Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set (62 page)

BOOK: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set
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Or something,” I said.




Chapter 9


I woke the next morning to the sound of my cell phone buzzing. I looked around in mild panic, noticing the time on my alarm clock. 7:15 a.m. Without checking the incoming number, I answered.

Ms. Woods?”

I cleared my throat. “Yes?”

This is Lucy Adams, Mrs. Rossini’s caretaker. I’m sorry to call so early.”

I shot up in bed, confused and a little lightheaded. “Lucy? Is Alice okay?”

Yes, ma’am, she’s fine. She’s still in bed. I’m calling because when I got up this morning, well … there’s a police car in the Parkers’ driveway. Been there for over an hour now. I’m scared Mrs. Rossini will notice when she gets up. What should I tell her?”

I don’t know, but I’m going to do my best to figure out what’s going on. I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

Thank you, Ms. Woods.”

My first thought: Mari had been found raped and murdered and the police were there to notify her husband. What else could it be?

I rubbed my eyes, got out of bed, and doused my face with cold water. No time to make myself look presentable. I grabbed a baseball cap and headed out the door wearing the same black jeans as the day before, and a paint-splattered sweatshirt.


* * *

Prescott Heights felt like a ghost town. It was almost daylight, but the street lamps still flickered, bathing the neighborhood with an eerie glow.

The police car, like a harbinger of bad tidings, was still in the Parkers’ driveway. I pulled my car to the side, parked in front of their mailbox, and waited.

Ten or fifteen minutes passed before the Parkers’ front door finally opened. A uniformed police officer came out carrying a box, followed by Kenneth, and another man I recognized as Detective James. The three men had a brief conversation. Kenneth seemed a bit frazzled, his hair sticking out in clumps as if he’d been running sweaty hands through it.

I remained in my car, observing their interaction, until finally the men parted ways. Kenneth retreated back into the house. The police officer and the detective started walking back toward the cruiser.

I noticed Detective James glance in my direction then advance toward my car with a curious expression. Dressed casually in dark, pressed jeans and a plaid button down shirt under a navy blue wool jacket, he exuded confidence and authority.

Hello Detective,” I said, rolling down the window, as if it were perfectly normal to be parked in front of this house.

Sarah Woods,” he said, addressing me with a brisk tone. “Just the person I wanted to see.”

What’s going on?”

Can you follow me back to the station? We have a lot to talk about. Kenneth Parker tells me you’ve been hired by his neighbor across the street to locate his wife.”

Yes. I haven’t been able to track her down. Did her husband finally call you?”

No. We got a call this morning. Mariposa Parker’s abandoned car was found five miles from here.”

I swallowed hard. “Who found her car?”

Detective James leaned against my Toyota and looked down at me, his jaw tense. “The owner of the warehouse noticed it early this morning. He saw the woman’s purse in the front seat and figured something was up, so he contacted us. The registration led us here. Mr. Parker confirmed his wife left Saturday morning to go to a spa. Said he had no reason to be alarmed until now.”

Any idea what happened to Mari?” I asked.

Cash and credit cards were still in her purse. Looks like a kidnapping, but Mr. Parker says he hasn’t received any ransom calls or letters. The forensics team is working to find some prints or DNA in the car. No surveillance cameras and no discernable tire tracks due to the rain.”

I took a moment to steady my breathing. “Does it look like there was a struggle? Any blood?”

No and no. I’m ordering a canine unit to search the area. There’s over fifty acres of woods surrounding the warehouse. Mr. Parker gave us one of his wife’s sweaters to help track her scent, but with all the rain …”

What can I do to help?”

You can follow me back to the station. I’d like to see your notes.”



* * *

Detective James walked back inside of his office, where I had been waiting patiently for close to an hour. “Sorry for the delay,” he said with a frazzled edge to his voice. “Forensics couldn’t find a single print in the Mercedes. Looks like someone was smart enough to wipe down the interior and exterior of her vehicle.”

What about witnesses?”

The next closest property is half a mile.”

I pointed to the notebook on his desk. “Everything I know about Mari Parker is in there, including interviews from a few of her friends. Unfortunately, no one knew she was planning to go away. Did Kenneth have any ideas about who might be responsible for her disappearance?”

No, but he’s convinced it was probably some guy she’s been seeing, though he couldn’t give me a name.”

Did he mention the details of their marital arrangement?” 

He nodded. “Yeah.”

Speaking of Kenneth, aren’t husbands usually a prime suspect when a wife goes missing?”

He’s fully cooperating with the investigation and has offered to take a polygraph test. I’m looking into his finances, but so far I’ve found nothing. There’s a small life insurance policy on his wife, but twenty-five grand is peanuts compared to his net worth.”

I know Kenneth is a well respected businessman, but I’ve heard he has a temper … at least concerning his son Ethan.”

He sat back and crossed his arms. “What do you mean?”

Kenneth beat his son for spying on his wife in the bathtub.”

Detective James stared at the floor. “Mr. Parker mentioned that his son goes to college in Boston. Have you met him?”

Only briefly when I was at his house on Sunday.”

I’ll arrange to have the son come in. I’d like to talk to him, anyway.”

