Seacrets (13 page)

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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

BOOK: Seacrets
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Charlotte  rolled her eyes and
said, “I don’t know missy, I feel nothin’ but pity for the poor bastard that will have to share the rest of his life with the likes o’ you.”

laughed over her shoulder and ran down the steps to greet her Father, Leif Gilmore. "Good morn to ya daddy! Have ya heard Danny's ship is in sight?!" She stated gleefully, while grabbing a cranberry muffin off of the breakfast cart and popping small bites into her mouth, and licking the tips of her long slender fingers

"Yes, Yes, child, Daniel's brother Aiden came by earlier this mornin' and heralded the young prince's arrival." Leif yawned and replied mordantly.

“Oh Daddy, you know you love Danny.” She leaned forward, cooing into her father's ear then planting a kiss on his cheek.

" Yes, Yes. I love his father's estate more if I have ta be admittin' ta anything, and the price be my lovely daughter." Leif patted his daughter on the back of her hand. "I only pray he can make ya happy, girl."

"Oh, now daddy, who ever said marriage had anything to do with happiness? All I want is a comfortable life, like the one you and mummy have given me. "

"Listen ta me girl, if we don't get a hold of the Hargendon estate holdings we'll be broke inside of a year. The trades have dropped off over the past two years at Gilmore textiles, across the pond. We need his money." pleading with his daughter to take this union more seriously.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Daddy. Your little Mal will make sure she gets his head in that noose, one way or the other. I've got to get myself to town and then over to the docks to greet him when he arrives. I'll work my woman's ways on him." Batting her eyes at her father and fanning her self with her silk napkin, while bursting into a raucous laughter. Her father grabbed her about the waist, slapped her on the bottom and had a good laugh along with her.

Just then Mallory's mother, Gwyneth, entered the room. She stopped in the doorway and eyed the both of them. She knew her daughter was up to no good, as usual. "What trap are the two of ya settin’ for some poor soul, today? I pity that poor young man havin’ ta put up with the likes o' you girl. He has no idea what he's in for." She wagg
ed her finger in their direction.

"Mummy you're always thinkin' the worst of me, now why is that?" With a smirk across her face.

"Because I know ya child. You've been cursed with beauty and no heart for any man, except your Daddy, and lord knows he's spoiled ya rotten. Bringin' ya up ta think you're of royalty. It's because of wantin' ta send ya ta the finest finishin' schools and buyin' ya the best clothes and lord knows anything ya little heart desires, is why we're in the financial mess we're in. Ya can get over on him dearie but I know all ya little tricks. So don't be battin' those eyes at me girl. You've not even tried ta be faithful ta Daniel since he's been gone this time, and especially knowin' you're ta be married with this trip home. Shameful!"

"And do you think he has been faithful to me o'er the last year? I highly doubt it, mother!" She shrugged her shoulders and turned her back to her mother and stared out the dinning hall window.

"That's the way of men, Mallory. Society expects more from women. Don't ya think that everyone in town has seen ya out and about with every other Thom! If he wants ta he can back out o’ this weddin’ on the grounds that you’re no longer a virgin. What then missy?"

Mallory laughed aloud at her mother’s weak attempt to shame her.
“Please mother, Daniel has known I was not chaste when he first met me. No surprises there.” Mallory turned slowly to face Gwyneth, with a coldness her mother was very used to seeing in her daughter all through her growing up. Mallory squinted her eyes at her mother and with a tight jaw and her hands placed firmly on her hips said, "Listen Mummy, I have it under control. I'll be with his bairn before he knows what hit him. He'll have ta marry me, now will he naught!”

Mallory stormed past her parents and outside where there was a carriage waiting to take her to town for some last minute shopping, before she met with Daniel, at dockside.

"Leif, You've done a fine bit o' damage, with that one, ya have. We did wrong by her, Leif. We didna bring her up proper. We struggled hard ta get what we're about ta lose. We should o’ set a better example and made her earn what she gets. She has always expected everything will be handed to her." Gwyneth chided her husband.

