SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (62 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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“I just don’t want you to embarrass me.” We went down to where the execution was about to occur. Everybody had crowded around, but I could see that there were a lot of people that were uncomfortable with this practice. There were also a lot that were cheering and waiting for the bloodshed.

The man was brought out was wearing a red and black kilt with a chain around the middle hanging with some kind of decorative plaque. He had red hair and a beard and he did not look like he was terrified for his life. He was actually smiling and waving to the crowd.

“We are gathered here today to witness an execution. Let this be a lesson to all of you. The English does not allow such barbaric behavior. We will stand up to oppression and this man will be an example to those that even contemplate coming after us. We are stronger than everyone and the sooner that they understand that, the better off they’ll be.

They were about to kill this man and they had not even mentioned his crime. I’d heard through the window that it was piracy, but if that was so, then where was his boat. I did not see any other vessel in the harbor when I took my walk that morning. Only Henry knew why this man was being put to death.

There were sounds and then the gate lowered. Highlanders with swords were screaming at the top of their lungs. They were painted and they looked like they were ready to fight to the death. The English army went to intervene, but they were slain right in front of my eyes. These warriors took no prisoners and even when they were cut, they continued to fight like they couldn’t even feel the pain.

They were using broadswords, but there were a few that had decided on a dirk. This was a close quarter knife and I saw one flying over towards the prisoner. He snatched it out of the air and stabbed forward to cut into the very heart of Henry. I watched in horror, as Henry fell to his knees with a tendril of blood flowing from his mouth and down his chin. He looked up at his would be assailant and then his head slumped forward, until his chin was touching his chest.

At the point, the prisoner pulled it free and wiped the blade on his own hand. I could only stand there and watch as these barbaric Highlanders came through that gate and destroyed everything in their path. They took great pride in their destruction and they stood with a victory scream, while standing over the bodies of those that had stood in their way.

There was not one man alive and the women and children had decided that it was in their best interest to hide. I was the only one that was standing there and I felt vulnerable and excited at the same time.

“My name is Conner Patrick of the clan Patrick. You are my prisoner.” Before I could even react, he was lifting me with relative ease onto his manly shoulders. He laughed, as I flailed about like a fish out of water. “Stop struggling or I will have to bind your hands and your ankles.” I did not want that, so I stayed silent and let him carry me with the rest of his brethren into the woods.

We got to a clearing and out on the water was this vessel that I had not seen before. This was what they probably came in on and what they were going to go back out on. He made me swim in my dress. It was good thing that I was a strong swimmer, or I would have surely drowned.

I remembered the look on Henry’s face and I couldn’t help but to smile. It could not happen to a better person. It was bad enough that half of the English have been decimated by the black plague. He had used the suffering of others to buy up land at a fraction of the cost. He was despicable, but nobody deserved to die in that manner. It was barbaric and I could tell on the prisoners face that he was having a lot of fun making him suffer with the blade sticking in his chest. I think he wiped it on his hands as warrior’s gesture of victory over his enemies.

We got over to the boat and he fished out a drowned rat, which was namely me. We set sail and there was a joyous atmosphere that came from a battle that had been won. What they didn’t realize was that by killing Henry, they had set in motion a series of events that couldn’t be taken back. The King and Queen would want vengeance and they would send as many soldiers as it took to decimate the Highlanders.

I had no doubt that they would fight to the death, but it eventually the numbers would be too much for them to overcome. It was just a matter of time. That was making their victory a little less than what it should have been.

“I am glad that you were able to witness what we did to your people. We are conquerors and we are brave and we fight.” At the sound of those words, there was a chorus of applause. They had raised their weapons in the air. “We fight for the freedom of our people. The English and their tyranny will not rule our land. We have struck their heart and perhaps now they will take us seriously.” His words were directed at his people and those warriors that were in attendance were now listening with avid interest.

“What if the English come after us for revenge?” That was a question that I would like answered myself.

“Let them come. Let them find out like those that have tried to stand in our way that we will not be taken alive. We will vanquish our enemies and send them back to where they came from. We are Highlanders. We are men. We are the future of our people.” I found the crest on his red and black tartan kilt to be quite fascinating. I couldn’t stop staring at it.

He smiled wickedly and I think he thought that I was looking at something other than the crest. I did have a glance at his package, but the heavy tartan was making it very difficult to discern what exactly he had to offer.

“You’re probably wondering what we wear underneath.” He lifted the kilt and I was staring at the back side of a naked ass.” We wear nothing.” He stood in defiance and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bowels of the ship.

I did not like the way that he tried to manhandle me, but secretly, I longed for the firm touch of a real man that would be able to show me the kind of passion that I was missing out on.

I was glad that I was wearing that gray frock, because frankly they weren’t even paying attention to me. They were more interested in drinking and laughing their asses off to even bother with someone that sort of blended into their surroundings. I was fascinated by their behavior and I couldn’t stop staring at Conner. He had taken off his shirt and the kilt seemed to be longer than it needed to be. He strapped the rest of that over his shoulder, but it did not hide the masculine chest of a warrior. I could see the scars from where he had probably gotten injured, but still was able to fight on to victory. I imagined him standing over his victims, raising a cheer and finding myself quite enamored by his physical frame.

Henry had never been a great man, but even he deserved a little bit more respect than to have a blade stuck into his chest. To be completely honest, I was kind of hoping to do that myself. They had ruined the illusion of revenge against the man that treated me like something to wipe off the end of his shoe.

