Scent of a Vampire (9 page)

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Authors: Jude Stephens

BOOK: Scent of a Vampire
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I was just glad that I was wearing something sensible. I stepped out of the bathroom and let out a small gasp when I saw Roberto standing in the kitchen.

"Roberto, you startled me. Did every..." I trailed off when I got a good look at his face. His eyes were dark with emotion. He was staring at me, or more like he was staring at my chest. I looked down and my white t-shirt was wet and apparently transparent because you could see the lace of my bra and the outline of my erect pink nipples underneath.

"There were no towels." I stammered. He was so sexy. His cheeks were flushed from his hunt, his long dark hair was tousled and his mouth was parted slightly. Before I even knew what I was doing, I leaned into him with my own lips parting of their own accord. He growled low and pulled me the rest of the way and with urgency, slanted his mouth across mine.

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His tongue swept in and all reason left me. My arms went around his neck and I began rubbing myself against his hard body. He moved his mouth to the side of my neck and ran his tongue up to my ear where he whispered, "Olivia, I have never wanted anyone the way I want you." He pulled my hand down to the huge bulge in his jeans.

"You make me so hard that I ache for you." He moved his mouth back to mine for another hot kiss that curled my toes and whispered against my mouth, "But I will not take you like this; with you being confused and frightened. When I am at last inside you, you will know that it is you I want and not the Sensay."

His words seared through my lust filled mind. He was thinking about my needs over his own.

Roberto picked me up and carried me over to the bed. He pulled back the covers and laid me down and carefully pulled the covers up over me.

"I will sleep on the floor."

I started to protest, not liking the thought of him sleeping there, but then thought better of it. I didn't trust myself around him.

Roberto lay down on the bare floor. I took one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed and handed it down to him. "Take these at least. I can't stand the thought of someone lying on a hard cold floor." Roberto sat up to look at me. "Olivia, I need to explain to you about my sleep. I don't want you to be afraid but when I go into a state of torpor. I will look, for all intense purposes, like I've died. I don't want you to wake up and see me and get frightened. You also have to know I will be totally vulnerable. If something happens, you will be unable to wake me up."

"Is that why you use human guards during the day?"

"Yes. It's a rather disturbing feeling to know you are helpless."

"I imagine it's also rather humbling, which may be a good thing."

He had lay back down but shot up again. "How so?"

"Well. You have super human sight and speed. You're strong and handsome. That is way too much for one man to have. You need a little bit of humble pie." I teased.

"So you think that I'm handsome?" I laughed. "Everything I just said and that is what you tune into?"

"Of course, a man always wants to hear he's devastatingly handsome."

"Devastatingly handsome? I never said that!" I took my pillow and hit him with it. Laughing, he grabbed it from my hand and hit me back with it.

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"Goodnight Olivia. I will see you this evening. I promise I'll get you back to your parents."

"Goodnight Roberto. I will see you this evening. I promise I'll keep you safe during this day." We exchanged a smile and call me crazy, but it felt nice. Almost like an old married couple saying goodnight. I lay there and though I was exhausted, my mind went over the events of the day.

My world had been turned upside down. Things were a mess. But there was one bright spot throughout the night. Roberto. He had been nothing but courteous and nice to me. No doubt we had a strong attraction to each other, but then again what about Alex? He certainly made me hot when he kissed me. This was all too confusing for me. I never had two guys I wanted at the same time. Crap. I had only slept with two guys in my whole life. I didn't know how to handle these Sensay abilities. I wonder if there is a reference guide to finding your inner Sensay.

I doubt that my local bookstore would have that one. I let a sigh and wondered what tomorrow would bring. I was aware of Roberto lying a few feet from me and couldn't resist taking a peek over the edge of the bed to look at him. I held my breath and took a look. He was lying in the same spot he had been. His arms were at his sides and he was still. No rise and fall of his chest with every breath. I knew I shouldn't do it but I just had to see this close up. I slipped out of the bed and knelt beside Roberto. I softly laid my hand against his chest.