"Aye, you're right, woman, but ‘tis not the time for lookin' back. We must look ta the future. Daniel Hargendon can help us keep ours and hers.”
I've got ta get down ta the docks, myself, ta greet him. My presence will remind him of his obligations and his word.” He kissed Gwyneth on the cheek and headed out the door to his carriage.

Gwyneth stood in the doorway, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other holding onto her chin.
“It's a long way from the gossip of the streets and my daughter's wedding. She'll be lucky if she makes it to the altar, at all." She closed the great hall doors and walked up the stairs.


              It was midday and the Arabella was now approaching the docks and the crew was preparing to weigh anchor and tie down. Maura was hanging way over the side trying to help Godsey tie down. The dockside was filled with families come to greet the ship's hands. There were women with babies on their hips, young girls awaiting the arrival of their lovers, hawkers, and food vendors. There was a sound of excitement all around her. Maura could not wait to touch down on dry land... solid ground, to not feel the sway of the ship, under feet, any longer.

"Look gel, Ya made it!" Godsey hugged her around her shoulder.

“I'll be takin' ya ta the Turlington's, after I finish up and get my wages from the Cap'n. You've got some Money comin' to ya , as well. Do not leave the ship without me. Ya don't know ya way around this town and I don't want ya ta get ya self lost. I'll ne'r find ya if ya get out o’ my sight." He warned her of the dangers of the docks.

"Alright, I won't set foot off the ship until I see ya. I'll be waitin' for ya in my cabin, Godsey."

As soon as all of the cargo was off the ship, Daniel had Kilern round up all the hands to come aboard and collect their wages. Maura was the last to collect hers. This was very difficult for the both of them. Daniel wanted to grab onto her but knew there were too many eyes about.

He begged her to meet him in his cabin, "I have something ta give ya before ya set off, lass." He looked down and then away.
He had a lump in his throat. This was definitely an unfamiliar feeling to him. "I have a few more things ta attend to up on deck, but I'll be there shortly.”

Maura agreed to meet with him one last time. She told him that she'd wait for him in his cabin, and then started below deck.
Just before she reached the portal to the cabin she felt a hand come across her mouth and she was being hauled into the cabin across the gangway.

"Well now I'll bet ya thought ya could escape me, didn't ya, wench, hehe, not likely." Kilern cackled as he tied his neckerchief around her mouth to keep her from screaming.
Then he bound her hands and feet, to keep her from escaping him. "You're gonna stay right here until everybody's gone and then I'll be takin’ ya with me."  His laugh was pure evil. "I'll never have ta sail these waters again for the rest o' my life.

Then he slammed the door behind him and left her there in the dark. She struggled to free herself but to no avail. She began to cry and then her sorrow turned to hatred and she became furious with herself that she let her guard down.
Oh what would happen to me now
, she thought?

Daniel finally made it back down to the cabin and was surprised to find it empty. Could Maura have left the ship without so much as a good-bye? Impossible, Daniel thought. She agreed to meet with him before she left. He had wanted to give her extra funds to tide her over until she could find suitable labor.

He called up the stairwell for Godsey to come to his cabin immediately. When Godsey reached the cabin he was surprised not to find Maura there as well. "Where's the lass?" Godsey said with a confused look to him. "I was hopin’ you would be able ta tell me", Daniel said with frustration and some fear to his tone.

"I haven't a clue, sir. She was supposed ta meet me here and then I'd take her ta the Turlington's"

"The Turlington's?" Daniel asked quizzically.

"Yes sir. They're the folks what was supposed ta take Maura in, when we arrived. Maura's father sent on her dowry ahead with a letter, some months ago."

Godsey sounded just as worried as Daniel.

Maura could hear them talking and was trying desperately to free her mouth and scream, but she could not. Meanwhile all she could do was wait for Kilern to return and then she'd find out what
her fate would be.


