Scandal Exposed (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #4)

BOOK: Scandal Exposed (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #4)
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Copyright © 2015 by Nova Raines

Editing by Erynn Newman

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

NoMi Press

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Scandal Exposed (
The Lust List
: Kaidan Stone)/ Nova Raines—1st ed.

The Lust List

by Nova Raines and Mira Bailee

The Lust List
: Kaidan Stone by Nova Raines

One Condition (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #1)

Tangled Trust (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #2)

Stolen Desire (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #3)

Scandal Exposed (The Lust List: Kaidan Stone #4)

The Lust List
: Devon Stone by Mira Bailee

First Taste (The Lust List: Devon Stone #1)

Second Chances (The Lust List: Devon Stone #2)

Third Degree (The Lust List Devon Stone #3)

Four-Letter Words (The Lust List: Devon Stone #4)

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I’m a classic Hollywood cliché: the messed up daughter of a tragic A-List couple. A legendary actress dies of an overdose. Her famous rock star husband fucks the town and drowns his sorrow in alcohol, coke, and strippers. The drugs eventually take him down the same way they destroyed his wife.

Usually the story ends there, with a footnote about how the couple’s children ruined their own lives. Bad genes. Bad luck.

There’s something satisfying about watching the lucky fall. It’s proof they’re no better than you and not worth envying. Or maybe it’s just like witnessing a car wreck and being glad it isn’t you.

But… it
me. I’m that story. Except mine ends with a diamond heist and possibly real jail time.

I just committed grand larceny to save my brother from the drug dealers my father did business with. If my dad wasn’t dead, I might kill him myself for putting us through this. My parents destroyed our family. Their choices fucked me up, and now their choices might end in my brother’s death. These thugs have kidnapped him and will do far worse if I don’t pay them what my dad owed.

I’m speeding to my lawyer’s office, and the diamond is in my purse beside me. Since it’s a weekend, only a few people are working, and my lawyer’s not one of them. But the receptionist says I can schedule an emergency appointment with another lawyer in the firm. My dad put just one condition into his will: I had to get back the diamond he gave pop star Serena Lynn, and then I could have my inheritance. Now I need that money

Everything has gone to total shit. I don’t understand what just happened back at the Stone mansion. One minute I’m certain I’m about to be arrested for grand larceny, and the next, the man I’m in love with is being taken in by the FBI for embezzlement.

What the fuck is wrong with me? How did I miss it? I mean I knew
was up with Kaidan… all the phone calls, all the long hours at work. Thinking about him getting arrested nearly sends me into another panic attack, so I force the thoughts down.

I can’t go there right now. I have to stay focused. I can only control one thing, and that’s getting the money to Luis and freeing my brother.

That’s all that matters.

The paps are out in full force, like usual, in front of the law firm. I don’t have any on my tail right now, and I’d like to keep it that way. So I continue driving past the main entrance and park a block behind the law office.

The giant lump in my throat threatens to choke me as I grab my purse and sunglasses and get out of my Mercedes. Keeping my head low, I walk the street behind the office to sneak in through the back where the dumpster is.

The gate swings open for me. The door’s locked, but I call the office and tell the secretary I‘m waiting at the back entrance. She looks just as stressed out as I am as she lets me in.

I immediately get why. There are FBI agents in the hallway standing outside Kaidan’s office door. They look at me suspiciously as I pass them, and my palms grow damp on my purse.

I’m hyperaware of the bulge in the side of it, the enormous gem hidden there. Oh my God, are they the same agents who just saw me at the mansion? No. No they couldn’t be here that fast. I just really need to get my money and get the hell out of here.

The receptionist takes me to a different office than I usually go to, and I sink into the thickly upholstered chair and tap my foot impatiently, squeezing my purse tight in my hands.

Then my heart seizes. What the hell am I doing? I can’t just hand over the diamond to someone who isn’t even my lawyer. And not with the FBI
the building.

I get up to leave, but then the lawyer walks in. She’s a harried-looking, middle-aged woman who seems really annoyed that I’m bothering her today.

She sits down in the chair across the desk from me and slides me some papers. “Good morning, Miss Wade. My name is Jillian. I’ll need you to sign these so I can access your information and discuss your concerns today.”

I hurry up and sign them, aware every second of the giant stolen diamond poking out of my bag. My chest is so tight, I’m afraid I’ll start hyperventilating any minute now.

“I want my inheritance released to me. Today.”

“Well, uh. It
a weekend. But let me see.” Jillian pulls up my account, brows furrowed. Her face pales. “Did you know… your investments…” she trails off, eyes wide.

