Say It With Diamonds (7 page)

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Oh, God, Bella thought as their tongues tangled languidly.
she knew what he tasted like. He tasted of excitement. Arousal. Wickedness. And she was utterly intoxicated.

Unable to prevent it, she sighed into his mouth and he responded instantly, moving the hand that wasn’t caressing her
hip to the nape of her neck, sliding his fingers through her hair and angling her head to deepen the kiss. And then he was back in control, claiming possession of her mouth, her lips, her senses.

She clutched at the back of the seat for support with one hand and curled the other into a fist, digging her nails into her palm in a desperate attempt to focus on something other than the desire clawing at her stomach. But at the devastation he was wreaking on her, at the mercy of such exquisite need, she didn’t stand a chance. She groaned and leaned into him, and then Will was hauling her onto his lap, pulling her closer and anchoring her against him as he devoured her mouth.

Bella twisted slightly so that her torso was plastered against his, wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her mind go blank. All that existed was the two of them on the back seat of his car and the scorching heat they seemed to generate.

He broke away and slid his mouth along her jaw to her ear. ‘This was just supposed to be a kiss,’ he whispered raggedly.

‘It still is.’ And as long as it stayed that way she’d be fine.

‘You think?’ The warmth of his breath on her skin made tiny shivers scuttle all over her.


‘So stop me,’ he muttered, tugging at the tie that secured her dress so that it loosened enough for him to slip a hand beneath the flimsy fabric to find her breast.

Bella gasped as his hand cupped her there and his thumb brushed over her nipple. ‘In a minute.’

‘In a minute you might not be able to,’ he said, dropping a trail of searing kisses down her neck and over the slope of her chest. He pulled aside the lace of her bra and took her nipple in his mouth and Bella bit her lip as a million tiny electric shocks shot through her veins.

And it was all too much. The feel of his body hard against hers and the wet heat of his mouth devastating her senses. The
sizzling of her skin from where he’d kissed it. The scent of him winding up her nose and the rocking motion of the car. The way he’d been utterly impervious to her stroppiness and the confident ease with which he’d been prepared to apologise. And the fact that despite all earlier appearances to the contrary he seemed to want her as much as she wanted him.

God, it was all much too much. She wanted him to touch her everywhere. Needed him to touch her everywhere. ‘In a minute I might not want you to,’ she said hoarsely, somewhere in the depths of her mind thinking she must be mad but too far gone to care.

And then as lust began to pound through her Bella gave up thinking and gave in to instinct. She threaded her fingers through his hair and dragged his head up. Their mouths met and a shower of sparks darted through her as his tongue delved between her parted lips and tangled with hers.

Her hips twitched and she tilted them closer. When she felt the hard length of his erection press into her she moaned and the kiss spiralled out of control in seconds. The back of the car filled with her breathy groans and Will’s ragged pants and the sounds made her excitement rocket.

He put his hands on her knees and slid them beneath her coat, beneath her dress and up her thighs and Bella shivered.

Until he stopped, jerked back and muttered a low oath.

‘What?’ she said, pushing her hair back and dragging in a ragged breath.


‘Is that a problem?’

‘I didn’t think of stockings,’ he muttered.


Colour slashed along his cheekbones. ‘Nothing.’

Will made an aim for her mouth but she moved back out of reach and tilted her head. ‘Tell me.’ He might not have been thinking about stockings but he’d definitely been thinking
about something else involving her in this kind of a scenario, and the knowledge unravelled what was left of her brain.

He gave her a smile that she could feel right in the marrow of her bones, while his fingers continued to create havoc on the bare flesh of her upper thighs. ‘On the way to the bank I imagined you doing this.’

Bella’s eyes widened. ‘You did?’


‘But you were on the phone.’

He arched an eyebrow. ‘Why do you think I was on the phone?’

