Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set (63 page)

BOOK: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set
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Chapter 10



One hundred and twenty guests—not including the staff—had attended the Parkers’ charity event Friday evening. Calling each person was a task I did not look forward to. How many of them already knew that Mari Parker was missing?

I had made thirty-eight calls by noon, but less than half answered. Of those I spoke with, not one person had anything remotely helpful to impart. In fact, the consensus was that Mr. and Mrs. Parker had graciously hosted another fruitful evening to benefit those less fortunate. If anyone had any dirt on the couple, they weren’t willing to divulge.

I was about to call the fourteenth name on the list when Detective James entered his office with an expectant look. “Well?” he asked. “How’s it going?”

I’m getting nowhere fast,” I said. “How about you? Did you speak with Joshua Limp?”

I just came from his house. We had a chat and I spoke with his mother. Well, I tried to speak to her. She’s hearing impaired. From what I could gather, Mrs. Limp claims her son never left the house between Friday evening to Saturday afternoon.”

So, he has an alibi?”

Yeah, but it wouldn’t be the first time a mother has lied for her son. You were right about him, though. He’s got issues.”

Did he ask you to put in a good word for him when we find Mari?” I teased.

Funny you should say that. I got the impression his obsession has been redirected. He didn’t want to talk about Mari.”

What do you mean?”

All he wanted to do was talk about you.”

I paused to make sure he was serious. “You told him I was assisting the police with the investigation?”

I never mentioned you, Sarah.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of what he was suggesting. “You’re pulling my leg, right?” His deadpan expression told me he wasn’t.

You must have made quite an impression on him yesterday.”

All I did was ask him a few questions.”

Were you nice to him?”

Well, yeah.”

Guys like Joshua get rejected by women all the time. When someone throws them a scrap they think it’s a gourmet meal.”

Does this mean I’ll be receiving a letter with nude photos in it?”

He chuckled. “Does he know where you live?”

I never told him.”

The detective smiled, but a beeping sound prompted him to check his cell phone. “Good. One of the techs was able to access Mrs. Parker’s computer. I’m heading to the lab. Are you okay to stay and continue making calls?”

Sure. I’m here for the duration.”

Call me if you discover something.”


* * *

After two hours, I needed a break. I’d contacted everyone on the guest list, but had little to show for it. The only piece of potentially helpful information came from a woman named Carlotta Pisciotta who graciously informed me that she was the wife of Dr. Raymond Pisciotta, an esteemed brain surgeon and philanthropist. After I congratulated her, she went on to explain an interesting tidbit she’d witnessed at the charity event Friday evening. While trying to find a bathroom, Carlotta overheard Kenneth Parker involved in a heated discussion with a female guest – and it definitely wasn’t Mrs. Parker.
woman did not have a Spanish accent. When the pair exited the bedroom later on, Mrs. Pisciotta said she caught a glimpse and was able to provide me with a vague description of the woman: long auburn hair, and a golden satin dress with matching Venetian mask.

Exhausted and hungry, I exited the detective’s cramped office in search of a vending machine but didn’t get far.

Sarah, where are you headed?” Detective James strode up the hall toward me, his hard heeled loafers making loud clicking noises on the linoleum floor.

It’s almost three and I haven’t had lunch. Did you discover something on Mari’s laptop?”

He gestured for me to follow him back into his office and closed the door.

Most of Mrs. Parker’s emails were business and charity related. Nothing stood out. But then I checked her search history. I found numerous sites relating to personal handheld firearms.”

You think Mari was looking to buy a gun?”

Looks that way. However, there were no credit card purchases over the last six months. I couldn’t find a single transaction to confirm if she ever did. And she never applied for a permit. However, she may have approached a private party and paid cash.”

But you never found a gun in her purse or car? What about the house?”

Mr. Parker never mentioned having guns in the house. I’d need probable cause for a search warrant, unless he gave us permission for the search.”

Speaking of, how is the search party, have your men found anything in the woods?”

Last update was half an hour ago. Not so much as a broken fingernail. I think we have to assume at this point that the kidnapper still has her. How did you make out with the guest list?”

I might have something. According to a doctor’s wife, Kenneth had an argument with one of the female guests in a bedroom, but she couldn’t tell me what the argument was about.”

Did you get a description?”

Not much of one,” I said. “Maybe she was one of Kenneth’s uninvited girlfriends.”

I’ll call Mr. Parker and get a name. Anything else?”

The other guests had no idea whether or not Mari planned to meet someone the next morning. Some of the attendees were unavailable.”

Okay. Keep on it.”

What about Kenneth’s son?” I asked. “Has he been contacted?”

He’s on his way here now.”

Mind if I sit in on the conversation?”

Sure, just let me do the talking.”



