the sexiest I’ve ever seen her
. Grinning, he asked, “Baby, what are…” He never finished what he was saying, because he saw her body give a startled jerk, then her head turned to him and he saw the tears in her eyes. He never heard the Epsom salt hit the floor as he rushed across the room to her. Cupping her face in his hands, looking down into her tear filled eyes, “Breezie?” he gently questioned.

“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed softly, as a tear ran down her cheek.

“Sorry? For what?” His thumb wiped the tear away. Was she regretting what they had done? Had he pushed her too fast?
. He should have taken better care with her.

“For…” She sniffled as she cut her eyes back to the bed.

He turned his head to see what she was looking at. At first he didn’t see anything other than the top sheets and blanket somewhat shoved down the bed and the fitted sheet partly coming off. “Baby, that’s no big deal. I know how to make a bed.” He moved to pull the sheet back where it belonged.

“No!” He heard her yell at the same time he grabbed the sheet and pulled tight. Dropping the sheet, he jerked his head back to her, but not before he saw…was that blood? He whipped back around, jerked the sheet and then he saw it. “Fuck!” he hissed as he turned back to her. “Bree—”

“I’m so, so, sorry. I’m so stupid. I…” she sobbed, but he only half heard what she was saying, only the tears in her eyes, and the pain in her voice penetrated as he scooped her up, held her to him and quickly moved into the bathroom.

“It’s gonna be okay, baby, it’s gonna be okay.” He kept repeating in between light kisses on her temple. Gently, he sat her on her feet and removed his T-shirt from her, scanning her for the source of the blood. When he saw a little smeared on the inside of her thigh, his eyes jerked back to hers. “Uh…Bree, is that…” He started, then watched her slowly nod. “Does it…uh…hurt? Are you in pain?”


“Thank fuck,” he breathed as he grabbed her to him and wrapped her in his arms. “I thought you were hurt. I saw the blood on the bed and I thought you were hurt.” He leaned back and looked down into her face. “You sure you’re not hurtin’?”

“Yeah. Uh, Dra, how much water you planning on filling the tub with?” she asked with that cute as hell side smile.

He turned to the forgotten bath to see it had just about overflowed. “Oh, shit!” He moved to turn the water off, then pulled the stopper to let some of it drain out.

“I am sorry about your sheet. I’ll replace them for you.” He heard her say as he turned back to her.

“Watch that,” he said as he did a chin lift at the tub, then turned and walked out of the bathroom, back into the bedroom, bent to pick it up the Epsom salts, when from the corner of his eye he saw the bed. His time with Bree in that bed flashed through his mind, her under him, looking up at him, her gorgeous smile, her fuckin’ fantastic hair, her soft skin, her scent, “peaches,” he breathed. Her taste. “Fuck.” Just thinking about tasting her was making him hard, until he got another glance at the blood stained sheet. He thought she was hurt, that she was bleeding, and it scared the shit out of him. It would have anyway but right now, knowing the kind of danger she was in, yeah, it scared him. He had to figure out a way to get more than the twenty-four hours with her, without letting on the extent of the danger she was in. More importantly, not letting on to the ‘whys’ of that danger. “Fuck,” he mumbled again. He did know that for whatever reason, the soiled sheets upset her. He wasn’t quite sure what that reason was. But what he was sure about, he would make damn sure the sheets were changed before she finished her bath.

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