There’s another person who can attest to Kenneth’s temper. Joshua Limp is Mari’s stalker. It’s all there in my notes. I spoke with him yesterday morning. Joshua Limp sent Mari some nude photos, and he’s been following her around like a lovesick puppy.”

Yes, Mr. Parker mentioned him, but he didn’t think his wife would have been persuaded to meet with him at an abandoned warehouse.”

Did Kenneth also mention going to his house and assaulting him?”

The detective looked up from my notebook. “Yes, as a matter of fact he did. He confessed to going over there and losing his temper. Says he took Mr. Limp by the neck and shoved him against the door. Immediately felt bad about it, apologized, and left.”

I heard a different version.”

Unless Mr. Limp decides to press charges, the assault is none of my concern.” He took a few minutes to read my notes. “So, what’s
impression of Mr. Limp?”

I shrugged. “He’s a bit unhinged, but seems harmless. No criminal record, though he did have a restraining order against him a few years ago. He lives with his mom. Honestly, I can’t picture him hurting Mari. He thinks she’s his soul mate. Unless … he’s smarter than I give him credit for.”

He’s the first person I plan to visit this morning. Maybe he’ll change his story. In the meantime, I’m still waiting for phone records. Maybe that will shed some light on the situation.”

What about the text she sent her husband on Saturday morning? Something about that doesn’t feel right,” I said. “Maybe the kidnapper sent the text from her phone to throw the husband off track.”

It’s possible. Perhaps the kidnapper wanted to buy some time.”

What for? If money is the motivation, why waste time? Unless this kidnapping has nothing to do with money,” I replied.

Detective James appeared to mull it over. “Whoever Mrs. Parker planned to meet at the warehouse, it was someone she trusted.”

A boyfriend?”

No proof she was seeing anyone. But the Parkers are worth over three million bucks. She could have been targeted by a con artist. These slime balls are clever at seducing rich women, then blackmailing them for money or kidnapping them for ransom.”

But you said Kenneth hasn’t received any calls or demands.”

Not yet.” Detective James pinched his lip, apparently thinking it over. “This charity party the Parkers hosted on Friday night. Can we get a guest list?”

Sheila Hansen was the event coordinator. I bet she has that information. I can call her if you’d like.”

Good. Would you be wiling to contact each person who attended the party? You know, find out if anyone has any ideas about whom Mrs. Parker was planning to meet Saturday morning.”

Sure, I can do that.”

Good. Meanwhile, I’ve got my computer expert working to access Mrs. Parker’s laptop files. I’m heading out to have a chat with Mr. Limp. Call me if something works out with one of the guests.”

So, I’m officially assisting the police in this investigation? I thought police didn’t care for private eyes. Although, I have to be honest, I don’t have my license yet.”

I don’t have a lot of men I can put on this case. Since you’ve already got a head start, you might prove useful. I can offer you an hourly wage, but it won’t be much.”

I’m happy to help,” I said. “The experience will be valuable.”

I know Carter is your partner. I know he’s a decent P.I. I don’t mind if you seek his help concerning this case.”

Thanks. I shall.”


* * *

While I was waiting for Sheila to fax over the guest list, I decided to pay Alice a visit and break the news about Mari’s car before she found out from someone else.

She didn’t take it well, just as I’d expected.

Poor Mari,” Alice said, moisture building in her eyes. “I knew something was wrong and I was right.”

I sat next to Alice on the couch and put an arm around her shoulder. “Detective James is taking this case very seriously. I’m sure he’ll want to speak with you at some point. Would you be up for that?”

Of course. I want to do anything I can. I’m just … so worried.”

Lucy rushed over with a box of tissues and placed it in her employer’s lap. Alice blew her nose then looked up at me with red eyes. “If only Kenneth had called the police days ago … why did he wait so long?”

From what I hear, he’s cooperating with the investigation.”

I should hope so,” Alice said, dabbing her eyes with the tissue. “He must be beside himself.”

A search party is being arranged in the woods surrounding the warehouse,” I said. “And the forensic team is scouring her car for evidence. Maybe her cell phone or emails will give us some clues.”

Alice shook her head. “It’s been four days. She could be anywhere by now. If she’s been kidnapped, why hasn’t there been a demand for money?”

been holding my breath, just waiting for a call that they’d found Mari’s body. “Try to stay positive,” was all I could say.

I know the statistics,” she said. “And they’re not in our favor.” Visibly shaking at this point, Alice put a hand over her heart with eyes squeezed shut.

Lucy, who was standing close by, reacted first. “Mrs. Rossini, are you okay, ma’am?”

I’m fine,” Alice said, trying to smile. “Just a little indigestion.”

Can I get something for you?”

Maybe a glass of water will do the trick, dear.”

Certainly, ma’am. I’ll be right back.” Lucy dashed toward the kitchen and out of sight.

Alice took a few deep breaths. “You’re right, Sarah. I need to stay positive. Can you do me a favor?”

I’ll certainly try,” I said.

When you see Kenneth, please tell him I’m praying for them.”


Lucy returned with the water and suggested Alice lay down for a bit - my cue to leave.

As I headed back to my car, my phone rang. It was Sheila informing me the guest list had been e-mailed. I thanked her, returned the phone to my purse, and drove back to the police station.

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