She blinked. He’d felt it too? Way back then? So she hadn’t imagined that flicker of desire in his eye when she’d stumbled …

The realisation that he’d been thinking about this as much as she had made her brain start up again and absorb this revelation. Her pulse leapt. All relationships had to start somewhere, didn’t they? And yes, maybe dinner, a date or two, was the conventional method, but where had conventionality got her? Higher up the shelf, that was where. Her heart began to hammer as a thrilling notion planted itself in her head and took root. She’d done demure and sensible, and she was
single so why not throw caution to the wind, locate her inner vixen and start with sex? She couldn’t end up any worse off, could she?

‘So you imagined me like this?’ She arched her back and gazed down at him.

Will nodded, his eyes glazing over. ‘I did.’

‘What else was I doing?’

‘Writhing,’ he muttered. ‘You were writhing.’

Writhing she could do. ‘Like this?’ she said, rotating her hips and rubbing her breasts against his chest.

‘Exactly like that,’ he said hoarsely.

‘Anything else?’

‘You don’t want to know.’

‘Maybe I do.’ And, heaven help her, it was true. She was burning up. Everything inside her had melted into a boiling quivering mass of need and she couldn’t back out now even if she’d wanted to.

‘Are you sure?’ Will’s hand moved higher.

‘Absolutely.’ She bit her lip as a thought popped into her head. ‘Bob?’



‘You can scream if you like and no one would hear you but me.’

Ignoring the little voice in her head that wondered how he knew a thing like that, Bella lowered her head and gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile. ‘Make me.’

His body churning and aching with need, Will stared at Bella and wondered how he could have got her so wrong.

Someone who wanted the whole relationship works, the whole ‘for ever’ nightmare, would never sit astride a man she’d only just met, give him a smouldering smile and basically order him to ravish her, would she?

No, a woman with a long-term relationship on her mind would be scrambling for the door handle and tumbling out of the car in her haste to escape. And Bella definitely wasn’t showing any signs of wanting to escape. Instead she’d ensnared him with her body, her scent and her devastating mouth until he’d begun to feel as if he was the one who was unable to escape.

And why would he want to? Bella was a woman who knew what she wanted and was clearly as much in favour of no-strings sex as he was.

So why was he bothering to analyse a hurdle that clearly didn’t exist? Why was he contemplating his principles when
he had a gorgeous sexy woman wriggling in his lap and inviting him to make her scream? Was he nuts?

Shutting down his brain, Will concentrated on the feel of her against him, the warmth of her skin beneath his fingers and the smouldering heat in her eyes.

He slid his hands higher up her thighs, felt her tremble, planted his hands on her bottom and pulled her tight against him. Catching her mouth with his, he swallowed her gasp of shocked delight and tilted his hips. He felt her moan into his mouth and moved one hand round to slip beneath her knickers. Her fingers locked themselves in his hair and she arched her back against him.

He could feel her heat, her need. She was so wet, so slippery, so ready for him, that he didn’t think he could stand it much longer. When he slid a finger deep inside her she let out a muffled ragged groan. He felt her muscles clench around his finger and heard her catch her breath as his thumb found her clitoris.

He rubbed and stroked and she shuddered. She ground herself against him as their mouths fused, teeth clashing, the ache inside him becoming almost unbearable.

And then she was dragging her mouth from his, leaning over to rummage around in her handbag with one hand, and fumbling with his belt with the other.

‘Women really are good at multitasking,’ Will said hoarsely, trying to focus on something other than the way every one of his senses was filled with her.

‘You’re not doing too badly,’ she muttered, shivering as she pulled a condom out of her bag and ripped it open with her teeth.

Having unbuckled his belt, she undid the buttons of his fly, slid her hand beneath his shorts and freed him. The touch of her fingers on him blew his mind and as she deftly rolled the
condom onto him Will had to bite down hard on his tongue to stop himself climaxing right then.

Staring into his eyes, she lifted her hips and as his fingers slipped from her he pulled her knickers to one side and then finally she lowered herself onto him, taking him in inch by incredible inch.

At the white hot lust that thundered through him, Will set his jaw and fought for control. But then she was sinking down hard, sighing and rocking back and forth, and he thought—as much as he could think—that he’d never seen anything so arousing. They were both still fully clothed yet were as tightly joined as it was possible to be.

