Seacrets (20 page)

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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

BOOK: Seacrets
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The two hours it took to reach Daniel's estate seemed like an eternity. When at long last they reached the carriage road leading to Hargendon Manor, Maura's heart began to race.

As they rounded the front of the house, Mary ran out the front door, as though a long lost daughter had returned home. "Maura, child, I've missed ya bein' about the grounds, darlin'
." She squeezed Maura tight about the shoulders.

Maura was equally as happy to see Mary.
"Is anyone else about?" Maura asked uneasily.

"Anyone like who?" Mary answered with a sly look in her eye. She hugged Maura around her waist. “Danny went inta town, this mornin' ta check on his ship's holdin's and talk with a few merchants, but he is well aware you'd be coming home today and will be here for the noon meal, my dear. Don’t ya be worryin' he's forgotten ya so soon. Why he's been busyin' himself with anything he could, o'er the past four days, just ta pass the time, until your return."

"Truly, he said he missed me?"

"Well, no darlin’, not in words, but in actions." She stated, as she tried to soothe Maura's feelings.

“Mae-maw, Mae-maw, did ya bake more cookies for us!" Colleen and Mick shouted as they ran and hugged onto their grandmother's skirts.

Maura smiled as she recognized th
e Gaelic term of endearment. She also called her grandmother Mae-maw, when she was a girl.

“Nope, not a one.”
Mary joked. “C’mon then, the two of ya, mae-maw's got a great surprise, for ya both, in the kitchen!” Mary carted the children into the house.

Just then Maura heard the lazy clip clop of hooves behind her and whirled around to find Daniel atop his magnificent black stallion, Demon.
“Daniel, how wonderful it is ta see ya.” She stated with a smile that could make the sunshine pale in comparison.

"Aye, and you, as well lass."

His eyes pierced her soul. His smile forced her to catch her breath and her heart was racing. Maura could feel the heat between them and she knew it wasn't the midday sun.

Daniel did not break his stare, as he dismounted Demon. He handed the reins to Godsey who was also nearby waiting to say hello to Maura, though Maura
barely noticed.

Godsey chuckled and shook his head knowing he was witnessing his Captain falling in love. "Poor bastard.” he chuckled, as he lead demon away to his stall.

"Your Mother mentioned you’d gone inta town ta check on ya holdin's. Are ya plannin' a voyage, soon? Perhaps back ta Ireland?" Trying to make small talk to break the tension between them.

"No, not just yet. Mayhap after Christmas or in the spring.” He continued.

“I went to check on my cargo and meet with a few merchants interested in purchasin’ goods for their merchantiles." He explained as he walked just a step or two in front of Maura, hands clasped behind his back, looking straight ahead. "Why?" Would ya be missin' me if I did set sail?" He asked with a devilish look in his eye.

Maura knew he was jesting with her and thought to give him a taste of his own medicine. "And just why would I be missin' ya, sir?" She stated, matching him look for look.

God she is a great match for me
, he thought
. She could give as good as she got

They continued walking toward the
river bank where Daniel was hopeful they may share some quiet, private moments together. With such close proximity to the object of his desire, Daniel was now beginning to feel impatient with himself. He felt nearly crazed with desire for her. His head was beginning to fill with lustfull, impure thoughts. His stomach was in knots, his heart was racing. He had to remind himself to slow down and take hold. The last embrace they’d shared, frightened her and he did not want to take her fearful. He wanted her to be a willing participant, as she had been aboard his ship.

Daniel knew she most likely would have some apprehension when things became heated between them, again, but told himself he would make damn sure
with the next encounter there would be no place for Maura to retreat and then he'd be able to convince her to trust him, as she had that lustful night aboard the Arabella, so many months ago.

Perhaps while in his embrace
her memory may be triggered to remember they were once intimate or what may have taken place after she disappeared from the ship and the night she was shot.

Daniel watched Maura as she took her place on the edge of the river bank and stretched herself out onto her back upon the lush green carpet of grass, hands behind her head, staring up at the sky.

"I just love summer time. Don't you, Daniel?" She spoke lazily and took in a deep breath, while staring up at the rolling, wispy clouds. "The clouds remind me of soft, comfy, goose down pillows. I'd love to lay upon one this very minute and let it drift me away." With her eyes still closed she remarked, "Daniel, ya are so quiet. Is somethin’ wrong? Am I talkin' too much?" She slowly rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow to look in Daniel's direction.

Daniel s
at with his back against a large oak, staring in her general direction, but looking past her, at the passing waters of the river. When Maura moved it did signal Daniel to take notice of her, and he did just that. Maura was so innocent, she hadn't a clue she was enticing Daniel with her pure innocence. There she was, lying on her side, breasts pressed together, beckoning him to come to her. And the way she blended into the thick, velvet carpet of grass that could very easily have doubled as a comfortable bed for the two, made him begin to ache with desire for her. The light pink of her bodice against the green grass framed her luscious breasts making them look like a beautiful bouquet of roses waiting to be plucked.

"No. Ya are not talkin' too much." He grumbled.

Maura did not know what to make of his tone. She broke the silence by making a mundane comment about the weather.

Since the sun has moved around the tree, it has become oppressively hot. Would you mind, I’m thinkin’ ta wade a bit, into the river.” Not really asking a question, but stating what she planned to do.

If you wish.” he grumbled again.

Well I'm not wantin' ta be rude, Daniel.” She pleaded with him for less sullen behavior. She was sure she was talking too much and that's what's got him grumpy, all of a sudden.

it was because his trousers were getting tight between his thighs.

