Saving Dallas Forever (14 page)

BOOK: Saving Dallas Forever
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“Babe,” Luke said again, a little louder, gaining us the attention of a nearby crowd of guys.

“What?” I asked, giving him an annoyed look. Damn him for fucking up my ab-watching.

“I want you to meet some people. Officially.” Oh. Luke placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me back around to the couple whose faces of hate had turned to faces of smirking amusement. Was the smirk a biker thing? I forced a smile on my face as I stood up taller; trying to reclaim what little dignity I had left after my public eye-fucking session with Luke. “Dallas, this is my brother Shark, and his ol’ lady, Chi Chi.” I placed my hand in Shark’s, making sure my handshake was firm, as I figured his would be. Instead, he clasped my hand lightly, leaving me looking like an idiot as I squeezed the shit out of his fingers, with an overachieving firmness. The gesture earned me a friendly smile, and a small nod of respect. Chi Chi on the other hand, had a smugger smile, as she all but curtsied in sarcasm, leaving my opinion of her where it had initially stood, with a few new additives; jealous, evil, bitch. They didn’t speak to me, but stayed around, trying to form their own opinion of me as I was introduced to the other people in the group. “I know you have met Mary,” Luke said, gesturing toward the petite woman with beautiful, silver hair that fell to the tops of her shoulders.

“Hey girl,” she said, stepping forward, and surprising me with a hug that I returned awkwardly.

“And this is her husband, Big Al.” I had seen Big Al at Luke’s, but had not had the opportunity for proper introductions. Where Luke was country, Big Al was anything but. His flat bibbed hat, long silver chain and Louisiana accent was a perfect concoction, making him a biker with a hint of street thug. His warm friendly smile was welcome, and I graced him with my own, as he wrapped me in his arms in a comforting hug. I eyed Mary when he pulled away, hoping she didn’t take offense to our hands-on exchange, but she was too busy engaging in conversation with other people; a lot of other people. A throng of others had joined us and consisted of nearly everyone in the clubhouse. “This is my brother Kyle and his wife Katina.” Kyle was a man of few words with a very shy demeanor. His eyes were kind, and his smile warm, but he seemed a little nervous. Katina, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Her flamboyant behavior consisted of a squeal, an exciting smile, and a big hug. Her long brown hair fell virtually to her waist, and its sweet scent overwhelmed my nostrils, just as it engulfed my face when she pulled me to her. Like her husband and many of the others in the Lake Charles chapter, her skin was tanned, and her accent thick. I laughed at her welcome response and accepted her hug. “And I’m sure you remember PROSPECT Chris, but you will address him as Chris.” There was a hint of warning in Luke’s voice, but I ignored it, as I smiled encouragingly at a very nervous, stuttering Chris.

“De-Devil’s Renegades PROSPECT Chris, Lake Charles, Louisiana.” Big Al clapped him on the back in approval, which only lasted a split second before someone hollered for a prospect, and he excused himself. I saw Katelyn looking uneasy and out of place nearby, and started to make my way over to her, but was stopped by Mary.

“She is a PROSPECT’s wife. You are the President’s ol’ lady. Let her come to you.” Gone was the sweet, fun, Mary and in her place was biker Mary, who was very intimidating, even though I had to look down to meet her gaze. If she had been about a foot and a half taller, my blood would have run cold at the look she gave me. I started to protest. I wanted her to know that I had once felt like an outsider myself, and that I felt sorry for Katelyn, but Luke grabbed my hand and led me away.

“Come on, babe. I’ll show you where we are staying.” I followed Luke through the mass of people, and down a long corridor lined with doors that led to private rooms. At the end of the hall, we stopped in front of a wooden door with the word ‘PRESIDENT’ carved into it in a very neat script. I looked behind us, and the door across from ours had the same engraving.

“Is there something special about this room?” I asked, remembering all of the other doors were not labeled.

“Not really. It has a door that leads outside and a bigger bathroom, but all of the rooms are more or less the same.” Luke’s breath blew through my hair, sending shivers down my spine, as he leaned over me to open the door. Inside was just as I had imagined it. In many ways, it was very similar to the rooms at the clubhouse in Hattiesburg. The walls consisted of light brown paneling, with posters of motorcycles, women in bikinis, and a reaper scattered across them. Thin, black carpet lined the floors, and in the middle of the room sat a queen-size bed, with no headboard or footboard, just a frame that kept the mattresses off the floor. The door that led outside was metal, with a slide bar lock that
could only be opened from the inside. A small desk with a worn chair and a lamp sat in the corner next to Luke’s bag.

