SavedDragon (4 page)

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Authors: QueenNicci

BOOK: SavedDragon
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“Yours!” she cried.

With her hair wrapped around his fist, Saul clamped his teeth down on her shoulder and thrust his hips forward. The hot squirt of his seed seared her like a brand and the climax continued with merciless convulsions. She milked his cock with every contraction of her womb.

It wouldn’t end. The rapturous moment continued like a video set to loop, and every feeling exploded throughout her with vivid intensity.

She screamed again and the cavern seemed to spin. Her vision blurred until she slumped forward on one elbow with her upraised rump receiving the brunt of his final strokes. His name was the only sound she could make. The only word she knew.

Chloe’s third climax ended with the world around her darkening into oblivion.

Chapter 3


Chloe awoke confused and disoriented, surrounded by smooth warmth on all sides. The world’s best heated leather seats were her firm but oddly pleasant cushion.

“Mm… Saul?” she murmured to the open air. As she moved, she felt around blindly with her hand. It was pitch dark, and only slanted beams of moonlight fell through the narrow slit in the rocky cavern ceiling. She didn’t recall the fire going out but it must have. Its reassuring orange glow was absent.

The leather mattress moved and shifted, creating a rumbling noise like the purr of an incredibly large feline. It took a breath that moved her up and down again like a kid on an inflatable play house.

The bed was moving and Saul was nowhere in sight. She couldn’t feel him beside her in the dark.

“Saul?” she whispered again.

As her eyes began to adjust to the dim light, several things came into view and a couple thoughts came to mind. First, she realized something enormous surrounded and cradled her naked body, and that it wasn’t a leather sectional or a mattress. It was a living creature.

Next, she recognized that this massive, leather-skinned beast had turned its head toward her and opened two golden eyes split by vertical pupils.

It’s a monster. Some sort of monster lizard,
she panicked on the inside. She screamed and clawed her way up to her feet, stumbled, and fell hard on one knee in the process. The monster stood, its movement allowing the moonlight to bathe it in a silver glow. It glinted off of the pair of ivory horns twisting back from its slender face and pointed ears.

It also had wings. A pair of magnificent, bicolored wings tucked against its back in a relaxed position. Black and beige feathers covered them. Staring up at it, Chloe waited for her death. Part of her wanted to flee screaming, but the rational part told her that to run might invite its predatory instincts. It might attack the very moment she fled.

It… almost looks like a dragon. Alright. This is a dream. A dream. Saul fucked me silly so now I’m passed out beside him having this nightmare because we spent half the night talking about horror movies from the 80s and giant monster flicks. That’s it. It’s only a dream,
she rationalized internally.

“Saul?” she called out loud. If dream Saul would materialize to rescue her again, she’d gladly show her appreciation to the real thing once she awakened.

The dragon lowered its head toward her.

Chloe shrieked and nearly stumbled into the remnants of the camp fire. A few dying embers glowed. Near the abandoned sleeping bag, she found her discarded panties, his jeans, and her t-shirt.

No! Wake up! This can’t be real,
she thought. It was the stuff of fairytales, but Chloe’s discovery that the man of her dreams was actually a big mythological creature turned it into a nightmare.

Chloe tried to awaken herself with a sharp smack across the cheek. It didn’t work.

In the blink of an eye the dragon was gone, replaced by a virile naked man. Saul stepped toward her slowly. “Chloe, be at ease.”

It’s true. Oh my god, he’s too good to be true because he’s not a person. It makes sense.
She backed up again and hyperventilated, terrified by the realization of what she had encountered.

“Stay the hell away from me!”

“Chloe, wait--”

She panicked and scrambled away from his outstretched hand. Lacking even a blanket for the sake of modesty, she was forced to escape him naked and exposed. The cold air had never felt more punishing than it did now.

“What have I done to upset you?”

What has he done? How the fuck is he standing there asking what he’s done?
“You stay back! I mean it!”

“I… do not understand. You pledged yourself to me,” he said, maintaining an even tone. His topaz eyes held steady on her face. “You said you were mine.”

“That’s crazy. That was talk in the moment. It doesn’t mean anything.”

