Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2)
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After a while, when it feels like he might fuck the whip right through me, I hear him sneer, “Thanks for all the money you made us you dumb fuck!” My heart lurches from the venom dripping from his words. “Sadly, every hole has an expiration date and you’ve reached yours. No use in pretending anymore. But hey, the money you made us came in handy. The new Ferrari I bought with some of the money they paid for the two of you drives like a dream.”

He keeps slamming hard into me, each thrust sending a throbbing pain through my body. I don’t understand why he’s telling me this!

“I think I’ll get myself a yacht and a nice place somewhere in Europe. Yes!” He lets out a weird sounding laugh. 

I hear someone else grunt as they come and then I hear the same smacking sound – the person must be whipping Jack!

Master David comes, slamming even harder into me. He falls over my back and then says all out of breath, “Remember I told you I’m a god? Remember I told you that I decide whether you live or die?”

I can’t nod or even manage a yes. All I can do is hang over the bench as it feels as if the pain is eating me alive from the inside out.

“You might as well be dead, whore. You’ll never be anything but a filthy whore who can’t satisfy a master. No one will ever want you. I’ve made sure of that.” He drags a finger down my back and another pain filled yelp rips from my throat. “All that pretty skin is gone. Your pretty face is gone. No one wants an ugly whore.”

He shoves off of me and then I hear him say, “Finish the whore off.”

For long minutes I wait, I listen – and I cry silently as Jack is beaten. I know I’m next, but that doesn’t really matter.

No one will want an ugly whore. If no one wants me then I’ll be nothing. Master David is right, I might as well be dead.



I’ve been going out of my mind. We haven’t seen Sophia or Jack since the party. I can only hope that they’re okay. I’ve been keeping a close eye on River.

After we’ve packed I quickly take our bags to the car. I don’t even bother locking the thing and run back inside. I hate leaving River alone, even for a few minutes. A lot can happen in a few minutes. When I get back to the room and I see River standing by the window, I let out a sigh of relief.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” I say as I take her hand. I open the door only to come face to face with the ugly face of one of Cameron’s guards.

“Master Cameron would like to speak with you one last time.”

An unsettling feeling crawls up my spine. Something is wrong! I can feel it in my gut. My eyes dart everywhere and I stay on my guard, expecting anything to go wrong at any moment.

There are guards on every floor, from what I’ve seen. Yesterday I asked Cameron why I don’t see any guards outside. His answer was simple – the neighbors will get suspicious then. The key is to show everyone you have nothing to hide, then they won’t come looking. So he keeps his guards on the inside. People who visit his establishment, like myself and River, know he has plenty of guards and won’t risk anything - and everyone on the outside doesn’t know of the sick and twisted shit that happens inside the walls of the mansion.

We walk away from the front door which is the direction I want to be heading in. When we get to Cameron’s office, he’s too busy on a call to even acknowledge us.

I let River sit before I take a seat next to her. Every muscle in my body is wound tight. I don’t like this at all! 

Cameron finishes up with the call and he slumps back in his chair. “There’s been a development,” he says, his beady eyes darting from River’s face to mine. He’s looking for a reaction from us.

I can feel River tensing next to me, but she keeps her cool as she says, “I’ve paid for the slaves.”

“Indeed you have,” Cameron smirks. “You will have them, but they are no longer in the same condition.” My heart stutters at hearing his words. What the fuck does he mean? “You see,” the fucker clears his throat, “the male slave attacked my son. Both of the slaves had to be punished. It’s the law of my house.”

River grips the armrests tightly and grinds out, “Just let me have my slaves.”

Cameron nods towards the door. “They have been taken to your vehicle. I just thought it would be in good form to advise you of their condition.”

River is up and running for the front door. I follow close on her heels, making sure that this is not a trick. River yanks the backdoor open and I hear her gasp. She pales and tears well in her eyes.

I take hold of her shoulders and I get a glimpse of Jack and Sophia. Fuck! I swallow hard on the anger flushing through my body. I can’t even tell if it’s them for sure!

I push River to the passenger side and help her to sit. I quickly rush to the driver’s side. I just need to get us all away from this hell. I can’t dare think about the two people in the backseat and whether they are still alive.

I keep my eyes on the road, just focusing on getting us home. We stop in a small town and move quickly, carrying the bags over to an old station wagon. It’s for everyone’s safety that we always switch cars. If they are tracking us they will only find a burnt out car.

I open the door and slip my arms under the girl’s body. I can’t believe this is Sophia! All that’s left of this once beautiful woman is a bloody mess. As I lift her from the car, River snaps, “Be careful! She’s hurting.” She loses it and tears streak down her face. She can’t lose her shit now! We need to get home and I can’t do that if she’s not with me all the way.

“She’s out cold!” I snap back at her. “The sooner we have them home the sooner we can ease their pain. I’m not going to waste time!”

I place the girl on the back seat and before I can go back for the man River says, “We should leave the bags. Then we can put Jack in the back and they don’t have to share the backseat.”

I glance at the backseat, just relieved that River is thinking straight and calming down. “You’re right.”

I grab the bags and throw them back in the car. “Make sure there is nothing in the bags that can help anyone track us down!”

I drag the man half out of the car, then I pull him over my shoulder. It takes all my strength to not drop him as I carry him to the station wagon. I drop him in the back and then wipe the sweat from my forehead. That was fucking hard!

I search the usual places they would plant a tracking device. It’s a fucking mess but I finally find one on the guy’s hip. I use the pocket knife I always carry around and quickly cut the device out. It’s just another shitty part of this whole process.

