Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 (24 page)

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The Celtic druids revered the green world around them. Through generations of meditation and study of the trees and plants that surrounded them, they accumulated a wealth of medicinal and magical lore. They lived entrenched in nature and over time created an alphabet symbolized by trees. This alphabet is named Ogham (silent g - pronounced ohm) and was the means of communicating with one another and a means of encoding directions when a gathering was due to take place.

There are two Ogham alphabets, the first comes from The Pheryllt (which distinguishes between common ogham and religious ogham) and then another newer one which was established in 400 BC by the Cad Goddeu - (which was a newer Irish order).

The Celtic druid divided the trees into categories being chieftains, peasants, shrubs, and brambles. Through this hierarchy system some trees were considered superior to others because of the characteristics of these trees. The druids found that certain trees had characteristics that could also be compared to human nature and thus the Celtic tree zodiac was established.

The Druids were keen followers of astronomy and astrology and dedicated trees to each portion of the year as the night sky changed, using the trees that best symbolized the time of year and the characteristics that were present in humans born in that cycle.

All trees were seen as special beings because they bridged heaven and earth. With their roots deep in the earth and their branches high in the air. Trees personified “as above, so below”. Certain trees attract certain types of people, and the right tree for you would make itself felt.


Beith / Birch

December 24 - January 20


Birch trees are monoecious (meaning they have both male and female flowers). This insight helps us to understand how Birch people are so independent.

They can accomplish anything without the support of others. They are quite happy to forge forward on their own without interference. The word that best describes the Birch personality is workaholic. They are usually the most successful person in their family and circle of friends.

A Birch person has the ambition and the stamina to attain all goals once they have set their determined minds to the task. They can be incredibly patient when it comes to achieving their goals. When their mind is set, they can be unwaveringly persistent.

This is said of the birch tree too. They are considered pioneering trees, surviving in the most adverse conditions and prospering (by growing into stands and forests). It is believed that the birch tree would be the first tree to emerge after an ice age. What an insight into the single minded determination of the Birch person. And not unlike the botanical birch,

Birch people soon surround themselves with friends, hangers on and followers. However even these followers will prosper just as the roots of the birch tree feed and nourish and give rise to many varieties of fungi, the followers of the Birch person will flourish in every venture they embark on with that Birch person.

It is worth noting that the birch tree prefers well drained drier soils. This is yet another insight into the Birch person. Birch people do not enjoy having clingy (clay soil), needy friends or mates. They prefer to have relations with a person who lets them breathe. If you are holding them down and suffocating (water logged roots) them (not enough soil drainage) then they shall move on.

The birch tree grows to a height of approximately thirty meters in the Scottish forests. These people walk tall and can see their futures spread out before them. For this reason they need people who let them breathe. Their sights are set on those goals, they are regal in manner, because they can see over the heads of their friends (taller than the trees they surround themselves with).

Birch people generally have limitless energy which they channel into work and play. This tree sign works hard and plays hard. Nothing that they do is frivolous, all energy is channelled toward a goal, whether it be personal or career oriented. Because of this drive they do not suffer fools lightly. They work themselves hard and expect nothing less from those around them. The birch tree is the first tree in the ogham alphabet. It is this leadership quality in the birch tree, and its importance as a pioneer tree, that has Birch people considered hard workers and developers or pioneers of new ideas and companies.

The Birch sense of humor can border on sarcasm and is often misunderstood. The striking bark of the birch tree reflects their bright intellect. They are witty and quick minded, retorting faster than most other’s can grasp their wit. You will either love their humor, or be offended by it.

One thing is for certain, inviting a Birch person to a gathering will ensure success. They tend to quietly dominate social situations and will have all laughing and snickering due to their humor.

Although they are mostly successful in all that they do, they are not prone to bragging. Who they are, what they do and how they hold themselves is enough. They hold themselves with confidence and authority. They are undaunted when confronted by “lesser” individuals and stand their ground.

They are so like their botanical counterparts that it is uncanny. The birch tree grows fairly tall and straight. It has a striking appearance and the Birch person will often have a striking feature. Magnetic eyes, or a contagious laugh. And not unlike the birch tree in the woods, Birch people attract the best looking mate of the opposite sex. It is very seldom that a Birch person will have an unattractive lover. In the forest birch trees attract colorful moths, red deer and many beautiful birds. All of which feed on it. In birch forests the ground is scattered with primroses, violets, blueberries, hyacinths, bluebells and anemones. So it is not surprising that the most fragrant and attractive of the opposite sex are drawn to the Birch person.

Steadfast and never spontaneous, the Birch person does not rush into marriage or partnerships. They tend to get married later in life. Their reasons for this being numerous. Partly because they see themselves as a rare commodity, and only look for partnership once they have accumulated a fair amount of wealth, and secondly, it is hard for them to find a partner they can trust.

They unfortunately do tend to doubt the sincerity and motivation of other’s and shall test the waters constantly. The Birch person has a tendency to “test” friendships and loyalty regularly. They have a very clear vision of their own future and what they do and don’t like. The perfect partner for them shall have to adjust to the Birch routine, not the other way around.

Just as the birch tree is the first tree, Birch people are leaders and expect everyone in their lives to follow. They do not appreciate being challenged or a mate that tries to lead. They are natural leaders and prefer to head the team rather than be a part of the team. They can occasionally be frugal, but will not hesitate on spending lavishly when they think they deserve it. Birch people tend to have expensive taste and when purchasing anything at all, shall choose the best that they can afford.

As outgoing as the Birch personality seems to be they are intensely private people. What they truly think and feel is seldom revealed unless you are a friend of long standing. If you betray a Birch, you shall never recover the relationship. They do not forgive betrayal, ever. If you are in their good graces, know that it is fragile (like the birch of the woods, all Birch relationships are symbiotic, never parasitic). However if you have proven yourself to be loyal and trustworthy to the Birch, then a better friend you’d be hard pressed to find.