Saul’s eyes darkened, bleeding the bright golden color into a flat brown. “I see.” He stepped away from her, all lithe muscle and a magnificent body, flesh brought to life from the sculpted marble of an artist. He didn’t wear a stitch, and he didn’t need it either. “Have I done something to offend or harm you? Have I not treated you kindly?”

“You’re not…” Breath shuddered from her lungs in uneven gasps. “You’re not human. You shouldn’t even exist.” Her heart rate spiked and nausea twisted through her stomach. A dragon. She slept with a fantasy monster and she’d loved every second of it. “This isn’t real. You can’t be real because dragons don’t exist.”

Tomorrow she would awaken to discover the entire wild night was a dream. A feverish hallucination. It had to be.

Saul smiled sadly from the base of the rocky slope leading up. “I see,” he simply repeated. He climbed to the top with ease, displaying fluid grace and natural athleticism that no human could ever mimic.

He disappeared over the top. Seconds later, a large shadow briefly obscured her view of the sky and Saul was gone.


Chapter 4


His strong fingers kneaded her breasts, molding them as an artist did clay. Even with the rough handling, heat pooled in her belly and desire prompted her to arch toward his touch. Firm lips trailed down her throat, accompanied by hot breaths that steamed against her skin. He didn’t kiss, but each nibble sparked flames. The eager attentions continued downwards until he reached the curve where her neck and shoulder met. Where he had marked her.

Anticipation curled in her core and created a need so dire that she plunged two fingers between her own thighs. Chloe was soaking wet and desperate for him, filled with a longing so intense she was certain it would consume her. She wanted his bite. Craved it.

“Earth to Chloe. Look, babe, if you can’t listen to the things I say to you, why are we even talking?”

The image in her mind shattered, leaving Chloe on the cusp of fulfillment.

Freddy’s living room television blinked into her sight, as did the rest of his overpriced condo. She grunted and rubbed her eyes with one hand. “Sorry, Freddy. I’m a little tired. Maybe I should go home since I spaced on you.”

“I know how to wake you.” He scooted closer to close the gap between them on the couch. His ear nibbles didn’t provoke the reaction they once gained.

When she first met Freddy at the gym, he’d seemed like a different guy. He was sweet to her, new in his occupation, and eager to build a clientele base who thrived with his services. She’d hired him, and he whipped her into shape in and out of the bedroom.

Eventually, the starving physical trainer became well known for producing results, and a modest, genuine man with a good heart was replaced by...

What a self-centered, narcissistic asshole.

They broke up, eventually they mended it in the bedroom, and then the pattern became a vicious cycle. Chloe always expected him to get his head out of his ass and to become the sweet man she met a year ago.

, Freddy. Not horny.”

An exasperated sigh followed his backward lean. “You go away an entire weekend without me, don’t even call or return my texts, now you don’t want to get physical? What the fuck is wrong with you lately? You love sex.”

“Look, I just wanted to hang out with you for a while now that I’m back in town. That doesn’t mean I came here to get laid,” Chloe said evenly.

“Are we together again or not? I thought that’s why you came over today.”

“We are but-”

“You don’t want me to fuck anyone else when we’re together, fine. I said I was cool with us being exclusive, but if you’re going to keep your legs closed, too, what’s the point?”

“Fine,” Chloe bit back at him. She wiggled out of her skirt and pulled her sweater over her head. Her leggings and panties joined them on the floor. As she cast aside the last article of clothing, an odd sensation, a feeling of immense and horrible wrongness, swept over her.

As fleeting as a butterflies kiss, the discomfort ended seconds later. The action moved into the bedroom, where Freddy remained oblivious as he lowered to the bed and stroked his erection in one hand. He fondled his lengthy rod of flesh and patiently watched her approach.

She hadn’t treated him to the sexy little strip show that he liked, and she sure as fucking hell didn’t plan to jump for the chance to fellate him either. Truthfully, Chloe had a fondness for foreplay. She enjoyed giving blowjobs as much as she loved sex, and her past boyfriends had always benefitted greatly from her enjoyment. This was different. This was a point she had to make.

Instead of taking his cues to blow Freddy, she lay beside him on the vacant spot in bed and waited.

“What are you doing?”

