Saved by Submission (3 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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By the time he returned, Megan felt a great deal better.

He put what looked like orange juice in front of her and smiled as he sat down opposite her. “There’s a shot of vodka in there too, so go easy.”

She nodded.

Smiling, he held out his hand to her. “Jacob West,” he said.

Megan returned the smile, albeit a shaky one. “Megan Richards. Thank you again for coming to my rescue.”

“You’re welcome, Megan.”

Realizing she was staring, Megan grabbed her drink and took a huge sip—then promptly choked, the vodka making it much stronger than she’d imagined.

Jacob laughed and took the drink from her, putting it down and taking both her hands in his. “Slow down, honey, and take a few deep breaths. I let the staff know what happened when I got your drink, and our blond friend should be out in the rain by now with a permanent ban from the club manager.”

“I guess I have a problem with fair haired guys. That’s the second time in as many months that a blond-haired creep has tried to abuse me.” Megan glanced at Jacob’s big, rough looking hands around her own, and was surprised to find that she didn’t want him to let go anytime soon.

When she’d caught sight of him earlier, she had appreciated the broad shoulders and the long, muscular legs. Not to mention the handsome, if rugged facial features and boyish grin that he’d given her.

She jumped when he spoke, having been lost in thought.

“Putting blonds to one side, would I be correct in thinking you’ve never played in a BDSM club before?” he asked.

Megan laughed. “What gave it away? Was it the look of sheer terror on my face, or my total lack of ability to control the situation?”

Jacob treated her to another of his grins. “Yes.”

She giggled at his answer, and then decided that she should at least try and explain why she’d been so helpless.

“The thing is, I’ve been working here for a while now, and as the weeks have gone by, I’ve realized that…well, actually I’ve been reading a lot about BDSM, and I thought…maybe I’d like to…”

Her words trailed away and her skin warmed under his intense gaze. She lowered her head and stared at the tabletop, her long, coppery curls falling over her face. He must think her a real loser. Shit, she couldn’t even finish a sentence.

Every part of his Dom nature kicked into high gear as Jacob watched her cheeks flush the prettiest red, right there in front of him. He found her self-consciousness endearing. It had been a long time since he had met someone so seemingly innocent. He also had to acknowledge that there was something else that was drawing him to her, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

He’d watched her working when he’d visited the club before, and she’d struck him then as an open, approachable woman, mixing easily with the guests. It didn’t hurt that she had a gorgeous, curvy figure, the outline of which was clearly visible with the tight black pencil skirt and clinging silky blouse she was wearing.

So many females around her age were stick thin. It always amazed him how women spent all their time dieting, actually trying to get rid of the lovely soft, round bits on their bodies—all the parts that he appreciated so much.

Pulling his mind away from the things he could do with her lush body, he ran the present situation through his mind.

He’d helped her out and taken care of her wellbeing after the fright she’d had. Now she’d admitted that she had a definite interest in the lifestyle, but obviously hadn’t a clue as to how she should go about satisfying that curiosity.

Surprising himself, at the decision he was making, he realized exactly what he was going to do.

Gently, he released her hands and reached over to tuck Megan’s hair behind her ear. “Look at me Megan.”

His voice was firm but not unkind. Megan lifted her head and took in his serious expression.

“Would you like me to help you find out if this type of lifestyle is something you need to pursue?

She frowned. “You’d do that. I mean, for real?”

Jacob chuckled. “Yes, little Megan, for real.”

Megan was not only shocked at his offer, but at her internal response to it. Her pulse had quickened at his words, and her stomach seemed to be suddenly full of butterflies.

She felt, instinctively, that she would be safe with this man. Everything about him screamed calm and controlled. Just look at the way he had dealt with that creep. But could she actually submit to another person? It was all very well reading the information online, and lying in bed thinking, and imagining.

She looked up into his face, liking the warmth of his dark blue eyes. “Are you, you know…I mean, like a real, practicing dominant?” she asked nervously.

