Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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Chapter 4

The bad thing about
wanting to buy antique furniture at an auction was that she had to wait for the
next auction date. Thankfully that had been the following Saturday, so she only
had to spend a week sleeping on her make shift bed. After a very tiring first
week she really wanted to spend all weekend in a soft cozy bed. Who knew there
were so many trade shows in a weeks’ time, all that walking booth to booth, and
watching models on catwalks. Sara’s job was easy thou compared to Jo Ann’s, Jo
Ann had to use her knowledge of fashion and trends to predict what would be hot
and sell in the store. Hundreds of thousands of dollars depended on the choices
she makes.

You’d never know Jo Ann was a fashion
buyer outside of work. She was a strictly jeans and T-shirt girl and every
T-shirt boosted a new slogan. This morning her T-shirt read “Like a Boss”. Jo
Ann had offered to go with Sara to the auction; it was being held in down town
San Diego on San Diego Ave. The place boasted of having 20 years of experience
in conducting auctions.

As she pulled into the
parking lot she chose a spot near the building, she was tired of walking from
the trade shows this week. The minute she shut her engine off she heard it; a
loud throaty rumble of an engine coming from a huge sleek black four door pickup
with a lift kit. She watched as the door opened and down hopped the most ruggedly
handsome man she had ever seen. He was a tall man at least 6’2” maybe 6’4”.
Black Ray-bans covered his eyes; his hair was cut short on the sides almost
like the military men wear. Only his hair was a bit long on top, carefully
gelled into what some would call a fohawk. His hair was dark with some
lightened streaks that one can get from spending a lot of time in the sun; his
golden honey skin attested that he did indeed spend a lot of time in the sun.
He wore a plain black polo shirt that stretched tautly across his muscled chest
and broad shoulders with a pair of faded Levis and what looked like black steel
toed boats. He wasn’t muscled in the sense that he was bulky or stocky no this
man was trim, lean and fit someone who took care of himself. Raising her eyes
back up to the man’s face Sara saw that he wore a thin chin strap. Usually Sara
was not one for facial hair on a man, she had always liked the look of a clean
shaven face; but on this man it just accentuated his strong squared jaw.

As she gawked at him Sara
caught herself feeling something she hadn’t felt in a long time, lust. Pure
unadulterated lust the kind that is nothing but physical and hits you low in
your belly and makes you want to squeeze your thighs together.

The man must have sensed
he was being looked at because he turned in Sara’s direction and thou she
couldn’t see his eyes behind those dark Ray-Bans she saw the corner of his
mouth left up in a coy smirk that showed off one of his dimples.
“Dimples, oh my.”
She thought.

“Hello? Earth to Sara,
you ready to go in, the auction is gonna start soon.” Jo Ann began to wave her
hand in front of Sara’s face. Finally she turned her head to see what had
caught Sara’s attention.

“Wow, oh my God he’s
freaking hot!” Jo Ann exclaimed while licking her finger pressing it to the air
and making a sizzling sound.

“What? Oh”

Jo Ann’s loud
exclamation finally broke through into Sara’s lust filled brain. She broke eye
contact with the stranger immediately feeling bereft at the loss of the
connection and looked at Jo Ann.

“Yeah he’s a piece of
eye candy for sure, probably married, gay or has a girlfriend all the good ones
are always taken in some way.” Sara retorted while turning her head back in the
direction of the man’s truck, but he wasn’t there anymore.

“He must have walked in.”
Sara thought to herself, as she
opened her door and spoke to Jo Ann “Yeah I’m ready let’s go in and scout out
some of the lots before the actual auction begins.”

As they were walking
around the different lots they came up to a gorgeous antique four poster bed
with canopy and matching dressing table with an eclipse mirror, five drawer
chest and night table. Solid cherry polished to a beautiful shine, barely any
scratches to be concerned about considering its age. It was absolutely
everything she wanted and the starting bid was to be $2,500.

“Oh Jo Ann this is
perfect, I want this lot defiantly. This is the bedroom suite I want.” Sara
said as her hand glided around the ornate carvings of the post spindles.

“I agree it gorgeous,
but you know it’s not gonna go for $2,500. This is an amazing set and in great
condition, a lot of people will be bidding on it I’m sure.” Jo Ann responded
while looking around at the crowd seeing how many people were checking out this

“I know, I got a good
settlement thou, I can splurge on one thing. I’ll have to be more conservative
with the rest of the furniture I get, but this is it, this in the one I want.” She
was dreamily walking in between each piece; Sara couldn’t help running her
hands across the polished surfaces, opening drawers to peer inside.

