Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Savage (The Callie Leveaux Series Book 2)
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“Fine,” I tell her. I can see by the smug look on her face that she thinks she’s won, but as I lift her over my shoulder, her reaction is priceless.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Tommy?” she shrieks. “You’re such a liar! You said you wouldn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do!”

“I won’t,” I laugh. “But I’m not gonna leave your stubborn little ass standing in the parking lot. I know you’d rather do this than hang out with Richie, so I’m picking the lesser of two evils.”

Taking the steps to our apartment, I make my way to our door on the second floor with her still slung over my shoulder. Callie’s hands are buried into the back of my jeans, her hands gripping my ass as she tries in vain to de-pants me, when our neighbor comes out as we’re approaching.

“Hey Bill,” I greet him, chuckling when I feel her hands come to a halt.

“Dr. Savage,” he nods at me before his eyes wander to her face. “Callie.”

“Hi Bill,” she says, embarrassment staining her voice as her hands stay frozen on my ass. “How are you?”

“I’m doing well,” he says, clearing his throat as he begins to nervously fumble with his keys. “Oh! While I’ve got you hear, Elaine said we got some of your mail by mistake. If you’re going to be around for the night, I’ll let her know she can drop it off to you when she gets in from work.”

“Okay sounds good,” I say, internally laughing as Callie sinks her nails deeper into my skin. “Callie? You’ll be home most of the night, won’t you baby?”

“Yes,” she groans. “I’ll be here.”

“Great, I’ll send her over in a little while,” Bill says. “I don’t think it was anything super important, mostly junk, but there was a big yellow envelope that looked like it might be time sensitive. We didn’t want to leave it on the porch.”

“That was really thoughtful, Bill,” she says in a short tone. “Thanks a lot.”

“Well, y’all have been real good neighbors and we don’t take that for granted,” he says. The way Callie’s head drops against my back in defeat causes me to laugh.

“Thanks Bill,” I tell him, barely containing the chuckle. “We feel the same way about you and Elaine. Good neighbors are hard to find these days. I was just saying that to Cal the other day. Isn’t that right, babe?”

“Oh my God,” she groans, ignoring my question.

“Well, I’d better get her in,” I tell him. “Talk to you later, Bill.”

“Okay, you kids have a good night,” he says as I push our door open and walk through.

When I kick it shut behind us, I tip her over and hold her to my chest, beaming as she wraps her legs around my waist. Her hair is a mess and her cheeks are still stained red with the combination of embarrassment and having been upside down for so long.

“Bill’s good people,” I chuckle as I hold her eyes.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she wails, the look of disbelief on her face priceless.

“No,” I husk out against her lips. “Did you enjoy sinking your nails into my ass in front of the neighbor, Callie?”

“I did,” she admits, her eyes twinkling with a combination of amusement and arousal at my change in tone. “Did you enjoy throwing me over your shoulder like a caveman?”

“Damn right I did, baby,” I say, biting down on her chin. “Is your pussy wet?”

“I’m always wet for you, Tommy,” she groans out, making my already rock hard dick ache.

“Good girl,” I whisper against her lips.

Taking the few short steps to the wall, I press her against it and take her mouth, thrusting my tongue against hers to taste. Holding her with one hand, I use the other to unbutton my jeans and let them fall to my ankles.

“Sure, for
they come off,” she breathes as I kick them off along with my shoes, causing me to smirk as I suck hard on her neck, marking her as I lift her skirt up and push into her. “Fuck!”

Looking down at her chest bouncing against mine, I see her hard nipples straining against the soft cotton fabric of her fitted t-shirt.

“Show me those perfect tits, baby,” I order and immediately, she lifts her shirt over her head and tosses it across the room, her eyes never leaving mine.

Running her hands over her chest, she leans her head back against the wall as she grips them, teasing her nipples and pushing them together for me.

“You’re so fuckin’ hot, baby,” I ground out, pushing into her harder. “Who owns these tits, Callie?”

“You,” she mewls. “I belong to you, Tommy. Only you, baby.”

Knowing exactly what I need, she purrs seductively at me, her pussy clenching around my shaft as I begin to pant against her lips.

“You want my come, Callie?” I growl out against her mouth, my balls tightening with the need to fill her as her eyes flutter at my words.

