Seacrets (14 page)

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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

BOOK: Seacrets
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was sex. Nothing more than pure and simple lust. He had to do this as part of his bargain, but he was sure he would never, again, feel the way he felt when he was in Maura McCoveny's arms.

Mallory’s chirpings broke his trance.
"Well, that was a nice start, my love." Mallory stated in her best self-aggrandizing voice, while fixing her hair, face and clothes.

"However I have much more planned for you after your homecoming party, this evening." She snuggled up against his shoulder and talked and talked the entire ride home, as Daniel fell off to sleep, with his face resting up against his hand on the window ledge of the carriage.


Maura could tell by the pink hue outside the cabin's porthole that night time was fast approaching. She heard heavy footsteps falling on the deck above her. Was it Daniel come to rescue her? Her heart sank as the portal door opened and in walked Kilern. "Well missy, how ya holdin' up, eh?" He walked over to where she was tied up and loosened the gag from around her mouth.

"You vile pig!" and Maura spat in his face.

"Awe you shouldn't a done that, you bitch!" He slapped her face so hard that it left a welt mark on her cheek.
"Now you listen ta me, ya hear? Ya can make this as easy or as hard as ya want it ta be. I'd rather not have ta mark up ya pretty face, but I will, if it means makin' ya mind me." He walked over to the other side of the cabin and wiped the spit off of his face.

"I'll be takin' ya over ta the brothel later and droppin' ya off. Then I'll be by in the mornin' ta discuss with the owner my cut of ya services. Oh, don't ya be worryin' ya pretty head off about havin' ta be with a lot of different gents, right off. You'll be learnin' ya trade from me first." He bent down to her level and slipped his hand inside her shirt and caressed her breasts, "and I'm gonna make sure that ya be well schooled in the finer arts of servicin' a man proper. As far as ya virginity, well let's just say that I'm gonna make sure that ya are sold to the highest bidder, after that I'll sell ya to the brothel for whatever they'll pay for ya and be on my way a very rich man, Hehehe."

He untied her legs and dragged her to her feet. He made her step into a burlap sack and tied it up over her head, threw her over his shoulder and carried Maura off the ship as if he were unloading just another piece of cargo. "If ya make a sound I'll throw ya overboard and let ya drown in this here sack, ya get my meanin, girl." He walked right by Godsey on the dock.

"See ya mate
." Maura heard Godsey's voice and could do naught.

"Yep, see ya around the docks, Godsey, ole man." And Kilern kept walking down the plank and disappeared into the night.



Maura could  hear the loud music of a piano. From a tiny hole in the sack she could see what she thought was the inside of a tavern. She could hear a woman's voice shout out louder than the music.

"Kilern you old salty sea dog, you. What have ya brought for ya darlin' this year? Pearls from the sea?" A boisterous laughter was heard.

Kilern then motioned for the woman to follow him into the back room, away from the crowd. Now the music was muffled from behind a closed door. Maura was set down on her feet and the sack was untied to reveal its contents... Dead silence.

When Maura opened her eyes fully she could see a buxom redheaded woman in very tight clothing and too much paint on her face, staring at her, in disbelief.

"Katy this is Maura, my treasure from the sea."  He slapped Maura on the buttocks and knocked her forward a bit.

Katy walked around Maura, hands on her hips, looking Maura up and down, before speaking. "Kinda scrawny ain't she for a call girl. Most o' my client's like ‘em a little meatier than that."

Kilern walked over to Maura and tore her shirt wide open and then Katy's eyes almost popped out if her head, as Maura screamed and tried to cover herself.

"Where did ya get her from, Kilern? Did she just pop out o' the sea, one fine mornin'?"

"No, she stowed away on the Arabella. Tried ta pass herself off as a cabin boy." They both continued talking about Maura as if she were not in the room.

"Katy, I'm all done sailing across the ocean. That damn Richard Hargendon never paid me what I was worth all the years I sailed with him and his bastard son is no better a master, ta my mind. They make hundreds of thousands from their tradin' business and all we hands get is a farthing's worth compared to what they clear. No, I'm all done. I want my due. I want ta sell her through your brothel for a percentage o' what you'll be gettin' for her and then I want ta sell her virginity ta the highest bidder and be gone." He spoke of Maura as though she were some piece of chattel to be bargained in the market place.

"A Virgin, to boot! Well I'm thinkin' we can work somethin' out between us, my pet." She walked up behind Kilern and grabbed his buttocks with both hands and squeezed tightly. Katy continued her molestation of him as though Maura were not present in the room.