Will tugged her head down to his and captured her mouth with his. His heart hammered as she whimpered and then began kissing him back as fiercely as he was kissing her, and a tight coil of heat began to build deep inside him.

She moved up and down him and as he met her increasingly frantic thrusts his mind went blank. All he was aware of was the agonisingly delicious tension gripping his muscles.

And then somewhere through the thick hot fog in his head, he heard her cry out. He felt her tense, arch her back and then shatter and convulse around him and he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. Pulling her down and thrusting up hard, Will buried himself as deep as he could and, with a groan that tore from his throat, hurtled into oblivion.

How long they stayed like that, with his arms around her and her head on his shoulder, Will had no idea. Was it seconds? Minutes? Hours? However long it was, it was long enough for them to have pulled up outside her shop.

‘We should do this again,’ he muttered hoarsely, his hands stroking up and down her thighs.

‘I’d like that.’

‘But properly. How about dinner?’ he said, thinking that
dinner—with Bella for dessert—was once more a most excellent idea.

She raised her head and gave him a wide satisfied smile as she lifted herself off him, ran her hands through her hair and fixed her clothing. ‘Dinner would be nice,’ she said, her voice so gravelly and satiated that Will wanted to yank her back down and make her fracture in his arms all over again.

Silently cursing the fact that he’d promised Caroline he’d sort out the mess she’d got herself into this evening, Will shoved his hands through his hair and put himself back together. ‘Are you free on Saturday?’

‘I probably shouldn’t admit it but I do believe I am.’

‘Then I’ll pick you up at eight.’


Twisting round, she reached for the door handle. Unable to resist, Will pulled her back into his arms and slammed his mouth down on hers. The kiss barely lasted a second, but it was so hot and hard and electric that when he broke it off he was breathing as raggedly as she was and his heart was thundering. ‘Goodnight,’ he murmured, wondering how the hell he was going to be able to wait until Saturday.

‘Goodnight,’ she said, flashing him a blinding smile before opening the door and disappearing into the night.

Bella closed the door to her flat above her shop and sagged against it, her legs no longer able to hold her up.

Had she really just done what she thought she’d just done?

While her brain made a stab at railing against the idea that she’d had sex with someone she’d only just met, her body assured her that she most definitely had. And how. God, and how.

She’d known sex with Will was going to be good, but she’d never imagined it was going to be that explosive. When she’d taken him inside her she’d nearly passed out with delirium.

All control had fled and she’d let her body do what it wanted and sweep her away with the flow. And what a fantastic idea that had been.

She’d never imagined it was going to be that addictive either. But the minute she’d lifted herself off him, she’d wanted to sink back down onto him and ask him to tell Bob to go round the block a few times. When Will had given her that scorching goodbye kiss, she’d had to dash off before she could grab him by the lapels and drag him into her flat with her.

Even now, her body still tingling and twitching with the aftershocks of her orgasm, the pulse between her legs throbbed and ached, desperate for more of him. She’d never known need like it.

And now she had to wait two days before she’d be able to satisfy the craving. Bella let out a tiny groan. Agh. Two whole days. Two whole nights. Forty-eight hours. How on earth would she manage?

Summoning strength to her limbs, she hauled herself to her feet and wandered into the kitchen, dazed and confused by the heady way she was feeling.

Who exactly was this man who’d dazzled her, bewildered her and had her throwing caution to the wind and thinking about sex to the exclusion of all else? she wondered, opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of wine.

She pulled the cork out, plucked a wine glass from the cupboard and poured herself a healthy measure.

Phoebe would know, but she could hardly call her, could she? Phoebe would want to know all the details of how they’d met and how it had panned out, and Bella wasn’t sure she was up to dissecting what had happened just yet. Besides, Phoebe would probably tell Alex, who would probably mention something to Will, and Bella certainly didn’t want
knowing she’d been asking about him.

And yes, she supposed she’d find out more about him
at dinner on Saturday, but frankly she couldn’t wait until Saturday. She wanted to know now.

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