“Yo, LLC. I got your ol’ lady’s shit.” I heard someone yell from outside the door. Luke opened the door, revealing a grinning Possum, holding my bag in one hand and a drink in the other. “I figured she might need this after that long-ass ride with Red and Maddie.” I smiled at him as Luke took my bag, and stepped back so that I could hug Possum. “Good to see you made it, baby.”

“Thanks, Possum. And thanks for the drink,” I said, taking it from him without question, and taking a sip. “Margarita. It’s delicious.” I licked the salt stuck to my top lip, before taking another drink.

“Thank Regg. He loves this shit. I don’t know why he can’t drink beer and liquor like the rest of us. All he needs is a little umbrella and a girdle, and I would swear he was a woman.” Possum laughed as he talked, and I found myself laughing too, yet mine was of the mental image I had of Regg in a girdle.

“Thanks, brother. I’ll see you in the morning,” a smiling Luke said, from behind me.

“Why don’t you have a shirt on?” I asked, as Luke shut the door. I didn’t really believe that he had been fucking every woman in the bar, but now that we were alone, I wanted to know.

“I was working out,” he said simply, throwing my bag down next to his, and fumbling with something on the desk. I drank in the sight of Luke and noticed that, he had indeed been working out. Perfection. That was the only way to describe Luke when he stood before me in ripped jeans that hung low on his waist, a muscular back and sweaty, messy hair. “I have been listening to this song everyday and each time I did, it made me think of you, and all the things I was going to do to you when I got home.” Luke said, turning toward me, as the music to a song I had never heard filled the room. “But, since you are here, let’s see what
house is made of.” My breath caught in my throat as Luke sauntered toward me, his eyes half closed, and full of possessiveness. I watched as he observed me in leggings, an oversized sweatshirt that hung off of one shoulder, sandals, no make-up, and my hair piled high on my head in a messy bun. I knew I looked ridiculous. There was nothing sexy or hot about my outfit, yet by the look in his eyes, one would think that I was dressed in lingerie. He stood before me, his eyes appraising my body, worshiping each fully clothed part with just a look. His hands slid up my arms and to my neck, as he turned my head slightly and brought his lips to mine, giving me a slow, lazy kiss. He began to turn me in a circle while kissing me. We were dancing to the music, my feet moving to follow his lead effortlessly. Instead of feeling that fire ignite, I felt that somatic sensation that only he was capable of giving me take over. I felt treasured by the way he kissed me, as if he had all the time in the world to make me feel loved. He broke the kiss, pulling away from my mouth long enough to pull my shirt over my head, before wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me back to him, continuing to lead me in our circle of dance which reminded me of how romantically sweet Luke could be. My head lolled to the side, as he showered my neck in kisses and unclasped my bra. My nipples hardened immediately, and I released an audible sigh as I basked in the pleasure of the feel of his naked chest against mine. His mouth made its way down my neck, to the hollow of my throat and across my collar bone, before continuing its way between my breasts, down to my stomach and my navel. When he dropped to his knees before me, kissing along the edge of my pants across my stomach, I realized that this was an intimate side of Luke that I had yet to experience. Sure it was great when he made love to me and fucked me into a haze of dizziness, but Luke’s intimacy was something that made me feel cherished, and loved, and like I was the only woman in the world. I felt… precious, as if there was nothing as valuable to him as me. I looked down at him as my hands caressed his soft, damp hair. I watched as he pulled my sandals off, then ran his hands back up my legs to grip the hem of my pants and slide them down, kissing the exposed skin as he went. The music stopped then started again playing the same tune. I was glad he had placed it on repeat. I loved the way the music flowed so perfectly with Luke’s actions. I was left standing in nothing but a pair of black panties that Luke took his time to remove, being sure to kiss each place he revealed in appreciation, with a light touch of tongue and two full lips. When I was completely naked and showered in his kisses, when not a single inch of my body was not tingling from the feel of his lips, he carried me in his arms and laid me down on the bed, gently removing his arms from under me as if I were porcelain, and he was afraid he might break me. He stood tall over me, his lips parted, his eyes shining, and a look of admiration on his face while he took in all that was me, as I lay completely nude before him. I watched as he took his time removing his jeans first, then followed this by taking off his black boxer briefs, which were stretched across the swelling that was continuing to grow inside them. Luke knelt on the bed, kissing the inside of my thighs as he positioned himself between my legs. His mouth avoided the center of me that craved him, in turn, devoting his attention to the areas that were usually forgotten in the heat of the moment. I wanted to squirm under him. I wanted to beg him to take me, but I knew that this was something so much more. Something I desired and didn’t even know. This was something I needed, a show of intimate affection from the man I had given my heart to. When Luke made his way to my face, tears pricked the back of my eyes at his words, as he rubbed my hair, and spoke so softly to me that I was sure his tongue had turned to satin. “You are the reason I live. You are the reason I get up every fucking morning of my life. There is not one thing you could do to make me love you less, or make me want you more. I feel you, Dallas. I feel you in places inside me that I didn’t know existed. You are just as much a part of me as the heart that beats in my chest keeping me alive and on this earth another day. Each day I love you is a day I will never regret. Everyone receives a gift that’s worth dying for at some point in their life. Dallas, you are my gift.” The sincerity in his words was almost too much. I felt like Luke was saying goodbye. I felt like there was something he was trying to tell me, but knew that he couldn’t. My thoughts were washed away that night, replaced with the feeling of bliss as he made love to me, passionate love that was so amazingly intimate that, as I fell asleep in Luke’s arms with the lyrics of Eric Church’s “Like a Wrecking Ball” playing in my ears, I felt him in places I didn’t know existed either.


