SavedDragon (3 page)

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Authors: QueenNicci

BOOK: SavedDragon
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“Which prince?”

“The Beast, of course. After he turns human,” she quickly added when her choice placed her on the end of his stare.

“Ah. Prince Adam.”

He knows his Disney characters!
The discovery whipped a twinge of excitement through her. “Though... I’d have to say you have way prettier hair.”

“Hardly,” he replied.

Impulse drove Chloe to touch Saul’s shoulder length waves while suppressing an envious flutter. She didn’t spot a single split end.

Saul was an enigma. An outdoorsman who knew his way around a mountain and a beauty salon? Come on. Those odds were one in a million.

“So… can I?” She waved her cellphone at him.

“I must humbly decline if you intend to duckface.”

The most unladylike snort-laugh escaped Chloe. She shook her head quickly in denial. “No! I promise that I won’t.”

The photo came out perfect and just in the nick of time before her battery conked out completely. She got two perfect snaps of them in frame, with her white-blonde hair against his golden strands. She snuck a kiss to his cheek in the second picture.

Eventually, the conversation topic drifted to even brighter subjects. They spoke of movies, although he would share nothing else about his role with Drakenstone Studios. She made an educated guess that he was obligated by contract to remain silent or part of their legal department. The man had an uncanny knowledge of the law. Was he a lawyer?

He distracted her swiftly from her line of questions concerning his work by revealing his fondness for psychological thrillers and horror movies, a love they both shared.

“The mirror was beautiful… I would love to have a piece that beautiful in my home one day,” she remarked fondly. “Maybe a prop replica…”

“I assume you would prefer it to lack the bevy of murderous ghosts.”

“Well yes, obviously,” she said with a laugh. “Oh wow, I’m stuffed.”

“Here, I will prepare you a bed. A good night’s rest will serve you well.”

Saul didn’t possess as much equipment as she anticipated. His sleeping bag spread out near the fire with the same additional blanket for warmth. She donned her dried clothing and reluctantly accepted it for the night.

“Are you sure? Honestly, I knew the risks of coming out here, I should have brought my own.”

He answered with another headshake. “There is enough room to share.” The man was a perplexing mystery.

For a while Chloe managed to doze, but every pop from the dimming fire startled her. Temperatures fell at night and the damp made it worse. It seeped into her bones, making sleep impossible.

“You are cold.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement of fact. Saul’s hand rubbed up her arm over the blanket spread over sleeping bag.

“S-sorry.” Her teeth chattered. The rock beneath the sleeping bag seemed to leech all the warmth away. The fire’s close proximity didn’t help, and hell if she knew how he wasn’t trembling too. Maybe he originated from some northern climate and felt at home.

“Shall I warm you?”

Chloe nodded. Once he released the zipper on the sleeping bag, Saul slid right in beside her and snuggled up to her side. He became an oven beside her, a living radiator providing comfort she desperately craved. The shivering promptly ceased, but she became aware of how firm his muscled chest felt against her. A thin layer of cotton separated her breasts from his skin. Suddenly, she hated her walking shorts and tee. Chloe loathed his jeans most of all, and while her feet were also frigid, Saul didn’t complain about her ice cold toes against his ankles.

The best way to stay warm in cold weather is skin to skin contact,
she thought. It’s true. His legs felt wonderful against her feet.

“I have been told that it is considered appropriate in these circumstances to shed clothing and share body heat.”

It was as if he read her mind. Chloe didn’t argue his logic and quickly squirmed out of her shorts and panties. She kicked them toward the foot of the sleeping bag, equally eager to remove her shirt and toss it aside onto the cold stone beside them.

He shoved his jeans off easily and settled beside her again, but with the sleeping bag flap obscuring her view, she saw only a brief flash of skin and a soft golden triangle. That hint was enough to pique her interest. His flaccid penis appeared uncut - again, she wondered if it was a certain sign that Saul originated from Europe - and his pubes were neither immaculately groomed nor wild and unkempt. Freddy liked to wax every inch of his body to silky perfection, and he had once demanded the same of her. She’d told him where he could stuff that idea. Waxing hurt.

