Saving Forever - Part 1 (7 page)

BOOK: Saving Forever - Part 1
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Chapter 11




Two and a half hours later, Charity slipped out onto the balcony and stared out into the night sky. The city lights created a pretty map view.  For a busy city, it was very quiet this evening from this high up.

The evening had been a success. People had just started leaving about half an hour ago. That was a great sign. Her father sat at a table with several older doctors talking shop and enjoying the twenty year whiskey she’d kept hidden
until after the pizza had been cleared away. She’d slipped it to Dr. Skyrt whose face lit up and he went straight to her father.

The door behind her opened
and Elijah walked out. He stood a few feet away from her with his hands spread wide around the railing. Neither spoke as they both watched the cars and city move below them. Charity inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“So are we going to talk about what happened last night?” Elijah shifted to face her and took a few steps closer, his fingers tracing along the metal railing.

Charity glanced at him and then back to the view. “What about it?” She moved her head slightly so he wouldn’t see her smile. She took a small step towards the glass door and could feel Elijah follow her. No one inside the room paid attention to what was going on outside.

He cleared his throat. “We, um
, made out.”

“Oh right.” She turned to face him. “Sorry, I forgot.”

He chuckled and moved closer. “No you didn’t.”

She loved the intensity in his eyes but couldn’t resist saying, “I’m glad it was memorable. I wasn’t sure I would stack up against half the nurses and
interns at the hospital here.”

Elijah tapped the balcony with a finger then reached to gently trace it down her forearm and wrist. He swallowed, almost appearing shy. “Um… You were pretty…” he said, his voice barely above a whisper
. “You were pretty… amazing. No one here stacks up to you.”

Charity’s heart hammered. She forgot to breathe. His eyes never left hers. If they somehow ended frozen in that moment, she could stay there forever.

“I think about you…a lot…Charity.” He leaned so his head was closer to hers, their foreheads almost touching but he somehow managed to not make contact. “Ever since the day we talked on the phone. I don’t have the right, but I can’t stop myself.”

She blinked and let her gaze drop down to his
mouth. Soft music from inside drifted as if by some secret cue. “I’ve been thinking about you, too,” she whispered.

Elijah’s tongue ran over his
lips and his hand slipped around to the nape of her neck. He pulled and the small remaining space between them disappeared. His soft lips pressed against hers.

All reason and thought slipped from her mind. All she could concentrate on was the pressure of those lips on hers and his fingers pressing along her jaw line. She knew she shouldn’t be out here and if her father saw them, he’d be furious with both of them. She hesitated and pulled back slightly.

“I’m sorry.” Elijah tilted his head and stepped away.

Her body didn’t like the emptiness from the sudden space between them. “I…I just thought we should go someplace more private.”

A shiver tingled down her spine when Elijah’s eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped slightly. The shiver ran up her back when his sexy smile appeared.

What willpower Charity had disappeared. She slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his with an uncontrollable passion she had never felt before.

Elijah returned her kisses, pressing his warm body against hers. Groaning, he slowly pulled away. “Let’s get out of here.” He scratched the stubble on his chin and smiled. “Can you do that? Are you allowed to slip out? What about your father?”

She laughed. “I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay.” She squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, I’m sure my dad doesn’t suspect a thing.”

“Your dad?” He walked over and held the door open for her. “He loves me.”

Charity laughed and gently tapped his cheek as she slipped by. “That’s what he wants you to think.”

Elijah’s fingers trailed down her back and traced along her side. Charity nearly moaned out loud but caught herself just in time.

her father called out from the men at the table. “Come join us for a drink. I need your opinion on a case.”

Now instead of moaning, Charity had to swallow back ironic laughter. They didn’t stand a chance slipping out of the room together without being noticed. She’d gotten caught up in the heat of the moment out on the balcony and should have realized.

She spotted Julie and Simon at another table playing cards. Who had brought a deck of cards to the room? She hadn’t.

Elijah gave her a frustrated smile. “I need to go see your dad.”

