Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Saved by My Blackguard (Linked Across Time Book 1)
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Alys smirked. “Maybe not, still, it would be amusing to watch.”

Bradford stared down at her with condescension. He tilted his head to the side as he studied her. His lips twitched and formed one of his cocky smiles. Whatever light bulb had gone off inside of his head, Alys did not know, but she didn’t like how he was looking at her.

“Tell me, Alys, have you ever been in the gallery on my estate?”

Where was he going with this? “No, I’ve only been here since yesterday. Not a lot of time for a tour. You do have a very large home.”

“Pity.” He glanced down at her through hooded eyes. “You might have seen something interesting in there.”

Like what? Bradford was confusing her. He wasn’t flirting, but he wasn’t exactly being standoffish either. Alys didn’t know what game he was playing and didn’t really care either. She was putting a stop to it before it went any further. “I’m sure it has a lot of lovely art, but I’m not generally drawn to pretty pictures.” Books, on the other hand, were a craving she couldn’t kick.

“Oh, it isn’t a bunch of pretty pictures. Most of them are of my family.”

The man was talking foolishness. Why would she care about portraits of his family? Alys shrugged. “I’m failing to follow your logic.”

His lips tilted into an evil grin. “You remind me of someone in the portraits. Uncanny really. Remind me later, and maybe I will take the time to show you.”

Was this his version of
“let me show you my etchings?”
Alys wasn’t going to fall for his plans of seduction. She wasn’t born yesterday. “No thanks. I won’t be staying long enough to bother.”

They had stopped just outside the church. The walk over had been enlightening. As far as Alys was concerned she wouldn’t be repeating it. Bradford was a conundrum she didn’t want to figure out. Soon Regina would be married to his step-brother. Alys wouldn’t have to deal with him, but she hoped her sister knew what she was getting into. Bradford might just come between her and Trenton. He didn’t seem like the type of man to step aside willingly.

“Suit yourself.” He opened the church door and led her inside.

“Is Regina on her way?” Her mother rushed to their side. “It’s time to start.”

“Yes, she’s coming over with Daddy. She should be here any minute. Go ahead and let them begin. Bradford and I can head down now.”

Her mother didn’t say a word and left them at the end of the aisle. The music started as Regina and her father entered the church. Bradford wound her arm around his, and together they marched down the aisle. They took their places and waited for the bride.

Regina came down the aisle with their father, tears falling down her cheeks as she approached Trenton. They said their vows—all of it a blur. Soon the wedding came to an end, and they were leaving the church. A reception was scheduled to immediately follow the nuptials.

Alys shook her head. For some reason, everything swam before her. A hammer seemed to pound against her skull—something wasn’t right. She needed her purse. She’d have something in there to help whatever was going on. If she could get through the day, she could spend a week in bed if necessary.
Please, let me see Regina’s wedding until the end...

Alys followed everyone out blindly. She wanted a few minutes to herself. Maybe she could take a breath and find that time inside the manor. The people around her suffocated her, and she still couldn’t get over Bradford’s attitude. He would have ruined Regina’s wedding for a brief affair. Who was this man? How had he come to discard love so easily? Jaded, cynical, and one of the current rogues in England—Dover, to be more precise—Bradford did what he wanted and didn’t give it a second thought. Alys shouldn’t have been surprised at his words, yet she couldn’t help feeling disappointed at the same time.

He was right about one thing. Alys did read a lot. She loved romance novels and had a soft spot for the rogues written on the pages. She wanted a rogue of her own, provided he left his scandalous past behind and promised to love her forever. That’s part of what had attracted her to Bradford. He’d reminded her of a romantic hero. Too bad he turned out to be a bad seed all around and in love with her sister. He claimed he only lusted after her, but Alys didn’t believe it was just that. The duke had protested too much. Bradford wasn’t the rogue for her.

Maybe someday she would get her wish and find the rogue meant only for her. Doubtful…

She walked up to her room and grabbed her heavy purse, sliding the strap over her shoulder. It had everything she could possibly need in it. If she could have taken it down the aisle with her, she would have. It relieved her to have it with her. Alys liked to be in control as much as possible. She hated to be unprepared for anything. So she carried a purse filled with items that could potentially solve any problem that might arise. Not everything was so easily fixed, she knew that, but it didn’t stop her from trying. Her purse was a kind of security blanket. It made her feel like she could do anything. Plus, it had one very important item inside: her reading tablet.

I better get down to the reception before someone misses me.

Once outside, she breathed in the fresh air. The cliffs alongside the large manor were breathtaking. Maybe she could take a minute to enjoy the sea before returning to the party. She made a beeline toward the cliff’s edge. When she got there, she stopped and absorbed the view. So beautiful... As much as she loved it though, she had obligations she needed to see to. Her sister would never forgive her if she bailed on the rest of her big day. Alys turned, took two steps and stopped.

Was that a white rabbit at the edge? The poor thing was going to fall off. Maybe she should shoo it away. Alys, dazed, stumbled toward it. It was so blurred...
Why did everything suddenly look so hazy?

That was the last thought she had before the wind was knocked out of her. Her feet slipped and her arms flailed against the breeze, desperate for something to grab onto. She kept falling and falling... Only one thing going through her mind—
Damn rabbit’s fault.
She was about to die.



Dawn Brower holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Education, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Arts with concentrations in Literature, History, and Sociology. She works as a substitute teacher and enjoys the flexibility it gives her to concentrate on her other endeavors.

Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby. While she loves all genres she focuses most of her writing on historical and contemporary romance.

There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.


For more information visit her website at:

Table of Contents

Saved by My Blackguard


Titles by Dawn Brower

Author's Note

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight


Excerpt: Searching for My Rogue

About Dawn Brower

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