Read Scarlet Woman Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

Scarlet Woman (3 page)

BOOK: Scarlet Woman
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“You won’t need them.” When she opened her mouth to argue, Saber paused to kiss her, tempted by the sexy curve of her bottom lip. Just one quick taste—enough to make them both crazy. Minutes later, he put her down. They were further away from the marquee and possible interruptions. The hoot of a morepork drowned out the band, and when the echo of the lonely cry died, only silence remained. A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves. They responded with a placid song, a serenade for the sensual dance to come. Jo slid down his body, arching against him with a sound that reminded him of a contented purr. Apt. Very apt.

Saber buried his face against the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. Without warning, the ripple of awareness preceding the shift to cat slid seductively across his skin. Goose bumps prickled. A faint glow emanated from his hands. He hissed in alarm and fought, gritting his teeth. Fighting the change with everything he had. Panting.

“Are you all right?”


Shelley Munro

Shit, this had never happened before. His father hadn’t mentioned the strange phenomenon when they’d had
sex talk. Their Uncle Herbert, who’d taken on the guardian role after his parents’ death, hadn’t discussed the oddity either. Maybe it was something peculiar to him? Saber gritted his teeth, resisting the shift toward feline with all his might. He inhaled sharply, struggling to remain in control, to remain in his human form. Pity Uncle Herbert wasn’t there to offer advice—the elderly man had passed away two winters ago. Exhaling slowly, he kissed and nibbled at the soft skin beneath her ear while he wondered what to do. There wasn’t anyone else to ask, not without suffering an incredible amount of embarrassment. “Turn around,” he ordered, trying to hide his panic. “Put your hands against the tree.”


So you can’t see me.
“I want to touch your ass. Besides, this will be easier. I don’t want to get grass stains on your dress.”
And I want to take you in the traditional way from
, he added silently, every particle of him wanting to dominate, to seize her by the scruff of the neck and exert his power. He wanted to mark her with his scent, his teeth, and make sure no other male dared to approach his woman. Because she belonged to him, whether she knew it or not. It was just a matter of time…

“Oh.” Uncertainty shaded her reply but to his relief, she followed his order, turning her back to him and placing her hands palm down on the tree trunk. Saber wasted no time, not wanting her to change her mind. He slid his hands beneath the short red dress. Warm skin. Temptation. His skin prickled all over again, and when he slid his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties, a fine tremor swept through him. Saber tested her readiness, dipping his fingers beneath the crotch of her panties. She was wet for him, he realized with relief. As ready for this as he was. He could hurry the process and stop the surge of feline genes. Or not. The temptation to hover in between pulled at his willpower. It would be so good fucking her with his feline senses engaged. Slowly, he trailed his fingers the length of her cleft, stopping just short of her clit.


Scarlet Woman

Jo cried out, gripping the trunk tightly. “Don’t tease me. Please.” Like a tree in a fierce storm, her slender form shook violently.

Intrigued, Saber repeated the move before yanking at her panties. The flimsy lace tore and he tossed them aside, leaving her bare and accessible to his touch. A feral grin spread and with it, his canines lengthened.

“Bend forward a little more,” he ordered, cupping her bottom. Beautiful, firm globes filled his hands. He swallowed, forcing aside his urge to bite, to mark her as his own and let their enzymes mingle to seal the bond. It was too soon, and she wouldn’t understand. The human woman needed wooing… He made do with licking carefully, running his tongue across the firm, fragrant flesh and delving between her legs, pushing the tip of one finger into her pussy.

Her back arched and she pushed her butt back, driving his finger deeper into her clinging womb. “I want to touch you,” she protested. “Kiss you. I want you to touch my breasts with your mouth.”

“Soon,” Saber promised, biting back a chuckle. Demanding wee thing. “You want me to touch your breasts?”

“Yes. Please. And you could bite me,” she added in a thick voice. “I think I’d like that.”

“That could be arranged, kitten.” He’d love to bite her. In fact, his feline genes demanded he do a little biting. But he didn’t think she was ready for a display of his feline preferences, despite her verbal urging. Or the sharpness of his teeth. Instead, Saber played, testing his willpower. Part of him wished they’d taken the time to find a bed so he could unwrap her like a parcel and kiss each luscious body part revealed. He ran the tip of his finger across her clit in a brief, teasing foray, intending to give her what she wanted. Soon. Another circling pass of his finger around her swollen flesh brought a gasp. She trembled. Her soft cry of pleasure filled the evening. 19

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Saber’s breathing quickened. His balls tightened until they ached. Increasingly urgent hunger forced him to hurry. She was tight but so wet for him already. They’d barely started. It was going to be good between them. He knew it.