My heart was pounding, even though I knew he had no way of knowing what I was doing. But it still felt like an episode of the crypt keeper and I was sure that at any second he was going to reach out and grab my hand. Roberto had told me he would appear dead and he did. No heartbeat. His body felt cold to the touch and he was not breathing. I bet the medical staff back at the hospital would love to get their hands on such a specimen. They would dissect and probe and run a million dollars worth of tests. I finally understood what he had been saying. There is no way the world would leave them alone. Just like the Guardians hunted them, so would the rest of the world and all because they were different. I thought about Roberto rescuing me tonight from the Guardians. How would they understand his kindness? Or when he backed off from having sex with me tonight. I'd like to think I would have come to my senses but I knew better. I would have had him ten different ways this night if he wouldn't have cared about my feelings. He may not be human but he was more human than the jerks that kidnapped me tonight.

Earlier, I had been torn in two directions. I wasn't sure whom to trust. I now knew who I was going to side with. Tomorrow, or rather tonight, I would tell Roberto I was all in with him.

Having made the decision, I felt myself relax and fall into that relaxed, warm state where sleep claims you. I woke up with a tickle on my nose and let out a loud sneeze. I went to roll over and heard laughing. I rolled back and swung my head over the side of the bed. Roberto was lying in the same spot he had been the last time I looked. Hmmm, maybe I had been half asleep and just thought I heard laughing. I pulled the blankets over my head, not wanting to get up yet. I hated mornings and it always takes me at least a half an hour to wake myself up enough to get out of bed. I felt myself once again drifting off when, "What the heck?"

I felt something tickle my foot. Once more I looked to where Roberto was on the floor sleeping.

Nothing. He just lay there. A sudden horrible thought came into my head. What if there was a
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mouse in the bed? With a shriek, I jumped out of the bed. I pulled the covers off the bed to check. No mouse that I could see. As I went to put the covers back on the bed, I could swear I saw the corner of Roberto's mouth curve up a little.

Oh no, he didn't. He had not just pranked me! Well, well, who would have guessed that Mr.

Stern and Serious vampire was a prankster? I pretended I was getting back into the bed, but with a quick turn, jumped down and landed myself in a sitting position on his chest.

He let out a loud, "Hmppph," and I laughed at his startled expression.

He smiled at me and asked, "How long have you known I was awake and tickling you?"

"Ohhhh, I've known the whole time."

"You did not, you little liar. What was all that squealing and throwing the covers off then? You thought something was crawling on you. Ha!"

I tried giving him a pissed off look but that made him laugh even more at me. Are vampires ticklish, I wondered?

There was only one way to find out. I reached down and tickled his ribs. His eyes widened right before he let out a rather loud and undignified laugh.

Laughing he said, "Ahhh, you want to play?" And he reached for my ribs.

"Oh no, don't you dare. I'm really really ticklish. That would be like torture." I said trying to get away. He easily caught me and threw me on the bed and began tickling my rib cage.

"Mercy, please." I gasped during my uncontrollable laughter.

Roberto suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes to look at him. The laughter died on my lips as I saw his dark eyes smoldering with passion or lust. I don't know which it was. And surprisingly I didn't care. I wanted him. He wanted me. We weren't hurting anyone. I wanted to open myself up and take a chance. So, when Roberto began lowering his mouth to mine, much to his surprise, I reached up and put my hands on either side of his head and dragged him down to my mouth. Roberto didn't seem to mind. He growled low in his throat and kissed me hard. I couldn't help the moans that escaped my mouth as little electrical currents rippled through my body. I moved a little so I could press my body against Roberto's. My breasts were pressed against his hard chest. I wanted so badly for him to take his shirt off so I could run my sensitive nipples against him. He pulled back a little and asked, "Piccolina, are you sure?" I couldn't even speak. I just nodded yes.

"Thank God. I can't stop. I am on fire for you."