“We’ll make note of the
lot number so we can pay attention during the auction. Now let’s go look for
dining room sets if they have any. You’ll probably want to get a new couch thou
I doubt an antique couch would be comfortable to cozy up to with a book and

They walked around the
auction house making note of all the lots Sara was interested in. There were a
couple of dinette sets she liked. One in particular was a solid oak pedestal
styled table with matching chairs. The chair backs were beautifully carved with
flowers and vines, a perfect match to go with Sara’s dishes. She also found a
couple of hope chests. She had always wanted one when she was younger.

The auction was due to
start, so they went to the registration desk and made sure everything was in
order and got Sara her paddle with her bidding number. Jo Ann even registered,
she had seen some antique Tiffany knock-off lamps that she thought were cute
and would go perfect on the table next to her couch where she always sat to

Walking into the auction
theater the ladies took seats in the front to make sure they were seen properly
by the auctioneer. The auction began with the whacking of a gavel bringing the
room to order. This was Sara’s first time at an actual auction and she couldn’t
believe how fast the auctioneer was talking, she could barely understand him,
his words were so fast and slurred together.

“Ok ladies and gentlemen
we have before you lot #1599 an antique solid cherry bedroom suite. We’ll start
the bidding at $2,500. DoI’ave $2,500, $2,500 heredoI’ave $2,600. $2,600
heredoI’ave $2,700?”

Sara listened and tried
to keep up with the auctioneer. She really wanted that bedroom suite but
someone kept out bidding her. She had set here limit at $4,000 to pay anymore
would just be ridiculous no matter how beautiful it was. She raised her paddle
again. The bid was now at $3,300. She was getting close to her limit. Out of curiosity
Sara looked around trying to find the bidder #766 who kept out bidding her. She
saw the paddle #766 go up, looked to the hand holding the paddle and saw that
it was a big tan hand of a man; she looked from the hand to the man’s face.

“OH MY GOD! It’s him; he’s the one bidding against me

She looked to the eyes that were no
longer hidden behind the dark Ray-Bans. Emerald green eyes surrounded by long
thick lashes, lashes that should make his eyes look more feminine but only
accentuated his eyes. His gaze locked with hers and he gave her a big smile
showing off both his dimples and a set of bright pearly whites and then he
winked at her. He actual winked, when was the last time a man winked at her,
she couldn’t remember. All of a sudden Sara heard the auctioneer shouting

“I’ave $3,400 goin once
goin twice...”

Jo Ann turned to see
Sara was once again in La La Land and lifted her paddle for her so she wouldn’t
miss out but it was too late. The auctioneer called out “Sold to #766” He smacked
his gavel and moved on to the next lot. Sara turned to look from the auctioneer
to Jo Ann and back again. Finally her muddled brain began to work.

“Oh no I lost, I can’t
believe I lost.” She stated gloomily with a look of utter disappointment on her

“Well what did you
expect you weren’t paying attention, what were you staring at?” As Jo Ann asked
she turned to try and pin point what had grabbed Sara’s attention yet again.
Then she saw him, the hot guy from the parking lot and he was staring
unabashedly at Sara with an upturned coquettish smile.

“Turn around, stop
looking at him” Sara quietly hissed while yanking on Jo Ann’s arm

“He’s staring at you”

“I know I can feel his
eyes burning into the back of my head, during the auction he winked at me,

Chapter 5


“Well maybe he likes
what he sees” Jo Ann replied while making an exaggerated wink at Sara

“Likes what he sees?”

“What do you mean likes
what he sees?” Sara quizzically asked Jo Ann with a dumbfounded look across her

“Oh come on Sara you’re
not stupid, you’re hot! Long raven Hair, coffee brown eyes and you’re built
like a woman should be; soft curves not a flat stick. Just because your husband
was an ass and took you for granted you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a
desirable woman.” Jo Ann gently rubbed Sara’s arm as she ended her tirade.

Sara let out a soft

“You have to remember
there was no one else, just Michael. I wasn’t allowed to date till I was in
high school. Once I met Michael freshman year that was all she wrote. I saw no
one but him, dated no one but him, flirted with no one but him. Then we got
married, he’s the only man I’ve ever been with.” Sara’s eyes began to shimmer
with unshed tears as she related the sorry sum of her love life to Jo Ann.

