Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf (2 page)

Read Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf Online

Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #Shifters, #Urban Fantasy, #Paranormal

BOOK: Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf
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Joel grinned, pulled off his military shirt, and kicked off his pants. Once they were both naked, he bent closer and took possession of her lips. Their kiss was endless, their passion igniting.

Sweet sensation consumed her. Her pussy throbbed in anticipation, and her throat dried. Her fingers curled until her nails dug into her palms. Nervous but excited, she relaxed her hand and reached for his cock. It felt hot and hard, and her fingers didn’t quite close around it.

He growled and thrust into her fist.

Her feelings consumed her. This ardor was too much, her need too great. She took quick, shallow breaths as she stared at his high cheekbones and kissable lips. When she looked into his eyes, she thought she’d drown.

There he went with that wolfy growling thing again. He’d never done that before, at least not for her, but she could listen to it all day. Forever maybe. His grin was wicked, lascivious, and…adorable. When he tongued each of her nipples in turn, she whimpered.

He scooted down her body and rasped his tongue over her clit. Delicious friction had her circling her hips and scrunching her fingers in his hair. Her pleasured whimpers made him lick harder.

Another sweep of his tongue, another touch of his lips on her clit, and her first-ever willing orgasm rocked though her. The Elves’ potions had made her writhe and beg, but nothing about drug-induced satisfaction compared to the pleasures Joel showed her. Eyes closed, she felt as though she floated through starry skies. Her toes curled, and her womb clenched as she screamed her satisfaction.

JOEL UNDERSTOOD that Ellie needed slow, careful loving, but both his natural wolf and the primal creature that lived inside him clamored for him to fuck her hard. He half expected her to clamp her thighs together and tell him,
No way.

Instead she’d welcomed him with hungry kisses, pleasured moans, and open legs. Now that he had her naked, he loved how her sweet juices glistened around her clit. His natural wolf, the one similar to the earthly lupine species, yipped and demanded her on all fours as he took her from behind. His primal wolf, the savage, eight-foot beast that lived for the violent destruction of anything that threatened his pack, howled its approval.

Instead he put the power firmly in her hands. “Do you need to be on top?”

She shook her head and wrapped her legs tighter around his thighs. He loved the feel of her bare heels on his flesh. Determined to make this good for her, he massaged her clit with one hand and teased one of her nipples with the other.

Ellie ground her hips against him, trapping his hand as she whispered, “Don’t make me beg. Not after the way the Elves treated me.”

He remembered the night, two years ago, when they’d found her. The Elves had drugged her up with their turn-you-into-a-nymphomaniac potions and left her burning for sexual fulfillment. She’d have done anything, fucked anybody, just to ease her magically induced needs.

Once she’d realized Joel’s cock was staying in his trousers, she’d kicked, scratched and head butted—anything to break free of his platonic hold on her body. Finally she’d screeched abuse like a fishwife, demanding he let her go fuck somebody…anybody.

Instead he’d kept his arms around her, trapping her against his chest as he’d murmured comforting words. Afterward she’d been so ashamed that she’d struggled to look at him or his men. He never wanted her to feel that bad again. He eased his hand from her breasts and took his weight on his elbows. “No begging. Not with me.”

The thrill of the chase still pumped adrenaline though him. A natural-born hunter, he took easily to tracking. He’d captured Ellie, and now this big bad wolf would devour her, and he’d start with her cunt. She was his to fuck. He felt as excited as a randy schoolboy screwing his teenage dream.

She was hot, wet, and surprisingly tight as he inched his cock inside her. When he thrust deeper, her head thrashed, spreading strands of her black hair over the soft green moss.

Ellie looked beautiful, with her lips swollen from his kiss and desire shining in her eyes. How she’d turned into a smoking-hot sex-bomb was beyond him. If he didn’t fuck her hard and fast, he’d die of frustration.

“Yes,” she moaned.

He hungered to suck on her nipples until she writhed and called out his name. Her pussy pulsed around his cock, and her hips writhed, inviting him deeper. He’d meant to take her slowly, but his need overwhelmed him. He surged inside her, filling her completely. Whimpers of pleasure escaped her as she orgasmed again.

His acute Lykae hearing picked up the way her heart beat in rhythm with his. He scented her satisfaction along with her banked-up desires. He’d never known a woman could smell of sea air and hyacinths, but her feminine essence delighted him.