“I know. Go mingle and get those men to agree to come to the gala. At a thousand dollars a ticket, that’s ten thousand dollars sitting over there.”

“Well I’d better get over
there, then. I don’t want to disappoint you.” His eyes lingered on hers before he finally walked over to the table. Someone had pulled a chair beside her father for Elijah. He sat down and was immediately poured a glass.

It wasn’t hard to see that he was well liked amongst the doctors. He was younger than a lot of them but they didn’t seem to mind he was their chief. He must be very, very good as her father wouldn’t settle for anything less at his hospital.

For once, she agreed with him. She walked over to Julie and Simon’s table. “What are you guys playing?” she asked as she sat down on an empty chair which just happened to face Elijah.





Chapter 12


Two weeks passed quickly. Charity had
a lot going on down in Atlanta: she held a similar staff party, she met with Forever Hope’s board and together they agreed on hosting a small event in three months and another larger one six months later. They wanted a sporting event of some kind. All great ideas which had Charity researching locations and unique possibilities.

fter flying back from New York, she got cold feet over letting herself be interested in Elijah. Maybe they had a connection or some kind of chemistry but now away from the Scott Thompson hospital, it all seemed a bit more of a dream than what was really there. It had to be based on physical attraction; the man was a demigod.

She pushed herself at work and planned several functions with the local hotspots in the city to get the word out about the hospital. The response was very positive and it encouraged her.
Even in a town tight on funds, there would be ways to raise the money for the hospital.

Elijah had given her his phone number before she left and she hadn’t sent him a text or called him. She had started several times and ended up deleting the message or ending the call before it even went through.
She talked herself out of it the first few days and then when she didn’t contact him over the weekend she felt guilty and thought it was too late to message him. She’d see him the following Friday or Saturday back in New York when she flew back.

On Friday morning she caught up on everything and by ten o’clock she had finished her work for the day. She called the airline and found out there was an earlier flight leaving in an hour that had availability. Julie had wanted to go shopping this afternoon and do dinner in
New York. Leaving two hours earlier would give her a jump start on the details for her father’s gala.

Everything seemed in her favour
; the flight went quick, the car rental had next to no one there and the roads were not that busy for a Friday. What were the chances it would continue?

Charity road the elevator to the sixth floor and pulled the strap of her briefcase higher on her shoulder. What would she say to Elijah if she ran into him in the hallway? Should she lie and say she lost his number? It seemed unlikely since she’s typed it into the phone.

She let out a puff of air when she saw that his office was closed with the lights off. He probably had surgery. She stopped and stood outside her dad’s office with her fingers flying over her phone. She sent Julie a text to meet her at her hotel around three. She could change after she spoke with her dad. Closing the phone with one hand and fixing her hair with the other, her mind raced with ideas to go over for the gala. Most contracts and hospitals or companies she dealt with were very easy to talk ideas with and brainstorm. Dealing with her father… Rrrrr! She had to stop being so paranoid and worried he wouldn’t like it.  She rapped her knuckles against his door.

“Come in
,” his baritone voice bellowed.


Charity walked in and almost turned around to walk out again. Elijah sat in a chair opposite her father’s desk, obviously in a meeting with her dad. Elijah looked at her and quickly glanced away before he could make eye contact. Her heart sank. She should have called him or text or something… anything. Seeing him had her questioning why she hadn’t. It seemed ridiculous now.

“Charity! You’re early.” Her father’s voice broke through her inner thoughts.

She tore her eyes away from Elijah and forced a smile at her dad. “I caught an earlier flight.”

Awkward silence followed. Charity shifted her weight and hesitated sitting down across from Elijah.
Stop this!
She scolded herself.
How old are you?
She forced herself to walk by him and touched his shoulder. “Hi Elijah. How are you doing?” She sat down in the chair across from him.

His eyes lit up when he smiled. “I’m good. How’re you doing? Busy?”

“Extremely.” She sent a mental I’m sorry but knew he wouldn’t hear it.

Elijah put his hands on the arm of his chair, about to get up. “I’ll let you guys talk.”