“Thanks,” Chloe muttered. Moving near to Saul was awkward at first, but they settled on their sides while facing each other. He moved one arm over her shoulders and she laid the other against his chest.

“You’re so warm,” she muttered, turning her cheek against his throat. A personal, human-shaped heating pad for her convenience. She threw her arms around him and burrowed into the inviting heat of skin to skin contact. Their legs twined, and modesty became a thing of the past. Her tummy pressed against his rock hard abs and she slipped a thigh over his hip. This stranger, this perfect, absolutely sexy stranger, didn’t voice a single complaint.

What man would? He has a naked woman throwing herself into his arms and we’ve barely known one another for a day,
she thought ruefully. Of course Saul wasn’t going to complain. Likewise, she chose not to mention a word about the arousing presence against her lower abdomen. He’d been soft at first, but with every comfort-seeking wriggle that she made to get settled, his cock stiffened a little more.

But he remained a perfect gentleman.

“Are the accommodations to your standards?” he asked.

Chloe didn’t miss the humor coloring his tone. “I find my surroundings to be more than adequate,” she teased back.

His chuckle sounded like a rumble, so deep and throaty that the genuine attraction produced a natural reaction. Her nipples could have cut glass, but instead, they brushed against his sleek chest when she shifted to press her lips to his cheek.

“Thank you, Saul.”

“You are welcome.”

The fact that he wasn’t behaving like a true creep made him as attractive as his hard body. Did he find her attractive, she wondered?

Chloe slid her fingers down his brawny shoulder and over his arm. He had thick biceps and the sort of bulky but naturally cut torso that reflected an active lifestyle or laborer’s occupation. Saul hadn’t shaped his body with weights and exercises in front of a gym mirror.

Taking in a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and ignored the rapid thumping of her heart. She then eased her hand between their bodies and traveled over his chiseled abdomen. She felt every muscle, every ridge, and she boldly wriggled in a little tighter, angled her ass, and encouraged the firming flesh jutting from his pelvis until it hardened even more. His body yielded the desired response. He groaned and squeezed a harsh handful of one plump cheek. He even curved his fingers into the plump curve and grinded her against him. There was no question about it. He wanted her too.

Next, she guided both of his hands to her breasts, granting him unspoken permission to fondle her however he pleased. Her small tits filled his calloused palms. The rough patches of skin scraped over her sensitive nipples and introduced her to a new sensation – a little flutter in the bottom of her belly that made her writhe toward his hands, craving more.

Saul gazed at her quietly in the dark, rising lust in his golden-hued eyes, and doubly felt in each nudge of his hips. She even heard in the way his breaths quickened with excitement. “I want you.”

His growl thrilled her and frightened her in equal measure. Lust and wanting won out.

“I’m offering, Saul,” she told him.

A night of hot sex with her drop dead gorgeous rescuer sounded like perfection to her and a solution to her problem with Freddy; she needed to fuck until her ex was completely out of her mind. Chloe shifted beneath him, eager and ready, already wet with her desires.

“I don’t have… I didn’t bring a condom,” she mumbled against his bearded jaw. She warmed her cheek against his throat and restlessly awaited the next touch. God, she loved feeling the little pulse there and knowing that the quickening tempo was inspired by her.

“Is one required?”

Saul unzipped and cast back the top layer of the sleeping bag and leaned away from her onto his knees. It reintroduced her skin to the chilly evening air. Above them, the sky had gone dark; its bleak, cloud-filled sky showing intermittent spaces of midnight and twinkling stars. The rain was over at least.

“You are the most beautiful human woman to ever cross my path.”

From a man who resembled a masterpiece sculpture fashioned by a Renaissance artist, that meant something. Heat spread through her cheeks. The compliment was as pleasing as it was strange, creating flutters in her belly and a shyness she’d never experienced before. Saul’s hands traced her body, as if he committed her curves, her dips, and every plane to memory with his palms as well as his eyes.

She reached to give him the same attentions. The hair on his legs was silky instead of coarse. She wanted to see if the rest was the same and to feel the pulse of his cock in her hands.

It’s irresponsible but… I don’t care if we don’t have any condoms. Marcy would kill me if I told her I walked away from this because I didn’t have a rubber. She’d never forgive me. Hell,
wouldn’t forgive me.