* * *

Ethan folded his arms across his chest, waiting for Detective James to speak. Dressed in jeans and a grey sweatshirt bearing the Boston University logo, he seemed too young to be a college student.

Thank you for coming in. I’m Detective James. This is Sarah.”

Ethan acknowledged me with a nod.

Detective James opened a folder. “First off, I want you to know we’re doing everything we can to locate your stepmother. Sarah is assisting us in the investigation. I hope you don’t mind her presence.”

Ethan offered a weak smile. “Sure, that’s fine.”

Excellent. Ethan, I’m hoping you might be able to provide some insight. First off, does your father know I’ve asked you to come here?”

Yes, he knows I’m here.”

Okay. I’m going to ask some questions that might make you uncomfortable. All I ask is that you answer to the best of your ability. There’s no right or wrong answer as long as you’re honest with me. Our main concern is to bring your stepmother home safely.”

Yes, sir.”

Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt your stepmother?”

Ethan blinked, swallowed, then bit his lip. “No.”

Detective James remained silent for a few moments, as if giving the young man time to reconsider that answer. “Are you sure?”

Ethan paused. “Um, yeah. As far as I know, everyone loves her. Her charity work helps people.”

Yeah, how do your dad and stepmother get along?”

Fine, I guess. I mean, I don’t live at home anymore so I don’t see either of them that much.”

I understand you’re a freshman at BU?” Detective James pointed at the sweatshirt. “I hear it’s a good school.”

Ethan nodded.

About your parents, has your dad ever talked to you about his marriage? Were they having problems?”

Ethan shrugged. “I don’t know. My dad doesn’t talk about that kind of stuff.”

What does your dad like to talk about?”

Sports, mostly. Cars. Work.”

Are you two close?”

Ethan flinched. “Um, yeah. Sure.”

Detective James leaned back and crossed his arms. “Ethan, it’s perfectly fine if you’re not. I certainly didn’t get along with my dad at your age, but he mellowed out over time.”

Ethan nodded.

I’m sorry about my next question, but I have to ask. Where were you Friday during the party?”

I spent the night in my dorm, studying for a physics test.”

You weren’t invited to the fundraising party?”

I don’t like wearing a tux.”

How is your relationship with your stepmother? You two get along?”

Yeah, she’s pretty cool.”

How old were you when she married your dad?”


How did you feel about the marriage?”

Okay, I guess.”

What about your biological mom? Do you keep in touch with her?”

Ethan lowered his head. “Not really.”

When was the last time you talked to her?”

It’s been awhile. She’s … in prison.”

I know. I was sorry to hear about that.”

Ethan nodded but remained silent.

How did your dad deal with that? Must have been difficult for him.”

He was upset, but then he met Mari.”

So, you call her Mari, not mom?”

Well, she’s not my mother.”

Of course. Now, this next question might be difficult. Do you know if your stepmother had been seeing another man?”

Ethan looked up, startled. “She cheated on my dad?”

Detective James shook his head. “That hasn’t been confirmed. I just have to ask the question.”

With bowed head, Ethan replied, “I wouldn’t know. Like I said, I haven’t been home that much.”

Okay, I just have one more question before we wrap this thing up. Where did you get those bruises on your wrists?”

Ethan dropped his hands to his lap and then shrugged.

I noticed them when we shook hands earlier,” Detective James said in a rueful tone. “How did you get them, Ethan?”

Probably from playing racquetball on Sunday. I fell down a few times.”

Come on, what really happened, Ethan? Did your dad do that to you? Did he lose his temper during the game? It happens.”

I’m just clumsy, that’s all. I’ve always been clumsy.”

Detective James gave him a sympathetic smile. “You know, my old man used to play a game with me when I was about your age. He was very competitive. And because I didn’t live up to his standards, he was always trying to test my strength. He used to tie my hands behind my back with thick rope, just to see if I could get out. It was very entertaining for him, especially when my wrists began to bleed as I struggled to get free.”

Ethan breathed in and out through his nose as he stared at the table. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

It’s okay, Ethan. We don’t have to discuss this right now. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

He lifted his chin, defiantly. “I’m fine. Can I go now?”


Once Ethan was gone, I turned my attention to the detective. “Did your father really tie you up?” I asked.

No, but last year I had this case where a father habitually tortured his ten-year old son. Liked to tie him up, throw him in the trunk of a car, and leave him there for hours just to see if he could get out. Pretty gruesome form of entertainment, don’t you think?”

Please tell me you threw his ass in jail.”

That’s the saddest part. The kid wouldn’t testify against his dad. If anything, the kid stood up for him in court. The dad got off with a fine and mandatory counseling.”

So, what you’re saying is, even if Ethan knows his father is capable of hurting his stepmother, he’d never say so.”

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