Another thrust, so deep his balls slammed against her cunt, and he felt her pussy clench. Pleasure, hedonistic and joyous, built within him, and he forgot everything except the woman writhing beneath him.

Her pussy fit around his cock like a velvet glove. He could lose himself in a woman as wonderful as her. Pressure built in his cock. He groaned, determined to love her gently, but he knew how Vesuvius felt just minutes before it blew its top and buried Pompeii. Sexual heat flowed through his blood and fogged his brain. He needed. He wanted. And he took.

Ellie moaned, her head thrashing as she came over and over, her hot honey coating his cock. He tensed as orgasm shuddered through him, hot, sweet release that burned and soothed. Sperm shot from his dick. He yelled out in satisfaction, scaring the seagulls as they ventured too close. Some flew up into the abbey ruins while others swooped down toward the fishing boats in the harbor. Finally he and Ellie lay, still connected, each lost in the afterglow of mind-blowing sex.

Eventually Joel stroked her unscarred cheek. “I hear you gave your replacement a cheesecake facial.”

Ellie nodded. “He told
orderlies to throw me out of
kitchen. That was when he thought I was just an Elf. For two years, I’ve heard nothing about Elves except that they’re sadistic and cruel. Their atrocities and the way they treat their women sicken me, but I can’t help that my father was one.”

Joel growled and not in that sexy way he had earlier, seemingly unsure what to say or how to reassure her. The Lykae kept an uneasy peace with the Elves, but they’d all witnessed their handiwork—massacres, rape, and torture—too many times.

She swallowed hard and nodded. “Anyway, when the cook saw my scars, he said looking at me made him feel sick. He actually demanded I leave before I curdled

Claws and fangs extended, Joel sat up abruptly. “Shall I bring you his head?”

Ellie pulled on her uniform and retrieved her military-style pants. “Definitely tempting, but a maybe a little overdone. Besides I don’t want it on my conscience. Do you know what he did when I told him that I’d cooked those cheesecakes? He put his fingers in his mouth and pretended to gag. I’d reached boiling point by then so I shoved one in his face.”

“That’s my girl.” He grinned, but deep inside Joel knew she wasn’t. He’d come after her to haul her back to the otherworld even though her enlistment in the Lykae army was up. He’d intended to see her adopted into his Tundra Toughs pack, and watch over her the way he had for the last two years. Now, thanks to his animal passions and the thrill of the chase, he’d screwed up badly.

He should have kept his grubby paws off her. Even if he persuaded her that her scars didn’t matter, and to him they didn’t, he had to destroy any dreams she harbored of building a new life within his pack.

Chapter Two

Joel was a grown man, the next alpha of the Tundra Toughs pack, and he had a man’s needs. He’d taken plenty of lovers—probably more than most—over his five centuries, but never a woman from his own pack. When he finally took a mate, he wouldn’t shame her by introducing her to a woman he’d already nailed.

A born survivor, Ellie would move eventually, but he’d hurt her. He’d never intended that. To a Lykae, a chase meant flirting and fucking, but he’d known Ellie wanted more. He’d recognized her as special from the moment he’d laid eyes on her, but her Elven heritage disqualified her as mate material.

Sometimes he dreamed about her, but that was just sex…surely? He hated that, thanks to his out-of-control libido, he’d have to cut any ties with her. That meant hurting her again, and he felt sick at the thought. Maybe things would have been different if she’d been born a Lykae.

He needed to man up and tell Ellie that fucking the Tundra Toughs’ next alpha meant she was persona non grata to his pack. Ellie had trusted him, and he was about to betray her. Disgust consumed him. He’d used her body as badly as the Elves.

Stalling, he asked, “Was that cook the reason you ran?”

Ellie shut down. She lay perfectly still, and her face turned into an emotionless mask. Even her eyes lost their sparkle, and when she blinked, Joel thought he spotted a tear hanging on her dark lashes.

Finally she nodded. Her voice came out in a strained whisper. “He showed me how nonmilitary Lykae would look at a freak like me. Your pack hates Elves, and with good reason. They’re a treacherous race that preys on the weak. Even the Fae have allied with Lykae against them, even though physically they look like the same species. Honestly, Joel, your pack will despise me, and you’ll get into fights defending me. Despite what just happened between us, I will never put you in that position.”