I knew that if I moved they would notice me. My best defense was to stay in the shadows and look for any way to escape my imprisonment. I was tempted to jump overboard, but looking at the choppy waters and being that it was the dead of night, I had no problem to imagine that I would drown.

A man with long black hair stumbled over to me with a bottle in his hand. He was obviously drunk. He was swaying on his feet and cocking his head to the side to look at me with questioning eyes. “Conner, are you sure that this is a girl? She shows no skin and there is no semblance of tits.” They were pushed down by a corset and the gray frock was a bit bulky. Henry didn’t want anybody to look at me in a sexual manner. He had already had one man’s eyes cut out just for glancing in my direction. Come to think of it, maybe the way that he died was poetic justice.

This man had a green and black kilt and the part that was over his shoulder was now lying haphazardly. His chest was bared and the hairs were matted down by the exertion of the battle. He reached out and touched my hair and then put his hand along my jaw line. He took a couple of more unsteady steps towards me. He leaned down with his mouth puckered and tongue extended. I turned away in disgust, but he grabbed my chin and turned it, so that I was now facing him head on.

I resigned myself to my fate and I was ready to do whatever I could to survive.  If I was going to have to sleep with this man in order to gain favor with the others, then I would have no choice, but to bite my tongue. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. After all I had only Henry to compare it to.

I closed my eyes and I hoped that it would be over shortly. I waited and then I smelled his putrid breath and it almost made me sick to my stomach. I cringed, but then there was a sound of skin slapping against skin.

“Let that be a warning to all of you that this woman is under my protection. She may not be much to look at, but she’s my prisoner. Do not touch her, unless you want to face my wrath.” I opened my eyes and found Conner standing with his hand raised in defense of my honor. I had this moment when I thought that he was my knight in shining armor. However, one look in his direction and I saw the bits of food in his teeth and in his beard. He took a swig of the bottle and some of it didn’t even make his mouth.

The man that had tried to touch me was now caressing his cheek where you could see a red welt had begun to form. I would say that Conner had taken exception and had used a little bit of force to make his point.

“I’m sorry, Conner. I was just trying to find out if she was a woman.”

“Liam, she is a woman and if there is any doubt, I will find out later.” There was a raucous laughter and it sent a cold chill down my spine. It also caused a stir in between my legs and I swallowed hard with this vivid image of him over top of me doing unspeakable things. “This is no time for fighting. This is a time for drinking.” With that, everybody stopped staring and went back to what they were doing.

Chapter three

The liquor was flowing and one by one, these highlander warriors began to fall into a drunken stupor. The last one standing and also feeling the effects of the alcohol flowing through his veins was Conner. His boots pounded towards me and he outstretched his hand. I thought for sure that he was going to strike me. Instead, he was offering me a drink and right about now, I could use one

I snatched it out of his hands and acting like a Neanderthal, I took a swig from the bottle. It was foul and I don’t know how they could possibly drink this. I took a couple of more swigs and that warm substance began to calm my nerves. I was no longer panicked, but I was still in control of my faculties.

“For a sophisticated lady, you sure do know how to drink. Perhaps, you have not always been ‘royalty’. I sense that you were a commoner, a peasant that was caught up in something that you couldn’t control. That dress does nothing for you and I think that was by design. Somebody was trying to make sure that nobody was able to see you for who you are.” With that, he produced a sword and with the glint of steel shining in the moonlight, I thought for sure he was going to stab at the heart of me.

He moved the blade back and forth in front of me and pieces of fabric began to strip away from the gray frock that I was wearing. I turned my head, hoping that he wouldn’t nick my skin and then I heard his boots and a loud thump.

I opened my eyes and saw that he did not even pierce the skin. He did however alter the dress and make it more appealing to anybody that was going to hazard a glance. The top part was almost all gone, leaving behind a healthy amount of bosom. My breasts were caught up in the corset. It was very hard to breathe with how tight Henry had made the maid pull it together.

There was a slit up the side and one movement of my leg and I would expose my right thigh. He was now on his knees, holding his sword out to me. “I’ve treated you badly and I give you my life as penance. Do with it as you will.” I could’ve easily taken that sword and killed him where he kneeled at my feet. I shook my head vehemently that I didn’t want any part of killing.

“I’m not like you and I will not kill in cold blood.”

“Yes, you are better than me and I do not deserve to be in your presence. I do however have a need to wash away my sins. If you won’t kill me, then you’ll have to allow me to show you some kind of kindness.” He was drunk and I was sure that he would never act like this had he been in his right mind. He did look at me differently than when he put me over his shoulder, as a trophy to show to the others.

He shuffled forward on his knees, until he was grasping my own. He pulled them apart and slowly lifted my dress with his fingers touching my skin and setting me on fire. I could’ve easily pulled away from him. He most likely would have passed out with no idea of what happened.

I watched intently, my mouth slightly parted and my tongue playing lightly over my lips. I could not take my eyes off of him and the way that his crazy red hair was, so wild and untamed.

The dress was now up over my knees any it was moving up even further, until I was exposing a place that only my husband had been privy to. Once again, I had the option of smacking him across the face or just walking away from a bad situation before it went any further. For whatever reason, I was frozen in place and I had no interest in walking away. I wanted to see where this was going to go and the feel of his fingers on my skin was only a prelude to better things to come.

“Are you going to do something, or do I have to take matters into my own hands.” I couldn’t believe that I had actually said those words. They just spilled from my lips and yet they felt right somehow. I think I was taking back the power that I had lost when I married into the royal family.

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