Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2)
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When Master Adam leaves, I don’t try to talk to Jack. He’s very angry and I know everything’s my fault. I hope his painkillers kick in quickly so that he can sleep again.

I keep dozing off, but being in a foreign place I just can’t sleep. I feel like I have to be ready for anything.

It’s dark when Master Adam comes back. He’s carrying bags. He places some at the foot of Jack’s bed. “I got you some clothes, Jack. When you’re ready try them on and let me know if they fit.”

My eyes widen when he brings bags to my bed too. “I got you dresses. I think it will be easier for you to put on and take off. When you’re better we’ll get you some more stuff.”

I watch as he pulls something light blue out of the bag. He comes over to me and holding the material, he asks, “Can I help you to put it on?”

Put it on? I can’t remember when last I wore clothes! Mamma was still alive back then.

Master Adam brings the fabric to my head and he slips it over. He then takes my right arm and pushes it through the soft fabric. He does the same with my left arm, and then he pulls it over my breasts and down my body. It’s the softest thing I’ve ever felt. It doesn’t hurt as much as the sheet does.

“There,” Master Adam whispers, “the blue brings out the color of your pretty eyes.”

Shocked, my eyes snap up to his. He called me pretty. He thinks I’m pretty? My eyes start to burn and I quickly look away. “Thank you, Master.”

“Adam,” he gently takes hold of my chin and lifts my face until I’m looking at him again. “Say my name, say Adam.”

“Mas …” I start to protest, too scared to just use his name.

“No, Sophia.” He stops me and then he says, “It will please me if you say Adam.”

I so badly want to please him! I clear my throat and whisper, “Adam.” It sounds foreign not calling him Master. “Thank you, Adam.”

He smiles widely, clearly pleased with me and it makes my insides feel warm. I pleased my master.


Later that night it’s just me and Jack. My body is sore from all the lying. I’m sitting on the side of the bed, staring out the windows. It’s seldom I get to see the stars. I love how they blink.

I look back at Jack wondering if he can feel it too. It feels different here. The normal stiffness in the air is gone.

I bring my legs up and carefully wrap my arms around them. I rest my chin on my knees and then look back outside.

It feels so nice. Everything - the food, the clothes, the way Master and Mistress Ryland are with us – it feels like a nice dream.

“It feels different here. Master and Mistress Ryland seem nice.” I glance at Jack and smile. “I think we’ll be happy here.”

Jack turns away from me and growls, “In order to be happy I actually have to care about life.”

My smile drops from my face. Jack is angry and I don’t blame him.

The old woman from earlier comes into the room, carrying a tray. She places it on the table between the beds and then she pulls a chair closer to Jack’s bed.

“What’s this I hear of you wasting my soup, Son.” Her voice is gentle and I watch as Jack glares at her from over his shoulder. “My mama always said; waste not, want not,” she says.

“Now, I’ve brought you another bowl of soup and you’ll eat every last drop. I’ve also brought you some pills for the pain.”

I’m relieved when Jack sits up.

“I’m Miss Ella and that’s what you’ll call me. Don’t even try to call me Miss E, I’m nobody’s missy. My mama gave me the name Ella and I expect you to use it.” She starts to feed Jack. After a few bites Miss Ella asks, “What’s your name, Son?”

Jack just glares at her and I start to panic. I don’t want to upset any of our new masters. I clear my throat and whisper, “His name is Jack.”

Miss Ella looks at me and smiles. “Thank you, dear, and you are?”

Her words are so gentle. I’ve never seen anyone like her.

“I’m Sophia.”

Miss Ella goes back to feeding Jack. When he’s taken the last bite she says, “My room is the one right by the stairs. If the pain gets to be too much come wake me.” She places everything back on the tray then she looks at Jack, and then at me. “You need to eat all your food so your bodies can heal. There’s a lot of work to be done. Everyone works here to earn their keep.”

I’m good at working. Excitement starts to bubble in my chest. Miss Ella looks at me and says, “As soon as you’re up to it you can help me in the kitchen.”

She wants me to help her in the kitchen! I’m wanted by someone! The relief is intense and brings tears to my eyes.

She goes on talking to Jack. “River says you’ve been born with a green thumb. That’s a good thing because no one around here likes to garden, and I’m too old to be playing with flowers. We can do with some color around here, so as soon as you’re better you can fix the gardens up nicely. Now get a good night’s rest and I’ll see you in the morning.”

A huge grin spreads over my face. Jack will make the gardens pretty and I will help in the kitchen. Soon everything will be back to normal.

I lie down and it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep. I don’t sleep for long. When I wake up all the lights are off. My body is aching and Miss Ella said we could wake her if the pain becomes too much.

I struggle out of bed and walk to the door, only then do I notice Mistress Ryland.

“It’s okay. You can go use the bathroom,” she whispers. I feel bad for deceiving her as I keep walking down the passage. I reach the room by the stairs and I knock softly.

I open the door slowly and peek into the dark room. “Miss Ella?”

A light goes on and Miss Ella sits up in her bed. “Come in, dear.”

I close the door behind myself and then quickly sink to my knees.

“Oh, dear Lord almighty! Get up, child! I’m not one of those heathens.”

I get up as quick as I can and explain why I’m bothering her. “It hurts. You said to wake you if it becomes too much. I’m sorry, Mistress Ella. It … it hurts.”