Maura was shocked at her open wantonness. Maura could only think of Kilern with disgust but this woman was purposefully trying to arouse him. Maura could not imagine that any woman would desire such a man. She turned her face from them, shut her eyes tight, and wished she could awaken from this nightmare she was living.

              Some minutes later she heard the door shut and slowly opened her eyes to find herself alone in the room. She tried with every bit of strength she had, to break her bindings, but was unsuccessful. Just then the door opened and in walked Katy. Alone.

Katy walked around Maura, eyeing her up and down,
not speaking a word.

Maura stared right back into her eyes. Glaring, actually.

Katy burst out into laughter. "You're one tough little bugger, I can see it in yer eyes. I'll bet ya gave Kilern a run for his money, eh?”

Maura stood silent
, glaring at her new jailer.

"Listen honey, I ain't got no love loss for men, myself. I was thrown inta the business of servicin' men, because o' the circumstances of me old miserable life and I knew if I were ta survive in this world, I'd have ta swallow my pride and give up the only thing I had left of virginity. I was no older than ya self, when I was turned out by a heartless Madame." Her eyes were heavy with regret, as she continued with her tale of woe.

"I've always fancied myself ta have a big heart, so I'll start ya out
slowly. Ya can start by waitin' tables and chamber maidin'. Get a feel for the regulars. See if ya take a fancy ta anyone of em' in particular. When ya tell me you've chosen your first, then I'll make a deal with the gent."

Katy’s back was toward Maura. She stared out the window, while she continued talking.

She was awakened out of her preoccupation when Maura spoke to her.

"Thank you ma’am. That is most kind of you." Maura’s voice was a bit shaky, now, and she was on the verge of breaking down. She was hating herself for having to give in to her fate.
Yet in her mind she told herself it was just temporary and she would do everything in her power to escape. But for now she'd have to do whatever she had to, so she could survive and get home to her father.

Katy gave a great sigh and a shrug of her shoulders and stated quite gruffly, "Now don't go out ta makin' me some sort o' pushover. Ya hearin' me missy? You're gonna work ya hind end off 'til ya earn ya keep, mark my words on that score." She pushed past Maura in a huff and slammed the door behind her.



Chapter Eleven


There was no mistaking it was spring time in Boston. The snow had receded, the May flowers were in flull bloom and the chamber pots stunk to the high heavens. The sun was warm, and that wasn't necessarily a good thing when emptying chamber pots. Up until now, the cold air would've squelched the stench from the pots, but when the sun was warm they reeked all the more. But still, Maura could somehow find the beauty in the changing of the season. "Hope springs eternal", her father would always remark. "Tis time for new growth in all things." Her father's face quickly vanished with Katy's screeching voice.

"Get the lead out o’ ya arse, girl. There's plenty of chores ta be done 'round hear afore nightfall. So quit ya daydreamin'."

Maura collected all the pots then returned them to their rightful places beneath each bed. She’d then stripped the beds of the night before's reverie and carry them down to the first floor, and outside to the washing buckets, out back.

Again, Katy’s grating voice continued to hammer away in Maura’s ears
, now inside the main hall.

"Get yer arse movin' missy. I've got ta have this place all lookin' like the bloody King of England was comin' 'ere, tonight. Some big fancy pants is gettin' married and his mates is takin' him for 'is last hoorah, If ya get my meanin'."
She screamed down at Maura.

"I've been waitin' and waitin' for ya ta make up ya mind about which
prince charmin’
ya was ta have for ya first, but ya been takin' advantage of my good nature so I'm gonna choose for ya.  Kilern's been given me a hard time for bein' so soft on ya and he says I should sell ya soon. So ya make good and certain ya are lookin' the beauty tonight cause your virginity is up for sale and I don't wanna hear any caterwaulin' about it. I'll be up before we open ta'nite, ta make sure you’re ready." Katy strode out of the main hall.

Maura stood there
, stunned, as if she'd just been kicked in the stomach. This is what her father was trying to help her avoid and it was going to happen to her anyway. She should've stayed in Ireland and took her chances. At least she would have been with her father when he died and she'd feel she’d done everything she could do for him. Her eyes began to well up. Just at that moment, she could hear the tinkling of glass hitting glass and turned in the direction of the sound.There was a woman behind the bar washing glasses. Sarah.

arah looked up and Maura could see she had empathy for her situation. She wiped down the counter and called to Maura to come to the bar.