Without waiting for a reply, she kicked off her slippers and headed for the river's edge. As she began to walk into the water she hiked up her skirts to expose
her shapely calves, he'd remembered caressing so thoroughly, beneath the warm bath water on that lustful night in his cabin.

This feels lovely.” She cooed over her shoulder. “I want so much to throw caution to the wind and jump into the deepest part of the river. Even though this gown was fashioned as summer attire, I'm feeling extremely hot." She shouted over her shoulder. The sound of the rushing waters camouflaged Daniel's footsteps. She had no idea how close he was to her until she turned and nearly fell on top of him, clutching his shirt, to avoid falling into the water.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Daniel, I did
not hear ya approach. I did not mean ta manhandle ya shirt." She nervously giggled a bit with that thought, then slowly let go of his shirt,flattening her hands over the wrinkles in an effort to smooth them.

He grab
bed onto her hands and stared into her eyes.

he had no saliva, her throat went completely dry.

Her nervousness was evident as he could
feel her palms were wet with sweat.

thought to break the moment with a soft romantic kiss, but instead he jerked her backwards and let her fall into the river, landing on her bottom.

Maura was definitely surprised...and furious.

Daniel let out a great bellow of laughter. “Well what are ya so mad about lass, ya said you'd be wantin' ta go for a swim, well I was just helpin' ya out, ‘tis all!”

"Oh you son of a..." she glared

"Uh, uh uh. Surein' a nice lass as yourself wouldna be using the language that is best suited for the bawdiness of a tavern...or a bedroom." He said with one eyebrow raised and a devilish grin on his ruggedly handsome face.

Well don't ya just be standin' there, help me up, please.” With her hand extended out he hoisted her out of the water and up onto the river bank.

Daniel instantly felt a surge of heat that went from his chest to his loins when he was assisting her onto the riverbank. Did she know she was seducing him, or was she that innocent? Now,
was feeling confused. Was this a cruel cat and mouse game, or was she setting the stage for an afternoon of passion? Then he thought perhaps she feels safe out here in the open, that he would not dare try and bed her right here where someone could easily come upon them. Oh she knew nothing of a man's determination to bed a woman he desired...but he vowed she surely would. Then, shaking his head, as if he were going daft, he thought…
What am I thinking? She
that innocent. Maura wouldna have the slightest idea how to seduce a man.
Why, she'd havta be rip-roaring' drunk ta…hey now that’s an idea. It worked once, mayhap it will again.
” A wide, playful grin came across his face. Maura had no idea what was on Daniel's mind. But if he had anything to say about it, before days end, she would.

Daniel I think I need ta make a change o’ clothing. I'm startin’ ta catch a chill with all these wet garments on. Would ya mind terribly if I went back ta the main house and changed?” She stated apologetically.

No. O’ course not. I'll walk back with ya.”

No. You stay here, enjoy the river. I won't be long. I'll ask ya mother if 'twould be alright for us ta dine out here by the river...if that's what you want, as well?" She asked, desperately wanting him to say he wanted to continue being alone with her, as well.

That be fine, Maura, I'll be here when ya get back.” he said with a swagger in his tone, leaning up against the great oak.

Maura lifted her skirts,
shoved her feet into her slippers and headed toward the main house. She raced up the steps, through the vestibule area and up the winding staircase to her former quarters. She had left a few things behind when she moved out to Aiden's estate.

Maura quickly changed out of her wet gown and chemise and donned a pale yellow gown with an empire waistline and green and white rosettes framing her breasts, and a pale yellow ribbon tied about the waist.  The dress was somewhat revealing, she thought, then quickly dismissed any impropriety that might set tongues to wagging. Daniel was after all a gentleman and would behave as such. She was sure of it. It was just that it was so warm in the mid July sun and she longed to feel the cool refreshing breezes off of the river envelope her.

Simple, yet elegant. She redid her hair by cinching it with a couple of combs she'd found she'd left on her night stand. With a quick perusal of her form in the vanity mirror, she hurried down the stairs to the kitchen.

Mary was rolling out piecrust with her granddaughter, Colleen. She looked up when Maura entered the kitchen area.

“Mary would it be terribly rude of Daniel and I to take our midday meal by the river?” She asked.

That be fine by me, lass. Let me put a basket together for the both of ya.” She hummed to herself while taking to her task.

I've placed a flask of brandy in the basket, as well. Daniel likes to have a brandy before and after his meals.” Mary possessed that same devilish look to her eye as Daniel.

Maura didn't understand,
must be a family trait
, she thought. Basket put together, Maura set out to meet Daniel for dinner.

Mary stood watching Maura tote the heavy basket along side of her.
She breathed in deep and clasped her hands together and whispered her praises to heaven above that they'd sent this wonderful gift of a girl to her son. "If any woman could soften his heart, Maura is the one to do it." 

Godsey was standing at the end of the carriage drive. Bobbing his cap he said, "Hello lass, can I give ya a hand with that basket?"

“Well truth be known Mr. Godsey, this basket is heavier than I thought. Mayhap it would be wise to let you assist me back down to the river. I am picnicking with Daniel.” Her eyes lit up with just the mention of his name, but she had not a clue she was showing her heart on her sleeve.

Well now, that sounds lovely, gel. I'll be pleased ta escort ya to the riverbank. Oh, and by the way, my Dhaid's name was Mr. Godsey, please call me by my given name, Albert.”

Just as Godsey said those words, Maura experienc
ed a flash of bright light. She squeezed her eyes shut tight and rubbed at her temples.

There was something familiar about those words. She felt as though she had this conversation with Mr. Godsey before. But where? When?
When finally the feeling had passed, she felt dizzy.

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