I hear a sniffle and my eyes flit over to her. She’s wiping tears from her eyes. “Come here, child.” I walk over to her bed and watch as she opens a drawer. She takes out a holder and shakes two tablets from it. She holds them out to me and I take them gratefully. I place them in my mouth as she holds a glass of water out to me. I quickly swallow them down.

She moves back on the bed and holds the blanket up. “Come lie here. Miss Ella wants to talk to you.”

I sit down and then lie back, flat on the bed. I hope the tablets work fast, before we fuck.

She settles back on the pillows and then pats on her chest. “Come here, my sweet girl.” I position myself until my head is resting on her soft chest. Her arms go around me and then her hand starts to caress my hair.

“Now Miss Ella wants you to listen carefully,” she starts to whisper. “You’re safe here, child. No one is going to hurt you. I want you to think of me as your mama. Mama’s don’t hurt their children, we take care of our children. You and Jack are now a part of this family and that makes you my children.”

  She presses a kiss to the top of my head. “Sleep, my sweet girl. Miss Ella will watch over you.”

I close my eyes and tears sneak out. Not even my own Mamma was this nice to me. No one has ever held me like Miss Ella and Master Adam does. They make me feel safe. I’ll do anything to stay here with them. I’ll make them happy.

I don’t want to go back to Master David and Master Sven. I pinch my eyes closed, as tight as I can. I don’t want to think of them right now. I just want to lie here with Miss Ella.



When I walk into the room, I come to a sudden standstill. Sophia’s bed is empty. 

“She’s with Miss Ella,” River says, and only then do I see her sitting by the wall next to the door, quite far from Jack.

I tip my head in Jack’s direction. “How is he?”

River shrugs, looking tired as hell. “He woke for pain meds right after Sophia went to Miss Ella’s room. He’s been sleeping since.”

“At least he’s resting. He’ll heal faster that way.” I smile at River. “How are you?”

“It’s been rough, Adam. It feels as if I’ve aged a million years. I don’t think I can do this anymore. It’s getting harder every time.”

I know exactly what she means. “We’ll talk about it later. Go get some rest while he’s sleeping. I’m going to go check on Sophia.”

I leave River with Jack and head to Nanna’s room. I open the door slowly and when I see Sophia curled up on Nanna’s bed, I smile.

I close the door behind me and walk into the room. When I get close, Sophia’s head snaps up. “Master! Sorry,” she gasps. She struggles out of the bed, no doubt stiff from the beating.

She’s halfway to the floor, when I reach out and taking hold of her arms, I pull her back up. “No, kneeling. You need to concentrate on that for me. Call me Adam and no kneeling.” I point a thumb to the door. “I’m going to leave and come back in again. I want you to stay on the bed and just say good morning, Adam.”

I don’t wait to see her reaction. I leave the room, close the door behind me and then wait a few seconds. I open the door and smile when I see her sitting on the bed. Her fingers curl into the blanket as if she’s fighting against the urge to kneel.

“Good morning …,” she swallows hard and then whispers, “Adam.”

Hearing her say my name makes me smile even more. That’s a much better start to the day than yesterday.

“I see Nanna snuck you into her room. She does that every time.”

“Oh, it was me, Master! Mistress Ella was only being kind,” the words bubbles over her lips and I can almost taste the fear. She’s scared that she got Nanna in trouble.

What kind of life did this woman have?

“Nanna is not in trouble, Sophia. She’s my grandmother. It’s great that you’re spending time with her.”

I go sit next to her on the bed and take her hand in both of mine. “Sophia,” she scoots closer, her full attention on me, “I’m going to ask you some questions. It will help me understand you better. Is that okay with you?”

She nods and then smiles that brilliant smile of hers. For a moment I drink it in before I ask, “How long have you been a slave?”

She tilts her head to the side in the cutest manner and then says, “Since Mamma died.” She nods as if to confirm what she just said.

“How did your Mamma die?” The more I know about her, the easier it will be to help her.

“She was beaten, just like Jack’s mamma.” 

Her answer comes without any hesitation or emotion. I turn my body half towards her. I want to comfort her even though she doesn’t show any emotion. Being a witness to something like that had to scar her for life!

“How old were you?”

She frowns, concentrating hard again, but then she shakes her head. “I can’t remember. It was a long time ago.”

I take a deep breath. I’ll have to dig deeper if I want any real answers. I link my fingers with hers and ask, “Do you know how old you are now?”

She smiles and nods. “I’m twenty four, Master.”

“Adam,” my name pops out. “Focus on calling me Adam.”

She ducks her head and I really don’t want her to feel like I’m reprimanding her. I take hold of her chin and nudge her face up until I can see her eyes.

“I love seeing your eyes, Sophia. Don’t hide them.”

She looks up at me, her movements tentative and almost shy. How’s it possible that someone who has been a sex slave for so long can still have so much innocence?

“What’s your last name?”

The innocent look disappears and makes way for a confused one. “I don’t understand,” she whispers.

I point to myself. “I’m Adam Stone. Stone is my last name.”

She shakes her head lightly. “I’m only Sophia.”

My heart shatters right there. They’ve taken everything from her! They’ve stripped her bare.

I need to do something to keep the anger under control. I get up and pull her up alongside me. “Let’s go clean your wounds. Do you want to shower today? Do you think you can manage that?”

“Yes, Mast-” she bites her bottom lip and then whispers, “Please, Adam.”

Just like that my anger vanishes. I press a kiss to her forehead and let my mouth linger against her skin. “You’re gonna be just fine, Sweetheart.”

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