Sea Breeze 03 While It Lasts (3 page)

BOOK: Sea Breeze 03 While It Lasts
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“You didn’t tell me you had company, Eva,”
Lynn cooed
twirling one of her long blond
locks around her finger
batting her eyela
shes in Cage’s direction. Good L
ord she was ridiculous.

“I don’t have company
,” I
hoping to get her attention but it didn’t work. “T
his is Daddy’s summer help. He’
s working with our cows. Because he got a
” Maybe that would
snap her up out of the
ipful gaze she had on him. I
t didn’t.

“Oh, so you’ll be here all summer?” she asked
still smiling up at Cage like he was
rock star.

“Looks that way,” he replied in an amused tone. Great
even the man whore beside me thought she was making a fool of herself.

“Well, when you’re not working and get bored I could keep you company—“


I raised my voice to stop her from offering to come warm his damn bed in the barn.

Finally, her eyes shifted off Cage to meet my gaze. The twinkle in her eye told me she knew exactly
how it sounded and she didn’t
care one bit.

“Thank y
ou. I’m sure that I’ll
be needing
someone to show me what to do
for entertainment when the work-
day is through. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have
take me around and enlighten me
the things to do out here in the country.” The sexy drawl thing he had going on just
pissed me off. It also gave me c
hill bumps and made my heart race.

Lynn’s eyes swung back over to eat Cage alive. “That
unds like a really good plan.” She cooed
e distance between them and holding
out her perfectly manicured hand.
I was sure the h
ot pink nails
that she
wiggled in his direction invitingly
matched her toenails
was as high maintenance as they came around here. “I’m
Lynn Blevins.”

Cage closed the small amount of space
had left between them and slipped his hand into hers. Did
just shiver? “Cage York and it’s a pleasure

“Oh,” she breathed out
her head tilted back as she drank him in. I swear, if he kissed her in
my kitchen I was going to throw
my cobbler batter at him.

“I got to get back to work. I’ll be looking for you to com
e entertain me soon,
” Cage said in a low whisper then stepped around her and headed out the door without a backward glance.

The second the door closed behind him
pulled out a kitchen chair and sank
down into it with a loud thump. “OHMYGOD!” s
he squealed. “I swear I think I just creamed my damn panties.”

Cringing from the mental image
I shook my head and made a gagging noise. “I was ready for you to lay on my table and spread your legs for him right here. You really need to get a grip on yourself
. You came off as a complete slut.”

let out a loud sigh, “Oh
who cares! He was the most incredibly delicious male specimen I have ever laid my eyes on. I want to marry him and have his babies and wash his body and dress him and hell, Eva, I just want to touch his body all day long. I could do it the rest of my life and never grow tired.”

Before I could think of a response that would hopefully be a source of wisdom for her
the door swung open again and Jeremy walked inside.
His presence eased me.  Just the familiar face that was so much like his brother’s helped remind me I’d had it all once. Jeremy’s eyes found
sitting at the table with the dazed expression still on her face.  A knowing grin touched his lips.

“I see
Lynn met Cage.”

I nodded and
a chicken breast into the oil that was finally bubbling.

“I bet he ate you up
. Poor boy got a rude welcome from Eva earlier. Having a female actually drool over him must have been nice for his ego.”

Jeremy would have to bring that up.

“You were rude to THAT piece of perfection?”
Lynn asked incredulously.

I focused on frying the chicken in front of me. I wasn’t going to talk about this. 
“You two staying for dinner?”
I asked in

“Is he eating dinner with you?”
Lynn asked hopefully.

“Of course not. He’
s the help. Besides, Daddy i
sn’t a fan of his. I’ll fix him
and send it out to
the barn

“MEMEMEME! Can I take it out to him?”
asked. I didn’t have to look back to know she was bouncing up and down in her seat.

An image of Cage York with his shirt off
up against the wall and actually putting his hands on her had me shaking my head no.