“No!” Charity and her father said at the same time. She shot a glance at her father.

“I can stay for a bit then.” Elijah settled back in his chair.

Charity cleared her throat “We’ve got six months exactly from this weekend until the gala.” She pulled her iPad out of her briefcase and flipped to the app she had programmed with the details of the next few months.  “I will start advertising and preparing invites.”

“I understand the diamond theme
,” Elijah said. “Is there going to be something that goes with it?”

“What do you mean?” Charity tried not to stare at his mouth while he spoke.

“Will it be suit and tie? Tuxedo?” He snapped his fingers. “Or something cool like masquerade?”

Masquerade? What a neat idea. “What do you think?” she asked her dad.

“Me? I have no clue. I’d like it to be tux but, and I’m trying to think like Charity here, a masquerade might get more women interested in dressing up.”

“I would go.” Elijah chuckled.

“You have to go,” Dr. Thompson reminded him.

“I know, but I’d want to go if I got to wear a mask.”

Charity’s thoughts envisioned him in a tuxedo and a black mask making his eyes even bluer. She moved at the sudden heat burning inside her. “We could set it up so we have the masks available to purchase online or at the door. Or people attending could get their own. People like the easy button. I’ll have to see if it would work. Either way we can guarantee this will be a very formal occasion.”

“Easy button?” Her father’s
eyebrows shot up.

“Just a way to make things easy. A couple of clicks and they order them. It’ll raise extra funds as well.  I’ll look around today to see what is available locally. I’m meeting Julie in a few hours and we can do some shopping and checking around.” Elijah like
d the idea and suddenly she loved the idea.

Elijah stood. “I need to check on my patient before their surgery.” He shook Dr. Thompson’s hand and then touched Charity’s knee as he turned to go. “See you.”

Charity’s knee tingled and the feeling ran up her inner thigh. It stayed long after Elijah left the room.




Chapter 13


“Let’s go check one more place.” Charity checked the list on her phone and the address of the last place. She zipped her coat and pushed the door open. She turned to go to the right.

Julie grabbed her elbow
to stop her. “Let’s not and you just tell Elijah that we did.”

“Elijah? This is for my dad.”

Julie shook her head. “That’s the excuse you’re using. Can we just skip it and you can tell him we looked everywhere? Then you get to impress the boy and we can go grab something to eat. I’m starving.”

Charity forced a smile but glanced away. She couldn’t look Julie in the eye. “I’m not trying to impress the boy.”

“What?” Julie stomped her foot. “I bloomin’ hope you are! Why else are we running around doing this then?” She stuck her hands on her hips.

“For the gala.” Charity didn’t say anything else; she didn’t know what to say to her friend.

“Come on, Charity. You’re falling for the guy. Just admit it.” Julie smiled, slightly teasing but in a positive way.

“I’m not. He’s not my type.” She shook her head but her words did not sound convincing. “It’s complicated.”

“Why? Because he’s here and you’re down in Atlanta? Because he’s chief of your father’s hospital? Because he’s a doctor and you’re not?”

Darn Julie knew her too well. “Aside from the last one, I hadn’t thought of those reasons, but they are valid points. It’s even more complicated now.”

“You’re a lousy liar.” Julie gave her a half smile. “Bull stinkin’ crap.”

Charity burst out laughing. “Seriously? You say that?”

Julie shrugged. “I work in paediatrics, I try to keep it clean.” She poked Charity in the shoulder. “Don’t change the subject.”

“I’m not!” She tried to grab Julie’s hand but her friend pulled it away just in time. “It doesn’t bother me he’s a doctor, nor does it bother me that I’m not. I love my job.” She stared down at her hands, not sure how ready she was to admit she had a crush on the guy. She could hardly say it to herself, let alone out loud to Julie. “Elijah’s a lady’s man. I may not be here every day but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. I’m not into that.” She started walking again. No way was she about to tell Julie that they had already kissed.

Julie didn’t try to argue. She walked beside Charity silently for a bit before quietly saying, “You’d be good for him, you know. And he likes you.”

