Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (The Kisses Series Book 1)
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He inserted himself an inch, then another, then another. The two of us locked eyes as his knees bent and he pushed even farther into me. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck to steady myself while he wrapped his arms around my waist. Soon, he was pounding into me, filling me with every inch of himself.

The two of us locked eyes and he pulled me close, kissing me. I was on Cloud Nine, making love to this powerful man. He had me right where he wanted me. I was wrapped around his little finger, while my sweet womanhood was wrapped around his solid manhood. This was heaven, I was sure of it.

He pulled out, but kept me where I was at. He walked around behind me, and slowly put his hand on my back. I bent over, exposing myself to him. I knew that he liked the way my ass looked, and he took a moment to rub his hands all over it. Then, he bent down, and entered from behind.

I gasped. He felt gigantic, and his thrusts were immediate and quick. His hands ran all over my back, reading the Braille of my body. I began to cry out as he seemed to grow even larger, plunging deeper into my body.

I could hear him breathing hard behind me, could feel the sweat drip from his forehead onto my back. His hand reached around and grabbed my breast, teasing my nipple into a tight nub of pleasure. His other hand was on my hip, guiding me, showing me exactly what he wanted. He was strong, and I never wanted those hands to let me go.

He pulled out of me, and sat on the edge of the bed. I knelt on the bed on top of him, and lowered myself to meet him. The two of us merged together, his every movement reminding me of how much I wanted him to be a part of me. His hands held onto my ass as he rubbed his face in my chest. I could feel him getting worked up. I sensed that he was reveling in this moment, yet there was no way he was enjoying it as much as I was.

He looked up at me, and we shared another heart-stopping kiss. He put his hand on my back and rolled me towards him. He fell out of me and I giggled and leaned in for another kiss. He broke the kiss and moved his lips to my ear. “Get comfortable,” he commanded.

I wiggled up to the head of the bed, putting a pillow under my head. He was on top of me in an instant, slipping into me as though he had never left. I moaned again, admiring his perfect physique.

I grabbed onto his taut ass with my fingernails, drawing him in deeper. He began to thrust quicker, grunting as he did so. I knew he was close, so I closed my eyes and enjoyed these last few moments, our passion rising in tandem. With powerful thrusts, he filled me completely, then thrust deep and stayed there. A hot fire burned through my core, letting me join him in a perfect moment. A last groan of contentment escaped him, then a few shallow, slow thrusts. He collapsed into me, his face next to my ear, his breathing uneven and heavy.

“You should probably take care of the condom,” I said once I was able speak. He groaned as if he wanted to fall asleep there. “Come on, you don’t want to make a mess.”

“Yes I do,” his words muffled by the sheets.

“Get up, lazybones.”

He rolled over and pulled the condom off. He tied it in a knot and aimed for the waste basket across the room. He shot... and missed again. Without even looking to see where it landed, he snuggled back up against me. I sighed knowing I would pick it up in the morning. He wasn't perfect, but I loved him.

Chapter 20

lay there, wrapped in Jack’s arms. They were strong, and I felt safe and warm for the first time since arriving in New York. This is where I was supposed to be... with Jack. When I was with him, everything somehow looked like it could make sense. I glanced over at my nightstand, the envelopes still eying me and the necklace sparkling in the moonlight. I was going to choose Jack.

Jack grunted softly as he released me, the bed suddenly overly warm with our body heat. The bed shifted slightly as he stood and stretched, his muscles glistening in the pale moonlight streaming through the open drapes. I wanted to run my hands up and down his naked body, to touch him and never stop.

He caught my eyes and smiled at the look of hunger. With a grin he turned and walked into the big bathroom, turning on the light. It reflected off the curve of his perfectly sculpted ass and I had to bite my lip in order to keep from drooling. I was a lucky, lucky girl.

I rolled out of the big bed, still unsteady on my feet from the attention he had given my body. The floor was cold under my feet, the tile like ice, but I didn’t care. Jack stood under the spray of the shower, steam filling the room. It reminded me of our vacation and I could feel my body heating again. I was going to be sore in the morning at this rate.