“Yes!” she admits shamelessly as she hooks one arm around my neck to pull me to her mouth. “I want to feel you dripping out of me, baby.”

“Fuck,” I groan, giving her exactly what she asks for as she tightens around me, her pussy contracting around my shaft and covering me completely.

Filling my mouth with her tongue, she kisses me deeply as I come apart inside her. Still rocking my hips against her, I pull away from the wall and carry her across the room to the couch. Careful not to disturb our connection, I lean back against the cushions and begin running my hands over her nipples, massaging them as she lets out a low hum into my mouth.

“You feel better now, baby?” I ask her, still running my lips over her skin as I taste the sweet saltiness her sweat has left behind.

“Yes,” she answers lazily.

Moving one hand up to her neck possessively, I pull her lips to mine again and take her mouth slowly, completely. When I pull away, the heavy eyes that meet mine tell me for now, she’s sated.

Resting on top of me, my cock still inside her, she rests her palms on my chest and holds my eyes.

“Richie’s gonna be pissed,” she smirks.

“I know,” I chuckle, holding her eyes. “It was worth it, though. I’ll take fucking you over dinner with Richie any day.”

“Hmm, me too,” she grins, giving me a chaste kiss.

“You’re right, though,” I sigh, squeezing her hips and regretfully lifting her from me. “I better go. I’ll bring you some food home, okay?”

“Okay,” she yawns. “Love you.”

“Love you, too, babe,” I tell her, kissing her on the temple before standing to dress and feeling her eyes on me as she stretches out across our leather couch.

Leaning over her to give her a final kiss goodbye, I reach between her legs and dip my fingers into her before rubbing our combined releases over her thighs and pussy.

“You can put your clothes back on if you want, but don’t shower until after I get back,” I say softly, moving my drenched fingers over her chest.

“Okay,” she says, gripping me at the neck and giving me a quick but deep kiss as I finish marking her. “It’s so fucking hot when you do that, Tommy.”

“You like having me all over you?”

“Mhmm,” she hums, releasing me.

“Good girl,” I whisper. “I better go or I’m gonna end up fucking you again and we’ll both starve to death.”

“Okay,” she smirks, reaching for the remote as I make it to the door. “I love you, baby. Bring me back a milkshake.”



The Past

As I make my way into the diner, I see Richie sitting in his favorite booth in the corner. He’s looking down at his cell, no doubt checking the time and cussing me for being so late when he notices me approaching him.

“What the fuck? I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour, dick!” he says. His tone is playful, but I can tell he’s a little irritated.

Not that I really give a shit.

“Sorry,” I tell him, both of us knowing I’m not. “Something came up. Did you order yet?”

“I waited ten minutes and your ass wasn’t here yet so I ate,” he laughs. “What came up?”

I’m about to answer him when the waitress approaches.

“What can I get you, hon?”

“Can I just get a glass of water for now, please? I’m going to order something to go before I leave.”

“Sure,” she says, leaving us.

“You’re not gonna eat?”

“Nah,” I tell my brother. “I’m not hungry yet. I’m gonna grab something and take it home for Cal. I’ll just eat with her.”

“Yeah, where is she?” he asks as he looks around, trying to see if Callie is coming in behind me before meeting my eyes again. “I figured she was coming with you.”

“She decided to stay at the apartment,” I tell him. “Speaking of Callie, though, you should probably know we’ve started seeing each other.”

“What, you mean like you’re fucking her?” he asks as he leans against the back of the booth and takes a sip from his soda.

“Well, not that it’s any of your fucking business but yeah, as a part of our relationship, we do fuck, Richie.”

My words cause his eyebrows to shoot up slightly and I know exactly why. Although he doesn’t know all the details, he’s one of the few that knows how Callie’s been making her money for the past few years. Like me, he’s one of the few who doesn’t judge her for it, although his reasons are admittedly different from mine.

I love Callie.

My brother just wants to fuck her.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Tommy, I love the girl to death, bro, but she’s a fuckin’ hooker,” he blurts out. “You sure that’s really the kind of girl you wanna tie yourself down to?”

“First of all, you’re gonna watch what you have to say about Callie. I didn’t put up with that shit before, I’m damn sure not gonna listen to it now,” I tell him. “Second of all, she’s not doing that anymore.”