When I’m done I use my shirt to clean my hands. I take a clean shirt from River and then wait for her to drive the station wagon a safe distance away. I douse the old car with gasoline and then set it alight. I make sure it’s burning good before I cover our tracks all the way to the station wagon.

I get in the passenger seat and let my head fall back against the headrest. I’m tired, so fucking tired.


Back at The Sanctuary we all work together to get Jack and Sophia into their room.

Nanna brings us buckets of water. I stay with Jack because I can’t look at Sophia right now. I make sure to clean him properly. We can’t risk infection.

We spend hours trying to clean and attend to their wounds. It’s so hard to see them beaten like this. When I’m done with Jack, River places her hand on my shoulder. She’s so upset she can hardly talk. She points to a gash on Sophia’s leg and whether I want to or not, I have to stitch her up. I’ve seen a lot in my life and I’ve endured a lot in my life, but nothing can ease the anger and heartache that’s welling in my chest, as I stick the needle through her skin.

After Nanna and River get clean bedding under Jack and Sophia, Nanna wipes tiredly over her eyes. She’s getting too old for this. “I’m going to go make some chicken soup. The children will need food when they wake up.” She hurries out of the room.

I reach for River and pull her against my chest. I just need to hold my friend right now. I need her strength to get through all of this. River has always been the stronger one between us. I’d walk through hell for this woman, I have, but it doesn’t compare to the hell she has saved me from. I owe her my life, just like everyone else living at The Sanctuary.

I let River go shower first. When she comes back I rush out of the room. I don’t even bother stripping. I get into the shower clothes and all. I turn the water on hot and then sink down to the floor, just dropping my head into my hands.  I take a moment, listening to the water rushing over me. Eventually, I strip out of the wet clothes and wash every trace of blood from my body. I dress in a comfy pair of jeans and a plain grey shirt before I go look for Nanna. I find her in the kitchen, where she’s always busy making something.

I go stand behind her and place my arms around her. She lays the side of her face on my arm and her arms wrap around mine. “You did good, my boy,” she whispers. She says the same thing to me every time we come back with someone. “Your parents would be so proud of the man you’ve become.”

I place a kiss against her grey hair. “Will you phone Doc so he can come check them out?”

“I’ll do that.” She pats my arm and then walks over to the phone.

I grab one of the kitchen chairs and go back to the room. I walk into the room and place the chair by the foot of Sophia’s bed. “I told Nanna to phone Doc. We’re going to need antibiotics.”

River nods and her silence tell me a million things. Her heart is breaking for Jack and Sophia.

After Doc leaves, I go sit at the foot of Sophia’s bed. My eyes are constantly flitting over her, looking for some sign from her that she’s going to make it. I’ll never forgive myself if she dies.


I can’t bring myself to leave the room. Sophia stirs during the night, but that’s about all she does. I keep telling myself that at least they’re alive. I just hope they aren’t broken and that they’ll manage to recover so they can live full lives.

I shift in the chair trying to get comfortable. I put my feet on the corner of the bed and stretch my legs out a bit. It’s in the early morning hours that I hear Sophia’s breathing change. Her breathing falters and I hear a soft sob. I drop my feet from the bed and get up slowly. The last thing I want to do is scare her. I walk closer, not sure what I’m going to do. Both her eyes are black, and it makes the blue of her eyes stand out even more. Her eyes meet mine for a split-second before she lowers her lashes.

“Morning,” I whisper. I watch her like hawk, not sure what reaction I’m going to get.

She starts to struggle into a sitting position. Even though she pales from all the pain she must be in, I keep my distance. But then she throws her legs off the side of the bed and it makes me take a step closer. I honestly think it’s too soon for her to be getting up, but maybe she needs to use the bathroom.

She slides off of the bed and my heart almost stops as she sinks to her knees.

“No!” I crouch down beside her and placing my hands on her arms, I pull her up. The rage pulsing through my body is so overwhelming, I struggle to calm myself. “No kneeling, Sophia. I never want to see you kneel again.” I help her sit back on the bed. “Do you need the bathroom?”

“No, Master.” Her voice trembles and it’s just another blow to my heart.

“Please lie down again,” I almost beg. As soon as she starts to lie down, I shove my hands in my pockets. “Uhh …” I don’t know what to do now.

I stand around for a minute and then it hits me, she must be in pain. I can get some painkillers in her while she’s awake. But first food!

“I’m going to go get you some food.” I take a step away but then turn back to her. “Don’t leave the bed. Just lie like that and rest.”

I rush from the room and when I get to the kitchen Nanna is already there getting things ready for breakfast.

“Morning, Nanna.” I place a kiss on the top of her head. “Sophia is awake. Can I have some soup for her so I can get some painkillers into her?”

“Of course.” She quickly readies a tray for me and she adds a mug of steaming coffee for me. “I’ll be along soon to check on the children.”

“Thanks, Nanna.” I take the tray and head back to the room.

Walking into the room, I’m relieved to see Sophia listened. I place the tray next to her bed and then bring the chair closer. I sit down and smile at Sophia. “Can you manage to sit just a little bit up? Sorry, I should have thought of that.”

She pulls herself up and I quickly lean forward so I can tuck the pillow in behind her back. While my arms are reaching around her, she ducks her head down, as if she’s ashamed. Before I pull back, I lightly take a few strands of her hair between my fingers. “You’re safe now, Sophia.” I don’t know if the words mean anything to her or if she even understands them, but I need to say them. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again. You’re safe here.”

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