Jacob’s deep laugh made the hairs stand up on her arms, in a good way and when he ran a finger down her cheek, and across her lips, her body actually trembled.

“Yes, Megan. I’m an actual, real, live one.”

She laughed. “Okay, it was a totally stupid question, but I hardly know you.”

“Well, you didn’t exactly look like you’d been on a lot of dates with asshole guy back there, either, but I can assure you that I’m a safer bet than him.”

Their eyes locked, and Megan’s voice was soft when she answered him. “Yes, I think you might be.”

His grin was lovely. It made his eyes light up in an almost wicked way. “I own a trucking company, based over in Tennessee, and I’m covering for an employee whose wife just had a baby. So I’ll be doing his runs for a little while, which means I could meet you here, on a fairly regular basis, if that was what you wanted.”

A silence hung between them, as Jacob let her process her thoughts.

Megan swallowed, and put her hands into her lap so he wouldn’t see them shaking. Then she took a deep breath and raised her chin. “Okay, I’d like to try.”

Jacob’s expression was serious. “I want you to be absolutely sure, Megan. For a brand new sub, it usually takes a while to establish the trust that is needed. In the past, I have played with submissives that I’ve only just met, but they were experienced, and knew exactly what was expected of both themselves, and their Dom. I feel a connection between us, but you must make the ultimate decision, and feel inside that it’s the right one.”

Megan took in his words, and assessed how she felt, as she sat there with him. After a couple of minutes of silence, she lifted her eyes to his, and nodded firmly. This was her chance, and she was going to take it. “I want to do this, and I’m not going to change my mind.”

He nodded. “Very well, Megan. From now on you may refer to me as Sir. We’ll spend a little time together now, and if we find we’re both comfortable, then we will have a talk about what comes next.”

He waited a couple of seconds, and then raised an eyebrow.

“Y…Yes, Sir,” Megan stammered, feeling her hands begin to sweat, as she waited for him to start making her bend to his will.

“First of all, you’ll need a safeword. Whenever you use that word, whatever the circumstances, all play stops. Any Dom who ignores a sub when she uses it is not safe to be around. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. Can it be any word at all?”

“I would suggest you keep away from words like no, or stop. It can cause confusion, especially when a submissive is having a really intense orgasm.”

Jacob grinned again, and Megan lowered her eyes in embarrassment. It was hard to believe she was having this conversation, let alone actually agreeing to let this man take control of her.

Jacob lifted her chin back up with his index finger. “What’s your favorite color, Megan?”

She frowned in thought. “Purple.”

He said nothing.

“Purple, Sir.”

“Then we’ll use purple as your safeword. Now, come here, sub.”

His voice was soft and deep, and Megan felt goose bumps on her arms as she rose from her chair and walked around the table, coming to a stop in front of him.

Oh shit, she couldn’t do this. He was going to spank her or something, and then she’d freak out and…

Jacob stood silently, right in her personal space, and raised his hand. Megan jumped, instinctively taking a step back.

“Stand still, Megan,” he said firmly.

She froze in place.

His hand moved behind her head and pulled the hair tie from her long hair and the curls bounced free. He stroked the coppery strands and then gathered a handful, pulling her head gently back. He bent towards her and brushed her lips with his own.

She responded, opening her mouth when his tongue pushed inquisitively, and when the kiss became more intense, he moved even closer, her breasts pushing up against his chest.

When her hands came up, one on each side of his chest, he released her mouth.

“Put your arms back by your sides, sub.”

It was an order, she knew, but if she let go, then she couldn’t control how close he was; couldn’t push him away if she needed some space.

Jacob released her hair, caught hold of her hands and moved them behind her back. One of his large hands easily held both her wrists behind her, while the other caught hold of her hair once more.

He seemed huge, standing so close to her, his dark eyes penetrating hers. “The next time you fail to do as you’re told, you’ll be punished, Megan.”

