Saved by Submission (2 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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Megan wiped her eyes one last time and cleared her throat. “Right then, what time do we leave in the morning?”

Nicky gave a whoop of delight, and grabbed her best friend in a bear hug.

Megan laughed for the first time in quite a while as the two women sat in Nicky’s beat up car, at the gas station, and made their plans.

Megan finally returned to her house when she was sure her mother was home from work, and both she and Carl had retired for the night. She went straight to her room and began packing her belongings, quickly and quietly. After filling two large bags, she stopped, knowing that the less she took, the easier it would be in the long run. Space was bound to be limited, wherever this place was that Nicky had lined up.

Carefully, she wrapped the photo of her dad that had stood on her bedside table for the past four years.
Sorry about the job, dad,
she thought.
But it won’t be forever. Just until I get enough money to go back to school and make something of myself, I promise.”

Sleep was a long time coming, but eventually Megan drifted off, having set her alarm clock radio to come on softly at five in the morning.

By five twenty she was washed, dressed and ready to leave. Creeping down the hallway, she tiptoed through the kitchen with her bags and let herself out of the side door into the chilly morning air. At the end of the driveway she turned and glanced back at the house, standing there in the darkness, so filled with bad memories and hurt feelings.

Determinedly, she began to walk away down to the end of the road, hoping and praying that Nicky would be there, waiting. When she spotted the car, she ran the last few yards, her long hair blowing around in the early morning breeze. She arrived out of breath with her arms aching from the weight of her bags.

Nicky jumped out of the car, grinning. “All set?” she asked, grabbing one of the bags and putting it in the trunk.

“Absolutely,” Megan replied, feeling the butterflies in her stomach as she threw the other bag in and then slammed the trunk shut.

“Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Nicky gave a nervous laugh, obviously as wound up as Megan.

Once they were both inside the car, Nicky produced a large flask and two plastic cups. “I made some hot chocolate, to toast our departure.” She poured some into each cup and handed one to her friend. “To the two of us, and whatever is around the corner. ’Cause it’s got to be better than this shit, right?”

“Amen to that,” Megan replied.

They both took a sip, and then Nicky started her old banger of a car.

By the time they reached the interstate, both women were singing along to the radio at the tops of their voices, and neither one looked back as their childhood town slipped away behind them, and finally disappeared into the grey early morning light.


Chapter One

Two months later…




Megan stood, small tray still in her hands, and watched the scene unfold in front of her. The room was alive with activity, but it was the couple at the spanking bench that had really grabbed her attention. She had watched them before, a couple of weeks ago, trying not to appear too absorbed while she did so; but it was hard to look away.

The submissive stood before her Dominant and took off her clothing, what little there was of it. Her eyes flickered upwards and she glanced at him several times, a look of total adoration and submission etched on her face.

When she was totally naked, the submissive stood, in what Megan had learnt in just a few weeks was called the inspection position, her feet spread apart and her hands interlaced behind her head. This caused her back to arch, which thrust her breasts forward till they almost touched her Dom’s lower chest.

He walked around her, obviously pleased with what he saw, and then gave her some instruction, which Megan had no hope of hearing with the music and voices around her.

The submissive went over to a table and brought a flogger back to her Dom, lowering gracefully to her knees and presenting it to him in her outstretched hands.

He took it from her, helped her to her feet, and after kissing her firmly, he nodded towards the spanking bench. She turned and arranged herself over the piece of dungeon furniture. He secured her wrists and ankles, checking that her circulation was good and that she was comfortable.

When he began to flog her, the falls lightly flicking over her back and bottom, Megan watched the woman’s reaction closely. Her ass seemed to push upwards with obvious need. After a couple of minutes, the falls hit with more force, turning the sub’s cheeks a rosy shade of pink, and Megan gripped her drink tray until her knuckles turned white, surprised, as always at her body’s response while watching a scene like this.

She blushed, at her own arousal which was causing a dampness between her legs, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from what was happening right there in front of her, in the BDSM club she had begun working in just a couple of weeks before.

When he dropped the flogger on the floor beside him, and opened the fly on his tight black jeans, Megan was caught between wanting to turn away and try and give them some privacy, and her own embarrassing need to watch the scene come to its climax.

She smiled at the word she had used in her thoughts. Climax was definitely what was on offer here.

The Dom paused for just a couple of seconds, and then thrust his cock into his sub’s pussy, spanking her as he did so. He began to fuck her hard and relentlessly, leaving hand prints on her ass as he rode her with real force and determination.

When she came, her screams filled the room, quickly followed by his groan of release and Megan felt the now familiar pulse of her own pussy, followed by a stab of jealousy at the ecstasy and fulfillment that the woman on the bench was so obviously feeling.

Dragging herself back to the task at hand, Megan walked slowly back to the bar, knowing that her shift had to be over by now. As she moved through the room, she studied the people around her. It was crazy how different this club was to the other one she had been working in for two months now.

Louisville had turned out to be okay. Stripping had not come easy to her, but after a while, she had learned not to see an audience, but just to dance for herself. Thankfully, it was a lot more impersonal than she had thought it would be. No one got near her while she was on the stage, and huge, burly bouncers prowled around constantly, to ensure the safety of all the girls who worked there. The money had been alright, but when Nicky had heard about this BDSM club, and the possibility of making a little extra cash working there once or twice a week, both girls had decided to give it a go. No harm in having a second job.

The owner, after interviewing them and giving them a long list of the rules he demanded were followed, had explained that they could play at the club when their shift ended, if they wished to do so.

Nicky had laughed herself hoarse at this when the two of them had left the club after their interviews, but Megan was shocked to find that the idea didn’t freak her out. On the contrary, she had experienced arousal, and a certain intrigue at the thought of being a participant instead of just a waitress.

