Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1)
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“I found some food. I’m going to get more before the storm starts again.”

She picked up one of the coconuts and studied it. “What is this? Are you sure they are edible?”

He frowned. “Have you never seen a coconut before?”

“Why would I have?” She frowned. “I don’t prepare any food. That is why we had servants for. I have seen these weird brown objects, but I didn’t know what they were. If you say we can eat them I will take your word for it.”

“Right. You are one of those aristocrats I learned about in history classes.” He shrugged. “I’m going to get more. I will explain how fabulous these little babies are when I get back. Don’t go outside the cave. The storm could start up again at anytime. I’m pretty sure we are in the eye.”

“What is the eye?” She furrowed her eyebrows together. “Some of the things you say are so confusing.”

“It is a term for the lull in the storm. It is similar to a cyclone. In the middle of it there is dead silence as the wind whips around. Once the eye passes we get the wind and rain hitting us at every angle again.”

“Oh.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m so hungry. Can’t I eat one of these while you’re out?”

He laughed. “Do you know how to break it open?”

“No, but I think I’m intelligent enough to ascertain how to do it.”

She was precious and she’d fit right in with the women’s lib movement from the seventies. He wanted to squeeze her and keep her safe. Somehow he doubted she’d willingly let him though. If they had more time… He shook his head. There wasn’t any time. He didn’t know what was going on or if he was truly in 1722. All he knew was that he’d do anything to survive and make sure she did as well.

“Sweetheart, I’m sure with the right tools you could do anything.” He smiled. “Trust me you don’t have them. Wait until I get back and I will make sure you have something to eat and drink.”

“All right.” She sighed. “I can manage to wait for a little while longer.”

“I promise I won’t be long. I want to make a couple more trips to grab a few more so we have plenty to eat if the storm lasts longer than I think it will.”

“I understand,” she said solemnly. “Be safe.”

He nodded at her and left the cave. As fast as he could he retraced his steps and gathered a few more coconuts and headed back. Without a word he dumped them inside and headed back out again. The rain started to pour and the wind picked up as he trekked back to the coconut trees. He hauled a few more into his arms and raced back. As he entered the cave again the wind howled loudly and a torrential downpour fell from the sky.

Thunder boomed outside as he dropped the coconuts on the ground. Evelyn jumped from the noise. “Easy. It was going to happen at some point. I will break open one of these coconuts now. Some food might help to ease your nerves.”

“Yes, and how are we going to open these infernal things? I know you said we would need some kind of tool, but I thought you were lying to me. I admit I tried to open one while you were out and was not successful in the least.”

He had a feeling she’d try. Hunger was a powerful motivator. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife.

“You carry a coconut tool on your person at all time?” She raised an eyebrow. “How does one know when they might need such a thing?”

He laughed. “This isn’t a coconut tool. It’s just a tool, period. It can be used for many things.” Paul opened up several parts of it. “This here is a knife. This is a screwdriver, and this is scissors.”

“That is fascinating. What else is on it?” She reached over attempting to grab it. “Let me see it.”

“Not right now. Later I will let you examine it. For now let’s poke a hole in a coconut and drink the water inside.”

He pushed the other parts back in, leaving the screwdriver out, and then grabbed a rock. Using the rock as a hammer he pounded into the tough shell. After several tries he managed to poke a hole through it.

“Here, put the hole near your mouth and drink its contents.”

She wrinkled her nose up as she studied it. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. The coconut water will hydrate you and satisfy your hunger. After you drink it all I will break it open so you can eat the nutty flesh.”

She studied it for a few moments and then did as he instructed. “It’s not bad, but it’s not good either. At this point though I’m grateful to have anything—it feels so good going down my throat.” Evelyn drank the coconut dry and handed it back to him.

He broke open the coconut using the rock and his knife. It was a long tedious process but worth it. The white flesh scooped out easily enough with his knife. She ate one side and he ate the other. Later he’d poke a hole in another one and drink the coconut water. After they consumed it he tossed the shells in the fire.

“They smell heavenly, it’s the best fire I’ve ever had.” Evelyn smiled. “If I ever go back to St. Kitts I’m going to order the servants to burn the shells on cold nights.”

“I aim to please.” He bowed. “We should get comfortable. It’s going to be a long night again.”

She nodded. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

He opened his mouth and then closed it. It was on the tip of his tongue to say it was his pleasure. What had happened to him in the past few days? If he didn’t know better he’d swear she’d bewitched him. When he sat in the doctor’s office he’d sworn off women, relationships, and especially love. Why was he picturing a future with Lady Evelyn Beckett? He must have hit his head to deviate from his normal thought process. He had to get her out of his system so he would be able to move on. There was no other choice. If, and when, he got back to 1987 he’d be leaving her behind. As much as he liked her he knew it couldn’t work between them. They were as different as night and day. She was perfect in every way. If he were to fall in love she would be everything he wanted in a woman. Evelyn was resilient, kind, intelligent, and she didn’t get hysterical. He liked that she had a cool head on her shoulders.