A coward would accept that and say nothing, but Joel needed things clear between them even if it hurt them both.

He wished things had been different, but he wouldn’t have missed fucking her for the world.
The best sex I’ve ever had, and now I have to hurt her
. “I’m sorry, Ellie. I won’t sponsor your entry into the Tundra Toughs anymore. Not after… You know, because of what we just did. I mean… Well… Damn it. We need to face facts. My father’s desperate to retire and spend the next few centuries doting on my mother. I can’t introduce a woman I’ve bedded into the pack. I still haven’t taken a wife, but when I do, I can’t flaunt my indiscretions under her nose. I know I shouldn’t have… Look, Ellie, I’m sorry, but…”

Words failed him. Ellie’s smile turned so brittle he thought her cheeks would splinter. She blinked hard, then backed away to fasten her clothes. They dressed in silence that stretched out too long.

Finally she sniffed and told him, “At least we’re agreed that I need to move on. I can’t stay in Whitby, not with all its otherworld connections. I won’t risk the Elves getting hold of me again. Since my most marketable skill is my baking, I plan to move somewhere inland and open a shop.”

Joel tried for a lighter note. “I’ll second that. In fact I’ll pay the set-up costs.”

There. He’d found a way to both help her and keep an eye on her. Mostly, it had been hard, but he’d kept his distance and kept his hands off her. He couldn’t believe they’d just had sex. Not true. They’d just had mind-blowing, amazing sex, but he should have kept his cock to himself.

Ellie tempted him, aroused him, and set his body on fire with longing.
Why didn’t I resist her charms?
When he’d seen the desire reciprocated in her eyes, his common sense deserted him—right along with his self-control. Clearly it had meant more to her than to him, but Lykae women were never shy with their favors.

Sometimes he forgot she was an Elf.

Ellie stiffened and stared out to sea. Her shoulders shook as if she was holding back tears, but he’d just made her a generous offer. Surely she should shake his hand and accept. Instead she gazed vacantly into the distance. He hated that. His brows drew together as he tried to figure out what he’d done wrong—apart from the fact that he’d bedded a woman he’d intended to protect.

Unsure what to say or do, he waited for her to speak. Instead she whirled around, eyes glinting like angry emeralds, her lips narrowed into a thin line. Her slap sent him reeling. Mostly because it took him by surprise.

She spluttered angrily, “Joel Blackheart, you’re a jerk and a user. Keep your payoff for your whores. Just get me out of these grounds and go away.”

He backed off and rubbed his cheek. He’d deserved that slap and more for giving in to his animal urges. And damn, his inner wolves howled for him to fuck her again. He’d hurt and insulted a woman he’d meant to help. His offer to finance her bakery had been genuine. He knew a good investment when he saw it. Elves’ blood, he knew how to woo and fuck women, but with Ellie he’d wanted so much more. She triggered a protectiveness inside him, and he wouldn’t sleep well until he knew her future was secure.

He liked that Ellie saw him as someone heroic, a knight in shining armor. All because two years back he’d led the rescue party that freed her from sex-crazed, sadistic Elves. Not that he’d ever wanted to screw her before. Well, once or maybe twice…but he’d ignored the boner he always sported around her. Instead he’d told himself to treat her like his little sister. Today he’d fucked up in so many ways.

As the Tundra Toughs’ next alpha he should never hurt anyone under his care. After everything Ellie had been through, he hated that he’d used her for sex. Only he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her. She deserved someone a million times better than him. He growled and let his fingers lengthen into claws at the thought.

He’d just rubbed poor Ellie’s nose in her weaknesses and failings. As alpha, he was part father figure, part big brother, and always a strong leader. Alphas had responsibilities, but he’d used her to carve another notch on his already well-decorated bedpost.

His duty was to help her, and after fucking her today, he felt so damn guilty. She was a fine woman, and she’d make someone a good wife. He growled softly when he thought about that. While he couldn’t offer her a future with him or his pack, he needed to watch over her and see she built a good life. Whether she wanted him to or not.

Earlier today, the camp had seemed empty without Ellie supervising the breakfasts. Instead of the warm atmosphere she’d created inside the mess, the place was deserted. It stank of greasy food, and the orderlies had already finished their duties. Ellie had prepared her food with love and served it with a smile. Joel had already heard troopers grousing about the overnight drop in standards.

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