Satin & Saddles (17 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #sexy western, #Cheyenne McCray, #erotic romance, #western romance, #erotica, #western

BOOK: Satin & Saddles
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Below the rise she and Dillon were on, the grassy valley stretched out with its pockets of native oaks. A ranch house was in a flat part of the valley, the house surrounded by tall sycamores and oaks.

“I told a friend that I’d check in on his place while he’s gone.” Dillon nodded toward the house and headed his horse lower into the valley. “This property butts up to the Rocking R.”

She moved forward with him as her mount kept pace with his. A large red barn was a distance from the house with corrals behind it and a shed along with a couple of other buildings. Something was odd about the place, but she couldn’t quite touch on what it was.

When they reached the ranch, they rode beneath the trees to the house. He dismounted and helped her off her horse then looped the reins around a railing that ran along the front. He took her by the hand and led her to the front porch that had a swing for two on it to the right of the large oak door. He dug a key out of his pocket and opened the door.

“It’s gorgeous.” Carly caught her breath at the beauty of the house as they stepped inside. “It’s pretty outside but that’s nothing compared to what it looks like inside, and it’s much larger than I expected.” She turned to Dillon. “It’s as beautiful as a house in a magazine.”

He rested his hand on her shoulder and smiled. “I’ll give you a tour of the place.”

“Are you sure your friend won’t mind?” she asked.

Dillon smiled. “Not at all.”

He showed her the downstairs first from the expansive living room, dining room, and professional kitchen.

She laughed. “If this was my house I’d have to get a chef just to take advantage of all of this great stuff.”

They went upstairs into a sitting room. “What an amazing view.” She stepped through the door that led out onto a balcony overlooking the valley and took a deep breath. She moved back into the room and looked at the lovely furniture. “I’d love a writing room like this some day.”

“Check out the master bedroom.” He took her hand and they walked down a hallway and stepped into a gorgeous room. “Wow.” She shook her head. “Like I said, it’s as beautiful as a magazine house.”

She went to the floor to ceiling glass doors and pushed them open and stepped out onto the balcony. “This view is even more incredible than the one on the other side of the house.”

When they finished touring the house they walked out through the front door.

“Why don’t we enjoy the view from here?” He gestured to the porch swing.

After they were seated, he took her hand. “So you like the place?”

She smiled. “It’s a dream house.”

He looked out at the tree-shaded yard. “A good place for a party. What do you think?”

“Definitely.” She nodded.

“Hold on.” He squeezed her fingers and then got up and released her hand. “I’ll be right back.”

She braced her hands to either side of her on the swing and kicked off so that she was slowly swinging. While he was gone she realized what it was that she’d found odd about the place. There were no animals around that she could see. Maybe they were in the barn, but it was so quiet for a ranch.

Moments later, Dillon returned and she saw he was carrying two glasses filled with golden bubbly liquid.

“Champagne,” he said as he handed her a glass.

She accepted it from him. “What’s the occasion?”

Instead of answering, he gestured toward her glass. “Looks like there’s something in there.”

“A bug?” She looked at the glass, puzzled when she saw something at the bottom.

“Maybe you should get it out.” The way he said it caused goose bumps to run along her skin.

Is it…? She slipped her finger into the champagne and caught a ring from the bottom and brought it out.

“Dillon.” Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as she looked at the large princess cut diamond.

Then she realized he was on one knee in front of her. He’d set his glass aside and took hers and put it on a small table next to the swing. He took the ring from her shaking fingers.

“Carly,” he said as he took her hands. “Will you marry me?”

Tears flowed down her cheeks and she held one hand over her mouth. He gazed up at her and she nodded. “Yes.” Her throat was tight from her tears. “I’ll marry you.”

He took the ring and slid it onto her finger and then she flung her arms around his neck. “I love you, Dillon.”

“I love you, too, Carly,” he said as he stroked her hair.

He drew back and when she raised her head he took her face in his hands and kissed her with all the passion she felt inside. When his lips left hers, he moved to sit beside her on the swing and she looked at the diamond on her finger. She was going to be Dillon’s wife.

“This would be a nice place for a wedding,” he said and she looked at him.

