Save My Soul

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Authors: K.S. Haigwood

Tags: #romance, #love, #angels, #god, #demon, #guardian angel, #betrayal, #angel, #devil, #demons, #monster, #lust, #die, #deceit, #photography, #soulmate, #souls, #guardian angels, #soulmates

BOOK: Save My Soul
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Save My Soul
Book 1 of the
‘Save My Soul’ series
By K. S. Haigwood



Copyright © 2012 by K.S.



This is a work of fiction. All of the
characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are
products of the author’s imagination or are used

All rights reserved, including the
right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any

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Thank you for respecting the hard work
of this author.


For Riley: May your dreams
always come true. I love you.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50


About the


Chapter One


"We're losing her, Dr.

I could hear a faint
beeping but could not, for the life of me, figure out what I was
supposed to do. It seemed like I was supposed to do something, at
least try to do something. I didn't know why I was here, or even
for that matter. Moreover, why was there a woman telling a doctor
that they were losing someone. It couldn't be me… could

"Shit! Come on, Kendra. You are not
dying on my operating table," a male voice said, clearly ignoring
the woman. It was a deep voice, a rather nice voice actually.
Evidently, the very insistent doctor, who was obviously trying to
save my life, had no plans of letting me meet my maker anytime

There wasn't any pain. It was as if I
was dreaming and could only hear the noises around me. I couldn't
see anything except darkness, but still didn't know what I needed
to do.

I tried to open my eyes, but it was as
if my eyelids had been sewn shut. They were so heavy, and just the
thought of prying them apart was too exhausting to consider. What
the hell was going on? What had happened to me?

The woman, apparently a nurse or
another assisting doctor, spoke again. "I can't get her to
stabilize doctor; she has too many injuries. She is bleeding from
every appendage of her body, and there is no telling how much blood
she lost before the ambulance brought her in. If we don't get the
wounds closed soon, she's going to bleed out and we will lose

I heard a loud noise as if a heavy
object had slammed into a wall. I jumped. Well, I'm sure my body
didn't move, but it scared the hell out of me nonetheless. The
doctor spoke again in a rather unkind tone of voice. I had a hunch
he was the culprit who had thrown the object. "Just do your damn
job, Sherri! It isn't your call whether she dies or not. It's
mine!" I could just imagine him pointing at his chest with an angry
scowl on his face. "Do what you were trained to do, or get the fuck
out of my O.R.!" I was guessing that it would be God who made the
decision if I died on the doctor's table, but if Dr. Chamberlain
wanted to play the part, I would let him if it meant I could open
my eyes again.

"Yes, Doctor," Sherri whispered, then
evidently went back to work on fixing my injuries, because she
didn't say anything after that, and he didn't tell her to leave

I heard soft beeps. I presumed it was
coming from the heart monitoring machine. Then the sound suddenly
changed from beeps to one continuous drone. From watching years and
years of hospital series and movies on television, I realized
exactly what path I was heading down. It looked as though the
determined doctor wasn't going to get a say about it.


I felt strangely calm at the
realization that I was dying, and that bothered me a little. I
mean, shouldn't I be panicking or something? What confused me the
most was that I was still here, still hanging out in my body.
Shouldn't I be walking toward a bright, white light right about
now? There was nothing. I was stuck in complete darkness, listening
to the people around me try to bring me back.

"Give me the damn defibrillator. Turn
it to one-twenty. Shoot her up with atropine. Mason, get in here
and fix these bleeders. Sherri, get the hell out of the way!" He
was barking orders at the staff, and from the sound of small metal
instruments, they were doing whatever the hell he was telling them
to do.

"Adam, I was fixing…" Sherri pleaded,
but he didn't let her finish the thought, let alone get the words
out of her mouth.

"It wasn't a request. Get the hell out
of my operating room, and if you ever address me by my first name
while we are on the clock, it will be the last time you scrub in
with me. Get out!" I heard a door open then close gently, but none
of the other nurses had stopped working on me throughout the whole
shouting match. Well, it wasn't exactly a shouting match; "Adam"
was doing all the shouting. It seemed to me that there may be
something a little more personal than work going on between Sherri
and the doctor.