I stepped under the steaming water, feeling the sweat rinse from my skin. Jack stepped into the spray, his body blocking most of it as he wrapped his arms around me. I held this moment in my mind, the heat of the water, the touch of his skin against mine, the scent of him filling my mind. This is what heaven was supposed to be—warm, wet and wonderful.

Jack made a throaty noise and I felt his hands go to my hair. He carefully rubbed shampoo, trying not to tangle my hair but unsure of what he was doing. I could sense the honesty of his actions, the desire only to please even though this was not something he was used to. I closed my eyes and let him massage my scalp, the hot water and his careful fingers removing any tension I might have had.

The fingers stopped and I leaned into the hot water, the scent of my shampoo filling the room. Shampoo foam seemed to keep pouring from my head and I wondered how much he had used. I kept rinsing, the suds pouring down my body in waves.

“How much did you use?” I asked, stepping out of the water for a moment, trying to decide if the lather was gone. It wasn’t. I stepped back under.

“I wasn’t sure, so a handful.”

I ran my fingers through my hair, finally finding the hair instead of soap. Jack held out his big hand like a cup, and I knew how much soap he had used. He had an earnest look on his face, like a child hoping he had done well. It made me smile and adore him even more.

“Um, a quarter of that would have been enough,” I said. I rinsed the last suds out, and grinned up at him. “You did well though. Your turn.”

Jack dipped his head under the water, spraying small water droplets everywhere as he ran his fingers through his hair. He bent his head towards me so I could reach his sandy colored hair. It was soft beneath my fingers, thick and luxurious. He made a soft noise of pleasure as I worked my fingers into his scalp, the soapy water dripping down his forehead.

He stepped under the faucet again, water and soap running in rivulets down his muscled body. I reached out a finger and traced one, his skin sliding beneath my touch. I could see him harden, his body responding to my touch. A rush of power filled me, but he held still, letting me caress him.

His body was strong. I could feel tension in his shoulders though, tightness across his back from the strain of holding the weight of his father’s company on his shoulders. I pushed my fingers into his muscles, feeling not only the strength of his body, but the hardness of his stress. He groaned slightly as I increased pressure, letting my fingers find the sore spots as the hot water relaxed him. Jack leaned into my hands, letting me work the ache from his body.

Slowly, his back turned from rock into supple muscle. His shoulders no longer held a hunch, and his face was as relaxed and happy as it had been when we were married. He kissed me softly, an appreciative,
Thank you,
in the simple gesture.

“Are you ready to get out?” The office was out of his voice, but he still sounded tired. This transition was not going as smoothly as either of us could have wished.

“I need to put conditioner in my hair, or I’ll never get it brushed,” I answered. He kissed the tip of my nose and stepped through the big glass doors. I watched him dry off. The steam obscured the glass, but I could still see enough of his body to make the small flame in my midsection dance and burn.

He finished drying, carefully hanging the towel back on the rack. “Do you mind if I use your computer?”

“Not at all. I’ll be out in a minute. The password is ‘vacation’.”

“Vacation, huh?” I could hear the smile in his voice as he knew it was a reference to him. He closed the door behind him as he left, letting me keep the steam in the shower. It only took me a moment to massage the conditioner into my hair and run my fingers through the tangled tresses. Jack washing my hair had felt spectacular, but the tangles it left behind did not.

I stepped out of the shower and dried quickly, ready to be next to Jack again. I grabbed a fuzzy robe from a hanger and stepped into the bedroom, ready to cuddle. The cold air hit me, but it was Jack’s face that made me stop.

He was standing in the middle of the room, his hair still wet and wearing only a pair of pajama pants. Every taut muscle in his chest gleamed as he radiated anger. In his fist was the envelope containing the scholarship information and money offered by his parents; behind him, my laptop screen was open to the email from Kaylee.

“What is this?” The question came out as a growl, his voice low.

I looked at the envelopes. His knuckles were almost white around them. “Your parents offered that to me. They want me to leave you so you can run the company without distraction.”

His hand tightened further around the crumpled paper. He took a menacing step forward, eyes blazing. “What about the email?”