Daniel continued to pace back and forth, then he eyed her satchel over on her bunk. "Look Godsey, she couldn't have gone too far. Her satchel is still here." He searched through the bag to see if it held any clues to her whereabouts, but found none.

"Why would she leave her belongings here? Oh God, man, what if she's fallen over board and is hurt?" They both left the cabin to return to the deck and search over board for any signs of an accidental fall. There were none.

Daniel was completely convinced something was awry. Maura would not have just left without saying goodbye. He sent Godsey to the Turlington's to see if she'd showed up there, then to report back to him at his Mother's home in Eastern shore or at Stonehurst Manor.

Before leaving the ship he returned briefly to his cabin and gathered up his belongings and then grabbed Maura's satchel, off of her bunk. If he did catch up with her she'd be needing her things, he thought. He closed the cabin door behind him, threw the satchel over his shoulder and made his way to the upper deck and then to the docks, where Mallory and Leif were awaiting him.

"Daniel, my boy, good ta finally have ya home!" Leif shook Daniel's hand with a strong grip and a hearty slap on the back.

Mallory threw herself into his arms and kissed him lavishly upon his mouth in front of her father and passersby. "Darling, I've dreamed of this moment for months, and now it's finally here! You're as good looking and rugged as ever. I dare say the sea does wonders for your masculinity, for you look more scrumptious to me than ever before!" She pulled on his arm to follow her to the awaiting carriage. She turned back to look at her father and gave him a grin and a wink. "Daddy has his own carriage. You and I have some catching up to do." She laughed and squeezed his upper arm into her full breasts. Mallory continued  talking endlessly without missing a beat not even
noticing Daniel’s mind was somewhere.

"I cannot wait to be alone with you, Daniel. I will have Charlotte put a hot bath together for you, as soon as we return to Stonehurst." She cooed in his ear, while flicking it with her tongue, letting him know she was to be very available to his manly urges, this eventide.

"We have a marvelous gathering planned in your honor, tonight. I bought the most delicious new gown just for the occasion. Daniel, Danny. Are you listening to me?"

Mallory finally stopped talking to take a breath of air, and just stared at him, staring out of the carriage window, with his
chin resting on his thumb and forefinger.

"Yes, yes, of course I am Mallory. He continued to stare out the window, being jousted back and forth over the cobblestones of the city streets, not even looking in her direction.

Mallory leaned in a bit closer toward Daniel and then putting on her best pouty expression she said, "Daniel you have not even complimented me on how beautiful I look. One would never know you have just returned from three long months at sea. Did you have a female tucked aboard your ship, to while away your lonely nights and ease your yearnings for bawdy companionship?" Batting her eyes and running her finger tips along his forearm on the outside of his leather duster. Then leaning in closer, still, Mallory turned Daniel’s face to meet hers and kissed his lips in a lustful wanton nature. "Danny we have at least an hour’s ride, before reaching Stonehurst Manor. Is there anything you'd like to partake of in the privacy of this carriage?"

Mallory pushed aside his leather duster and ran her hand up the length of his inner thigh until she reached the ties on his trousers, then pulled his belt loop free. She
trailed the palm of her hand down the front of his trousers and he length of his other thigh.

It was hard to get Maura
out of his thoughts, but he knew he must try. She had left him, he did not leave her. She must have thought it would be too hard to say goodbye so she just left to save them both the heartache. For this he should probably be grateful. He was betrothed to Mallory and he must act the part, now.

He turned to face Mallory and took her face into his hands and kissed her forcefully. He pulled away briefly, with his hands cupping Mallory's face, took in a deep breath and returned to capture Mallory's equally hungry mouth. He laid Mallory back across the seat of the carriage and with his burgeoning lust for Maura deep inside, he ravaged Mallory's body.

He tried several times to push Maura out of his thoughts but it was of no use. She would forever burn in his mind as the great potential love of his life. When he had made love to Maura that night, many weeks earlier, he was in love for the first time in his life.

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