“It would be wonderful.” She looked around them then met his gaze again. “Do you think the owner would let us have it here?”

“I’m positive.” He dug into his back pocket and brought out a piece of paper and unfolded it. “As a matter of fact, he’s sitting right here.”

Her eyes widened as she looked at the paper then met Dillon’s gaze. “It’s yours? This house is yours?”

“It’s ours.” He kissed her hard. “Looks like you have yourself a writing room with a view.”

She flung her arms around his neck. “You are incredible, Dillon Cameron.”

“So are you.” He moved her so that she was in the crook of his arm and he kissed her again.

She rested her head on his chest and smiled as he kissed the top of her head. Life didn’t get any better than having a good man who loved her and whom she loved with all her heart. She wrote happy endings and now she was getting one of her own.

# # #

Also by Cheyenne McCray

“Rough and Ready” Series

Silk and Spurs

Lace and Lassos

Champagne and Chaps

Satin and Saddles

Roses and Rodeo


“Dark Enforcers” Series

Night’s Captive


“Altered States” Series

Dark Seduction



From Ellora’s Cave

 “Wild” Cowboy Series




Wild Borders


Wonderland Series

King of Hearts

King of Spades

King of Diamonds

King of Clubs



“Taboo” series

Taking Instruction

Taking on the Law

Taking it Personal

Taking the Job


“Erotic” series

Erotic Invitation

Erotic Weekend

Erotic Stranger



Print books by Cheyenne



From St. Martin’s Press:


Lexi Steele Novels

The First Sin

The Second Betrayal


Night Tracker Series

Demons Not Included

No Werewolves Allowed

Vampires Not Invited

Zombies Sold Separately

Vampires Dead Ahead


Magic Series

Forbidden Magic

Seduced by Magic

Wicked Magic

Shadow Magic

Dark Magic


Single Title

Moving Target

Chosen Prey

Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland

The Auction Series






Taboo Series

Taking it Home

Losing Control

Alluring Stranger


Taboo Desires: 3 Tales of Lust and Passion

Playing Rough: 3 Stories of Sensual Submission



Paranormal Novels

The Touch

Come to Me


Excerpt… Champagne and Chaps

Cheyenne McCray

Available Now!


Wyatt Cameron’s gaze slowly traveled the room as he leaned up against the bar, one elbow and forearm on the polished hardwood surface. The lights were low, the wood-bladed fans stirring the air that carried smells of bar food and beer.

Stampede Bar was warm from all of the bodies packed into it and filled with music, laughter, and chatter. Wyatt tapped one boot in time with the song the live band, El Rio, was playing. Cowboys and cowgirls danced a lively two-step on the sawdust-strewn dance floor.

A pair of pool tables took up one end of the massive room and it looked like some serious games were going on while a couple of cowboys were throwing darts at a dartboard at the other end of the room. Most of the high tops were filled and every stool at the bar was taken.

“See anything you like?” Mike Sharpe said over the fiddle playing.

Wyatt gave his buddy a quick grin then took another drink of his longneck beer. “Still looking,” he said after a swallow. “I’ll know her when I see her.”

“Damn.” Mike glanced toward the door and gave a low whistle. “Take a look at that tall, sexy drink of water.”

Wyatt turned his attention to the door. His gaze went straight past the curvy woman to the petite gal behind her and his gut tightened. Light brown hair with blonde streaks, big eyes, and the type of smile that lit up even the dim bar. She was so damned pretty that he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Wyatt said as he studied the woman who’d caught his eye, “I think I just fell in love with that little thing next to her.”

Mike looked amused. “Why don’t you turn on that Cameron charm and go meet the lady?”

Wyatt considered it for a moment. He didn’t want to pounce the moment they walked in the door. Well, maybe he did, but it wasn’t the real smart thing to do. “I’ll give them a moment to settle in.”

He watched the two as they made their way to the only available high top in the room. The petite woman wore a red blouse and blue jeans that hugged her cute little ass. A silver chain with a small medallion was at her throat and small silver hoops on her ears.

He couldn’t get himself to look away. She must have felt his gaze on her because she looked up and gave him a little smile before turning back to her friend.

