Sarah's Chase

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: Sarah's Chase
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Copyright © 2012, Lacey

Publisher: Southern
Girl Press, Second Edition

Edited by Loria Grace

Cover by ML Kendall

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Back Cover Blurb

It’s been a long time
since a man has satisfied Sarah. Deciding to put an end to her dry spell, she
seeks out a younger man from her neighborhood with a reputation for pleasing
women and taking control. After luring Chase back to her house with the simple
excuse of needing a light bulb changed, she learns he’s a Dom. Is Sarah really
ready for the pleasure that he can bring her? 





It sucked. And Sarah Parker was done with it. Last year, when her second
husband ran off with another woman and gave her a curable—thankfully—STD, Sarah
decided to give up sex altogether.

been married twice, and each man had left her for someone else. Sarah figured
it must have been her. Perhaps she was horrible in bed. Maybe she gave bad
blowjobs. After too many hours of analyzing the situation, she came to the
conclusion it had to be her. Otherwise, why had she been left not once, but twice?
And now she was turning forty-five. Whoever said that being in your forties was
the new thirties, was really stupid.

man hadn’t even turned his head at her in…well, she couldn’t remember the last
time that happened. Hell, she’d taken damn good care of herself though out the
years. She was tall and lean, with long, blonde hair and big brown eyes. Her
breasts were a C Cup, and she could still fit in size eight jeans. It wasn’t
like she hadn’t taken care of herself.

the words
she sucks in bed
were tattooed to her forehead. Who knows? She
had never really been satisfied with sex anyway. Both of her husbands initiated
contact every time and they were the only ones left pleased.

she hoped that was about to change; Sarah was ready to get laid. And she knew
just who she wanted it to be: Chase Jones. Chase was the neighborhood party boy.
He had a reputation of being a player and dominant in bed. He wasn’t known to
ever date women; just to please them and send them on their way. And that’s
just what she was looking for—someone to take charge and thoroughly fuck her.

marriage wasn’t for her, and maybe Chase would teach her a few things. The only
problem was that Chase was only twenty-eight. How the hell was she going to get
him to even look at her? That’s where it was going to get tricky. She had a few
ideas up her sleeve, though, and perhaps one of them just might work.

first thing she had to do was get him to her house somehow.  With a snicker, Sarah
climbed up on a ladder, reached up toward the ceiling fan, and unscrewed two of
the light bulbs so they would no longer light. After climbing down, she laid an
empty box the light bulbs came in on the coffee table. Now all she had to do
was get him there to help her figure out why the fan lights no longer worked.

this stupid? Maybe. But would it work? Only one way to find out. It was time to
strut her stuff down to the neighborhood pool where Chase always hung out on
Friday evenings.

* * * *

took a long sip of his beer and sat in a lounge chair by the pool. Music played
loudly, and many people were already halfway drunk. Tonight, he was tired.
Typically, he brought some young woman home with him to make his evening a
little livelier, but tonight he just wasn’t feeling it. In fact, he hadn’t been
for a while. He was tired of the parties. The girls his age either didn’t want
to settle down yet or wanted to get married ASAP. He would really just like a
girl friend that wasn’t looking for much more than companionship.

a perky brunette said as she bounced over, “We’re going to play water volleyball,
and I want you to be my partner so I can sit on your shoulders. Come on.”

in a bit.”

girl crossed her arms and pouted. “Awe, please? I don’t want anyone else but

back is sore. Not right now.”

as she was about to protest, another guy walked over and picked her up. She
left giggling and Chase was obviously already forgotten.

his eyes, he took another long drink of his beer. Chase closed his eyes and
enjoyed the coolness of the evening. The radio played one of his favorite songs,
and he was so lost in the moment that he didn’t hear anyone come up.

me,” an unfamiliar, but very seductive, voice said.

opened his eyes and saw the hot lady who lived up the street from him. Every
guy around here wanted a piece of her, but no one dared to attempt it. She was
in her forties, but you would never know it by looking at her. Rumors floated
around that her last husband cheated on her and that she had sworn off all men.
That was probably the reason he never saw her around.