“You read my email?” I took a step back, not understanding his anger at the situation.

“It was open when I turned on the computer. I didn’t mean to read it, but I’m glad I did. You wanted to bag a billionaire. That’s all I am to you. A meal ticket.”

A flash of anger surged through me, first that he had read a private message and then at how badly he had misinterpreted it, but the fury directed at me startled me. “It’s not like that. You’re taking things completely out of context-”

Remember your trophy wife ambitions?
How else should I take it?” He spoke in the controlling businessman’s voice that broke my heart. He never spoke to me in that voice.

“We were kids and I didn’t understand the meaning of the expression! If I had wanted to marry a billionaire, I’m sure there are easier ways!” I didn’t mean to yell, but it came out angry. I didn’t appreciate his accusations. This was never my plan.

He nodded, a sneer across his usually handsome face. He didn’t believe me. He shook his head and held out the crumpled envelopes. “When were you going to tell me?”

“I did tell you—your parents offered me that—”

“They offered you acceptance to vet school?” His voice dripped with scorn.

“What? No, they offered the scholarship. I only just found out.” I hated the way my throat was tightening up, the tears slowly gathering at his unjustified anger.

“Right. You wanted me so I could pay for your dream,” he spat out the words. I opened my mouth, but he ran right over me. “You made me fall in love with you, but it was all a lie. You never wanted me.”

“Jack, that’s not true! I was planning on telling you—”

“You were planning on telling me. How nice of you.” He glared at me, his eyes dark. His voice was full of venom. “You used me. All you ever wanted was money. I thought you were different, but you are just like everybody else.”

My temper finally snapped. I stepped up to him, feeling like lightning should be flashing from my eyes. “How dare you! I never expected this! I never asked for this! You aren’t listening to me at all!”

“I don’t need to listen to someone like you.” He leered at me, his lips in a cruel curve. “Did you pay the guy on the beach so you could be a hero? Was that your plan to catch my attention?”

“You are being paranoid and self-absorbed. I didn’t plan anything. This never had anything to do with money. Will you please listen to me?” I pleaded. I didn’t like where this conversation was headed.

“Why should I listen to you? You only wanted me for my money. You don't deserve me. ”

His words hit me like a slap across the face. Self doubt flooded through me.
I wasn’t good enough. Someone like Jack would never be with someone like me. This was all a lie.
  I stumbled back, reeling as though I had been physically hit. He sneered and stepped towards me, his face sharp in the moonlight. This was not the man who had snuck into my bedroom only a few hours ago.

I stumbled back into my dresser, trying to escape his hurtful words. My elbow banged the corner, sending a jolt of pain shrieking through my arm.

“Get out of my room,” I yelled, the pain making me bold.

“It’s my house,” he scoffed.

“Get out of my room,” I enunciated every syllable clearly, anger vibrating through me. He snickered in the dark. Fury pumped through my veins. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me.“You want me to take your money and run? Then I will do exactly what you want me to do. I was going to give up my dreams for you. You're right. I don't deserve you. I deserve better.”

Jack went silent. I was both grateful and disappointed I couldn’t see his face in the dark. I knew my words were hitting home and I didn’t care if they were cruel. I reached out and ripped the envelopes from his hand. “I was going to give this back, but since you obviously don’t want me, then I will go back to where I belong.”

“Emma,” he started, the tone of his voice shifting. I was past furious now. The room took on a scarlet haze, every nerve shaking as I cut him off.

“You wanted to push me away. You saw one thing that you didn't like, and instead of trusting me, you accuse me. You wanted to hurt me. Go back to your perfect life in a perfect office, where you don’t  feel anything or trust anyone. Where you don’t have to be vulnerable or even human. Congratulations. You'll get it all back. I'll leave you and your precious money. I know better than to stay where I’m not wanted.”

I knew I touched a nerve. I could feel him vibrating as he swore and stormed to the door. The room shook as he slammed the heavy door shut, his footsteps stomping loudly down the hall. The air felt thick and hard to breathe. Everything was suddenly too warm and I felt sticky. I thought I might be sick as my legs crumpled beneath me and I fell to the floor.

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