“Waiting for you,” Chloe said. She rolled her eyes and pulled him on top of her.

Freddy grunted but he didn’t argue further. He grabbed her legs and bent her knees toward her chest, angling his dick for her snatch. He missed the first time then sunk home.

“Did you miss me, baby? Huh? I know you must have.”

No, I really didn’t…
Chloe made a noncommittal grunt rather than answer. To shut him up, she grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss.

A pain crushed her chest, different from anything she’d never experienced before. Like cold water doused her from head to toe. It made her stop dead and go still, and she remained that way throughout the entire course of his fast pumping. Between his lack of foreplay and her disgust, there was barely enough moisture in her snatch to lubricate his hard and fast thrusts.

Good thing he wasn’t a huge man, or it might have hurt even more.

“Do you have to just lie there like that?” Freddy complained. “It’s like I’m raping you or something.” He paused with his dick buried within her clench, and finally he seemed to realize that she needed more than a few quick thrusts to get into the mood. Too bad it was also too late.

“You wanted it. I told you I didn’t. Either shut up and finish or let me go home,” Chloe bitched back at him. Freddy pulled out and opted for the second choice.

“Hypocritical whore. Who were you screwing anyway this weekend?”

“Excuse me?”

“Who the fuck bit you like that?”

“You know what, that’s none of your business. Especially when you were balls deep in your latest co-ed.” She shoved him away and slid out of bed.

“Whatever, babe. You know you’ll never find a man who pleases you as much as me and the Beast.” He groped himself in a crude gesture, referring to the silly name he reserved for his dick.

The Beast…
Saul’s warm and easygoing smile drifted through her conscious thought.

“Actually, Freddy, you have a pencil dick and your waxed balls make you look like a child.” Releasing those pent up words was cathartic; Chloe had held them in for years. “Get off the ‘roids and maybe it’ll be useful for something besides taking a piss again.”

She dressed and left the condo without looking back.


“So, okay, you’re over Freddy again? For real this time?” Marcy asked.

“For real. He’s such a fucking dick. He seriously tried to go to town on me while I was just laying there. He didn’t stop until
got freaked out by it.”

“He’s a creep. He used to be so nice, too. What a shame.” Marcy sipped her tropical daiquiri and sighed. “Guess we’re both single and free now.”

“I guess,” Chloe agreed. She sipped her pi
a colada and wistfully glanced through the window at the busy street. A cute couple passed by hand in hand, gazing at each other with lovestruck eyes as they traveled the sidewalk in the warm spring afternoon.

Their weekend lunch socials became time to unwind from their busy professions and to trade gossip about their failing romantic lives. Marcy’s equally stressful job as an accountant offered little downtime during the tax season, but the pair of roommates met every Saturday for time together away from their work loads and clientele.

“A damn shame, the way money and success turns men into absolute assholes,” Marcy grumbled. “Paul did that same shit after his promotion, remember?”

“Yeah. You can do better than him,” Chloe said. “His mustache made him look like a German porn star anyway.”

Marcy’s giggles nearly made her choke on the next sip of her tropical daiquiri. “You know how we used to troll the bars together in college and go home with any hot guy we met? God I miss those days. We should do that this weekend.”

“Actually, I kind of met a hot guy while on my trip.” A hot guy who, according to her memory, was also large enough to fill the cafe. To salvage her sanity, Chloe had convinced herself that it didn’t happen and that they’d parted on good terms. He didn’t climb out of the cavern and fly away. He didn’t transform from a giant… warm-blooded lizard into a man. He was just some handsome stranger who happened to take pity on an injured woman.

He fixed my ankle. I know it was sprained. I should have limped for days. But he… he did something to it. Magic isn’t supposed to exist but somehow he touched and healed me.

Marcy’s brown eyes widened. “You little slut. Dish!” she ordered Chloe. “Don’t skimp on the details either. I need to know dick size and everything.”

Chloe choked on her mixed drink. “I twisted my ankle or something, okay? I didn’t have service and I was afraid some fucking spelunker would come by and find my cold, rotting corpse. Anyway, he comes by and carries me like a superhero to his camp. Even cooked a deer over the fire.”

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