“Daddy won’t like that. I’ll have Jeremy take it.” I was sure Daddy wouldn’t really care who took
it as long as it wasn’t me. For some reason,
the idea
bothered me. I wasn’t sure why
but it did.
idea of my friend pregnant and unm
arried with a loser as the baby-
was probably the main reason

Chapter Three




Those damn cows came running when I showed up with the feed. They actually knew it was chow time and I had the goods. It wa
s also scary as shit to have those
sons of bitches running at you like they were going to trample you. Wiping my forehead with the towel W
had left me this morning saying I
need it soon enough, I sat down on the tailgate of the truck and reached for the thermos of ice water he’d also brought me. It was almost gon
e. It had to be at least ninety-
five degrees already
today and it wasn’t even lunch
time. I’d been ho
ping the little blonde with the boots would sho
w up today and give me a brief
She seemed like the easy kind. The n
o strings attached sort. I needed to blow off some steam. Especially if I was going to have to watch Eva Brooks strut around in a bikini top and tiny shorts all damn day. Reminding myself that she was completely off limits was difficult.

Eva wasn’t the first girl I’d had to refuse myself.  I’d refused to touch Low but for different reasons. She was my best friend. I respected her. I wanted to know that when we moved into a relationship
included sex
that she would be my only one. That never happened.
Honestly, I doubted it ever would have.
Even if Marcus hadn’t
come along.
I just wasn’t a one-
woman guy.

The difference with Eva was
the only reason I wasn’t touching her was because her daddy would
hang me up by my nuts then
fire my ass and I coul
d kiss my scholarship goodbye.
Well, that and the girl really didn’t seem to like me much. But, I wanted
a taste of
her. Bad. Real bad.
She had such a hot little temper it would be fun to see what she was like during sex.
Shaking my head
I stood up and reached for my towel to tuck into my back pocket. I wondered if I’d even be thinking about her if she
so off limits. The whole

want what you can’t have

ng always did bug the hell out of

“You ready to go bale
some hay?” Jeremy asked as he walked up beside the truck.
“Not really but I don’t think I get a
choice,” I replied
with a grin
.  He was a nice guy.  Eva probably led him around by his nose because he was too damn nice for someone like her.  She needed a strong hand. Someone she couldn’t push around.
Someone who wasn’t afraid to tie her ass up and
I had to quit thinking about her. She was the
“do not touch”

all that bad. Besides, we can always go jump in the lake and cool off. It’s the only way to make it all day in this heat.”

I’d seen the lake yesterday when W
had taken me around in his truck showing me
the property.  The lake was man-
made and ran along
the back of three pro
The Beasley’s
which were
Jeremy’s folks, this one and the
Hot little
Lynn’s family.
  I could think of some fun activities
Lynn and I could entertain
in that lake.

“I’m out of water. I need more before we go.”

Jeremy glanced back at the house then at me, “Mind if I go get it for you?”

I could hear the apologetic tone in his voice. 
That was weird. Was he sorry that his girl disliked me so much? Most guys would be thrilled.

“Not at all. I’m sure Eva would prefer you go get it.”

Jeremy sighed, “Yeah, she would.”

These country folks were weird and oddly polite. I thought I’d handled Eva well yesterday afternoon in the kitchen.

Jeremy chuckled and snapped me out of my Eva
thoughts. “Looks like you got c
ompany anyway.” 

Lynn was strutting towards us in another tight tank top. This one was pink.
Pale pink. And the girl didn’t
have on a bra. Wow. She wasn’t playing around. Yeah,
Lynn and I would get along just fine.

“I’ll be back in a few,” Jeremy said before heading up toward the house.

Lynn stopped in front of me and cocked her hip to one side placing her hands in the back pockets of her cut off jean shorts. That stance made her tits poke out and
the imprint of her nipples was
right there for my viewing pleasure. 

BOOK: Sea Breeze 03 While It Lasts
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