“So sweet,” he murmured. Teasing her slippery folds nudged his need higher. The deep sound he issued was throaty. Close to a dull roar and when he glanced down, he saw his forearms were more densely furred than normal. God, his change was out of control. Maybe if he fucked her quickly and gained release, he could stop. No way did he want to change now. He’d scare the life out of her and with the large number of strangers around, someone was bound to witness a black leopard stalking the marquee. With his luck, it would be the reporter, and he’d never hear the end of it from his brothers.

“Touch me again,” she whispered, thrusting her butt against his groin. The pressure of his erection against his trousers became painful. Saber ripped open his fly and let his cock spring free. Thank goodness, he’d dispensed with underwear tonight. Less clothing to remove. He leaned forward and bit the soft skin beneath her ear. Not too hard as to alarm her or draw blood, but enough to give her pleasure along with the nip. Keep her interested. Keep her concentrating on the sex so she wouldn’t think about wanting to see the man who fucked her from behind. He held his erection in his fisted hand and pumped once. A drop of seminal fluid formed at the very tip of his penis. Saber bit her lightly again, reveling in the taste of her—the sexy moan that came from deep in her throat. He wondered what she’d do if he claimed her at the same time, pinning her down and forcing her to submit. God, he wanted to so badly, despite common sense telling him to wait. Stepping close, he dipped slightly, aligning his cock at her entrance.

Jo groaned and pushed back against him in silent demand. Saber let out a snarl and surged deep. Hard and without warning. He squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the feel of her inner walls clinging and clutching at him. Heat, hotter than he’d ever felt before, 20

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scorched him, eroding his restraint. He withdrew until just the tip of his penis rested inside her cunt before plunging deep.

They both groaned.

“Again,” Jo muttered. “Harder.”

“My pleasure.” Saber pushed inside again, gritting his teeth at the tightness. He trembled, wanting to pound into her over and over but held back, not wanting to hurt or scare her despite her demands. He had to be sure.

“I won’t break,” Jo protested. “I need more.” The pleading note in her voice pushed past his restraint.

Saber hammered into her, splaying a hand over her taut stomach to hold her in place. She gripped the tree trunk as hard as her womb gripped his cock. Saber shuddered, helplessly caught in the moment.

The soft murmur of voices jerked him up. Jo froze. They stood listening, both panting and poised on orgasm.

“I saw her come this way. She shouldn’t be alone. She doesn’t know what she’s doing.” The woman sounded as if she was on the verge of panic. Saber hesitated before continuing in an instinctive rhythm, but slower and more quietly. Jo relaxed, moving with him and stoking the need that burned both of them. Then he heard his brother Joe’s voice. “No, I bet they’ve gone for a walk down by the river.”

With his superior eyesight, Saber caught Sly’s wicked grin as he diverted the darkhaired woman away from the copse of trees where Saber stood with Joanna. Silently he thanked his brothers.

“Joe’s right,” Sly murmured. “The ground is very rough this way. They would have walked down the path.”

“If you’re sure,” Maggie said. “My friend has acted very strangely this month. I’m worried about her. She’s not herself.”


Shelley Munro

A whispered curse from Joanna lifted Saber’s brows. A smile quirked his lips as the voices faded away in the opposite direction.

“Make me come. Please make me come before they come back,” Jo pleaded. Saber set up a steady rhythm, each surge and retreat pulling him closer to release. He slipped a finger between her legs and stroked her clit. Jo bucked against him, shuddering violently. Her womb clenched hard, the tiny nubbin spasming beneath the slide of his finger. She gasped, her slim body tensing. Saber thrust deep. Hard. His breath loud to his own ears, his whole world focused on sensation and the way this woman felt in his arms, surrounding and milking his cock in her tight grip. Another thrust and semen exploded from him in a blaze of pleasure. He collapsed against her back, breathing hard, his cock still pulsing. The hovering feline retreated, appeased by his release with Jo. The darkening under his fingernails that indicated the imminent arrival of claws receded, and his skin and teeth appeared normal once again. Saber inhaled deeply, dragging in their combined scents and the fresh Middlemarch air. This was not going to be a one-time-only fling. He wanted more than a night with her. His jaw firmed in determination and he licked the fragrant skin behind her ear. All he had to do was persuade this woman to stay…


Scarlet Woman

Chapter Two

Saber pulled out of her, feeling instantly bereft. He tucked himself back in his trousers and tugged up his zipper. Producing a hanky from his pocket, he handed it to Jo. “Here. Use this.”