Charity’s eyebrows shot up and her heart sputtered a moment before kicking back into its regular rhythm. “Just out of the blue, he told you that? She lowered her voice and tried to mimic Elijah’s accent, ‘Juls, I like Dr. Thompson’s daughter. I’m thinking about hanging up my lady killer pants and taking up a chastity belt. Instead of having sex on a regular basis, I’m thinking a long distance relation with my boss’s daughter looks ten times more inviting.’ Something like that?” She cleared her throat and had to work to keep a straight face as she stared expectantly at Julie.

Julie kept the straight face gimmick better than Charity. “Holy smokes! Those were
his exact
. Oh, hold on a sec…” She stopped and pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Hey Simon, what’s up?” She listed then grinned mischievously at Charity. “Uh-huh… You’re both off? Cool. Why don’t I ask Charity and we’ll meet you for dinner. We’re almost done here.” She paused while Simon spoke on the other end. “Give us half an hour. See you then. Love you.” She tucked the phone back in her pocket and slipped her arm through Charity’s. “Simon’s surgery got cancelled so he’s done early. He wants to meet us for pizza.”

Charity gave her friend a sideways glance. “What’s the catch?”

“Nothing! I’m excited to get to hang with my husband and best buddy tonight. We can have a bunch of drinks and hit a few clubs. Maybe go dancing.” She pointed to a shop window as they passed. “Let’s go see if we can find something fun to wear. Then go meet them.”


Julie pulled the shop door open and glanced back over her shoulder. “Elijah’s coming too.”

Luckily Julie ran ahead a few steps or Charity’s boot would have connected with her backside.

“You can’t back out,” Julie said as they stood flipping through a rack of tops a few moments later. “You were going out to eat with me anyways. We’d be going clubbing no matter what – boys or no boys.”

“True.” Charity glanced down at her red top and dark blue jeans. At least she’d worn a cool pair of shoes she could dance in. Excite
ment started spreading inside of her. It would be fun. Dancing always was. She might even impress Elijah. “If we’re dancing, I need a tank top.”

Julie pulled out a black sleeveless top with a leather collar that ran down into a v cut. Sultry with just the right hint of temptation. “You need this. It’s totally you.”

Charity caught it as Julie tossed it to her. “I’ll go try it on.”

Fifteen minutes later they left the shop with Charity wearing her new top and Julie in new pants.

“Where are we meeting them?” Charity asked as the two headed back to Julie’s car in the parking garage.

“Cherie’s. Do you remember it? They’ve got that awesome oven baked pizza.” After Charity nodded, Julie added, “We can walk if you want. Car’s already parked in the garage and it’s like five minutes from here. Let’s just toss our bags in the trunk.”

They dropped the things off and freshened their makeup before heading back to Main Street. It was just starting to get dark when the reached Cherie’s. Julie walked into the crowded pub first and Charity followed a few steps behind. When Julie threw her arm in the air and waved towards the end of the bar, Charity’s stomach danced with butterflies. No running now.

A few empty bottles and an empty appetizer plate sat on the table by the boys. Julie dropped in the seat beside Simon and gave him a big hug. “Missed you.”

Charity pressed behind them and smiled at Elijah as she had to squeeze by him to get to the empty stool beside him. “Hi again.”

“Hello.” He flashed her one those dashing smiles only he seemed capable of doing. He wore a grey long sleeve top and jeans. Hot in scrubs, hot dressed up and in casual clothes. He could have been a model instead of a doctor. She almost laughed out loud at the thought.

The bartender walked over and cleared the empty bottles. “What can I get for you, ladies?”

“Do you have Captain Morgan?” When the bartended nodded, Charity smiled at him. “Awesome. Can I get a spiced rum and coke?”

“Sure thing, love.” He turned to Julie who ordered a vodka and cranberry.

“Spiced rum?” Elijah turned in his chair. “I took you for a sweet beverage drinker.”

She grimaced. “That’s Julie’s bit. She likes the sweet stuff.”