“I wasn’t trying to
upset you honey, I was just trying to open your eyes. You’re beautiful and
obviously going by the look on that man’s face I’m not the only one who thinks
so.” Jo Ann gave a slight nudge of her head in the direction of the man who was
still staring at Sara.

“I...I just don’t think
I’m ready.” Sara shook her head with her eyes down casted.

“Ok let’s just focus on
the auction then, the lot with the dinette set you like should be coming up.”

Conversation over, they
both returned their focus back to the auction, Mr. Hot momentarily forgotten.

“I won! I won! Wow I
can’t believe I got the dinette set and at such a good price too.” Excitedly
Sara clapped her hand against her bidding paddle.

“Just wish I would have
gotten that lamp. I can’t believe it went for $900 it was a knock off for
crying out loud.”

Jo Ann’s disgruntled
look made her usually pleasant face look puckered like a cranky old lady’s. With
the auction over they both got up and walked to the registration desk to pay
for Sara’s dinette set and schedule a delivery time.

“Well I guess if I want
an antique bed I’m just gonna have to go browse the shops down town. There’s no
way I can wait for the next auction. Sleeping on the floor is not fun.”

As Sarah was talking to
Jo Ann she felt someone standing very close behind her, so close she could feel
the warmth emanating from their body. Then she heard a low deep voice right
next to her ear.

“I’m sorry you lost the
lot and have to sleep on the floor but you’re more than welcome to come share
my bed.”

Sara shivered from the
feel of his warm breath against her neck and let out a small gasp. Turning
around she looked straight up into those emerald green eyes, eyes that were
looking deep into hers as if he was trying to ferret out all her secrets. The
top of her head just reached his shoulders.

“Defiantly 6’4””

“Excuse me?” She asked

He grinned cheekily down
at her.

“I offered you a place
to sleep, of course I’d be in bed with you and I don’t think we’ll be doing
much sleeping” He replied as his greedy eyes looked up and down her small 5’2”frame,
taking in her toned calves, soft curved hips, hips perfect for grabbing onto
and riding all night. Slowly he went up to look at her flat tummy and the swell
of her pert breasts, not to big not to small but a perfect handful and just
enough to suckle without being over whelmed by flesh. He finally made it up to
her eyes, pools of deep chocolate staring at him uncertainly.

Sara couldn’t speak, she
just stared gaping at him with her mouth moving open and close like she was
trying to talk and her voice wasn’t participating. Jo Ann took Sara’s lack of
speech as an invitation to interrupt.

“Hi, I’m Jo Ann and this
is Sara and you would be?”

Not breaking his eye
contact with Sara he replied.

“My name is Eric, Eric
Morales, nice to meet you Sara.” he said with a small smirk enjoying Sara’s
still shocked face.

Sara didn’t miss the
fact that even thou Jo Ann did the introductions; Eric completely ignored her
and cut her out of his answer focusing only on her.

“I hope you don’t have
any plans you’ll have to cancel tomorrow because I’m taking you out to dinner.
Now I need your number Sara so I can text you mine. Then I’ll need your address.”
He boldly stated with a grin that once again brought out those sexy dimples.

“Miss? Miss?”

The older receptionist
with short red hair wearing a blue shift dress behind the counter was trying to
get Sara’s attention, she was up in line. Still speechless Sara just blinked
rapidly closed her mouth without saying anything and turned to face the lady
calling out for her. As she filled out her paperwork, set up her delivery time
and handed over her credit card she glanced over her shoulder and saw that Jo
Ann was talking quietly to Eric.
Sara finished paying she turned to face Jo Ann, she glanced up at Eric who
still while he was talking to Jo Ann kept his eyes on Sara. The searing look he
was giving her made her face flush a warm rosy shade.

“Oh yeah he’s hot, he knows it too, God he’s looking at me
like he wants to eat me whole.”

Clearing her throat she
moved her eyes away from Eric to look at Jo Ann.

“Uhmm Jo Ann I’m all
done, you ready to go?”

Looking between the two
Sara began to wonder and worry about what they were talking about. Eric kept his
gaze on Sara; then he reached out and brushed the knuckles of his immense suntanned
hand against her cheek.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,
be ready by 5p.m., till tomorrow Sara.”

Then he winked at her
again, turned and walked out the door toward his big black truck; leaving a
stunned Sara in his wake, while Jo Ann grinned and giggled wildly.

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