Scent of a Vampire (6 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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Maybe even partake in a bit of hot monkey sex." He wagged his eyebrows at me. He had heard Janel in the lobby earlier tonight! I felt my face turn a hundred shades of red.

"Alexander! Please stop now. You promised you would proceed with caution concerning Ms.


"Never mind all of that. What did you mean when you said the explosion was a diversion? Are there really people after me? Why?"

Roberto raised his eyebrow, "You are a hot commodity Olivia and not just in this room." He gave Alex a look that made me want to take a step back.

"There are those who would like to use you for their misguided agenda. There is a group of people, mostly scientists, some so called religious groups who call themselves the Guardians.

They believe it is their duty to rid the earth of any species they feel threaten the purity of the human race."

"That is crazy. It also sounds a little too close to ethnic cleansing if you ask me. But why do they want me? How could they use me?"

Alex came over to stand by me and take my hand in his,

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"Think about your unique talents babe. How you scented Roberto and I this afternoon. Think about your talents that haven't shown yet, how those things could be used to track down and identify the different species out there. And babe, there are more species than vampires and Sensays." Roberto cleared his throat, "I don't think we need to go into that right now."

God no. I didn't think I could take much more. Why did I have to open my big mouth?

Roberto addressed me with a look of pity. "You need to understand something Olivia; you can't go back to your old life. Somehow they know who you are. They knew you were going to be in town this weekend. They will not let you alone now."

I looked at him and Alex. Alex couldn't look me in the eye; he was focusing on a spot somewhere above my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt numb, like I wasn't in my body anymore. Can't go back? Can't take care of my patients, have dinner with my friends, what about my parents?

I began to feel light headed. "I don't know what the hell you are playing at here but why should I believe you? How do I know that you are the good guys?

"Maybe these other guys the Guardians or whatever, maybe they're the good guys. You said they were scientists and religious groups. They can't all be fanatical." For the first time since meeting him, I saw Alex get angry, he stood up and said, "C'mon Olivia. Good guys don't put bombs in restaurants and hurt people. The guy who came to our table tonight to warn us is named Joey. He has two kids and a wife at home. He got all of the people out safely tonight but he fell through the floor and broke his back. Good guys, fuck that!"

"Ohhh, God Alex, I'm sorry." I went over to him and gave him a hug. I realized this whole night I've been thinking about nothing but me, something I normally don't do. I figured there was a lot I had to learn about myself, about this new world that had opened up to me.

But I needed some time. This is not an easy thing to grasp. One day you're an average girl, albeit a bit shy and introverted. The next day you're in a new world where there are different species.

I sat down and tried to absorb all they had told me. Alex and Roberto spoke in hushed tones and since it was only midnight, the guys decided to go down to the main floor of the casino and do a security sweep. I found it hard to believe there was a secret sect out there wanting to kidnap me and use me for their evil purposes, but I also wasn't going to go down there to flaunt myself in front of them just in case.

Crap, I've seen those horror movies where the girl goes foolishly running into the danger even though everyone in the damn movie has warned her.

Janel sat on the sofa and pouted, "I don't know why I couldn't go down to the casino with them.

Those Guardian fanatics aren't after me."

"Janel, they might have seen you with me or at the least know I'm here with someone and be looking for you too." Janel got up to pour another drink and said, "Well this just sucks. All of this
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excitement and we're practically prisoners here."

"Awww, sweetie I'm sorry. This is my entire fault." Janel put her drink down to hug me. "No it's not your fault. You can't help you're a senthingy or whatever it is. Please don't listen to my bitching. I just want that gorgeous hunk of Italian man to come back."

I debated whether I should tell Janel what happened earlier; first with Alexander and then with Roberto. I wanted to tell her but I was too ashamed. I had never been promiscuous before and tonight it sure seemed to me I had acted the slut. How could I tell her?

At the sound of the door opening, I tensed. It was hard to be in the same room with two guys that you've made out with in one night.

Alex and Roberto walked in. It sounded like they were arguing again.