Julie leaned over Simon. “There’s nothing wrong with girlie-drinks.”

Simon held her back. “Now that’s sexist. What did those drinks ever do to you?”

“Give me horrible hangovers,” Julie replied.

The bartended returned with their drinks and more bottles for the boys. They ordered pizza and wings and sat back to wait.

“We tried to get a table but the place has been busy since we got here
.” Elijah leaned toward her so Charity could hear him talk.

“How’d your afternoon go?” she asked him. She tried to stare at his face but her eyes seemed to have their own agenda.

“Good. Your father scrubbed in for my last surgery. Simon and I finished and decided to grab a few beers.”

“How long have you guys been here?” A twinge of guilt shot through her as she wondered if her father had hoped to spend the evening with her or if he’d just wanted to stay at the hospital. Her dad never asked her and she had no intention of offering.

“About an hour. Halfway through, Simon decided he wanted of us all to hang out so he called Julie. I hope you didn’t have other plans.”

Did guys talk? Would he have told Simon about their kiss last week? What else had he said? Charity had to avoid staring at his mouth as he took a drink from his beer bottle.
She wondered if she pressed her lips to his, would his be hot or maybe cool with a slightly beer taste. She blinked and almost rolled her eyes. How old was she? She signalled the bartender for another rum and coke. “Julie and I were checking if there were any masquerade shops or places to order from.”

Elijah grinned, ear to ear. “Really? You liked my idea?” He touched her leg and let his hand remain on her thigh. “Did you find anything?”

She enjoyed his excitement and the zing which ran up her leg and deep into her belly that came from his touch. “There isn’t much selection around but online it’s a diamond mind.” She laughed at her own use of words. “I ordered a few things so I can show my dad when I’m here next. I think a Diamond Masquerade would be a huge hit and a load of fun.”

“So do I.”

Would he want the mask to hide from those he dated before? She crossed the thought from her mind. She wanted to enjoy tonight, flirt and just see where the night lead them. “Have you been to Hidden Beat?”

Julie handed out plates the bartender had just dropped off.  She also ordered everyone another round of drinks. “What is it?”

The pizza came and everyone grabbed a slice.

“It’s a club not far from here. Kind of one of those underground places that only the locals know about. I can’t believe you haven’t been.” She glanced at Elijah. “What about you, have you been?”

“No, but I’m game to go.”

Charity grabbed a napkin and wiped a bit of sauce from her lip. The bartender set their drinks down and winked at her as he walked away. She took a sip to sample the new glass. It was twice as strong as the last one.

Julie laughed. “Maybe we should stay here. Looks like Charity’s getting hit on by the bartender. She could use a bit of action.”

Charity’s cheeks burned. She was too embarrassed to look at Elijah.

Simon, being Simon, saved the day. “Julie, are you jealous? Someone getting more attention than you? Do you want me to slip around the bar and serve us? I can hit on you if you’d like.”

Julie must have realized her remark had gone a way she hadn’t meant. “Sorry, let me just get my foot out of my mouth.” She grinned sheepishly at Charity.

Charity didn’t care. She knew Julie and knew she didn’t mean it as a jab. “Let’s use the guy for free drinks and then bust out of this joint. Poor guy will probably be heart broken but I’m sure he’ll survive.”

It was past ten o’clock by the time the
y finished at Cherie’s. They continued joking around and headed out of the bar.

“Charity, lead the way to our next stop.” Simon made a grand gesture of trying to bow and nearly stumbled on top of Julie. She kept him on his feet and then nearly fell from laughing at him.

“We’ve apparently enjoyed Bob the bartender’s services tonight.” Elijah slipped his arm over Charity’s shoulder. “Where’s this club you were talking about?”

“Follow me.” Charity’s arm found its own way around Elijah’s waist. She glanced back to make sure Julie and Simon could follow them and then checked her watch “It’s already ten, the club’s going to be busy. Last time I went, the place was already crazy by nine p
.m. It’s going to be awesome.” She giggled in excitement. “Hidden Beat awaits.”


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