It goes without saying that the Birch person respects and expects honesty at all times. Just as the grain of the birch tree is straight, so too are Birch personalities. Whatever needs to be said it must be straight up, truthful, no embellishments. An out of balance Birch personality can be pessimistic and cynical.

Although, most often the Birch person feels little sympathy for weak minded or foolish individuals, they can be as tough and heavy as their botanical namesake. Birch wood is a heavy wood that is used to make furniture that needs to endure much handling and use. The Birch person is just as enduring, and being criticized leaves little or no impression on them.

The Birch sign holds the seeds of all potential life and when reviewing the personality of this sign, we can see why. They are the King Midas of the zodiac. It would seem that whatever they touch turns to gold. Bringing forth all potential from themselves, their ventures and their friends.



January 21 - February 17


The rowan tree is most commonly found growing in altitudes upward of 1000 meters. These beautiful smooth barked trees can often be found on cliffs and rocky outcrops. This high altitude and out of reach aspect of the rowan is identical to the Rowan personality.

The Rowan person is highly intellectual and often does not realise that they are speaking out of the range of a normal person’s perception (over their heads). The terminology they use and the easily grasped understanding of complex ideas often leaves the people around the Rowan floundering, totally at a loss. Because the Rowan personality has their intellect flying high above the common ground level dweller, they can become frustrated with individuals whom cannot grasp what is so obvious to themselves. They forget that from their vantage point, the bigger picture is easily gleaned, yet the people around them might be at ground / forest level and cannot appreciate the broader view that the Rowan person takes for granted.

It is this magical “far sighted” aspect of the rowan tree that made it the perfect oracle / divination tool for the druidic rune system. All runes were originally carved from rowan wood at great peril to the carver, for it is believed to be a fatal sin to cut the wood of the rowan tree. It was best to wait for the rowan tree to drop its wood instead of taking from the tree. The Rowan person similarly often has a knack of perceiving the future. Great at predicting the weather and the stock market. They easily understand symbols (like the runes) and can be drawn into careers where symbols are dominant. From great mathematicians, archaeologists, scientists and astrologers the Rowan nature embodies them all.

Similarly the rowan tree can produce multiple trunks due to the fact that red deer love to graze on them, thus causing multiple basal shoots. This aspect of the Rowan person demonstrates how easily they can branch off into different areas and prosper (soaring high in each and every career path). It also is the perfect metaphor for the inquiring mind of the Rowan person. They have many interests and will grasp each at its highest point, thereby understanding the whole.

As mentioned before it is a sin to take from the rowan tree. The Rowan personality does not like dependency and relationships where they feel that others are just taking from them without giving anything back. The Rowan person prefers to be treated with respect (preferably awe) and reverence. They also prefer taking the initiative (dropping a branch) in relationships, playing all games of life on their own terms.

Because in nature the rowan tree is the tree always found at the highest point, Rowan personalities can be perfectionist in nature. They expect from themselves to be at the top of their game. They give the very best of themselves and expect to come first in everything that they do. Just as first place is always awarded on the highest step, this is the Rowan’s approach to life. They expect from themselves to be at that point constantly, and so rarely give themselves time to rest or train before driving themselves to the next highest point. Whether it be personal or career related, the Rowan person expects to be the best out of the circle that they know. Anything less leaves them extremely self critical and grumpy.

Because the Rowan tree grows at such high altitudes where the air is always cool, so too can the Rowan person’s exterior seem cool and distant. Giving little away (good poker players) the Rowan person plays all situations “cool”. If meeting a Rowan personality for the first time you might think that they do not have emotions, because they reveal so little of what’s under the surface. This cool smooth exterior of the rowan bark cleverly conceals the fruitfulness of the Rowan mind and personality.

The rowan tree might seem cool, but underneath the surface it’s getting ready to burst into heady perfumed flowers that will turn into blood red berries. And this is what happens when the Rowan person has decided that you’re worthy of their attention. Suddenly you are charmed and honored by the display of the flowering Rowan characteristics. Rowan people can be very charming and like the heady aroma of their flowers, you can become giddy with the overpowering display of charm and talent. But take not from the Rowan person in relationships, let them come to you and open up to you, then ensure that you show due appreciation for everything they do for you and you shall have a happy flowering, fruiting Rowan in your life.

Similarly the fruiting rowan tree feeds all manner of forest dweller, from the deer and birds to the beetles and the moths. Once your Rowan person has had enough security and love to fruit, they make reliable and trustworthy providers. They shall never let their family go hungry. Not intellectually or physically.

However the blood red fruiting berry holds a sacred symbol. On the berry is a perfect five sided star. Similarly this magical aspect can leave many an individual totally enchanted after having eaten of the fruit of the Rowan person. Having intimate relations with a Rowan person can leave its mark and the Rowan person can become annoyed with the “star” struck, enchanted followers that crave that connection once again.

This star on the rowan berry is why the rowan tree was considered to protect from enchantment and magic. Similarly many Rowan people have an inherent knowledge of how to protect themselves and others from psychic or magical attacks.

In the wild it can take up to two years for the rowan seed to germinate. Similarly the Rowan person thinks long and hard before taking a new direction in life. They shall ponder each aspect in depth and then repeat it all again until they are perfectly satisfied that they have the ideal conditions for starting a new venture. When the rowan tree has decided it will grow, it is a fast growing tree. Rowan people mimic their namesake and when having decided to take on a new project, or follow a new path, they do so with enthusiasm and drive. They grow quickly in their new direction and establish themselves in very little time.

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