“If that isn’t your cue, I don’t know what is,” Mike was saying. “I think you’d better get your ass over there before someone beats you to it.”

Wyatt grinned to himself. Damn, that woman was cute as hell. “I think you’re right.”

He set his empty longneck on the bar and headed toward the woman he had to have.


“That cowboy you just smiled at is on his way over.” Carly’s startling lavender eyes met Sabrina’s gaze. “I knew you’d be flirting from the moment you walked in.”

“I was not flirting.” Sabrina’s heart beat a little faster. “And you know I’m not ready to meet any guys.”

Carly combed her fingers through her dark hair. “You’re plenty ready. It’s been seven months since you and the idiot broke up.”

Idiot was right. Stephen was definitely one of those not-so-rare breeds.

Sabrina shook her head. “That’s not all. You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know,” Carly said. “There’s no reason you can’t get out and start living now.”

Sabrina held one palm to her belly. “I don’t know. I think it’s too soon—”

“That is one incredibly fine cowboy,” Carly interrupted. “Fine, fine, fine.”

That was so true, Sabrina thought as she watched the man’s easy approach from the corner of her eye.

He was tall and had a cowboy’s build with broad shoulders and lean hips. He wore a white dress shirt and a white Stetson along with Wrangler jeans. The shirt in no way disguised his muscular chest and arms.


Sabrina’s stomach flipped as the cowboy held her gaze and walked up to their table. He touched the brim of his hat as he looked from Sabrina to Carly.

“I’m Wyatt Cameron,” he said with a sexy smile that made her stomach drop to her toes.

Carly extended her hand. “Carly Abbot.”

Sabrina jumped when Carly elbowed her. Sabrina cleared her throat and offered her own hand. “Sabrina Holliday.”

His touch was warm as he gripped her hand for a few moments and held her gaze. A shiver ran down her spine as she met his gorgeous brilliant blue eyes.

“Are you part of the Cameron crew that I hear so much about over in the San Rafael Valley?” Carly tilted her head to the side. “You have a bunch of brothers.”

“That would be me.” Wyatt had a spark of amusement in his eyes as he released Sabrina’s hand. “Three brothers and a sister.”

Carly smiled. “I figured.”

“Mind if my friend and I sit with you?” Wyatt nodded in the direction of another good-looking cowboy who was leaning up against the bar.

“We don’t mind at all,” Carly said.

Sabrina felt mute. Wyatt Cameron had all the makings of a man she could really enjoy being around. But she didn’t want that… Didn’t want to get close to any man. She was all for Carly’s determination that tonight was all about flirting and fun.

Wyatt took a seat at the high top and gave a signal to the other cowboy who started coming their way. When the cowboy arrived, Wyatt made introductions.

“Mike, this is Sabrina and Carly.” He gestured to each of them. “Sabrina and Carly, this is Mike Sharpe who’s also from the valley.”

“A pleasure.” Mike smiled and shook each of their hands.

Carly gave a slow nod. “I think I’ve heard of your family, too,” she said to Mike. “You own Sharpe Feed and Tack in Patagonia?”

“My cousin, Ty Sharpe, owns the feed store,” Mike said. “I have a ranch on the other side of Wyatt’s.”

“The Sharpe family owns this bar, too, don’t they?” Carly asked. “A friend mentioned it the last time I was here.”

“That would be another cousin who owns Stampede.” Mike glanced around the room. “Brady’s probably around here somewhere.”

“Where are you ladies from?” Wyatt’s gaze settled on Sabrina.

Her cheeks warmed at the intense look of interest in his eyes. “Tucson.”

“What part of town?” he asked.

She cleared her throat. “The foothills.”

His gaze slid to Carly. “Whereabouts are you? Tucson, too?”

Carly shook her head. “Patagonia.” She glanced at Sabrina. “Sabrina is staying with me for the summer.”

Sabrina wanted to kick Carly under the table but she was afraid she would kick one of the men. She really didn’t want these cowboys to know she’d be a lot closer to them than Tucson. This Wyatt might think she’d be interested in seeing him more, and all she wanted was a little fun.

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