"I told you there is no reason for you to stay here. My men and I are perfectly capable of protecting the women." Roberto said.

"I am not leaving here and you know why." Alex said as they entered the living area.

"Why?" I asked.

They both looked like they had forgotten we were still here.

Alex smiled, "I'm not leaving him here alone with you."

"Why?" I asked again.

Both men looked uncomfortable but once again I said, "Tell me why?"

Roberto gave Alex a heated look and said, "Go ahead Alexander; tell Olivia why you want to stay here tonight." Looking uncomfortable Alex said, "Well babe, it's like this. Remember when we were telling you about the special things a Sensay can do? And how you're starting to come into your abilities and all? You've already experienced your superior sense of smell."

Roberto urged him on. "Tell her Alexander." Alex ran an agitated hand through his blond hair and exhaled. "You are beginning to show signs of another one of your abilities. A finely tuned sense of touch." I opened my mouth to tell them I hadn't experienced anything like that. Both of them looked slightly guilty and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

The over heated kiss from Alex in the parking lot. The almost sex session in the bedroom with Roberto. I could feel the heat flooding my face when I realized the truth. They both had known!

I felt used and betrayed, even though I didn't know these two all that well.

"You jerks!" I yelled and quickly stood up. "You both knew and you both tried to take advantage of the fact I didn't know what would happen when you touched me." Alex gave a low growl and
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moved towards Roberto. Alex said, "I can't believe you went for her after I staked first claim.

You know that is not permitted." Janel sat there looking confused, "What are you people talking about?"

"What the hell do you mean by staked first claim?" I asked Alex.

"Among our type, when we meet someone we want to mate with, we claim them by leaving our scent on them. I did that to you in the restaurant tonight when I kissed your neck.

"This lets others of our kind know you have been claimed and they cannot try to mate with you.

And Roberto it seems violated the rules tonight." Alex glared over at Roberto.

"Wait a minute. I'm confused. Who mated?" Janel interrupted. "Did you have sex with someone tonight Olivia?"

"NO!" The three of us all said at once. A thought came to me, which made me sink back down on the sofa.

These two men had only wanted me tonight because of me being a Sensay with some heightened sense of touch? The reason they had wanted me was because I apparently was some sort of hypersensitive sex magnet. I thought of my reaction when I was rubbing on Roberto and how delicious currents went up my spine to the base of my skull. Remembering the feel of his thick erection rubbing against me caused a wetness to rush between my thighs. I heard Roberto's sharp intake of breath and looked up to see him staring at me with hot eyes.

He knew! Could he scent my arousal?

I stood, "Well, it's nice to know the only reason each of you wanted me tonight is because I'm a freaking Sensay and can help you get your rocks off like no one else can." Both men made a weak attempt at denial.

I stopped them because I didn't want to hear it. "Shut up both of you! Don't try and deny it. I think I need some time to be alone. I need to think about this. What all of this means."

Janel got up to come with me but I stopped her. "No. Please, I need a little space."

Janel looked at my eyes that were beginning to water and sat back down. She knew I hated to cry in front of anyone, even her.

As I walked down the hall to my room, I couldn't help a tear from falling and a little smile as I heard Janel say, "You two are the biggest idiots I ever met, vampire or no vampire. I feel like kicking your asses!"

I went back to my room and threw myself on the bed in order to have a good cry. But almost as soon as the tears started, they stopped. I could feel a defiance growing inside me. This was bull.

I am not a child; I am a grown woman almost thirty damn years old. Who the hell did these two guys think they were? What gave them the right to act like they were my keepers? For the first
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time in my life I didn't want to be responsible Olivia. Level headed and always doing the right thing Olivia. I remembered the door that Roberto had gone through earlier. It was on the wall opposite the bed. I went over to take a look but didn't see anything that would look like a handle.