I lean forward, gripping the armrests of the chair, dread eating a hole in my stomach. “What is it?”

“Miss Wade. The investments… all the money is gone.”

My pulse is a dull roar in my ears as I stare at Jillian, uncomprehending. “What do you mean? When? How?”

“Two weeks ago. You signed off on it when you came in to see Mr. Nordstrom.”

I feel numb with shock. “How is this possible? Where did it go? You have to get it back!”

“It’s gone… lost on a bad investment. I’m so sorry.”

Kaidan was just arrested for embezzlement. And my money is gone. Did Kaidan… No. No I can’t even think it. Or say it. My empty stomach threatens to eject the bile burning a hole in it as I stare at Jillian, not sure what to do next. I committed theft for this, and the proof is in my purse. It was all for nothing.

I’m broke. For real. Everything my dad saved is

I have to get out of here. I stumble to my feet. “I must have misunderstood. Thank you.”

I get out of there fast and keep my head down as I hurry past the FBI guys. The second I’m back outside, tears start streaming down my face.

The scent of rotten trash from the dumpster turns my stomach even more, and I very nearly collapse right there.

My inheritance.


I thought it couldn’t get worse. But it always does.

I wipe away my tears as I exit to the street, and I jog to my car. When I’m inside, I realize my phone’s vibrating.

Hands shaking, I tear it from the bag.
Unknown Caller.


“Hayley?” a man with a thick Hispanic accent asks.


“Do you have my money?”

“Yes,” I lie, trying to keep the shaking out of my voice. “Where’s Rowan?”

“You know we can make people disappear. Try
, and we will. No cops. No tricks. Just the money.”

“I have it. Where is my brother?”

The man shoots off an address and hangs up.

I recite the address over and over as I enter it into my phone. My GPS brings up the directions. They have Rowan in a bad part of town… and I have to show up without the money I promised.

I’m so fucked. My only hope is the cops. But by stealing the diamond, I’ve made it so I
go to them.

I start my car and head toward the address. My mind works out a new plan. I may not have money, but I do have payment. I just hope they’ll take it in exchange for Rowan’s release.

The address brings me to a warehouse district on the outskirts of the city. There’s no one walking the streets out here. After a few turns, I don’t see any people and only a few parked cars.

I take deep, even breaths and clear my mind. No panic attacks this time. Step One: Get my brother back.

And that’s the only step I need to think about.

I park alongside the warehouse they’ve directed me to and get out of the car. Adrenaline floods me, giving me a burst of energy. I hold my head high and stride for the door. Luis’s Beefy henchman, Carlos, walks out before I reach it.

“Ms. Wade,” he says, and holds the door open for me like he’s a fucking doorman at a nice hotel.

I ignore him and walk inside. There’s real fear coursing through me, but I’m determined not to let them see it this time. My flats squeak against the concrete floor as I follow Carlos down a wide hallway.

Low voices echo toward us from the very end of it, then a deep male laugh, but Carlos doesn’t lead us there. Instead, he stops at the second metal door and opens it. He shoves me through the doorway, locking it behind me.

Luis sits at a cheap metal desk, counting stacks of bills. A surge of anger whips through me, suppressing my fear further. This asshole has been stalking me for weeks, ruining my life. I hate him. One of his eyes is half swollen shut, like he recently got in a fist fight, and that image deeply satisfies me.

But when he grabs his gun off the desk and stands, my anger fades back into fear. He’s trying to intimidate me and throw me off my guard.

“Where’s my brother?” I ask through gritted teeth.

“He’s in the other room. Where’s the cash?”

“In a safe place. I want to see my brother first.”

He glares at me, his hand sliding along his gun, and I glare back without flinching. He finally nods and shoves past me to get to the door.

I just stand straighter, never looking away from him.

Luis opens the door a crack. “Bring him in.”

It opens all the way, and Carlos shoves my brother through. Rowan has a black eye to match Luis’s. His clothes are dirty, and his hair is messed up, but his green eyes are alert. He’s also extremely pissed off. His eyes widen when he sees me.

“Hay, no—”

“Shut up.” Carlos slams the gun against Rowan’s head, making it snap backward, and I gasp.

Rowan grunts from the pain but doesn’t make another sound as a trickle of blood runs down his cheek.

I’m horrified and shaken, but I don’t move a muscle and don’t say a word. My heart’s beating faster than a hummingbird’s, but I’m not showing them my fear. That’s what they get off on. That’s how they’ll know I’ll do whatever they ask to free my brother. Nothing has ever had me this scared. But nothing has ever pissed me off this much, either.

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