After two waitressing sessions, Nicky had bowed out, telling her friend that just being there in the same room as all that groaning and screaming was way too much for her, but Megan had stayed on, becoming more and more interested in this world of dominance and submission. She had taken her laptop with her when she had left home, so she spent the mornings reading up on the lifestyle, learning as much as she could before she had to leave for her afternoon and evening shifts at the strip club.

After dropping off her serving tray at the bar, and saying goodnight to the other waitresses who were still on duty, Megan started to make her way to the staffroom, to fetch her coat and bag.

Surprisingly she wasn’t tired after being on her feet for several hours. However, there was a kind of aching need deep inside her, and after a couple more steps, she turned back toward the main dungeon area and retraced her steps, coming to a stop just a few feet from one of the huge St Andrew’s crosses that dominated that side of the room.

She stared at the wooden apparatus, wondering how it would feel to be naked and restrained to it, with someone using a whip or a flogger on her pale skin until it turned its own shade of pink.

* * * *

Raising the glass to his mouth, Jacob West’s eyes lingered on the curvy girl leaning on the railing while she stared up at the St Andrew’s cross, a serious expression marking her face. Most of her thick, dark red hair was pulled up into a high knot on her head, but loose tendrils flowed freely, falling half way down her back.

He liked that.

Jacob loved being able to bury his hands in a willing little sub’s hair, holding her down while he covered her body with his own. God, it had been a long time since he’d had a good relationship. Or any relationship, come to that.

He swallowed the cold beer and felt his body begin to relax after almost ten hours of driving. Stretching his long, muscular legs out in front of him, he crossed his ankles, watching her with interest.

He knew she worked there, having seen her a couple of weeks earlier when he’d stopped by the club on his last long-haul job. He’d felt a need to unwind, and had found a willing sub to play with, before resting and then returning to the long, open road.

Covering for one of his employees for a few weeks while the man spent time with his wife and new baby had been more taxing than Jacob remembered. It had been a few years since he had actually driven one of his big rigs, having been stuck in the office, being the boss, since he’d expanded the company nearly four years ago. Still, it meant he could visit a few clubs around the country while he was on his travels, so he couldn’t complain much.

His eyes were still on the little waitress. He was an experienced Dom, and he could tell she was obviously intrigued, and maybe a little unsure about the environment she worked in.

When she turned their eyes met, and he smiled at her. After a second’s hesitation, she smiled back, just for a second, and then looked away.

Jacob took another sip of beer. She seemed on edge, as if wondering what to do next, and his Dom instincts pulled at him, telling him to go over and make sure she was alright. If she had only ever waitressed here, and was thinking of actually taking part in the dungeon play, then the last thing she needed was some overenthusiastic dominant pushing her into something she may not be ready for.

Putting down his beer, he rose to his feet, and took two steps towards the seriously cute woman; deciding to open a conversation with her, just casually.

he thought to himself. A tall, lean looking guy had beaten him to it.

Jacob retraced his steps and sat slowly back down. He watched as the man struck up a conversation with the girl, and then put his hand on her arm.

She didn’t try and pull away, so Jacob remained where he was, deciding to finish his drink and then, if all appeared okay, he would go back to his semi and get some well-earned sleep.

Just as he pulled on his jacket, a movement caught his eye and he swung back towards where she’d been standing.
“What the fuck?”
he thought furiously.

Striding over, he took in the terrified look on the young woman’s face, and the angry, arrogant expression of the man; his hand clenching her arm in a vice-like grip.

Her voice was high pitched with fear. “What are you doing? Get

The man just smirked and tightened his grip.

“Oww—you’re hurting me. Let me

The asshole bent his head until it was only a couple of inches from her face. “I don’t hear you using a safe word, bitch. That means you obviously want this. So shut your fucking mouth ’cause it’s time for some fun.” He laughed and began to pull her towards the St Andrew’s cross.

“I…I don’t have a safe word. I’ve never done this before.”

Her feet were dragging and she continued to struggle, but he obviously wasn’t about to release her. With no dungeon monitors in sight, Jacob made his decision.

He stepped in front of the woman, halting the couple. The douche bag was startled, but kept a firm grip on her arm. The two men sized each other up for a couple of seconds before Jacob took a step forward, right into the man’s personal space, his hands clenched into fists at his side. They were the same height, but there the similarity ended. Jacob was as dark as the other man was fair, and his shoulders were almost twice as wide as the asshole’s shoulders.

“I think this young lady would appreciate it if you’d let go of her arm. I know I would.” His voice was soft, but none the less deadly.

The other man’s eyes flickered from Jacob to the woman whose arm he held. “You know her then?” he slurred, his breath stinking of alcohol.

Jacob ignored the question. “Let. Her. Go…Now.”

The asshole leered at her and then threw her arm down before turning and stumbling away from the two of them.


Chapter Two




Megan let out a shaky breath and then held on to the railing next to her. “Thank you so much,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “I told him I wasn’t interested but he just grabbed me and said he was going to tie me up before he beat me and f…fucked me.” Megan blushed as she said the words and stared at the ground, not knowing what on earth to say next.

Jacob put a finger under her chin and lifted her head till their eyes met. “Come and sit down and I’ll get you a drink.”

Without waiting for a response, he took her hand and led her to his table. He pulled out a chair for her and took off his jacket, sliding it over her shoulders before walking off to the bar.

She sat at the table, trying desperately to get her hands to stop shaking. Her upper arm still hurt where that animal had grabbed her, but the warmth from the jacket the other man had put around her was a comfort.

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