"Clear…" another voice said, and I
heard my body jerk on the operating table. Eerie, but true, don't
ask me to explain it; I've only been dead once. It was really
troubling me that I couldn't see or feel anything. At least one of
my senses had not been taken away from me yet. I could hear just
fine, but the rest of my senses were…pretty much nonexistent. I
couldn't even smell, not that I wanted to. I hadn't ever been in an
operating room but I was sure the room smelled sterile and of
iodine, with that faint hint of old and new blood, that metallic
coppery smell that you never seem to forget exactly what it

I could only imagine what I looked
like. And again the question, "What the hell had happened to me?" I
couldn't remember what I'd been doing all day, or even last week
for that matter.

I heard a single beep, and then
another before I flat lined again.

"Damn it! Shit!" I heard Adam take a
deep breath in then let it out slowly. "Again…do it again at
one-eighty. I'm not going to lose her. Debbie, call up and get
another bag of blood, no…make that two, AB Negative, STAT! And get
more fluids."

"Yes, Doctor." I could tell by the
urgency in Debbie's voice that she was not about to question Dr.

"Clear…" Again I heard my body jerk
then settle back on the table with a thump.


"You got her back, doc," Mason

I could hear more shuffling around,
more metal instruments being used on my body, but the most
important noise I heard was the sigh of relief from Dr. Adam
Chamberlain. I swear I could feel the tension leaving his shoulders
as I heard him pull the gloves from his hands. I heard a faint
sound of metal squeaking and assumed he was throwing his used
gloves in a hazardous material waste container.

"Did you find all the bleeders,
Mason?" the doctor asked.

"Sure did, doc." I could hear the
smile in his voice from where I was laid out on the

"Get her sewed up nice and pretty for
me. Put her on I.V. antibiotics. Give her the blood and fluids, and
have a nurse, not an aide, a nurse, sit in the room with her. If
they have to piss, they better have a relief. She's not to be left
alone for even a minute. Do you understand?"

I didn't hear an answer from Mason, so
I guess he nodded in agreement with the doctor, because I didn't
hear any yelling either.

"Keep her on the ventilator until I
say otherwise. I'll check on her in a bit." I heard the door softly
open then close. Adam was gone, and for some reason I felt

I was happy I guess, but something
still didn't feel right with my newly righted body. I still
couldn't feel anything, or smell, or open my eyes. I'm sure they
had given me some powerful shit to anesthetize me so I wouldn't
wake up, but I was awake...sort of.

The speed of the beeping began to
rapidly increase, and I could hear something that sounded like
flapping, or loud thumping.

"Shit, she's seizing. Get Dr.
Chamberlain back in here. STAT!" I heard the door open then a woman
shouted down the hall. I couldn't see or feel what Mason was doing
to me, but I knew he was close to my face. I could hear his frantic
breathing and whispered curses.

What was so ironic was that I hadn't
prayed yet. I guessed I needed to, but I wasn't worried for some
reason. I didn't know if I was in shock or if I was actually this
calm. Maybe it was because I was somehow sure that Dr. Adam
Chamberlain would be my savior. Or would he be? I was almost
positive the words seizure and stabilized wouldn't be written
side-by-side on my chart. Something was definitely wrong

I heard the door quickly open and then
fresh gloves being snapped into place on wrists. "What have we
got?" the doctor said, and he was a lot closer than I thought he
would be. His voice was so close that I knew I would be able to
smell his aftershave or cologne if my sense of smell hadn't flown
the coop. I had the strongest urge to inhale the scent of him, but
after trying, I realized it wasn't possible.

One thing was for sure, I didn't feel
alone with him so near.

"I don't get it…" Mason said, with a
little confusion in his voice. "Five seconds after you walked out,
her vitals went crazy, and she started seizing. Then you come back
in and speak, and everything goes back to normal, as if nothing
ever happened. Hell, her vitals are better than mine right now.
You're a god, man."

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