Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1)
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Jack climbed the stairs to his room, stripping his shirt off as he entered. He didn't bother taking off his pants or even turning on the light before flopping into bed. All he wanted to do was sleep and not think about what he was doing. Nothing in his life felt right at the moment.

“Ooof!” A voice said in the darkness. “What are you doing? You reek.”

Brandy. Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had completely forgotten about Brandy.

“Sorry, baby,” he whispered, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “We just got back.”

“Well, you can go take a shower,” she said shortly. “You smell like a bar.”

Jack frowned. Of course he smelled like a bar, that's where he had been all night. “I'll take one in the morning, I'm just really tired and—”

“Then don't sleep in here with me,” she snapped. “Either stop smelling like crappy whiskey or find another place to sleep.”

Jack stared at the dark in disbelief for a moment before getting up and going to another room. He was exhausted. It shouldn't matter that he smelled like a distillery. That was his room too. This whole place was his.

He flopped down in the guest bedroom down the hall, annoyed. The pillow here wasn't the kind he liked and the bedspread in this room was too heavy. He wanted his room. He scrunched the pillow up under his head in an angry attempt to make it more comfortable.

Bringing Brandy was a mistake. Owen and Rachel both had tried to warn him but he hadn't listened. He had wanted to be in love. For the last week before his father's business took over everything, Jack had wanted to find some happiness.

On the surface, everything had been perfect. Brandy was beautiful with a body that made men's heads spin. She laughed at his jokes and she fawned over his gifts. She had made him feel powerful and wanted.

He shook his head, staring up at the ceiling. She had fluttered her eyelashes and taken him in. Every time he closed the blinds to his office with her inside, he had gotten a rush. But, now that they were on vacation, all the spark from their clandestine meetings in the office was gone.

Jack sighed, holding the breath out for as long as he could, relishing the physical ache. After this trip, everything would be different and yet exactly the same. He knew was after his money, but at least she had made the effort to give him the illusion of having feelings for him.

She must still just have a headache,
Jack thought to himself.
Everything will be back to normal in the morning.

Kisses From Jack: Chapter 2

verything was not back to normal in the morning. The first few times his phone buzzed, Jack didn't even bother getting up to answer it. He just prayed that it would stop before his hangover got worse.

When it started to vibrate non-stop, he finally reached out from under the blanket to look at who was calling. He had specifically requested that he only be bothered for emergencies, but one look at the Caller ID told him that he better pick it up.

“What's up, Dean?” he asked, his voice cracking halfway through the sentence.

“What's up? I've been trying to call you for a half hour now,” the angry man on the other end of the line said.

“I know, I just woke up.” I am on vacation, after all, Jack thought. But he knew his bodyguard was just looking after him.

“Just woke- oh. Oh.” Dean sounded like he understood. Jack could hear someone talking in the background, then he heard Dean say, “He said he just woke up.”

Jack looked at the clock. 9:30 AM. It wasn't even that late, but for the CEO of a company, that might as well be sleeping in until sunset. He knew he'd be pulling some hours before dawn as soon as he started.

“Listen, guys, is everything okay? Did you land? Are you here?”

“Yeah, we're here and we'll be there soon.”

“Did you bring it?” Jack asked, a smile creeping across his face.

“Bring what?” Dean asked.

“Don't be coy. Did you bring the shirt?”

There was a pause. Jack hoped that he wouldn't have to trek into town to buy one if he didn't. “Yes, I brought it,” Dean said with an exasperated sigh.

The thought of his stoic and incredibly reserved bodyguard wearing that ridiculous Hawaiian shirt almost made Jack's headache go away. Almost. “Good. I'll see you when you get here.”

Jack hung up the phone and wandered out of the room. He nearly forgot why he wasn't sleeping in his own bed, but he remembered as soon as he got to the kitchen for breakfast. There was Brandy, looking unhappy as ever. Clearly she thought that Jack had slept too late as well.

“Hey there,” Jack said, sauntering up to her. He leaned into kiss her.

“Ugh, you still reek,” she said, pushing him away. A flash of anger washed over Jack, but he managed to keep it in check. “When are you going to shower?”