Oh, this was just great, failure at the first hurdle.
She lowered her head, angry at herself. When he released her, her shoulders slumped. Well, that was that. He obviously thought she was useless.

When she looked up, Jacob was sitting at their table again. He shook his head at her. “Don’t look so despondent, Megan. It isn’t easy to just release control out of nowhere, even if it’s something you really want to do. And if you disobey me again, I get to spank your ass, so it can’t all be bad.”

The grin he gave her lit up his face, and she couldn’t help but smile.

His face turned serious, and again, he beckoned to her. “Come and stand in front of me, sweetheart.”

The endearment made her feel warm inside, and, pulse picking up again, she walked around the table. As she reached him, he opened his legs and gestured for her to stand between them. Not hesitating this time, she did as he asked.

“Undo your shirt, sub,” he commanded.

She surprised herself, her fingers going straight to the buttons, her heart thumping so hard she thought he’d see it as he sat calmly watching her.

When she was finished, she put her arms to her sides. Jacob reached out and pulled the fabric back to expose her pretty, lacy white bra. Smiling, he ran his fingers over the front fastening. “How convenient,” he commented, and using just two fingers, he snapped it open, letting her breasts spill out of the garment.

A blush rose up Megan’s cheeks. This was so much more personal than stripping in front of a whole crowd of people. Her hands started to move up towards her breasts, but with great self-control, she managed to put them back at her sides. She needed to show him that she could, at least do that one small thing.

“Good girl,” Jacob said, noting her hands balling into fists as she lowered them. But his words were the encouragement she needed and she managed a small smile.

Jesus, come on
, she thought.
I do this every day at work.
Not that she was about to tell him that. It paid her way, but she still felt a certain shame in what she did. It was totally impersonal, though, whereas this couldn’t get more personal. Well, it could, but surely not tonight. Not when they had only just met. Oh, God, what if he…

“I can see your brain working overtime, Megan. I want you to just focus on the here and now.”

“Okay,” she answered.

He frowned.

“Okay, Sir,” she said quickly.

“Better, sub.”

Without another word, he lifted his hand and brushed his fingers over her right breast, caressing the pale skin, moving all the way around until he reached his starting point. Then he took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it just hard enough that a charge traveled from the tip of her bud to her rapidly dampening pussy.

Megan hitched a breath, feeling her nipple tighten and pucker under his touch, and when the fingers of his other hand did the same to her left breast, a moan escaped from her. She closed her eyes.

“You have beautiful breasts,” he said in his deep baritone. “I could play with them for hours. Look at how they’re turning a deep pink, just for me.”

Megan opened her eyes, just as Jacob leaned forward and took one rosy bud into his mouth. She gasped as his tongue circled and then flicked her nipple.

Again, her hands began to move, but got no further than her waist before they were taken up in his and moved behind her back. One big hand held them there, tightly, and his mouth moved to the other breast, sucking and rolling her nipple till she ached with a need she hadn’t felt in a long time.

When he finally raised his head, she felt the loss of his mouth keenly. Her pussy was throbbing, and her panties were wet. God, it was so erotic, letting a man do this to her with her hands restrained behind her back. She wanted more; she was in no doubt of that.

Up until now, they had been pretty much alone, towards the back of the club. But when he turned her around, she could see that several of the tables that had been empty when he had told her to take off her shirt, were now occupied.

Some of the dungeon equipment, close to them, was in use, and quite a few of the club patrons were taking a more than casual interest in what was happening between her and Jacob.

At the strip club, she could barely see the patrons in the darkness of the audience. In fact, sometimes she had felt almost alone up there, doing her routine.

Oh shit, she was going to have to ask him if they could take this to a much quieter area.

“Sir,” she said, careful to address him correctly. “Please could we go somewhere private?”

“I don’t think so, Megan. I like it right here.”

She could use her safe word, she supposed. But that would mean giving up after such a short time. She wanted to keep going, she knew that.

Come on,
she chided herself.
Get a grip. This is a BDSM club. What did you think you’d be doing, playing solitaire?

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