"Maura child, I can see that are afraid. Don't be. Katy talks tough but I remembe
r when she picked my first , he was the loveliest of men. I, too, was a virgin. She will make certain ya don't get some mean bastard. She's got a big heart. We're like her family, since she never had any kids o' her own, see?" Sarah dabbed at the corners of Maura’s eyes with dingy towel. There, there child. Everythin' will be all right. It's just rough the first time and then you'll get used ta it. You'll toughen up." She tried to quell Maura's fears.

Maura could feel the hair stand on end at the nape of her neck, as if she'd been struck by a bolt of lightening.
Her whole body shook for a moment and she lifted her face level to Sarah's and stated, emphatically. "I will
get used ta this way o’ life, nor do I intend ta let myself succumb ta some disgusting vile animal ta crawl all over me night after night or let him take the only thing o’ value I have left in this cruel world." She spun around on her heels, and with her skirts swirling and her dark raven curls flying behind her and stormed out of the great dinning hall. "I will die first." She shouted, behind her. “You mark my words Sarah!"

Sarah shook her head and continued her drudgery, silently remembering how she, too, had made such statements, but did not make it out of a whore's life. She hoped Maura would make it out one day or die trying. "Never give up, girl. I'll pray for ya tonight, love."


Leif Gilmore sat in front of a roaring fire, in his favorite winged chair, sipping bourbon and worrying. He could hear the dull clinks and clanks of glassware, and muffled voices coming from outside his Library door. It was the sound of the entire estate going crazy over the wedding of his daughter. His meal ticket, is more like it. He knew that for without this union his fortune was all but gone. And he was not going to rest easy until this blessed event took place. He laughed, sarcastically, with that thought. The sad part
is his wife nor his daughter know how financially bad off they will be, if Daniel welshes on his part of the bargain to marry Mallory.

ears ago, Richard Hargendon made some poor business decisions and he borrowed money from Leif's holdings and promised a marriage union of Leif's daughter to one of his son's. Leif would not have to pay a dowry and also would then inherit half the Hargendon estate upon such a union, in repayment for helping him out in his hour of need. Now it was Leif's hour of need. His holdings are dwindling, do to his gambling and lavish spending on his very spoiled and ungrateful daughter. He could not last another year, in the trades, without the inheritance that this union will bring. He continued to rub his forehead as if it were about to explode.



Upstairs Mallory was having the final alterations made to her lavishly expensive wedding gown. All ten
of her bridesmaids were in attendance. They all giggled and cooed over the sensuality of the white gossamer fabric she had chosen for her wedding night dressing gown.

"Mallory darling you'll be lucky to keep this garment on for more than a minute or two." Her best friend Clarice snickered.

"And why would I want to keep it on at all, Clarice." They laughed aloud, falling back onto the bed.

Mallory shooed all the others away. Only she and Clarice remained in her chamber.  When the door closed behind the others Mallory confided to her best friend. "Oh Clarry I can only tell you, of all my dearest friends, the whole truth of my heart." As they lay on their sides, braced against elbows, Mallory began talking of her lover, Thomas Turlington.

"Clarry you know I think Daniel is one of the most handsome men in all of Boston, lord knows an excellent master in lovemaking. But my heart belongs to Thomas." She stretched out her arm and laid her head atop of it, while playfully curling an auburn lock about one finger, she continued talking to Clarice, but not really caring or noting if she were really listening to her. Many times Mallory just liked to hear the sound of her own voice.

you are getting married tomorrow! This must stop, now! Do you hear me!" Clarice always worried overly much about her lifelong friend.

"Yes, Clarice. I hear you, and so what of it." As she rose to her feet and walked over to her vanity. "Do you think for one moment that Daniel is planning on being faithful to me after we say our I do's? I think not!  As a matter of fact he is going out on the town tonight with his brother and some friends and will probably lay down with some whore tonight. But I care not, Clarry, for tomorrow eventide I shall be Mrs. Daniel Hargendon. And all that trades money will be mine and I shall never have to worry about my life's needs."
She said as she stared into the mirror, creaming her elbows and looking at her friend's reflection.  "Come, come now, Clary. You know me. I'm like a cat. I have nine lives. I always land on my feet. I'll be fine."

"But what of poor Thomas. Will you continue seeing him, even after you're married to Daniel?" Clarice asked, as if she didn't already know the answer to that question.

"But of course I am, Clary. That's what will make my boring humdrum of a life more exciting. The thrill of not getting caught!  Oh how I
being wicked. In fact Thomas is invited to the wedding. I just might find a private, lustful moment to let him have his way with me then." She laughed aloud.