So I just started pushing all over the wall and low and behold it began to turn. It was a lot heavier than I would have thought but I leaned into it and it slowly opened farther. I was a bit afraid of what was waiting on the other side, but was relieved to see it was another bedroom. I knew instinctively this was Roberto's bedroom. My first thought was

"what a creep" putting me in a room next to his that had a secret entrance. What was I? Was I supposed to be like his local fast food drive through?

Feeling a little hungry? Come on down for a little taste of Olivia! Wham bam thank you ma'am!!

And they were trying to tell me I have the DNA of a pig!

I couldn't resist taking a look around his bedroom though. I was shocked this room was so different from the rest of the penthouse. It was modern. The walls were a deep red color. The bed was low with a black polished headboard with soft lighting behind it. I went over and ran a hand over the black and white bedding. Silk, of course. Why wasn't I surprised? I bet he likes the feel of silk against his naked body. I let my mind wander remembering the feel of his erection so hot and hard as I freed it. It was like steel, but velvety soft; thick, long and throbbing. Ohhhh God, to hear him moan was the most delicious sound. With a deep sigh I forced my thoughts away from the sexy Italian or he may just find me in his bed pleasuring myself. I wondered if I was going to turn into a sex maniac. I have no idea what to expect with

"heightened senses." How bad was this going to get?

Was I going to one day wake up and howl at the moon?

Run through the woods sniffing for truffles?

I couldn't see one other piece of furniture in the room. Hmmm who would have guessed that Mr. Italiano was a hidden minimalist? I wouldn't have. Not by the frescos and marble that was all over the rest of the penthouse. I turned to go back when I noticed a door on the far wall of the bedroom.

I walked over and nervously turned the doorknob. It opened up to a small alcove that had, of all things, an elevator.

Did I dare? Why not? I wasn't going to run away, after all Janel was still here and I would never leave her behind. But holy crap, I really could use some time to myself. I could head down to the bar and have a drink and think about everything that had happened tonight. Yes, I would do it. After all, my obsessive side needed to put things on my mental list. Organize, rationalize, and come to grips with all of the information given to me. I quickly ran back to my room and grabbed my purse, thankful I had left it there and not in the living room.

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I kept thinking that I was doing something wrong. I felt like a teenager sneaking out of the house at night and I was going to get caught. I held my breath as I pressed the button to open the elevator door. As soon as the door was open I jumped inside. Made it!

As the door started to close I began to feel almost giddy with a sense of recklessness and softly sang, "I am woman hear me roar."

Chapter 8

I made it as far as the casino floor before two men grabbed me by both arms. They looked similar to every bad guy that's in every action movie. Dark suits, beefy arms, and no necks.

"Don't make a sound or we'll kill you." The man holding my right arm snarled.

Even though I was trembling and I'm sure that they knew this, I still managed to say in what I hoped was a calm voice,

"You're kidding me right? Don't make a sound or you will die?

Have you guys been watching too many classic movies or what?"

"Shut the fuck up or you will die." The man said and this time opened his coat to show a lethal looking knife strapped to his side.

That sobered me up and I began to weigh my options. If I tried to scream and run away, these guys could stab me right here and most likely get away by slipping into the crowds. If I waited until we got outside there may not be too many people around to help me. I decided I was screwed no matter what, so I decided to make my move now. I dug my heels in and opened my mouth to scream, when the man on the left brought a white cloth up to my face.

I thought he was going to stuff it into my mouth but he just held it over my mouth and nose and my legs started to feel heavy.

The last thing I remember was looking blurrily at the people around me and thinking why in God's name aren't they helping me?

I came to in the back of a car traveling down a freeway at a pretty fast speed. I tried not to move so the guys on either side of me would not know I was awake. I had no clue which direction we were traveling in. On either side, there were dark woods with tall pine trees. I knew they were pine because I could smell them. The smell was so intense it was like my nose was right up against the tree. It was a sharp and woodsy smell. For some reason this frightened me more than being kidnapped. Now was not the time to start analyzing my newly found abilities. These guys could be taking me deep into the woods where they might rape me, or worse. Did Janel, Roberto, and Alex even know I was gone yet? What an idiot I am for going off.

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