Safe With Him (14 page)

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Authors: Tina Bass

BOOK: Safe With Him
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Chapter Twelve




Bree sat quietly and waited for him to ask his questions. When they were on the highway that would take them back to Mt. Eve she finally turned to him, tired of waiting on him to begin and feeling a little nervous. “What did you want to ask me?”

He looked over at her, then back to the road, back at her, then again back to the road without saying anything. Then she heard him take a deep breath. “Baby, why don’t you trust cops?” he asked the question softly, sweetly, but she couldn’t think of one sweet answer to give.

She turned, looked out her window, just watching the scenery pass by in a blur. How could she explain sixteen years of cops looking the other way, or, worse, using what they saw, what they knew was happening, to their advantage. And worse still, how do you explain that to another cop? She didn’t think it would matter what she said or how she phrased it. He was a cop, so he would just side with them…like they all did. “Bree, baby, right now I’m not a cop. Right now I’m the same man you were kissin’ just a few minutes ago.”

She heard him, but she still didn’t look at him or say anything. She had been kissing him. She had liked kissing him. It was just that she liked kissing him so much that she forgot. Forgot he was a cop, forgot what happened when you didn’t comply with their wishes.
What would he do or what would he say?
She wondered. “I just don’t. It really doesn’t matter about the why. It’s never mattered what I say, they’re always right and I’m always wrong,” she said to the glass.

“It does matter. It matters to me.” She heard his words, and then she felt his hand on her leg. He squeezed lightly. “Baby, look at me,” he asked softly. She turned her head back to him, and watched him look back and forth between her and the road. “Talk to me.”

She silently turned back to the window, laid her forehead against the glass, and closed her eyes again. She didn’t speak for a while, and he gave her that time. She didn’t know how long she sat there, eyes closed, just feeling the vibrations from the car.

When she finally did speak, she asked him a question. “What was your father?” Her eyes stayed closed, her forehead still against the glass.

“A drug dealer among other things,” he answered her, and she could hear the tightness in his voice.

“Your father dealt the drugs. My mother did the drugs,” she stated. Then she raised her head, turning back to him. “My mother was a coke addict, and I don’t mean the kind that comes in a can.” She watched him, waiting for a reaction. Growing up she always got either one of two reactions. One, she was just like her mother, or two, pity because of her mother. But even the ones who pitied her did it from afar. No one except for Storm ever stepped in to try and help her, growing up in a way no kid should ever have to endure.

He looked at her, then back to the road. She felt the car slow and when she looked out the windshield she saw an ‘emergency only’ pull off on the side of the road. “We can’t stop here. It’s for emergencies only.” she said, but he was already stopping.

“This is an emergency.” He turned off the car, undid his seatbelt, then unfastened hers. “Talk to me about this morning.” He reached for her hand.

“What?” she asked, confused.

“What you said and why the hell you said it.” He almost sounded…pissed? Was he pissed at her? For what?

“What?” she repeated, more confused.



He tugged on her hand, bringing her closer until his forehead met hers. “Baby,” he whispered softly, so softly that she almost didn’t hear him. He raised his head, locked eyes with her, then without saying a word he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. “Let’s get you home,” he replied when he finally broke the kiss.

Draco watched as Bree smiled that cute side smile at him as she refastened her seatbelt, then he fastened his. He re-started the car and pulled back onto the highway. He realized as soon as he sat his ass in the car that he didn’t want to discuss the mistrust she had for cops. He wanted to know, but not while he was driving, not when he couldn’t hold her. He knew by her reaction, as soon as the question left his mouth that he needed to be able to hold her. He was damn sure when she started talking about her mom, no, her ‘mother,’ she had never referred to her by anything other than ‘mother.’ So, he would wait on the answers to that question as well as whatever the fuck was going on in that head of hers that she thought she had to inform him that she wasn’t a ‘fuck and fly’ kinda girl.

“Tell me about your job.” He heard her take a relieved breath that he had changed the subject.

“I’m just a bartender.”

“No, baby, you’re not
anythin’, and I’ve never seen anythin’ like what you do. How did you learn that shit?”

“There was this old movie house near where we used to live. They showed all types of movies, but nothing new, or anything new at that time. Storm worked there, just doing odd jobs and stuff, but anyways, when things at home got to be…too much, I would hang out with him there. One evening they were playing a movie called
and I…well, I kinda snuck in to watch.”