“Bobby just told me he was going to meet up with her the other night, dude,” he tells me. When I arch my eyebrow at him in warning, he puts his hands up in surrender. “Listen man, you do what you want. I love you both. I’m just saying you need to be careful, ya know? Don’t think with your dick on this one.”

“Look Rich,” I start, the blunt edge to my voice cutting him off. “Don’t fuckin’ worry about me and Cal. If you really wanna know the truth, I couldn’t give two fucks what you or anyone else thinks about it. I’m only telling you because this shit right here is why she didn’t come with me. She was worried you were gonna act like you’re acting right now,” I tell him as I empty the water glass in front of me, crunching on the ice. “I’m just getting the pleasantries out of the way so she doesn’t have to deal with it.”

“Okay, I feel you,” he starts, shaking his head and smirking back at me. “I still don’t get why she’d all of a sudden care about what I think about what the two of you do over there. You two have always had a weird ass relationship, but whatever works I guess. How’s work going?”

“Good,” I tell him, silently grateful that he’s changed the subject. “How’s your shit going?”

“It’s going good, man. Trish moved in last week, so she’s driving me fuckin’ crazy.”

“Yeah, well… Maybe you shouldn’t have been thinkin’ with your dick, Rich,” I smirk, chuckling when he flips me off.

“Yeah, well, kiss my ass,” he laughs. “Anyway, other than that, same old shit, ya know?”

“Yep,” I nod, taking in his odd expression. “Why’d you call me, Rich? It’s good to see you, but you never wanna meet up for no reason so let’s hear it.”

“Dad called,” he says, nervously waiting for my reaction before continuing when I don’t give him one. “He was asking about you.”

“Yeah?” I respond with no conviction.

Richie’s always tried to keep in contact with our old man, but I haven’t had any reason to see the prick. As far as I’m concerned, the motherfucker died when our mom did.

“He said he wants to talk to you,” he says cautiously. “You know, you might not believe it, but he’s gotten a whole lot better. He’s not the same guy he used to be.”

“You’re right, Rich,” I sigh, shaking my head regretfully. “I don’t believe that at all.”

“Tommy,” he starts, sadness tainting his eyes as he clears his throat. “Tom, he’s been actin’ real weird lately.”

“Oh yeah? Weird how?”

Although I admittedly don’t really care what my old man is doing, I still need to stay in the loop. When I met Callie, he was bad into dope and eventually, it looked like I’d be using his shitty life as a map for my own. Luckily, because of her, I got my shit together before that happened. I pissed a whole lot of people off when I went straight, but nobody was more pissed than my father. Not only did seeing clearly for the first time in my adult life fuck up his high since I wasn’t his connection anymore, it showed me just how fucked up he really was.

“I don’t know, he’s just been talking crazy,” he shrugs, pulling me from my thoughts. “Crazier than usual, anyway. He’s been talkin’ about regret and death and shit. There’s only one doctor here and it’s pretty clear it ain’t me, but if I didn’t know better I’d think he was sick.”

“Yeah, well, you’d be right about that,” I tell him callously, regretting my words only because the look he’s giving me tells me I’ve managed to make him feel like shit.

“Listen, I know you two have your issues, but he’s still our dad.”

“We don’t have issues, Rich,” I snap, struggling to keep my voice low as images from my childhood assault my mind. “The bastard used to use me as a fuckin’ punching bag. When he wasn’t getting me hooked on powder or using me for a fuckin’ hookup, he was kicking the living shit out of me and leaving me to fuckin’ rot. Fuck him. If he thinks he can come begging me for forgiveness because karma finally caught up with his sorry ass, he’s wrong. He might be your dad, but the only parent I ever had is dead and gone.”

His sad expression pulls me from my buried rage long enough to make me human again for a few minutes.

“I’m sorry for you, Rich. I can see you’re having a hard time dealing with this. If there’s anything I can do for you, you know I’m here for you any time you need me,” I tell him, still trying to reign in my temper. “I’ll do anything I can for you and you know that, but I can’t give him the same, not anymore. I’m sorry if you don’t understand that…”

“Nah,” he says, his eyes focused on the salt shaker in front of him. “I get it, Tommy. I can’t do it, but I totally get it.”

“Thanks,” I tell him as he looks up from the shaker and meets my eyes. “I mean it. You need me? You call me. I just… I can’t fuckin’ do it, Richie.”

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