“Thanks.” She glanced about them and sashayed over to a small leafy bush. She tugged a pair of red panties free from the leaves and surveyed them with a rueful smile.

“Looks like I’m going without.”

“I’ll buy you some more,” Saber said, pleased with her matter-of-fact acceptance. Most women of his acquaintance would have acted pissed and taken it out on his bank account. “But I’m going to enjoy knowing you’re bare beneath your dress.”

Jo laughed. “I have a bra on.”

“I dare you to take it off.”

“What will you give me in return? Bare skin? Will I get to see your butt? Full frontal sex?”

“Oh, yeah.” Saber gave a big, bad wolf smile. Shit, if he could have her again, he’d promise anything. “A tough assignment, but I’m man enough for the job.”

A gurgle of laughter escaped. “You think?”

“Yeah. Do you want to go back to the dance or would you like to go home with me for a few hours before the train leaves? A soft bed. Comfort. Great sex. What do you think?”

Jo shrugged a red shoestring strap off one shoulder then repeated the move with the other. She flicked the closure of her red bra open, holding his gaze the whole time. The bra lifted away, revealing creamy curves. Silently, she handed it to him, still warm from her body heat. “Yes.”


Shelley Munro

“Yes, what?” Saber heard the hoarse note in his voice as his hand fisted around the lacy bra. He swallowed his apprehension, aware of how important it was to him that she stayed. He’d successfully fought the change, and he hoped his explosive release would prevent a reappearance of the problem. Jo hadn’t noticed a thing, so he was confident he could do it again—should the need arise. Oh, yeah. He definitely wanted her to stay.

Jo laughed as she righted her dress. “I’d better tell Maggie where I’m going then I’m all yours. Oh, and I’ll need my shoes and bag.”

* * * * *

Emily glanced across at Saber, a trace of unease sitting awkwardly in her gut. Equal parts of worry and out-of-control excitement eddied through her. “Are you sure your brother will give Maggie the message?”

Saber took one hand off the wheel and placed it on her knee, squeezing lightly in reassurance. “Felix is reliable. He’ll give her the message. Don’t worry.”

A tension-filled silence fell between them. Emily stared straight through the SUV

windscreen at the pitch-black surroundings. The headlights cut through the immediate darkness, lighting the road. But not one street lamp illuminated the way. It made her wonder if she was making a mistake driving off into the countryside with a relative stranger. Then she thought about the way Saber had made her feel earlier. Feminine. Desirable.


Not like Michael.

She shifted her weight on the seat, her breasts peaking against the silky fabric of her dress. Each little move seemed to make the material drag against her sensitive nipples. She squeezed her eyes shut and allowed her mind to wander. Fantasize. She imagined him removing her dress, unzipping it and letting the red silk fall away from her body. Emily squirmed, almost panting with the need that spiraled 24

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through her veins. Once was not enough. She was desperate to make love with him again, and this time she’d insist on seeing him. She’d lick his lips and work her way down his body, torturing them both. She’d wrap her hands around his cock and feel the power of him beneath her fingers. Then taste. She’d rain kisses the length of his erection before taking him in her mouth and loving him. Emily licked her lips before risking a glance across at Saber. Nothing but his profile was discernable. Yes, she’d suck at his cock and tease him until he climaxed in her mouth. She’d swallow his cum. Emily gave a muffled groan. She felt rather than saw Saber glance at her. Heat stained her cheeks at the thought of the intimate act she’d imagined. Soon she’d make it a reality, and she didn’t think Saber would refuse her overtures. The heat filtered down her body, tugging at her breasts before collecting deep in her womb. The SUV slowed, and Saber turned up a driveway. They jolted through potholes, the gravel crunching beneath the tires. Saber passed one house without slowing and pulled up outside a second, larger, rambling home. He yanked on the handbrake and switched off the ignition, hesitating before opening his door and jumping out. Emily climbed out too, fighting an unwanted attack of nerves. He extended his hand. “Having second thoughts?”

BOOK: Scarlet Woman
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