Chapter 13



Something woke me only a couple of hours after I had gone to sleep. I looked out the window to find it still dark outside. Luke’s side of the bed was empty, and a sudden feeling of uneasiness washed over me. I heard the sound of a thud, followed by the sound of chains rattling and sat up, listening harder to see if I could figure out where the noise was coming from. The sound came again, and I turned my head to the right, to find the door leading outside unlocked. I grabbed my sweater from the floor, pulling it over my head, and stepped into my leggings. I walked to the door, not giving myself time to be nervous or scared of what I would find, and pushed it open. It was the early hours of the morning, and I saw Luke dressed in basketball shorts, tennis shoes, and no shirt, hitting a punching bag. He didn’t seem to have any set strategy, which told me that he was not working out, he was venting. Something was on his mind, and he was trying to clear his head by beating the shit out of some imaginary person. I watched him for a minute, as he bounced lightly on his feet, hammering away at the bag, as it swung from side to side. We were in an alley between two buildings, and I noticed the area was filled with grills, tables, workout equipment and a dumpster. A tall, iron gate sealed off both exits, and kept it clear of any traffic. A large street lamp hung on the side of the building, casting an eerie glow over the alley.

“Luke,” I said, getting his attention immediately. He turned to look at me, not moving or speaking, just staring at me across the dimly lit street. “Everything okay?” I asked, wishing I could see his face better. He was breathing heavily, his shoulders rising and falling, while his hands stayed at his hips. Was he pissed at me?

“Yeah, babe. I’m okay. Just go back to sleep. I’ll be there soon,” he said, his breathing irregular and harsh.

“You know, we can talk about it. I know something is bothering you. You can tell me.” I expected his response before I received it. At times like this, Luke was very predictable.

“I’m good. I’ll be in soon.” He had still made no effort to come to me, and I was frozen in place as well. I wanted to go to him, but something told me to just give him some space. I walked inside, my mind spinning as to what could be wrong. He had asked me to come, and had made love to me, and then I find him outside only hours later, venting about something he was refusing to talk about. I wasn’t surprised or pissed that he wasn’t sharing, but, after his speech, I was worried. I didn’t like the way he was talking as if he might go away and never come back, and wanting me to know just how much he loved me. I crawled back into bed, fully clothed, despite the stifling humidity, and curled up facing the door. I would know when he came through it, and I refused to fall asleep until he did. What couldn’t have been more than five minutes had passed when Luke made his way inside, securing the door and going straight to the bathroom, without a single glance my way. I heard the shower start, and something came over me.

“Fuck this.” I said to the empty room, stripping off my clothes, as I headed to the bathroom. I opened the door, just as he was stepping into the shower. “Don’t shut me out, Luke. Tell me and let me help you deal with this. That’s what I’m here for.” I wasn’t demanding or desperate, but encouraging. He observed me for a moment as if to see if what I offered was the truth. I stood there patiently, waiting for him to decide if this was something he knew he could trust me with. Finally, he took a deep breath and nodded, gesturing with his hand for me to join him. I waited for him to start the conversation as he allowed me to stand under the streaming water, before changing places with me. We bathed in complete silence. I would not push him on this. If he wanted
to talk he would, but I refused to beg him to do so. This was something he was going to have to do on his own. If I wanted him to tell me, I would have to wait until he was ready. It was evident that it was weighing heavily on his shoulders, whatever it was. After our shower, I followed him into the room to retrieve my bag, but he stopped me by placing one of his own shirts over my head. He took the towel from my hands and tossed it on the floor, before pulling me to the bed and placing me so that I was lying on top of his chest. I was finally accepting defeat, and was ready to go to sleep, when at last he spoke.