He moved away from her with a sigh and went to get a toaster pastry. They weren't usually on his menu, but this was vacation after all. “Right after breakfast,” Jack said.

“Well, after you smell better, I was thinking we might go into town. I was thinking that you might get me some of that island jewelry,” she said, her eyes sparkling a little bit. “The island is renowned for their diamond and tanzanite pieces.”

Jack froze. “Honey, you know that my party is today. I'll be preparing all day for it.”

Brandy sighed. “Oh, is that tonight? Well, we'll just have to make it quick.”

“I literally don't have any time to take you shopping today.” Jack sighed. He wanted her to have fun on this trip, too. “Can it wait until tomorrow?”

Brandy pouted. “Well... Don't you want me to look good at your little party tonight?”

Is she for real?
Jack thought. He was sure he had already explained this to her. “Brandy, we've been over this. Tonight's party is for guys only. You're going to have to find something else to do tonight.”

Her mouth dropped a little bit. “I thought you were just fooling around.” Jack shook his head. “Fine,” she continued. “If you don't want me here, then I won't be here. Enjoy your little boy's party tonight.” She stomped out of the room.

Jack just stood there, eating his Pop Tart. She had been so different at the office, flirting and giggling. Even out at restaurants she shined. The few moments that they had managed to be alone that didn't involve sex at the office, had been high points in his days. They were always full of excited whispers and giddy anticipation. Now that they really were alone out here, the anticipation and excitement was gone.

Jack munched on the last piece of toaster pastry. He would have to find Brandy something sparkly tomorrow. When she had talked about the jewelry, her eyes had finally lit up like they did at the office. Maybe that would buy him some peace.


rista's note: This scene is told from Izzy's point of view in
Sandcastle Kisses

Jack came and sat down next to Owen at the bar of the Man Cave. The Man Cave was probably Jack's favorite part of the beach house. A tattered but extremely comfortable old couch sat in front of a big screened TV attached to every game console ever invented. There was an old pinball machine from Owen's college days and a bar along the wall that was Owen's pride and joy.

Everything for the party was coming together nicely. The DJ was setting up in the next room while the food and beverages arrived. Rachel was upstairs directing traffic and running the show and while Dean managed the security. Guests would be arriving any moment.

“Nice shirt, Dean,” a man with jet black hair and an easy smile said, coming down the stairs. Dean scowled at him, but let him pass. Jack hoped everyone commented on Dean's obnoxious shirt.

“Hey, Noah,” Jack greeted the newcomer. “Glad you could make it.”

“Wouldn't miss it for the world,” Noah replied. “I still get to work the bar tonight, right?”

“Why do you think he invited you?” Owen quipped. “No one makes the drinks like you.”

Noah laughed, going around behind the back of the bar. “So, what'll it be, gents?” Noah asked, pulling out glasses and prepping the area. He moved easily, always on his toes. Jack still remembered that the man could pack quite a punch.

“Do you know a Naughty Shirley?” Jack asked with a wink. Noah grinned and pulled out a rounded glass. This was how the two of them had met: at a college bar with those same words. Unfortunately, Noah had been dating a girl named Shirley at the time. The two men's first meeting hadn't ended so well, with Jack learning just why the new bartender was at college on a partial boxing scholarship, but it had started their friendship.

“And for you, Owen?” Noah asked, setting the glass down.

Owen narrowed his eyes. “Nothing for me. I'm good.” At the original fight, Owen had sucker punched Noah once Jack went down. Despite years of protests to the contrary, Owen was certain Noah was going to try and get him back someday for the unclean hit. Noah swore that he had
Owen hit him and as such, felt no need to ever do anything in return. It had now turned into a form of game for the three of them.

“Um, I'm the bartender?” a quiet female voice squeaked by the stairs. All three men looked over at the girl standing on the bottom step shrinking quickly under Dean's impressive glare. “The woman upstairs told me to tell the guy wearing the Hawaiian shirt...”

“Quit scaring the poor girl,” Jack said, jumping up and putting his hand on Dean's shoulder. He knew Dean was just messing with her. In a dark vest and white shirt, it was obvious who she was. “Don't mind Dean. He's just mad that we made him dress up for the occasion.”