He kept glancing at her as she talked, so he caught the hesitation that was not only in her voice, but also in her body language. She just couldn’t get past him being a cop.
Does she think I would arrest her here on the spot for somethin’ as simple as sneakin’ in to watch a damn movie fuckin’ years ago
? “Yeah, I’ve sneaked a peek at a movie a time or two myself.” He hoped that she would realize he wasn’t perfect. He had told her he peddled drugs for his father, damn it!

“You did?” she asked, sounding shocked.

He looked at her, yep, wide eyes. Definitely shocked.
he thought. “Bree, I also peddled drugs, guns and other shit. I told you that.”

“Well, yeah, but that wasn’t your fault. It’s not like you had much of a choice,” she shot back fiercely, and he felt that deep in his soul.

“So what happened after you snuck in?”

“It looked so cool and it made people smile.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, I know it was just a movie, and that’s what was supposed to happen, but still…”

He caught her looking at him, and she was smiling.
Damn she’s gorgeous
, he thought. “What was the movie about?” He couldn’t help but smiled back at her.

“You’ve never seen it?!”


“Like ever? Not even once?”


“Dang, you really were underprivileged.” She reached over and patted his leg. “That’s okay, Spanky, I can fix that.” She giggled.

“Yeah, baby, how you gonna fix that?” He chuckled with her.

She flashed him one of her big gorgeous smiles, and damn, he wanted to kiss that mouth. Then she spoke, and he was hoping she would finally agree to the twenty-four hours he asked her for.

“We’ll just have to watch it.”

Chapter Thirteen




Draco noticed, as they pulled into his driveway, that Bree started looking around like she was lost.

“Where are we?” she asked, still looking around.

“My house,” he answered, then realized she had only seen his house from the back.


“It’s safer,” was his only response.

“How is your house safer than my apartment? And if your house is so much safer, why did you stay at my place last night?”

“I have a security system, you don’t. And you didn’t give me the twenty-four hours last night.”

“So why didn’t you ask for the twenty-four hours last night?”



“Get out.” He shook his head, grinning, as he got out of the car and walked around to her side. “Do you gotta work tonight?” he asked when they were walking up to his door.

“Yes, I usually work every night, except Sundays and Wednesdays.”

“Usually?” he questioned as he unlocked the door and held it open for her.

“Well, yeah, I mean, I switched with another girl one Friday because she needed that day off. I worked her day and she worked my night.” She walked into his house and then quickly stepped to the side for him to punch the code into the security system.

“The same day that I met you?” He wondered aloud, after putting in the code and turning to her.

“Oh, yeah, it was. Huh. Imagine that.
I hadn’t switched
my shower hadn’t been messing up, I might not have ever met you,” she said absently as he watched her move toward the kitchen.

He stepped up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Well, thank fuck for messed up showers and switching shifts.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly, or that was what he meant to do, until his lips touched hers.

Bree felt his arms tighten around her waist and he pulled her body closer as his lips touched hers. One hand skimmed up her back, her neck, then fingers gripped her ponytail right before she felt the scrunchie slide out of her hair. Then his fingers ran through her hair, gripped and tilted her head. His other hand moved down to caress her butt, lightly at first, but as he tilted her head to deepen the kiss the hand on her butt became firmer as he urged her even closer. He then lifted her so her upper body was plastered to his. She could feel the tight muscles beneath his shirt. His erection pressed against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers diving into his hair. She felt him moving, walking to where…she didn’t know, or care. Then her butt hit something solid right as Draco broke the kiss. That was when she realized he had sat her on top of the table in the kitchen. He spread her legs as he stepped in between, his hands running up and down her thighs. His eyes locked on hers. “So damn gorgeous,” he whispered, right before his lips met hers again.

Draco felt her lips under his, his tongue sliding in between those soft lips into her mouth as he pressed his body into hers. He could feel the heat of her pressed up against his erection. His fingers that were tangled in her hair, tightened, his hand on her ass pressing her more into him as he ground himself against her. He heard her moan, felt that in his mouth, in his chest that was pressed tight to hers, and fuck, he felt that moan in his dick. He wanted her so bad.

“Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he said against her lips but didn’t give her time to speak before he was kissing her again. As soon as he felt her legs wrap around his waist, his hand on her ass moved under her, and he lifted her from the table. He turned and walked them quickly up the stairs, never breaking the kiss.