Chase, right?” she asked.

am.” He sat up, letting his eyes continue to take in her tight, tan body.

was wondering if you could help me.”


last light bulb blew out in my fan. And while that sounds silly, it’s in the
living room, with my nine foot vaulted ceilings. I could really use a man’s
help to get it changed.”

swallowed hard, wanting to do a whole lot more than change her light bulb. He
was closer to her then he’d ever been and the scent of vanilla circled around
him. His thoughts immediately turned to him imagining his hands in her long
blonde hair, pulling her head back, and fucking the hell out of her as she
chanted his name.

shifted in his seat, hoping the bulge in his pants wasn’t obvious. It had been
a long time since a woman had erupted such feelings in him. He liked to be in
control, and the way she stood there, fidgeting with her fingers, he knew she
might be just what he’d been looking for.

just let me know when you’d like me to come by,” he replied.

you come now?”

yeah he could! “Sure, I’m just going to finish my beer and then head home and
change. I’ll be over in a bit.”

Do you know which house is mine?”


started to walk away and then turned to look at him. “You don’t have to change
on my account.” A grin spread across her face. “It’s only a light bulb.”

smiled in agreement but knew damn well this was
about changing a
light bulb.






Chapter Two


paced her living room. What had she done? Did she really just walk down to the
neighborhood pool and ask Chase to change a light bulb? Light bulbs that
weren’t even blown. But by the way he looked at her, he had to know this wasn’t
really about that.

if he was laughing with his buddies this very moment about how some old lady
wanted his help with something stupid? She didn’t think this through.
is what happens when you haven’t had sex and you decide you want it.
Her hormones
were doing the thinking for her.

Chase had looked incredibly sexy. He was shirtless and wearing navy floral
trunks. His skin was a golden bronze and almost matched his dirty blond locks.
He had large brown eyes that held a seductive glint at all times. When he’d
looked her body up and down, she caught a slight bulge in his pants, which had
caused a reaction in her she hadn’t expected. It had been a long time since
just a look caused her stomach to flip in anticipation. But then the doubt
started to creep in. There was no way he could be attracted to her. Surely she
hadn’t really seen him harden.

was a light knock on the front door. He was here! Sarah straightened her white
shorts and black tank top. Clearing her throat, she opened the door.

Chase, thanks for coming on such short notice.”

stepped inside and, as he walked past her, Sarah took in his appearance. He changed
into khaki cargo shorts and a wife beater. His muscles were well defined and
her mouth watered. She wanted to touch them so bad, to see just how hard they
would feel.

the door, she watched as Chase looked up at her fan. “This is the fan that
needs the light changed?”

nodded. Damn, maybe she
read his body language wrong, and he was
really just here to change that stupid light bulb after all.

guess I’ll climb up here to check it out, then.”

I really appreciate it. I’m sure you’d much rather be doing something else with
your friends.”

he climbed the ladder, he looked back at her. “It’s no problem, really. I’m
always glad to help a beautiful woman.”

he really think she was beautiful, or was he just being nice? She was so lost
in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Chase was now off the ladder and
standing in front of her.

didn’t really ask me here for help with your lights, did you?” he asked.

shook her head. If she had wanted to speak, there was no way she could. His
stare was heavy and she wasn’t sure if he was mad or about to kiss her.

me why you asked me here.”

gasped in surprise as he brushed her hair out of her face. Instinctively, she
leaned into his touch.

you horny, Sarah?”


you want me to satisfy you?”

eyes were locked on his as she nodded.

you know what I want?”


want to control you.”

eyes widened.
He what?
She took a step away from him, but he reached out
and grabbed her arm.

nothing to be scared of. I don’t want to control your life; I want to control
your pleasure. I want you to submit to me.”

do you mean?” she asked, realizing the rumors were true. He was dominant.

let me control your pleasure and trust that I know how to bring you highest satisfaction
you can have. It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone submit to me. When I
laid my eyes on you tonight, I knew you’d be perfect. Tell me I wasn’t wrong.”

you talking about tying me up and stuff like that?” As she asked him, she
couldn’t believe how wet it made her. The thought of Chase having his way with
her excited her. What was wrong with her?

could come when the time is right.” His finger brushed up and down her arm. Goosebumps
formed on her skin and it was as though every nerve stood on edge. “Interested?”

The word tumbled out before she had time to think.

leaned by her ear and whispered, “Good. Now take your clothes off.” She started
to protest, but he placed a finger over her lips. “You’re not to speak unless I
give you permission to.”

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