The girl smiled in relief. She was pretty, with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks. Not really Jack's type, but definitely cute enough that he would enjoy her bar-tending for the evening.

“I'm Jack. The bar's this way.” Jack put his hand on her shoulder and guided her in the direction of the bar. Her eyes were darting every which way trying to take in everything all at once.

“I'm Izzy,” she replied. “Nice to meet you.”

She moved around the entrance of the bar, smiling at Jack and promptly ran straight into Noah, sending the ice from the drink he was making directly down his shirt.

“Oh crap! I'm so sorry,” she apologized, reaching for something to dry him off with. She flushed, and Jack thought it made her look prettier. It was such a natural thing to do. He realized, he had never seen Brandy blush like that.

“Don't worry about it. At least it was just ice,” Noah said, laughing. “I'm Noah. I'm going to be helping you out tonight.”

The two shook hands, something passing between them.
Bartender secrets probably,
Jack thought as Izzy blushed again. Noah released her hand and picked up a fresh glass, going back to the important task of making Jack's drink.

“A Naughty Shirley for the man of the hour,” he said, handing the completed drink across the bar to Jack. Jack took a big sip and let out a sigh of happiness.

“Best bartender ever,” Jack said, winking at Izzy. The two black eyes all those years ago had been worth it. The man knew how to make a drink.

“The woman upstairs didn't say anything about having someone else,” the female bartender said, looking at Noah and frowning slightly. It wasn't a big bar for the two of them to share.

“The guys brought me in special. I used to be their bartender when we were in college,” Noah replied with a grin. Jack could already see the wheels turning in Noah's head. Izzy was just his type.

“All right,” she said with an answering grin, pulling out an empty beer pitcher and chucking in a couple of ones. “What side of the bar do you want?”

“I'll take this side,” Noah said, inclining his head to the left.

“Barkeep!” Jack called out as he finished off his drink. “Sex on the Beach next, if you don't mind.”

“You know, you really have to buy me dinner first,” Noah told him with a wink. This banter was what had kept Jack from getting the man fired from his job.

“Make me an Angel's Tit, Noah,” Owen added.

“Any real drinks?” Izzy teased, snickering slightly.

“With these two?" Noah laughed. “Not likely. The reason I was their favorite bartender was because I was the only one who could make the drinks girly enough for them!”

Izzy started pulling out bottles of liquor to help Noah make the drinks. “So, you're Noah, you're Jack, the guy at the door is Dean, and you are?” she asked looking at Owen.

Noah, Owen, and Jack all looked at one another. Owen had just made the cover of “Business Weekly” as the top-performer at DS Oil and Gas. People came up to him at the airport because they recognized him. Jack started to laugh. Maybe Owen wasn't as famous as he thought he was.

“You don't know who he is?” Noah asked in disbelief.

“No...” she replied, looking carefully at Owen's chiseled good looks. “Should I?”

“This is my house. Jack here is just borrowing it,” Owen supplied. If she was a local, then she probably knew who all the big spenders on the island were. “Does that help?”

She frowned, thinking hard before shrugging. “I got nothing.”

Jack laughed. This was too much fun. He wondered for a moment if Rachel had found her on purpose. “Bob. His name's Bob. I guess you don't know Noah's or my last names?”

“If I didn't know his first name, how the heck am I supposed to know your
names?” she reasoned with him. His grin got bigger. “Why, are you guys famous or something?”

“Or something,” Noah said, handing “Bob” his completed Angel's Tit.

Two more men entered the man cave, getting past Hawaiian-shirt Dean with a nod. Logan, tall and slender with messy honey-colored curls patted him on the shoulder. Jack recognized the second man with a groan. It was Paul the lawyer. Jack was going to have to ask why in the hell Logan had brought the obnoxious man with him to the party.

Still, he was glad to see Logan. With him there, his closest friends had officially all arrived. More guests would still be arriving, but the people he wanted to see most but saw the least of were here.

“Joe!” Jack called out, hurrying over to greet Logan. “Joe” got a very confused look on his face.

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