Bree was lost. Lost in this man’s arms and in this man’s kiss. So lost she didn’t even realize he had taken her upstairs to his bedroom, until she felt the bed at her back. That was when he broke the kiss. She was lying on the bed with him standing over her. Just looking down at her. “So damn gorgeous.” She heard him fervently groan as he reached for the bottom of his T-shirt and ripped it off over his head.

She gasped as she sat up, staring at his shoulder. She moved up on her knees, closer to him, then reached out to touch the ink on his skin. Right before her fingers made contact with his skin, she remembered his last reaction to her touching his tattoo, so she paused, and looked up at him. “Can I?” she breathed out, wanting nothing more than to run her fingers over that tattoo, to touch it, to feel it under her fingertips. Hell, she wanted to taste it.

When he only nodded, she looked back at his tattoo and slowly ran her finger, just one, over the head of a dragon that was tattooed over his shoulder, to the fire that it breathed from its mouth across and down his wide chest almost to his stomach. When her finger had reached the tip of the fire, she flattened her hand and rubbed over the fire, up to the head, then moving she turned him to see his back. She gasped again, this time even louder. The entire body of the dragon was covering his back, wings spread wide. She could only see part of the dragon’s tail, as the rest disappeared beneath the waist of his jeans. Using both hands now, she rubbed over his back. She wanted to feel all of it, every inch. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered breathlessly, not recognizing her own voice, while continuing to caress his back.

She felt him shudder, then heard, “Fuck,” hissed low, right before he turned back around, wrapped his arms around her and jerked her body into his as his mouth came down on hers.

Draco kissed her hard, long, and deep. He had stood there with his back to her for as long as humanly possible. Her hands gliding over his tat, over him, her soft touch was driving him insane, but with Bree, just like everything else with her, it was more. He had never had a woman react quite like she did when seeing his tats. And just like the first time, her running her fingers, her hands, over him, his dick got hard or
. He had to have her—knew, he fuckin’ knew—at this point if he didn’t sink inside her soon he would go completely insane.

“Breezie,” he breathed when he broke the kiss. “Fuck, baby, I want you,” he huskily whispered as he moved his hands to the bottom of her shirt. “I want you so fuckin’ bad.” The whisper turned into a growl as he ripped her shirt up and over her head. He froze for a beat, her breasts were barely covered in pink lace, her nipples hard and straining against that lace. He bent, sucked one nipple in his mouth over the lace, while one hand moved to cup her other breast. He felt her quick intake of breath, heard her moan. He wanted to touch and taste every inch of her.

He straightened, moving his hands to the buttons on her jeans. He looked at her flushed face, saw the desire in her eyes, but still this was Breezie, so he had to be sure. “Do you want this, baby?” he asked softly, knowing he would lose his mind if she said ‘no.’

“Yes,” she breathed, “but…” He lost her eyes as she looked down but said no more. He froze, it would kill him to stop, but if she wasn’t ready, he would. He

“But what, baby?” he asked.

“I…I’ve…” She looked back up into his eyes. “I’ve never done…this.” She finished, hesitantly, but never took her eyes off of him.

“You’ve never done what?” he asked, confused. She couldn’t mean have sex. Hell, the woman was twenty-six years old. He knew she didn’t have casual sex, but to have never? Ever?

“Sex,” she whispered, and again he lost her eyes.

“How?” he asked incredulously before he could stop himself. Then before she had a chance to answer, he shook his head, then taking her by her shoulders, he laid her down on the bed. He lay down beside her, side by side, face to face. “Baby, tell me how a woman who looks like you, carries herself like you, and fuck, just be all that is you, gets to be twenty-six years old and never had sex before?”

Bree looked into his eyes, not sure how she could explain. How do you tell a man like this that sex was always a bad thing, a dirty thing that she never wanted a part of? Until now. Until him. “I just haven’t,” was all she could manage to say. “But I think that I want to now,” she added shyly.

He rolled her to her back, him above her looking down, his eyes roaming her face, her hair, and the backs of his fingers rubbing her cheek. “You can’t ‘think,’ baby. When it’s this important, you have to know,” he whispered softly, then his eyes met hers. “If you’re not ready, we can wait.”

“You want to wait?” she asked, shocked.

“For you, baby, I’ll wait a lifetime.”

“I don’t want to wait. I know I don’t want to wait.”

He didn’t move, just continued looking into her eyes, rubbing the backs of his fingers across her cheek. “You sure?” he finally asked, and when she nodded he leaned into her and kissed her lips lightly. “We’ll go slowly. I’ll take care, I promise you, baby, but if you need me to stop, you just tell me.”