Clarice gave her the usual disapproving looks, but she knew well Mallory would do as she pleased anyway. "Why do you talk to me at all Mal. You just do what you will anyway." Clarice sat on the edge of the bed with her hands folded, staring down at them.

Mallory walked over to her friend and sat beside her. She placed her arm around her and kissed her on her cheek. "If I didn’t have you to talk with I'd go insane. You are the only person in this whole world I truly trust. You are the purest relationship I have in my life. If I tell you things it's because it is too much for me to bear to keep it in. As for Daniel, well I care for him, but I don't love him in the way that you love your Robbie. Yours is a deep, true, once in a lifetime love. You got lucky. And for that I truly am happy for you. But I'm not you, Clary, and I never will be. I know full well why I am getting married tomorrow and none of it has anything to do with being in love. It’s all about money. So don't ask me to be someone I'm not, okay Clarry?"

Clarice hugged her friend tight, then continued on with the finishing to
uches on the gown


Daniel sat quiet in front of the hearth in the main gathering room in his parent's home, at Hargendon Manor. He did not notice his mother had come to stand beside him.

"Daniel, it is so wonderful to have you home again. I can see you are in deep thought, my son. You look as though you are awaiting the governor to declare a stay of execution."

They both laughed aloud.

"My dear mother, but you do have a lively sense of humor."

“I do wish that ya father were here ta give ya some pearls o’ wisdom. I am here to listen if you want ta talk.”

"I know that mother, and I'm grateful." A long silence passed between them.

Mary Hargendon was a woman of slight proportions. Daniel towered high over his mother. Her hair was somewhat graying, at the age of fifty and one. Her skin showed nary a wrinkle. Her eyes were hazel and careworn."Daniel, I know ya do not want ta marry this girl. If ya were ta back out not a soul in this town would have a thing ta say about it. Everyone knows she's not exactly been faithful to ya while ya have been betrothed to her. She's been seen all over town with that Thomas Turlington fellow. She thinks no one has noticed. I don't want ta see ya unhappy for the rest of your life son."

"Did you say Thomas Turlington?" Daniel queried.

"Yes, why?" Now Mary was worried her son may want satisfaction.

“Well I've heard that name before, but I can't remember where?" Is Godsey about the property, today?"

"Yes. I think he's out in the stables getting’ the carriage ready for y
ou take into town tonight." She had a worried look upon her face, at this moment. "Daniel, Ya are not lookin’ for satisfaction with this fellow, are ya?"

“Mother, please, over Mallory? Be serious. I know damn well she's no chaste virgin. I'd have ta be a complete fool. And I'm no fool. Mother. This union is simply a business debt that I am repaying for my father. Nothing more. "Satisfaction. That's laughable.
I've got ta go, Mother. We'll talk, tomorrow, before the ceremony." He stood, and gave his mother a kiss atop her forehead and hurried to find Godsey.

"Godsey, man. Are ya out here?" Daniel shouted

"Yes, captain, sir. I'm right around the stall, here. Somethin’ wrong, sir?" Godsey replied fr
om behind Daniel's black stallion, Demon.

"Godsey, do ya remember the name o’ the people that ya were ta take Maura to, before she went missing?"

"Yes, sir, that'd be Turlington, sir. Thomas Turlington. I went there and he said he did receive the dowry monies for her but she ne’er showed up at his general store after the ship docked."

              For a fleeting moment Daniel thought he might have a chance to find Maura. Now his heart sunk, again. He’d never stopped thinking of her, not for one day. Why would she just leave without saying goodbye. The only thing that might have happened is if she had accidentally fallen overboard in her hast to retrieve her belongings. He felt haunted by her memory. He could hardly close his eyes at night without seeing her angelic face above his, without feeling her soft skin against his skin.
Will I ever get over missing her?
He would shake his head vigorously, at times and chide himself.
You fool. Why are ya continuin’ ta think
this wisp of a girl? You were only with her a short time and she has this kind of hold on you?
Then there would be other times when he would tell himself that
this kind of love only comes around once in a life time
" At times he felt grateful, he’d had the chance to know what real love feels like. Not just lustful feelings but really being in love from your head right down to your feet, kind of love. He had an all too familiar lump growing in his throat, again. Happens to him at least once a day, whenever she crosses his mind. Then he has to fight her out of his mind, and just to go on with his day. He especially thinks of her whenever he is in the presence of his soon to be wife, Mallory.

"Godsey, I'm goin’ inta town early. Tell my brother Aiden I'll meet up with him and the others at the tavern, later tonight. I want ta go back down ta the docks and look around. Mayhap I missed some clue to Maura's whereabouts’."

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