“We have two weeks together before you leave to go to Atlanta. I want to enjoy this time with you. There may be some shit that goes down with this other club, but we aren’t too threatened by them, so even if it does, it shouldn’t be that big a deal. I’ll tell you what’s going on, but only when you need to hear it. Right now, let’s just enjoy the moment. I’ve never had two full weeks with you without some crazy shit happening. You don’t worry, and I won’t worry. Deal?” Just the thought of two weeks with Luke without interruption was enough to make me agree. He said he would tell me, and although I wanted to know now, I would wait. I was sure he would find some way to keep my mind busy enough to forget the anticipated news.

“Deal. No work, no worries, and no bullshit. Just us.” I agreed, sitting up so I could see his face.

“I can’t guarantee the no bullshit bit. I’m sure something fucked up will happen, but it won’t be between me and you. Now, go to sleep. I’m tired as fuck, and I need you beside me.” He didn’t have to say it twice. I fell asleep on Luke’s chest, with thoughts of us being together overshadowing the dark thoughts of what he had to tell me, which were not too far away in my mind.

I woke to find Luke sound asleep next to me. The worry and strain of the previous night was still evident on his tired, peaceful face. I decided to let him sleep in, and pulled myself from the bed, making sure not to wake him. I crept to the bathroom to freshen up, grabbing my bag on the way. The weather in Louisiana was just as difficult and crazy as it was in Mississippi. The humidity was unbearable, even though it was November. I chose a black t-shirt and gray yoga pants in the hope of hitting the clubhouse gym before Luke and I started our day. I pulled my tennis shoes from my bag, and tiptoed out of the room in search of coffee.

The corridor was quiet, but once I hit the main room, things were in full swing. There was not a man in sight, but every ol’ lady and a few stray women from the previous night were cleaning up, and the smell of strong coffee was in the air.

“Hey, baby!” I heard Brooklyn yell at me across the room. I smiled at her, giving her a small wave, as I made my way to the bar where she was cleaning. “I didn’t get to see you last night. I’m glad you’re here.” Before I could take a seat, she had a hot cup of coffee laid out for me, and a warm hug waiting. I leaned across the bar, melting in her arms, which swallowed me up me in a motherly hug. She looked amazing, as she always did. She wore a Harley Davidson baseball cap over her long hair, yoga pants, and a tank top. Her face was made-up completely, and she looked like she had been up for hours.

“Good morning to you. Thank you for the coffee.” I said, sitting and taking a sip.

“You’re welcome, baby.”

“Is there something I can do?” I asked, feeling silly for sitting on my ass while everyone else was cleaning.

“No no. We got it. Enjoy your coffee. We’re almost finished anyway.”

“I was thinking about hitting the gym in a few. Is that okay?” I asked, watching Mary and Katina from across the room, as they did back flips over the couch.

“We do yoga the mornings we’re together. It helps us clear our heads. You want to join?” Brooklyn asked, taking a break and propping herself up on the bar while she lit a cigarette. “She is gonna break her neck. Look at her! She is too little to be doing that shit.” We watched together, as Mary got a running start to jump backwards onto the couch. I turned to see Brooklyn doubled over in laughter. There was something amazing about the way she laughed, it just pulled you in and soon I was laughing too.

“Morning,” Red greeted us, taking a seat next to me on the bar stool, and leaning her head on my shoulder.

“Good morning, Red. Long night?” I asked, thinking that she and Regg had probably had a very interesting night filled with hot sex, considering they had been apart for so long.

“No, I’m just not a morning person,” she replied, leaning over the bar to give Brooklyn a kiss on the lips, as she accepted her coffee with a sigh. “Brooklyn’s coffee is sure to cure any hangover and give you some pep in your step.” I nodded in agreement, and we clinked coffee cups, before taking another appreciative sip. I looked back across the room, to find Chi Chi sauntering in, wearing a sports bra, and yoga pants that fit her like a second skin. “Chi Chi is so fucking hot,” Red said, following my gaze. I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn’t see, but forgot that Brooklyn could, earning me more booming laughter from her.