He bent his head down and with the tip of his tongue he traced my lips, and then slanted his mouth across mine. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and I took it and sucked on it. His
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moans made me shiver. I almost flew off the bed when he started a slow grinding against my core. I could feel the bulge of his cock as he ground his hips against me in a little circle. He murmured, "Slow, gotta slow down. Just the thought of being inside you makes me want to come." I could barely hear him. I felt like every nerve ending in my body was on fire.

A wild fierceness seemed to posses me as I reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and yanked it up over his head. This fierceness was a little frightening in its intensity. The moment that my erect nipples came in contact with his hard smooth chest, I felt an orgasm building up at my core.

"My God, Roberto, I feel out of control. I need you inside me now!" I shouted as I raked my nails down his back. Roberto pulled back to look into my eyes.

"Piccolina, look at me," he said roughly. I barely heard him through a cloud of lust. I moved my hands to the front of his jeans and started to undo his zipper.

"Olivia! LOOK AT ME!" He said in a rather stern voice. I looked up into his dark eyes.

"Good, don't stop looking at me."

"Roberto, I need..."

"I know mia cara. I am here. I will take care of you. Trust me and just keep looking in my eyes."

As I looked into his eyes, he reached down and removed my shirt. He quickly undid my bra and my bare breasts sprang free. The friction of my bared nipples against his chest made me gasp with pleasure.

Without breaking eye contact, he began to undo my jeans. I reached down to do the same to his.

When he pulled back to slide my jeans and his off, I darted my eyes downward to take a look.

"No, look at me and don't stop. I want to touch you." He ran his hand softly up my belly and cupped my breast.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Do you like this?" He said as he used his thumb and forefinger to tug on my rigid nipple.

"Ohhhh yessss." I moaned.

Still tugging on my nipple, he moved his other hand to the breast that was not getting attention and ran his palm in little circles over my other aching nipple. He lowered his head to capture my mouth and as I closed my eyes he said, "No, don't, you need to focus on my eyes or else you will lose control again."

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It was a little strange at first, to kiss with our eyes open. But I found that it was highly erotic when you could see the passion building with every thrust of our tongues.

"You have beautiful breasts." He said as he moved one of his hands from my breast down my belly, over my hips and down farther to touch my wetness. When he cupped my mound with his hand I started to shake. When his thumb found my little nub, I started thrashing my head back and forth.

"Olivia, stay with me." Roberto ground out. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he too was having trouble keeping control.

"You're so wet and hot. I need to be inside you now. I won't last much longer." He managed to get out. All I could do is whimper. "Please..." He shifted a little and I could feel him hard and ready poised at my entrance. He just got the thick head of his cock inside my opening when I no longer could control myself. I bucked up and took the long length of him deep inside me.

"Ohhh God Olivia, you're so tight." He groaned. I felt the lightening building through my nerves and in a bright flash I could feel my orgasm start. It began as a ripple that vibrated through all of my nerve endings and exploded in wave after wave of intense pleasure. I think I might have screamed. I'm not even sure because Robert thrust deep, once, twice, and by the third time, with my muscles wrapping around his hardness, he shouted and came inside me in hot pulses.

As I lay there with Roberto on top of me, my body continued to have little bursts of pleasure that clenched at Roberto's cock as he still came inside me. Every time I felt my muscles clench, soon after, he would moan and his cock would jerk inside me as he came. I had never had any sexual encounter like this before and wondered if this is how it was supposed to be or was this unique?

With a little grunt, Roberto slid himself out of me and lay beside me and gathered me in his arms. He sweetly kissed the top of my head and said, "Piccolina, that was amazing. You are amazing."

I had to ask him. "I never had sex like that before. Is it normal to feel so much and be so overwhelmed?"

"No, mia cara, it is not normal. What we just shared is special in so many ways. It may sound cliché, but some people have a connection and I believe we do. I would want you if you weren't a Sensay, Olivia. I find you smart, sexy, and quite adorable. And the fact you're a Sensay is and isn't a part of it."

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