“Okay.” She barely heard his whisper before his lips touched hers again.

He kissed her gently and sweetly, and slow—oh, so slowly. She slid her hands up his arms, over his shoulders, one hand going into his hair, the other back over his shoulder, down his arm, then up and over his shoulder again.

He kissed her cheek, her jaw, then down her neck to her breasts. He kissed one, then the other, through her bra, running his tongue along the bare skin showing above, then down between her breasts, to the clasp of her bra. He stopped then, didn’t move at all until she looked down at him to find him looking up at her. He grinned, then dipped his mouth to the clasp and popped it open. She couldn’t help but giggle for just a second, then his mouth was again at her breast, but this time there was no bra, and he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her giggle quickly turned into a gasp, then into a full out moan. Her back arched and her hand that was in his hair gripped a handful while holding his head to her. “Damn, baby,” he growled as he moved to her other nipple, but instead of sucking it into his mouth like he did the first, he touched the tip of his tongue to it, then flicked it back and forth. She arched her back so deep that most of her body was off the bed. He moved one hand to her jeans, unfastened them, and slipped his hand inside and cupped her over her panties. “So wet.” She heard him mumble as she pushed her hips up, grinding against his hand.

“Fuck, baby.” She felt and heard him growl into her breast, then he sat up. While his eyes never let hers, he slid her jeans down her legs, flipped off her shoes, and then pulled the jeans from her legs. He sat by the side of the bed and removed his shoes, socks, then stood to take off his jeans. Before he could turn back around to face her, she got back up on her knees, and had her hands on his back, then her mouth and her tongue. She kissed and licked the tattoo covered skin down his back and across his shoulder and as he turned toward her, she moved her mouth over his shoulder and across his chest. She continued down his stomach until he pushed lightly on her shoulders to bring her back up to him.

He kissed her as he laid her back down, moved over her, holding his weight off of her with his forearms. “You like my tats, baby?” He moved back to her breast but this time he latched on and sucked deep. She let out a startled gasp that turned into a moan. Then he was kissing his way down her chest, her belly, and further, running his tongue across her skin just under the band of her panties. He rose up to his knees, one on each side of her legs, his hands on both sides of her hips. He grabbed hold of her panties and slid them down her legs and when they were just past her knees, he pushed her legs up, bent at the knees and slid them the rest of the way off. He then parted her legs and spread them wide to the outside of his knees.

He moved his eyes up her body, slowly to her face. “So fuckin’ gorgeous,” he rasped, his voice husky as he met her eyes. “You doing okay, baby?”

“Yes,” she breathed out.

“Do you wanna stop?”

“You want to stop?” she screeched out confused.

“Fuck no! But if you needed to, I had to see you naked first.” He grinned at her.

She moved her eyes down his chest, down his stomach, to the waist band of his boxer briefs, then down to his… “Oh! Oh, wow!” She gasped, then whipped her eyes back to his at the sound of his low chuckles. “That was out loud, huh?”

“Yeah, baby.” He laughed, thoroughly enjoying her.

“You got to see me naked. How come I can’t see you naked?” she asked mischievously.

Draco grinned. “You will.”

He moved one of his knees that were between her legs right up against her, rubbed back and forth once and her breath caught, then he was over her with his hands at each side of her head, holding his weight off of her as his head came down. His lips were on hers, his tongue thrust in then back out of her mouth only for him to suck her bottom lip into his mouth. His tongue was back in her mouth, out, then she felt it across her bottom lip, across her cheek, down her neck, back at her breast. He licked one, then the other nipple, before he sucked it into his mouth. When she arched her back, one of his arms went under her, his hand gliding down her back as he kissed his way down her front. Hand and mouth moved together as he slid down her body until his hand reached her ass. “Breezie,” he moaned fervently again as his hand cupped her ass, lifting at the same time he lowered his head. He paused, his eyes meeting hers. “Miniera,” he growled possessively right before he leaned over and kissed her lightly, just like he had kissed her lips. She inhaled sharply but lost contact with his eyes when his tongue touched her and her head fell back. That was the last coherent thought she had as his tongue dove in and out of her. Then she felt his tongue running across her entrance only to drive back into her again. When she didn’t think she could take much more, he sucked her clit into his mouth at the same time his finger entered her and twirled. She came apart on a scream.

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