“Got some competition?”Brooklyn asked through her laughs. Was I intimidated by Chi Chi’s looks? Every woman in the bar was appealing, so why did she get under my skin so much.

“It’s because she reminds you of yourself,” Red said in my ear, answering my unspoken question.

“I am nothing like her,” I responded, locking my eyes on Red for the first time. She wore no make-up and her face looked fresh and young. I noticed her freckles, and bright red eyelashes. If I wasn’t sure it was her, I wouldn’t have recognized her. “Stop staring. It’s rude,” she said, turning back to her coffee.

“Red is self-conscious about her freckles. I think they’re cute,” Brooklyn said, giving Red a wink.

“I like them,” I said, trying to convince Red that she had no reason to feel uncomfortable.

“Fuck y’all. Are we gonna work out or what?” Brooklyn laughed again, and I joined her, as Red stomped off.

“I love fucking with her. It’s funny as shit to see her get so worked up over something so silly.” The other ladies had made their way to the bar, and I greeted each of them with a hug, except for Chi Chi, who sat too high on her horse for me to reach.

“Yoga! I just love yoga. It cleanses the body and relaxes the mind,” Katina said, as she walked off in the same direction as Red.

“So does an enema, but you don’t see me sticking one up my ass every morning.” The room erupted into laughter as Punkin graced us with her presence, and her wonderful choice of words. While the rest of us were dressed to exercise, Punkin wore jeans and a sweatshirt, full make-up, and earrings that looked like peppermints.

“Are you not joining us, Punkin?” I asked, as we made our way out the side door and into the alley.

“I’ll get y’all some water when you pass out from a heat stroke.” She replied, lighting a cigarette before giving me a hug. Outside, a large mat covered part of the street as everyone took their places. I chose last, considering I was the newest, and wished I had chosen to go first. The only spot left was the one next to Chi Chi, and I would rather have stabbed myself in the face with a fork than have to sit next to her. But, I took my seat as if it didn’t bother me, noticing by the snickers coming from Red and Brooklyn that I was set up. Bitches.

“Punkin, hit play, please,” Brooklyn said, prompting Punkin to hit the play button on the small CD player before taking her seat beside it. A warm, encouraging voice filled the air as we were told the position to assume to begin the exercise. Only ten minutes in, and Red was talking, interrupting the silence.

“I was thinking. If we did this everyday for the next few days, when we go out for Dallas’ birthday, I’ll be loose.”

“You’re already loose.” Mary said, causing everyone to break position, so they could laugh.

“Al has a big mouth,” Red threw back, encouraging the rest of us to cheer her on, and pump Mary up for a comeback.

“I’m here! I’m here!” Maddie said, as she burst out the door and ran to take a seat beside me. “What did I miss?”

“Mary said Red was loose and Red said her husband had a big mouth. Now we are waiting on Mary to throw something back at her,” I explained to Maddie in a rush of breath, as I held the plank position.

“I got one for you, Mary,” Maddie said, assuming the same position as everyone else in the group. “Red is scared of the dark.”

“Maddie I will come over there and punch you in the fucking vagina if you don’t shut up,” Red said, as we changed positions, with a laugh.

“I can’t hear the fucking tape!” Brooklyn snapped, looking around to see everyone moving.

“Locust position.”

“Thanks, Punkin!” Brooklyn yelled from the back of the room. “I could hear if you bitches would shut up.” Another round of laughter and then silence, for about five minutes.

“How much longer we got? I’m ready for a cigarette,” Red complained.

“Here honey. I have one,” Punkin offered, standing and making her way to Red.

“Punkin don’t give her a cigarette. We doin’ yoga,” Katina said, on a huff.

“Says the only fucking non-smoker out here,” Brooklyn added, agreeing with Red that it was time for a smoke break.

“Dallas don’t smoke.” Katina threw back in defense.

“Hell, yes she does.”Punkin said, walking in between all of us, as her cigarette dangled from the corner of her mouth. “Don’t ask me how I know, ‘cause I won’t say a damned thing.” I laughed as the CD ended, prompting everyone to act as if we had just done a two-hour workout instead of one lasting only twenty minutes. I was feeling loose, not in the same way as Red, and was ready to lift some weights, when my nemesis decided to announce the same thing.

“I’m gonna hit the weights for a little while.” Fucking bitch. Did I have to like her? I would just have to wait until tomorrow to workout. No one paid Chi Chi any mind as she left the group, until a shirtless Luke walked out the back door.

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