Her fingertips didn’t meet round the base of his impressive dick, a discovery that awed her. He certainly wasn’t lacking in the goods. She took him in both hands and acquainted herself with his length. The sounds he made, so primal and raw, covered her entire body with gooseflesh unrelated to the cold night. He was uncut, exactly as she’d suspected after her quick peek. Besides skipping on the condoms, that was another first for her.

“Chloe.” The sound of her name on his lips made her melt. Saul lifted her hands from his body and pinned them back against the sleeping bag. He dipped his head and rolled forward in a sinuous movement that dragged his nose from her navel to her neck, breathing her in. Chloe’s pussy clenched.

“I can smell your desire,” Saul whispered against her throat. “Tell me what you want, Chloe.”

“You.” Nothing else was on her mind.

In a single movement, Saul flipped her over and speared her from behind, plunging his erection into her molten core. Chloe cried out sharply and arched her spine as pleasure and pain overlapped into a singular sensation, transcending all other perception of discomfort and need. It didn’t matter that it hurt, as the pain was fleeting and brief. Her wet body readily accepted his sizable proportions until they pressed flush together and his heavy balls tapped against her hot folds.

Fuck, he feels good.
Better than she’d expected, providing great length with the perfect amount of girth. He stretched her vaginal walls around his cock and forced her to quickly accommodate to his size. Clearly, he didn’t believe in foreplay, and it wasn’t necessary when she was soaked long before his cock began to press into her heated channel.

With a hand anchoring her hips and the other gripping her braid, Saul introduced Chloe to a tantalizing world of bliss bordered on torment. Her scalp stung from his tugging, but her body felt aflame. Each pistoned stroke made her yearn for more.

“Oh god… faster, Saul.”

Chloe shoved back against him, rocking her hips in time to his strokes. Each time he drew his steeled length from her body she wanted to scream. When he shoved forward again, balls slapping against her clit, she wanted to weep in gratitude.

Her small breasts bounced with their frenetic movements, and her once chilly limbs gleamed with a sweaty sheen. Her entire body felt alive while Saul knelt behind her in his dominant position. Her pussy greedily tightened in expectation of the next powerful thrust. Her mind couldn’t handle the image in her head, picturing Saul behind her, perspiration glistening from head to toe. His body working, his flat abdomen flexing with every forward slam.

The only thing Chloe hated about the position was that she couldn’t see him and take joy in his equally euphoric features. Hearing him wasn’t enough, no matter how he groaned out his delight with her body.

“Ohhhhh god, Saul. Don’t stop, please don’t stop. I’m so close,” she pleaded with him.

Saul bent over her back and slid his hand over her hip, letting his nails drag and leave a sensitized trail in their wake. They were sharper than she’d realized, and they also left stinging pink lines wherever they touched. Eventually, his hand swept over her breast and shamelessly palmed the plump mound, molding it in his grasp. He had rough, working man’s fingers that stimulated her nipple until she wished his mouth was on it instead.

“Mine,” he grunted against her ear. “Tell me, Chloe. Tell me you are mine.”

“Yes. Fuck yes,” she panted.

“Say it,” he ordered.

“I’m yours!” she cried out, readily giving her agreement. Arching against him, she shoved until his cock pressed flush in her tight little snatch and they were fully joined. From that point forward nothing else mattered, as she squealed and went wild beneath his weight, clawing handfuls of the sleeping bag. The tension within her unraveled all at once, like a spring close to snapping and then suddenly released.

Chloe had never orgasmed during doggy style before - not once - but Saul made it seem like the most natural position in the world for lovemaking. Her legs became jelly, and the loss of them pitched her face down against the cushioned sleeping bag. She shuddered again as a second orgasm overtook her. She writhed helplessly, caught in the throes of a powerful release that rippled outward from her core and seized her body in uncontrollable tremors.

“My Chloe,” he growled behind her.

He drove in harder until it should have hurt, but he only delivered the most amazing quiver inside of her pussy. His growls lit her aflame with lust until she craved him even more. Until she couldn’t imagine sex with another man in all of her life. The need consumed her.

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