It also amused him that she’d gotten comfortable in his presence. She didn’t even bother with modesty any more. She left her dress lying on the cavern floor to dry and walked proudly around in only her shift. Paul didn’t mention he’d seen women parade themselves around in a lot less. He liked that she didn’t flaunt her body.

He swallowed a lump in his throat as he realized he wanted to keep her by his side forever. There had to be a way to make it happen. Even if he had to remain in 1722 with no prospects and no true way to see to her comfort—somehow, some way he’d keep them together. He just had to convince her of it.

Paul chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I remembered something the doctor said to me before I left New York.”

“Oh?” she raised an eyebrow. “Do you care to share?”

He found that he did want to tell her everything. “Yes, but let’s sit down in front of the fire first.”

He sat down and Evelyn joined him. She leaned her head back against him and curled her body alongside his. This had been their standard arrangement since the first night. She soon realized how important sharing body heat was. After the initial shock she saw reason and sat in front of him to keep warm. It was these moments he relished. She was relaxed and safe, wrapped inside his arms.

“You said your doctor ordered you to take a vacation. You don’t appear ill. Why did he tell you to rest?”

He sighed. “I’m the CEO of my family’s company.”

“What is that?” she asked.

“I am in control of it and I make sure it keeps running. Basically, I am responsible for seeing the family doesn’t lose all of its assets and continues to live in the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to.”

Evelyn leaned her head further back into his shoulder in an attempt to look at him. “How has this made you ill?”

He wanted to lean down and place his lips on hers. The urge was so strong he gave into it. The kiss was light and sweet. A quick peck of his lips against hers, at a much later time he wanted to explore her mouth fully. Paul knew he’d have to ease her into it. She was too innocent and he wouldn’t take advantage of her.

She ran her fingers over her lips. “Why did you do that?”

“It seemed like a good idea.” He smiled. She looked adorable. “To answer your earlier question I was putting too much stress on my heart. I passed out in my office and my family ordered me to see the doctor to have some tests run. The simple answer is I’m working myself to an early grave. There was no choice. It was either slow down or die. As much as I wanted to continue working I thought perhaps giving in and having a small vacation was a compromise I’d willingly take.”

“Do you regret it?”

Did he? No, if he hadn’t gone to Port Royal he’d never have met Evelyn. Sometimes things happened over which you had no control, but they changed your life in the best possible ways. Evelyn did that for him. He started to see how she could make his life better.

“I don’t. I might even start to listen to all of the doctor’s advice. Turns out he might know a little bit more than I do.”

He smiled to himself. Who knew he’d be fool enough to willingly leap into a relationship with a woman, and if his luck held out he might even find love too.

“If it means anything to you I’m glad you’re here too.” She snuggled closer into him. “And I don’t mean that because you’re keeping me safe and fed. I like you and I wouldn’t want to be stranded on this island with anyone else.”

Paul had never been happier in his life.

“Go to sleep, sweetheart. Maybe the storm will pass by morning and we can look for civilization.”

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Sleep didn’t find him for a long time. Holding Evelyn was a highlight he wanted to bask in for as long as possible. Soon they’d leave the cave and reality would sink in. Paul had always been a smart man, and with time running out he made sure to appreciate what little time they might have left.




Evelyn leaned against
Paul’s chest. She didn’t want to move. The warmth of his body offered as much comfort as could be gained inside the cave. It had nothing to do with how much she loved being in his arms. All right, maybe it did… a tiny bit. She had to be honest with herself. How could she have thought him to be a blackguard? He was so far from being an evil man it was ridiculous she’d believed him to be one. His actions proved how good he was. Not once over the past several days had he done something that wasn’t for their benefit. Every step he took was to ensure they survived and would have a chance after the storm passed.

“I think it’s safe to leave the cave now.”

“Do we really have to?” She wasn’t looking forward to facing the real world. As soon as they left the cabin their idyllic time would come to a close. “I am not looking forward to walking anywhere.”

If only they could stay in their little haven forever. She wondered if it was possible to live off coconuts. Although that diet might get old rather fast—they weren’t bad, but they weren’t her favorite food by any means. She didn’t want to leave Paul. What if he had really come from another time? What would she do without him? After Captain Jack kidnapped her she started to consider her options. Marrying the Duke of Southington didn’t sit well with her. It hurt to think about being with anyone other than the man holding her. There had to be a way for them to stay together. Fate threw them together for a reason. She firmly believed it and would follow him no matter where life sent them. As long as they were together that was all that mattered to her.

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